Daily Media Summary Nov, 28, 2013

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Pres. Sirleaf Meeting with Liberians in Brussels, Minister Dukuly Request For  More France’s Investment In Liberia and  The Payment Of US$4m to Former BMC   Workers, are our dominant stories captured from today’s local dailies.  

 Dominant Stories


Liberians Want Biometric Passport Issued In Brussels


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf met on Monday with over 50 Liberians under the banner of United Liberians Association in Belgium, who praised her for the level of transformation the country has seen since 2006 when she assumed office, and requested that Brussels be a location for the issuance of biometrict passports for Liberians living in Europe. According to a dispatch from Brussels, President Sirleaf and her delegation arrived in the Belgian capital Sunday afternoon from Dubai, where the Liberian leader had been on a working visit and, before that, attended the 3rd Africa-Arab Summit in Kuwait. The Association’s President, Kingston Washington Wleh, said they were following development activities in their country, and had come to express their thanks and appreciation to Germany and Italy that have the common Schengen Visa, the Insight newspaper says.


Related Caption: Press. Sirleaf Meets With Liberians In Brussels (The Analyst), Brussels Ideal Location For Biometric Passports-Belgium-based Liberians Tell Ellen (Daily Observer)


Min. Dukuly requests More French Investments In Liberia


Internal Affairs Minister Morris M. Dukuly has called on the French Embassy in Monrovia to attract more French investments to Liberia. He said as Liberia recovers from ravages of war, it needs more foreign investments, in which France is expected to play a major role in the private sector. He described the European Country, as an important partner in Liberia’s history, dating far back as Liberia’s pre-independence. The Internal Affairs Boss was speaking Tuesday, when the new French Ambassador to Liberia, Joel Godeau paid him a courtesy call on Capitol Hill. Minister Dukuly was keen on agriculture and trans-border trade between and the sister Republic of La Cote d’Ivoire border, which he said will help stabilize Liberia, strengthen the economy, the Insight newspaper writes.


Related Caption: Minister  Dukuly  Wants  More France  Investment  In, Liberia(Heritage newspaper)


Former BMC Workers Get US$4M – As GOL Moves To clear Bong Mines For China Union’s Operations


The Government of Liberia Wednesday, November 27, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with former workers of the Bong Mining Company (BMC) agreeing to pay US$4 Million to the workers in back wages. The money, according to Finance Minister Amara M. Konneh is a lump sum payment to the former BMC workers to leave the old BMC facility and give way for China Union to commence full operations in the area. The Government also signed another MOU with squatters occupying the BMC facility in Bong Mines and the railroad to leave the area. According to the MOU, the Government will make the lump sum payments to the former BMC workers and the squatters beginning from December 15th to January 10th 2014. The Former BMC workers are about 2,000, most of who are in their 50s. In the case of he squatters, the Government agreed to pay US$500 to each of the 857 family heads between December 15th and January 10th2014 as a onetime payment. This means that all of the squatters will receive a lump sum payment of US$428.500 from the government, the Daily Observer newspaper writes.


Related Caption: Former BMC   Workers Bag US$4m(Democrat newspaper) 


Other Stories:


US$32 Agreement For Water Development Signed – As Kimmie Weeks Returns From Forum On Water


The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation, Dr. Kimmie Weeks, has returned to Liberia after representing President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and heading the Liberian delegation to the 2013 High-Level Forum on Water and Sanitation. The forum was held on the theme “To Promote Vibrant and Effective South-South Cooperation To Accelerate Access to Hygiene, Sanitation, And Drinking Water for All In Africa”, The Daily Observer newspaper reports.


Justice Sector Gets Stern – Introduces New Laws


The United States Department of State funded Justice Sector Support Liberia (JSSL) program yesterday announced the publication and delivery of 11 new laws handbills that would help in strengthening the country’s justice sector.  Those laws, which were delivered to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) for onward publication and distribution, included six amended instruments within the Liberian criminal, civil, and judiciary laws as well as five laws that were recently enacted by the 53rd National Legislature.


Among the five recently enacted laws are: the Fraud Act, the Act to establish procedures for the distribution of United Nations list of terrorists and terrorist groups, the Anti-Money laundering and terrorist financing Act, the Act to establish the Financial Intelligence Unit of Liberia, and the mutual legal assistance in criminal matter Act – all proposed in 2012 and approved on 29th and 30th April 2013 respectively. The amended laws were from the Liberian Code of Law Revised (LCLR), the Criminal Procedure Law (CPL), the Penal law and the Civil Procedure Law governing the Republic of Liberia, the Insight newspaper reports.


Small Business Will Boost Economy – New NIC Boss Discloses


The Chairman of the National Investment Commission (NIC), Machael Sio Wotorson, in a consultative interaction with media institutions on Wednesday indicated that he has come with new ideas and visions to build the capacity of Liberian business as a surer path for boosting the Liberian economy. Stating that this time around, NIC will develop a new method for reforming the Liberian economy, Wotorson said this will be achieved by focusing on Liberian owned businesses, one aspect he described as the missing link in our economy development initiatives, the Analyst newspaper reveals.


Liberia Observes Tubman’s 118th B’Day Tomorrow


The President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation, declared Friday, November 29, 2013 as the 118th Birth Anniversary of President William VS. Tubman, and is to be observed as a National Holiday throughout Liberia. The Proclamation is inconsonance with  an act enacted by the 42nd National Legislature at its 3rd Session declaringNovember 29 of each year as the birth Anniversary of Liberia’s 18th president, William V.S. Tubman and to be celebrated as a National Holiday. William Vacanarat Shadrach Tubman (November 29, 1971) was a Liberian Politician. He was the 19th President of Liberia from 1944 until his death in 1971, the Insight newspaper asserts.


China Signs MOU With Liberian Universities – Ambassador And Enterprise Scholarships Afoot


The Government of China through its embassy in Monrovia has enhanced its bilateral assistance programming towards higher institutions of learning in Liberia’s postwar recovery endeavors. According to the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) signed with various higher institutions of learning, students or collegians at the universities will  now  be enabled to benefit from either the Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarship or Chinese Enterprise Scholarship in these trying financial times. The two scholarships offered by the Chinese are intended to support academic stars or scholars to carry on their studies based on existing education cooperation programs between China and Liberia.


Speaking Tuesday evening at the signing ceremony of the scholarship grants between the various Liberian Universities, he Chinese Ambassador to Liberia Zhao Jianhua said that since the commencement of the scholarship program began nearly 217 scholars have benefited from the two strands of scholarships, the Analyst  newspaper says.


S/C Judge Wants Publish Point Out Corrupt Lawyers And Judges


Associate Justice Jamesetta  Wolokolie of the Supreme Court of Liberia has called on the public to speak up against actions from judicial actors that are affecting them. She made the call yesterday at a function marking the welcoming of several individuals who have been appointed to the Judicial Inquiry Committee (JIC) and the Grievance and Ethics Committee of the Judiciary, the Insight newspaper reports.


Defense Minister Lauds Outgoing Chinese Ambassador For Job Well Done


Liberia’  Minister of  Defense Brownie J. Samukai, jr,  has lauded the people’s Republic of China  through it outgoing Ambassador  to Liberia , Zhoa  Jian Hua,   for her numerous assistance  to the Liberia people especially the training, equipping and rebuilding process of the Armed Forces of Liberia, (AFL).  Minister   Samukai   made the remarks at his BTC Office on the UN Drive on Wednesday November 27, 2013 when the outgoing Chinese Ambassador paid him a Farewell Courtesy visit.  The Minister of Defense assured the Chinese diplomat that the AFL will continue to work for good by maintaining the confidence of the local population through civil related operation, the Heritage writes.    


Voinjama Ditrick Hall Near Completion


Construction work on a US $ 21, 000   District  Hall  that is being constructed  in Vezela  Town ,The Administrative  Headquarters of  Voinjama  District,  in Lofa county is nearing  completion an official has said. The Voinjama District Commissioner Kullie   Bazzie   said when completed the building will contain offices for local District Officials, a Conference Hall, and  Guest Rooms  among others facilities, the Heritage reports .


Churches Damage HIV Fight


According to the Democrat Newspaper a Health Ministry’s Official has alarmed that an upsurge in new generation churches that claim to be able to heal or perform miracles is having a damaging effect on Liberia’s progress in fighting HIV,AIDS in Liberia. Speaking During the week before world AIDS Day, the Health Ministry Official, David Logan said there has been a dramatic increase in negation churches that link their preaching to prevailing local beliefs in healing or miracle cures with the result that people with HIV /AIDS were not seeking proper medical treatments.  According to the paper, the Minister added “unlike traditional Catholic, Lutheran and Episcopal churches claim to be able to give spiritual deliverance, provide healing or perform miracle .this is an attractive options living in impoverished post-conflict Liberia”, says the Democrat newspaper.


China Provides Over 200 Scholarships


The People Republic of China thorough its Embassy near Monrovia, Tuesday   signed a memorandum of understanding, With The government of Liberia For The Provision of  more than 200 scholarships to deserving Liberian  students  pursuing undergraduate studies at various universities in Liberia.  The scholarship is said to be valued at more than US$ 130,000 and is being provided by the Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarship and the Chinese Enterprise’s Scholarship in Liberia-A two star programs aimed at enhancing education cooperation between Liberia and China, asserts the Democrat daily.   


Women Storm Temple Of Justice


The Women NGO Secretarial of Liberia yesterday m morning stormed the premises of the Supreme Court demanding actions against those bent on raping girls and children in the country. The Executive Director of WONGOSOL Marpue Speare disclosed that lots of children have died as a result of rape in Liberia and those perpetrators and always set free without justice. I have I observed on many occasions how rape cases are compromised and our demand is the whether you are rich or poor, let the law takes its course and justice should be done to all persons in Liberia, Madam Speare noted. The inquire newspaper reports


Outing Chinese Ambassador Recounts Achievements


The Chinese Ambassador accredited near Monrovia, Zhao Joanjia, has described his mission in Liberia as a rewarding one with the supports he received from his office staff in implementing several development projects. Speaking at the Chinese Embassy on Tuesday at the official signing ceremony of the Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarship and the Chinese Entrepreneur Scholarship in Congo Town, the Chinese Ambassador said the scholarship was established in 2011 and benefited several Liberian youths in building their capacities in diverse disciplines. According to him the coming in of the Chinese Enterprise’s Scholarship was another boost to the Chinese Government’s developmental plan for every war affected country which Liberia is no exception.  The inquire newspaper reports



Ghana Trade Fair Begins Today  


Official sales of the second exhibition of Made-In- Ghana products and services are expected to commence today at the Monrovia City Hall November 28, 2013. The exhibition will provide a platform for the exhibitors to interact with the business community in Liberia with the aim of building long-term partnerships. The first edition of the Solo exhibition took place at the Paynesville City Hall in October 2012. The exhibition is grounded in the cordial relations that exist between Ghana and Liberia, which are well-documented back to the political collaboration between Ghana’s first President, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and President William V.S. Tubman of Liberia that eventually led to the establishment of the OAU and extended to the contributions by Ghana to the restoration of peace in Liberia. The inquire newspaper reports


Fear Grips Monrovians Over ‘Strange ‘Phone Numbers, But…


Many residents of Monrovia and its environs have expressed fear over the appearance of some strange four-digit numbers on their mobile phones. Some of those spoken to informed the Inquirer that there are some strange numbers that usually call their phone numbers daily and said whenever any of the four-digit numbers are answered the person who answers it would instantly drop dead. Martha Boh, a resident of Central Monrovia who commented on the strange phone numbers said the four-digit belong to a cultic organization that uses the numbers to kill people for their evil deeds. Leads story on the back page of the Inquire newspaper reports


Logging Companies Owe GOL US$ 43M


Although there has been some progress in the forestry legal framework in recent years, Liberia still has a long way to go in making sure that the forestry sector actually benefits the Liberian people. A new report released by the Independent Forest Monitors, a Civil Society group, highlights some important issues with the forestry sector in Liberia. The report titled ‘The Liberia Social Audit’ takes an in-depth look at Liberia’s forest sector and some of the challenged it faces in terms of community participation and benefit sharing. The report disclosed that logging companies still owe the Government of Liberia over US$43 million, money that could be spent on improving quality of life for ordinary Liberians by providing better access to healthcare, education and jobs, The News newspaper reports.



Methodist Church To Raise US$500,00 For Modern Library Construction


The First United Methodist Church (FUMC) has announced a major dinner this Saturday in honor of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. The dinner known an “Benefit Dinner” will be hosted by the church to raise US$ 500,00 for the construction of a public library for use by resident s of Paynesville and surrounding communities. When constructed, the First United Methodist Church (FUMC) Monrovia will be the first to provide a public library in the country. According to a release, the dinner takes place at the Executive Pavilion under the distinguished Patronage of President Ellen Johnson –Sirleaf. The sub leads story on back page of The News newspaper.



“I Made History” Chinesse Envoy Says


Outing Chinese Ambassador to Liberia says the establishment of the first Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarship’ in Liberia will be recorded in history as one of his greatest achievements in Liberia and the African continent. Ambassador Zhao Jianua said the Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarship was established in 2011 to help Liberian student s tremendously enhance education cooperation between China and Liberia. Speaking at a signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding for Chinese Ambassador’s Enterprise’s Scholarship at the Chinese Embassy in Oldest Congo Town. Ambassador Zhao said the scholarship process will continue even after his tenure in Liberia, he maintained that no other Ambassador can change it. The Chinese Envoy said the Enterprise’s Scholarship was signed between the Chinese Business Association and the Ministry of Education of Liberia and facilitated by the Chinese Embassy. theNews newspaper writes.


Reprisal Awaits Private Universities If


 Creditable reports gathered by this paper indicate that students of the University of Liberia are reportedly planning to disrupt classes of private universities in the country if the UL in not reopened. The administration of the UL temporarily closed all activities at the institution amidst tension and protests at the University by students. The reported closure of the state-run institution by the administration is also being greeted with serious threats from some of the students who are planning to disrupt normal academic activities of other private universities and colleges in and around the capital. Report by The News newspaper .