Government of Liberia Imposes Curfew

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       Office of the Press Secretary to the President                                                      Cell: 0886-580034/0777580034



The Government, supported by citizens group and partners, continue to work assiduously to combat the Ebola virus.  There has been some success - the several persons who have been freed from the disease - the structure and systems that have been put in place, the human and financial resources that we have mobilized anda stabilization in a few the Response Communities.  But we have been unable to control the spread due to continued denials, cultural burying practices, disregard for the advice of health workers and disrespect for the warnings by the Government.


As a result and due to the large population concentration the disease has spread widely in Monrovia and environs.


It has thus become necessary to impose additional sanctions to curb the spread overall and particularly in those areas of intensity.


Now therefore, the following measures are to be urgently enforced:

-         The communities of West Point in Monrovia andDolo Town in Margibi are quarantined under full security watch.  This means that there will be no movements in and out of those areas;


-         All entertainment centers are to be closed;


-         All video centers are to be closed at 6:00 p.m.;


-         Commencing Wednesday, August 20 there will be a curfew from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.


Fellow citizens, these measures are meant to save lives and make the Government’s efforts to combat this disease made more effective and timely.  If we can all do our part, we can defeat this disease.  With your support and participation, we can return to our normal activities.


May God bless us all and save the State.



Mr. Jerolinmek Matthew Piah

Presidential Press Secretary/Office of the President

Department of Public Affairs

Republic of Liberia

