2 Commissioned for Foreign Service to China

The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Honorable B. Elias Shoniyin, Friday, October 9, commissioned two distinguished Foreign Service Officers, who are to be deployed at the Liberian Foreign Mission near Beijing, China.


Messrs Mulbah Kawai, former coordinator of the Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute and Moses Barclay, Former Protocol Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, were both appointed by the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and approved by Her Excellency, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, as 1st Secretary Public Affairs and 2nd Secretary Vice, Consul respectively.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, during the commissioning ceremony, which took place in the conference room of the Ministry, Acting Foreign Minister Shoniyin emphasized the significance of the strategic relationship between Liberia and China.


He noted that China, being one of Liberia’s major development partners, is as well one of its biggest trading partners in the world.


He stressed that the value of trade between Liberia and China is the 5th largest in the West African region.


“We encourage you not to be complacent and remain at sleep but always be reminded of your responsibilities to ensure your country gets the best out of your representations,” the Acting Minister urged them.


He used the occasion to thank the outgoing Minister, Mr. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, for doing internal selection, especially of those who have spent long years and have better understandings of the Ministry, to go as Foreign Service officers.


Acting Minister Shoniyin promised to follow in the footprints of Mr. Ngafuan in pushing for the selection of capable Liberians to go on Foreign Service Missions.


“Let me congratulate on behalf of the President of the Republic of Liberia, H.E.  Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and in my own name, our two distinguished Foreign Service Officers. I wish you Godspeed and encourage you to do your best to give your best to Liberia, because it is not just about you, but think about the 4.5 million people back home," the Acting Minister advised.


Earlier, the Assistant Minister for Afro-Asian Affairs, Madam Rosetta N. Jackollie told the two men that they have been posted to a country that has a strategic diplomatic relations with Liberian.


She reminded them that China is one of Liberia’s strategic bilateral partners. She added that the trade relation between Liberia and China can amount to 3.6 billion United States dollars.


She said China continues to play a strategic role in Liberia’s development drive. "I hope your diplomatic engagement with China will further strengthen those strategic relations," she told them.


Assistant Minister Jackollie also observed that the Foreign Service posting is not just bread and butter as others may think.


She reminded  the two commissioned officers  of the tasks ahead, which she said is equally overwhelming  noting that the choice is left with those appointed to decide which path they may take to make things happen for their country and people. 


She also urged them to demonstrate commitment, dedication, and patriotism to the call of duty at all times.


“Your commitment to your country should be manifested in your deeds and actions. Your service to your country should be marked by honesty, integrity and patriotism," the Afro Asian boss stressed.


In brief remarks, the two commissioned officers thanked both former Foreign Minister Ngafuan and Acting Minister Shoniyin for giving them the opportunity to serve Liberia in the Foreign Service.


Both Mssrs. Kawai and Barclay assured Acting Minister Shoniyin of their fullest and unwavering commitment to represent Liberia in their respective posts with honesty and commitment.