Foreign Ministry Warns Public Against Unscrupulous Purported ‘Staff’

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says its attention has been drawn to some unscrupulous individuals purporting as staff or officials of the Ministry who are in the habits of engaging business entities across the nation in the name of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for official business transaction.


A Foreign Ministry release says one of such purported Foreign Ministry’s staff, identified only as Grimes, was on Thursday, July 17, 2014 arrested by the Liberian National Police while making negotiation on behalf of the Ministry with a local business entity. The release adds that Grimes, using a fake letter head, arranged for a contract to supply food and drinks for the reception and children’s party during Liberia’s 167th Independence Anniversary Celebration on July 26, 2014.


The Foreign Ministry categorically reiterates its earlier announcement that this year’s July 26th celebration will not entertain reception, children’s party or refreshment as part of the festivities marking the event, and is therefore warning those individuals involved in this ugly habit to desist as the Ministry will not hesitate to prosecute anyone caught in this criminal act.    


Meanwhile, the Ministry is hereby warning business houses as well as the general public not to give credence to said individuals seeking contract-agreement in the name of children’s party, or reception for the upcoming event.