1st Edition of Liberia/Nigeria Joint Commission Opens in Abuja, Nigeria with Focus on Education, Health and the Economy

The First edition of the Liberia/Nigeria Joint Commission has gotten under way in the Nigerian capital, Abuja with a commitment by both countries to strengthen bilateral cooperation in six (6) thematic areas. The opening session of the 1nd Liberia/Nigeria Joint Commission was addressed by Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan and Nigeria Minister of State II Dr. Nurudeen Mohammed at a ceremony held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nigeria.

The Joint Commission meeting which will run from July 14 -15,2014 will focus on  enhancing  cooperation in the areas of Education, Health, Sustainable Agriculture Development, Promotion of Commerce Trade and Industry, Regional Peace, Security and the Rule of Law as well as Transport and Civil Aviation.

Speaking during the opening session, Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan who is heading the Liberian delegation, used the occasion to extend the profound gratitude of the Government of Liberia to the Government and people of Nigeria for “their countless and selfless contributions to the restoration of peace and progress in Liberia.  He paid tribute to the gallant sons and daughters of Nigeria who participated in various peacekeeping efforts in Liberia for sacrificing their lives so that peace and stability would be restored to Liberia.

He recounted the long standing historical relationship between Nigeria and Liberia dating back to the early sixties and the current excellent relationship subsisting between both countries on the regional and global fronts. The Liberian Foreign Minister then paid homage to both President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for their support and commitment to the reactivation of the joint commission.

“Today, we have come to renew our commitment to development and to reactivate the Joint Commission with instruments that will solidify the bilateral bonds between our two nations as well as catalyze economic development by forging stronger ties between the private and public sectors of both countries”, Minister Ngafuan stated. 

The Liberian Foreign Minister then lifted praises on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the Government and People of Liberia to President Goodluck Jonathan and the good People of Nigeria for the donation of US$ 500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) to help us wage an effective battle against the deadly disease. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.  That is what Nigeria has demonstrated over and over again since our two countries established bilateral relations in the early 1960’s”, Minister Ngafuan averred.


He then concluded by assuring the Government and people of Nigeria that Liberia stands in full solidarity with them as they grapple with the scourge of terrorism at the hands of Boko Haram.He said “terrorism anywhere is a threat to peace everywhere; so we call for concerted, robust and sustained actions on the part of the international community aimed at assisting Nigeria put an expeditious end to this menace.

Also speaking during the opening ceremony, Nigeria’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr. Nurudeen Mohammed welcomed the Liberian delegation at the inaugural session of the Liberia/ Nigeria Joint Commission and also highlighted the historical relationship between both countries at sub-regional, regional and global levels.

“The Joint Commission is a mechanism that is meant to consolidate our existing relationship at bilateral level and explore the possibility for widening and strengthening the relationship in the future”, Dr.Mohammed said. He said the gathering was also intended to give what he called a structural definition to the cordiality that exists between the people and presidents of both countries. The Nigerian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs is hoping that at the end of the inaugural session, the areas of cooperation between both countries will be concretized for the benefit of both governments and peoples of the respective countries.

According to a Foreign Ministry dispatch from Abuja, the Joint Commission meeting is expected to be climaxed on Tuesday with the signing of about six Memoranda of Understandings’ (MOU’s) in different areas of cooperation.

The Liberian Government delegation includes National Security Adviser Dr.H.Boimah Fahnbulleh, Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria Dr.Al-Hassan Conteh, Immigration Commissioner Lemuel Reeves, Deputy Education Minister Ramsey Kunbuyah, Deputy Defense Minister Saint Jerome Larbelee, Deputy Agriculture Minister Charles McClain, Deputy Foreign Minister for International Cooperation and Economic Integration B. Elias  Shoniyin, Deputy Commerce Minister Charles Allen and Deputy Minister for Lands, Mines and Energy Sam G. Russ among others.