Mortal Remains of the Late Ambassador Richelieu Archibald Williams Arrive in Liberia

Mortal Remains of the Late Ambassador Richelieu Archibald Williams Arrive in Liberia

Monrovia, January 25, 2023: The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. Henry B. Fahnbulleh, on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 led the senior staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to await and receive the mortal remains of the Late H. E. Mr. Richelieu Archibald Williams, Liberia's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Morocco at the Roberts International Airport.

The mortal remains of the Late H. E. Mr. Richelieu Archibald Williams arrived in the country via Royal Air Maroc Airlines.

According to a Foreign Ministry release, he died on Friday, January 13, 2023 at the L'Hopital Militaire d'Instruction Mohammed V, Rabat, the Kingdom of Morocco after a period of illness.

The Late Mr. Richelieu Archibald Williams was a dedicated public servant who served his country and people with distinction in several capacities including, former Director General of the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority (LCAA), former Interim Manager of the Liberia Airport Authority, former General Manager of the Roberts International Airport and former Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Roberts FIR among others.

The Late H. E. Mr. Richelieu Archibald Williams remains was accompanied to Monrovia by Madam Juan Jenkins Doe, Head of Chancery, Liberia Embassy in Morocco and the Moroccan Senior Protocol Officer, Mr. El Mehdi Bacha of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates.   

The remains of the Late Ambassador Williams has been deposited at the Samuel A. Stryker Funeral Home pending funeral arrangements.