Foreign Minister Findley Receives Several Ambassadors- Designate To Liberia -Promises to Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation with Friendly Countries

Foreign Minister His Excellency, Gbehzohngar Milton Findley on Wednesday, January 22, 2020  received in audience several Ambassadors-Designate to the Republic of Liberia, when the incoming Ambassadors paid Courtesy Call on him at his Foreign Ministry Office on the Capitol Hill, Monrovia.   


The Wendesday's Courtesy Calls by the Ambassadors-Designate come ahead of their separate meetings with His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, aimed at presenting their Letters of Credence to the Liberian leader.   


The Ambassadors-Designate who are expected to present their Letters of Credence to the Liberian President include the Ambassador-Designate of the Kingdom of Belgium to Liberia, H. E. Mr. Michael Wimmer; The Ambassador-Designate of the Swiss Confederation, H.E. Ms. Anne Lugon-Mouline and the Ambassador-Designate of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), H. E.  Mr. Ahmed Nasir Alkhajeh.    

Others include Ambassador-Designate of the Republic of the Gambia H.E. Mr. Ebraima Manneh and the Ambassador-Designate of the Republic of Philippines H. E. Ms. Shiley Ho-Vicario.      

At an separate colorful ceremonies, which took place in the Holding Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Findley received copies of the Letters of Credence from each of the Ambassador-Designate and congratulated them for their preferment as Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Liberia.  

Receiving copies of the credential from the Ambassador-Designate of the UAE, Minister Findley hailed the cordial bilateral relations between Liberia and the UAE and assured the Ambassador-Designate of Liberia’s determination to strengthen cooperation with the UAE, aimed at enhancing growth and development for Liberia.   

He expressed optimism that the bilateral Cooperation between both countries will be further enhanced during the tenure of H.E. Mr. Ahmed Nasir Alkhajeh as Ambassador here.  


Welcoming the Ambassador-Designate of the Philippines, Foreign Minister Findley recounted Philippines’ role in Liberia’s development efforts and expressed confidence that Liberia-Philippines relations will be marked by excellent achievements through bilateral cooperation during the tenure of Ambassador Shiley Ho-Vicario.   


Minister Findley then assured the Philippines’ Ambassador-Designate of his Ministry’s willingness to assist the Philippines’ Envoy in making her tour of duty in Liberia fruitful and rewarding.         


While meeting in audience with the Gambian Ambassador-Designate to Liberia, the Liberian Foreign Minister said he was highly delighted to receive the Gambian Envoy accredited near Monrovia, adding that both nations have so many things in common that need to be engaged.  


He said Liberia looks forward to working closely with the incoming Envoy to promote and strengthen bilateral cooperation with the Gambia, mainly in the area of trade, as part of Africa‘s new development agenda.


Also welcoming the Ambassador-Designate of the Kingdom of Belgium, Foreign Minister Findley recounted Belgium’s investment initiatives here specifically in the field of agriculture; and urged the Gambian Ambassador-Designate to work with Liberia aimed at improving Liberia-Belgium relationship. 


For his part, the Ambassador-Designate of the UAE expressed delight over the relations between Liberia and the UAE, which he noted has gained momentum with President George Manneh Weah, who played soccer in the UAE, serving as President of Liberia. He added that his country looks forward to working with Liberia aimed at enhancing Cooperation between Liberia and the UAE.


Also responding, the Ambassador-Designate of Philippines assured Liberia of her country’s determination to strengthen bilateral ties and Cooperation with Liberia, in the areas of rice production, fishery and technical training aimed at enhancing ties with Liberia.  


Speaking after he presented his credential, the Belgium Ambassador- Designate to Liberia thanked the Government and people of Liberia for the warm reception accorded him since his arrival here and noted that as Belgium’s Ambassador  Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Liberia, he will engage various sectors in Liberia aimed at strengthening  and promoting Cooperation between the two countries.


The Belgium Envoy then pledged the Foreign Minister of his country’s willingness to continue its support to Liberia, particularly in the area of diplomatic training for Liberian Civil Servants.