Canadian Based Organization Pays Courtesy Call on Deputy Foreign Minister for Administration -Announces Plans to Construct Massive Public Library and Business Incubation Center

A Canadian based Organization “Empowerment Squared” has announced plans to construct a Massive Library and Business Incubation Center in Paynesville City, outside Monrovia.


The disclosure was made on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 when the visiting Canadian delegation met with Deputy Foreign Minister for Administration, Madam Mawine Diggs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


 The head of delegation and President of Empowerment Squared, Mr. Leo Nupolu Johnson said modalities surrounding the implementation of the project have been worked out in the last seven years.  


Mr. Johnson noted that the project which is expected to be launched shortly in Liberia is geared towards building the capacity of Liberians as well as promoting and strengthening the bilateral relations between Liberia and Canada.


Mr. Leo Nupolu Johnson who is also President of the Federation of Liberian Associations in Canada, estimated the project at half a million United States Dollars. He further stressed that when completed, Liberians in and outside of Monrovia will benefit from said Public Library facilities.


The Head of delegation used the occasion to call on the Liberian Government to consider sending an Honorary Consul General in Canada, which he noted is a major concern of Liberians residing in that part of the world.    


Also speaking at the meeting, Assistant Foreign Minister for Public Affairs Hon. Sylvester Pewee extolled the “Empowerment Squared” and described the initiative as a laudable venture that would help address some of the challenges the country’s education sector faces.


Minister Pewee further informed the Canadian delegation that Liberia is opened to greater opportunities for its citizens. He encouraged the visiting team to decentralize its initiate in Liberia so as to afford rural dwellers the opportunity to benefit from such venture.      


The Empowerment Squared is jointly collaborating with the Hamilton Public Library in the implementation of the Massive Library Project in Liberia.