Liberia and China Sign Agreement for the Construction of Two Separate Overhead Bridges in Congo Town

The Government of the Republic of Liberia and the People’s Republic of China have signed an Agreement for the construction of two Separate overhead bridges in Congo town, outside Monrovia.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, the signing ceremony took place on Monday, September 9, 2019 in the Minister’s Conference Room on the fourth floor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 


Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley signed on behalf of Liberia while Chinese Ambassador Fu Jijun signed for his government. 



Speaking at the signing ceremony, Liberia’s Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia expressed deep gratitude to the People’s Republic of China for the laudable initiatives from China to Liberia. He noted that the two overhead bridges, if constructed, will help ease the traffic congestion and protect lives and properties in Congo Town outside the nation’s capital, Monrovia. 



Foreign Minister Findley then assured the Chinese Envoy that Liberia will continue to work cooperatively with the People’s Republic of China aimed at strengthening the existing cooperation between Liberia and China. 



For his part, Chinese Ambassador Fu Jijun expressed delight over the longstanding bilateral relations between Liberia and China, adding that the engagements between the two countries will be further cemented in the years ahead.  He added that the overhead bridge project is a part of China good way bilateral assistance to Liberia.   


The release says the overhead bridge project at the Tubman Boulevard, if constructed, will have a total length around 1,140 Meters including a viaduct of 300 meters while the SKD Boulevard grade-separated intersection  overhead bridge will have a total length of about 870 meters including a viaduct of 180 meters with a corresponding ending ramps and auxiliary roads.