ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace & Security Pays Courtesy Call on Foreign Minister Kamara

The visiting ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Mrs. Halima Ahmed, has disclosed that the UNDP has provided the amount of 2.3 million United State Dollars towards the implementation of the ECOWAS’ Arm collection projects to be implemented by all member states of ECOWAS.


Commissioner Ahmed made the disclosure Friday, October 21, 2016, when she paid a courtesy call on Liberia’s Foreign Minister, H.E. Ms. Marjon V. Kamara, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, she lauded the UNDP and other partners for their continued financial and moral support to the ECOWAS arm collection projects.


The ECOWAS Commissioner, who was accompanied by members of her delegation, held a productive discussion with H.E. Ms. Marjon Kamara concerning the effective implementation of ECOWAS’ arm project in the sub region.     


Mrs. Ahmed was being accompanied to the Ministry by the ECOWAS Ambassador accredited to Liberia, H. E.  Mr. Babatunde Olanre Waju  Ajisomo.


During her introductory statement, she expressed her appreciation for the reception; adding, “We are very grateful to the Government and People of Liberia.”


She also hailed Liberia for ensuring that all legal instruments are in place regarding the collection of arms in the country. She particularly thanked Liberia for the passage of the Act creating the Liberia National Small Arms Commission and for putting in place effective regulations with proper networking among various security agencies.


The ECOWAS Commissioner said Liberia is far ahead of some of the member states when it comes to the collections and markings of arms in the region. According to her, about 90% of arms collected in Liberia have been marked, with just 10% more remaining.


Mrs. Ahmed used the occasion to shower praises on the Chairman of the Liberia National Small Arm Commission, Mr. James Fromayan, for the hospitality and cooperation accorded the delegation, as well as for the progress made by his Commission thus far.   


She said her delegation was in Liberian to hold the Bi-annual Steering Committee’s meeting of member states on the ECOWAS arm project, which she said is being held for the first time out of Abuja.  


She told the Foreign Minister that while in Abuja, the Commission reached a decision to hold the Bi-annual Steering Committee’s Meeting in Monrovia in order to ascertain the progress the country has made regarding the collection of small arms and light weapons.    


The ECOWAS Commissioner added that the Bi-annual Steering Committee Conference will also be ratifying the ECOWAS arm collection project, to be implemented by member states.  


She indicated that her delegation has met with the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Liberia National Police, National Defense, and other Security agencies and held successful discussions on the arm collection project.


“What we have seen in Liberia, so far, is encouraging and we want to congratulate the Government and people of Liberia, for the giant steps taken. We still have a lot to do in terms of the implementation,” she said.  

Also speaking during the meeting, the ECOWAS Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Mr. Babatunde  Ajisomo, thanked  the Minister for receiving them on short notice, and said  the visit was to keep the Foreign Minister abreast with the Commissioner’s visit and to also inform her that the Liberian National Small Arm Commission is doing very well with the implementation.  


Ambassador Ajisomo also paid special tributes to President Johnson Sirleaf who he said has graciously propagated those legal instruments that give full support to the Liberian National Small Arm Commission, allowing it to function effectively and efficiently by going to the field and collecting the arms.


He commended the UNDP and the EU for their supports and added that they are very enthusiastic about this process and that they are also working with the small arms commission to ensure these projects are fully implemented effectively and efficiently. “We are quite happy to come and update you” he said.


“The ECOWAS Envoy stressed that the visit is a continuation of the effective implantation of the ECOWAS protocol on the collection of small arm in all member states”


In brief remarks, the Chairman of the National Small Arm Commission in Liberia, Honorable James Fromayan, extended special commendation to Foreign Minister Kamara, who he added was very supportive of the Commission’s initiatives while serving as Liberia’s Permanent Representative at the United Nations in New York.


He  gave an over view of the Commission’s activities noting  that with the little resources, the Commission will do all within its power to continue the implementation of the small arms projects in Liberia.


He praised the LNP and all the security apparatuses for the collaboration and cooperation and added that the question of small arms cannot be over looked during electioneering processes, which are associated with tensions.  


For her part, Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara thanked the delegation for the courtesy call and indicated that she was very encouraged by the discussions held by the delegation and the progress that has been made by the small arms commission.     


The Minister stated that as a representative of a post-conflict nation, she was   closely associated with topics concerning small arms  as one of her priorities at the Permanent Mission in New York, where she worked on the  first committee that handled matters relating to small arms and light weapons.


Minister Kamara asserted that the region needs to pay keen attention to the issues concerning small arms and light weapons, which are causing so much trouble in the Africa and elsewhere.  


“We have to continue to give support to efforts of the Ministry of Defense, Justice, the Liberia National Police and the Small Arms Commission, which is keeping focus on specific areas, she added.


She assured them of the Foreign Ministry’s unflagging support to these efforts that will lead to effectively implementation of the ECOWAS arm collection project.