Liberia, China Sign Handover and Acceptance Notes -As China Completes Phase Four of China-Aided Broadcasting Technical Assistance Project

The Government of the Republic of Liberia and the People’s Republic of China on Tuesday, June 18,2019 signed the Handover and Acceptance Notes for the phase 4 of the China-Aided Broadcasting Technical Assistance Project to Liberia, for the Liberia Broadcasting System, LBS.    


According to a Foreign Minister Release, the signing ceremony took place in the conference room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  

 According to the Exchange of  Notes between Liberia and the People’s Republic of China of   March 1, 2016, China consented to implement the forth  Phase of the China-Aided Broadcasting Technical Assistance Project aimed at enhancing the Liberia Broadcasting System’s  capacity.   


In this regard, the China Building Technical Group Corporation, Ltd was commissioned to implement said project, which commenced January 1st, 2016  to December 31,st2018.   


Accordingly, China has fulfilled its obligation as stipulated in the Exchange of Notes (agreement) and that both sides have acknowledged the full completion of the project.   


In brief remarks after the signing of Acceptance Notes, Liberia’s Foreign Minister, Gbezohngar Milton Findley Lauded the Chinese Government for its immense technical and humanitarian assistance to the Government and people of Liberia, which he noted, has impacted various sectors including the Liberia Broadcasting System., LBS.          


Foreign Minister Findley on behalf of President George Manneh Weah extended thanks and  deep appreciation to China and expressed confidence that  Liberia and the PRC will work together to promote government’s development agenda geared towards promoting the livelihood of the  Liberian people. He stated that” China is one of Liberia’s strong and reliable partners”.

The Minister hoped that China-Liberia relations will grow even stronger in the years ahead.


For his part, the Chinese Ambassador accredit to Liberia, His Excellency Fu Jijun also noted that the People’s Republic of China remains a reliable and long lasting partner to Liberia.


The Chinese Envoy indicated that considering the traditional ties as well as the common values and historical background the two nations share, China has always deemed it necessary and obligatory to extend assistance to the Government and people of Liberia.   


He expressed confidence that the Weah-led Administration will continue its engagement with China to enhance the existing bilateral cooperation between the two countries.  


The Chinese Ambassador further pledged his government’s willingness and determination to work with Liberia at the bilateral level and at the FoCAC meeting, hoping that such engagement would bring fruitful and rewarding benefits to Liberia and China.     


He further expressed hope that the China Aided Broadcasting Technical Assistance Project will promote and propagate Liberia’s policy Agenda across the nations.


Also speaking at the program, the Director General of the Liberia Broadcasting System Hon. Ledgerhood Julius Rennie lauded the Chinese Government for the full implementation of the Phase-Four China Aided Project and hailed the PRC for the bilateral assistance its continues to render the Government and people of Liberia, adding “we look forward to the extension of the project”.