Daily News Summary, 05-19-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



The Turkish Government’s donation of 20 buses to Liberia, Central Bank Governor, Mills Jones assertion that Liberians are in control of the economy, the administrating of WAEC Exam to over 27,000 high school students and stakeholders in livestock production proposal for a policy to enhance livestock development in the country are among stories highlighted in our Monday, May 19, 2014 summary of the selected dailies.




Turkey Donates 20 Buses, 2 Dump-Trucks To Liberia

Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan at the head of a six-man Liberian delegation has concluded a weeklong visit to Turkey with the donation of twenty (20) buses to the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) by the City of Istanbul, Turkey. A Foreign Ministry dispatch discloses that out of the 20 buses, four buses will be given to the Liberia National Police (LNP) while one goes to the Paynesville City Corporation (PCC). A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) making the donation a reality was signed on Thursday, May 15, 2014 at a colorful ceremony held in Istanbul, Turkey. Monrovia City Mayor Mrs. Clara Doe Mvogo signed for the MCC while Mr. Mimin Kahveci, Deputy General Manager of the Istanbul Electric Tramway, and Tunnel (IETT) General Directorate signed on behalf of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Foreign Minister Ngafuan who witnessed the signing ceremony on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the Government and People of Liberia as well as the citizens of Monrovia expressed sincere thanks to the Mayor and all the members of the municipality of Istanbul, the Turkish Ambassador to Liberia and the people of Turkey for what he described as a great donation to Liberia. Speaking through an interpreter during the signing ceremony, Mr. Ibrahim Kapaklikaya, Deputy Secretary General of the Istanbul Municipality, said, “With the signing of the MOU between IETT and the City of Monrovia, we have  finally concluded the legal process of delivering the buses.”  Mr. Kapaklikaya said he sincerely hopes the buses will serve the intended purpose in Monrovia, as the gesture was a positive beginning that will lead to stronger and broader cooperation between the two cities. In a related development, the Turkish International Cooperation Agency (TIKA) says it will provide two (2) dump-trucks to the Government of Liberia for use by the Paynesville City Corporation, INSIGHTnewspaper reports.

 Related Caption: Turkey donates 20 buses, 2 trucks to Liberia( New Dawn),Turkey donates 20 buses, 2 Dump trucks to Liberia( In Profile Daily),Turkey donates 20 buses, 2 Dump trucks to Liberia As Foeign Minister Concludes Weeklong Ministerial Visit( Heritage),Turkey donates 20 buses, 2 trucks to Liberia(New Democrat)



Gov. Jones Liberians In Control Of Economy

The Governor of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), Dr. J. Mills Jones, has predicted a new economy order in Liberia where Liberians will have a greater say in the economic growth of the country. Governor Jones said in such an order, Liberians will be the major actors in the micro-economic development and transformation of the country. Delivering the Keynote Address at the induction of officers of the Liberia Business Association (LIBA), last Saturday, Dr. Jones said if Liberia is to make progress in the development of its economic policies, Liberians should do away with the old ways of doing things and welcome in a new way for the growth of the country, reports the Inquirer Newspaper.

Related Caption: Gov’t Needs To Encourage Private Sector For Economic Growth’ (Daily Observer Newspaper)


27, 000 Students Take WAEC Today

According to the Daily Observer Newspaper, more than 27,882 candidates will begin writing the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) exams today Monday, May 19, John Y. Gayvolor, WAEC Monrovia Head of Office has confirmed.` The candidates who registered to write this year’s annually-administered tests, according to Mr. Gayvolor, are representing at least 442 high schools from the 15 counties with Montserrado containing the highest numbers. In an exclusive interview Sunday, May 18, with the Daily Observer at his Congo Town office, he said preparations for the administration of the exams have been put in place to avoid any unnecessary hiccups during the weeklong process. The Monrovia WAEC head has encouraged all registered candidates to do their best to produce “acceptable results” at the end of the tests. This year’s exams, he said, will follow the same patterns as previously arranged in all of the four major subjects---Mathematics, General Science, Social Studies, Language Arts and other elective subjects. Earlier in her ‘good will message’ over the weekend to students sitting the 12th grade WAEC administer tests, the Minister of Education, Etmonia David Tarpeh, said the 12th grade exams are the measures to evaluate what the students have achieved over the last three years in the education sector.


Related Caption: 27,000 Sit WAEC (New Democrat Newspaper)


Pres. Sirleaf's Portrait Unveiled At Harvard

As part of the campaign launch for the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), known as IDEASPHERE, a full-length portrait of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia, a distinguished alumna of the School’s Edward S. Mason Fellows Program (MC/MPA 1971), was unveiled at a ceremony on Thursday. According to a dispatch from Cambridge, the full-length portrait is an amazing likeness of the Liberian President. It shows her dressed in her favorite color, green, draped in a beautiful green and gold sash and matching skirt made from cloth woven in Liberia, and her signature head-tie, also green, with a gold-jeweled brooch. The attire is accented by her signature single row of pearls and a pin of the Liberian flag, the Lone Star. According to the INSIGHT daily, it was in September 2012 that Dean David T. Ellwood, Dean of the School, informed President Sirleaf that HKS wished to commission her portrait to hang in its Library as an inspiration to future generations of Kennedy School students. Upon her acceptance, the School commissioned Mr. Coit, also a Harvard alumnus, to create a full-length portrait of Liberia's and Africa’s first female President. The unveiling took place at a private reception in honor of President Sirleaf, hosted by the Women and Public Policy Program (WAPPP), one of Harvard Kennedy School’s Research Centers, INSIGHT reports.

Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf, Former Mexican President Discuss (FOCUS)

 Police Director, Finance Minister Want Integrity In Police Force

 Police Director Chris Massaquoi said the Liberia National Police under his watch would accept nothing less than police officers’ full adherence to training in terms of their performance.  Speaking to new graduates at the 42nd graduation exercise of the Basic Recruits Training of the LNP held Saturday, May 17, 2014 at the National Police Training Academy, Col. Massaquoi said the LNP will deal decisively with any police officer who engages in unethical behaviors such as Police Misconduct, bribery and other misdemeanor. “Talking about bribery, let me caution all police officers, and I am zooming in especially on Traffic Police officers, to desist from soliciting bribe from traffic offenders, either by seizing their vehicle documents or drivers’ licenses for a minor traffic offense that might warrant only a warning, and then walking away with the aim of soliciting a bribe,” he said. Serving as Keynote Speaker at the event, Finance Minister Amara Konneh reminded officers of the LNP that the gradual drawdown of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) will leave security institutions, especially the Liberia National Police (LNP) with a huge task of filling in the gaps created by deploying adequate manpower in areas vacated by UN troops, to provide security for Liberia, FrontPageAfrica reports.

Related Caption: Police Boss, Finance Minister UrgePolice to be Professional (Heritage)

Liberia Readies To Host Internet Exchange Point

Liberia is its way to hosting one of Africa’s Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), hoping to provide affordable access to internet connectivity to its citizens, Telecommunication Minister Frederick B. Norkeh has said.  At least 15 engineers who could facilitate the manning of the IXP have completed an intensive one week training intended to give them knowledge on how the IXP works. The establishment of the IXPs across Africa is intended to keep local internet traffic local as opposed to the current use of international exchange points for internet connectivity. Speaking at the function marking the completion of the training were Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, Post and Telecommunication Minister Frederick B. Norkeh, USAID-Gem Chief of Party Victoria Cooper-Enchie and African Union Representative Mr. Kunts Mukuri Maka among others, INSIGHT reports.

Related Caption: Liberia Established Internet Exchange Point(In Profile Daily)


Stakeholders Want Policy To Develop Livestock Sector

According to the Inquirer Newspaper, stakeholders in livestock production in Liberia have expressed need for a policy that will enhance livestock development in the country. The stakeholders held a debriefing (examination) session on Thursday, May 15, 2014, to review and gather input for National livestock policy of Liberia. The Meeting was held at the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) main office in Gardnersville-Government Organization, BRAC-Liberia. Stakeholders attending the meeting included officials of the MOA, NGOs and those from the private sector. AC-Liberia, said the sector can contribute immensely to food security, economic growth and wealth creation in the country, provided there is a regulation guide the sector.

Related Caption: Stakeholders Want Policy To Develop Livestock Section (Daily Observer Newspaper)

Liberia Narrowly Beats

The Senior National Football team of Liberia, the Lone Star beat the Crocdiles of Lestho 1-0 in the first leg match of the 2015 African Cup of Nations preliminaries on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS). It was South Africa based Captain Anthony Laffor who scored the winner in the 40th minute, after he had missed two begging chances, FOCUS reports.

Related Caption: Liberians Mourn Victory Against Lesotho (INSIGHT)



 UNMIL Chief of Public Information Stresses Unity

The Chief of Public Information of UNMIL, Madam Jessica Muyingo, has emphasized unity as the bedrock for development. She said development comes about when citizens are united and love, peace, and understanding should become symbols of unity in Liberia, saying, “We cannot achieve this unity by fighting against one another.” Madam Muyingo spoke Sunday, 18 May when she was honored as Humanitarian Mother of the Year by the Tower of Faith Church in Morris Farm, Paynesville city outside Monrovia. “My mission in Liberia”, she stressed, “is to help build the human capacity of every Liberian, especially those in need.” She said Liberians should work together to improve their country, because no one will fix they had destroyed and “That can only happen when everybody comes together and forgets about the hatred”, New Dawn reports.

NEC Begins Evaluation Workshop Today

The National Elections Commission (NEC) in collaboration with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) will today begin a three-day Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for senior staff of the National Elections Commission. The workshop is intended to give staff of the Commission full understanding of the fundamentals of Monitoring and Evaluation in order to ensure operational effectiveness in their areas of work. The workshop will be facilitated by an IFES Monitoring and Evaluation Expert based in Washington DC,Rola Abdul-Latif. More than 60 staff of the Commission are expected to participate in the workshop which ends on Wednesday, New Dawn reports.

New Community Bank Underway For Bong

The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), in partnership with Afriland First Bank, has begun sensitizing Bong citizens on the creation of a community bank in Bong County. Addressing a cross-section of citizens from nearly all 13 Administrative Districts of Bong County, Afriland First Bank Portfolio Manager, Mr. Francis J. Morgan, said the bank seeks to reduce constraints faced by both business people and individuals whose incomes and transactions are processed through banks in the country. To jump start the operation of the bank, citizens are required to raiseUS$25,000, while the CBL will raise the remaining US$25,000 to meet the US$50,000 required to start the bank. The newly-establish banking system is currently in operation in River Gee, Grand Kru and Gbarpolu Counties. Bong is expected to be the fifth branch in Liberia, INSIGHT reports.


Police Get US$21M Increment

The budget of the Liberia National Police (LNP) has been increased from US$15Million to US$21 Million in the proposed 2014/2015 budget expected to be submitted to the 53rd Legislature. Making the disclosure over the weekend at the 42nd graduation ceremony for over 300 police officers, Finance Minister Amara Konneh said in the Fiscal Year 2014/15 draft budget,government has appropriated adequately for training and logistics for the LNP and other security institutions. He said despite the overall budget risks, the government has significantly increased allocation to the sector from US$82million to over US$94million. As a result, the LNP’s budget is expected to grow from US$15.2million to US$20.5 million. The Finance Minister spoke when he served as Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker at the graduation ceremony of over 300 officers of the LNP, New Dawnreports.

Swedish Envoy Promises Support To Women Empowerment

The head of Development Cooperation at the Swedish Embassy in Monrovia, Ann Stodberg, has assured her government’s support to strengthen women empowerment in Liberia. According to the Liberia News Agency (LINA), Stodberg gave the assurance in remarks at the end of a three-day workshop for national women leaderships held at the Youth Center in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County at the weekend. The workshop was attended by over 50 women leaders, including chiefs, commissioners, community and opinion leaders from Bong, Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Nimba and Margibi Counties. She expressed appreciation for women’s active participation during the sitting, noting that every effort will be made to reach out through the Carter Center and its partners to ensure that women get actively involved in community initiatives, especially in matters affecting them, Heritage reports.

UL Physics Department Receives Equipment

The Physics Department of the University of Liberia has received equipment departmental staffers consider most needed and valuable to the department in the post-war era. Materials reaching the department include Triple Beam Balances, Oscilloscopes, Signal Generators, Audio Oscillators, Spectrophotometers, Capacitor Indicators, Analyzers, Paper Cutters, textbooks and Evaporating Dishes. The senior lab demonstrator of UL Science College, John Y. Flomo, Sr., speaking to the Daily Observer following the presentation of the materials, noted that the equipment now returns the department to its pre-war status. According to him, the UL Science College only has a small quantity of laboratory materials for students doing freshman and sophomore courses; but junior and senior courses have not had materials since normal activities began after the war. “Prior to the war we had all these equipment and more, but they were all looted.  For us to see them coming back again after the war to the Physics Department is a blessing to us as people who are training others to replace us,” Mr. Flomo said. Mr. Flomo noted that prior to the arrival of the equipment; they were doing what he called “Touch experiments” to acquaint students with what equipment to use in doing certain experiments, reports the Daily Observer Newspaper.


3-Day Conflict Resolution Seminar In Monrovia

A Three-day conflict resolution seminar will begin on Wednesday, May 21 to 23, at a local hotel in Monrovia, with 20 participants. According to Netsai Mushong, Senior Manager of Cape Town, South Africa-based Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR), the participants are drawn from Human Rights Organizations, ECOWAS and the Ministry of Defense. Mushonga said the CCR is a Pan African Organization with the primary interest to build the capacity of those in conflict resolutions, particularly in a country like Liberia where due to its recent past; conflict resolution skills have become necessary, pens the Daily Observer Newspaper.