Pres. Weah Congratulates Luxembourg As She Observes 78th National Day

President George Manneh Weah has sent a congratulatory message to His Royal Highness, Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, on the occasion commemorating that country’s National Day.


Luxembourg will observe its National Day on Saturday, June 23, 2018.  The Day was made a National Holiday in 1941, and the date of June 23rd was fixed by Ducal Degree in 1961.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Weah on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in his own name extended sincere congratulations to His Royal Highness, Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, and through him, to the Government and people of Luxembourg as they commemorate their National Day.


The Liberian Leader noted that the observance of Luxembourg’s National Day this year, has afforded him another opportunity to renew his personal commitment to strengthening the excellent relations subsisting between the two countries and peoples.


“As we endeavor to enhance our engagements bilaterally and multilaterally and to ensure that these excellent ties are translated into mutually beneficial rewards, we fervently look forward to expanding cooperation in other relevant fields that will spur local development,” the Liberia leader emphasized.”


President Weah then wished for His Royal Highness profound best wishes for his continued good health and strength and for the people of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, peace and sustained prosperity under his dynamic leadership.