Daily Media Summary Feb. 09,2018

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The commissioning of Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Findley, Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel Tweah, Jr. and the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel McGill; the review of four resolutions amending certain provisions of the Liberian Constitution by the House of Representative and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate’s   report on the number of persons confirmed by that august body and the courtesy call paid on  Foreign Minister Findley by the Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps, His Excellency Abdoulaye Doré are stories dominating today’s editions of the local dailies. 


Also highlighted in our summary is President George Weah’s Proclamation declaring Sunday February 11 as Armed Forces Day to be observed on Monday February 12 as a National Holiday.




Three Ministers Commissioned

The In Profile Daily reads that President George Manneh Weah has performed the commissioning ceremony of Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Findley, Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel Tweah, Jr. and the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel McGill. The ceremony took place on Thursday, February 8, 2018 in the Cabinet Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to an Executive Mansion release, the commissioning followed confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate. Speaking during the occasion, the Liberian leader saluted the commissioned officials for their roles and called on them to perform their duties with a sense of commitment in a bid to prove their critics wrong. President Weah said when they were nominated to their entrusted positions, some Liberians described them as incompetent and unfit for the tasks they were nominated to carry out. He said other Liberians reckoned they are qualified and capable to fulfill the assigned tasks. President Weah then challenged them to work harder to prove their detractors wrong or risk proving their critics right. Speaking on behalf of his colleagues, Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Findley assured President Weah of their determination and unwavering devotion to the administration’s pro-poor agenda that seeks to foster policies that would promote the well-being of ordinary Liberians.  


Related Captions: Prove Your Critics Wrong…President Weah Tells Commissioned Officials (INSIGHT), Pres. Weah Challenges Officials At Commissioning Ceremony (The INQUIRER), Weah Commissions First 3 Officials (The New Dawn)


House Draws Up Citizenship, Land Ownership Amendments For Referendum But Uncertainty Hangs Over Its Approval By The People

According to the Daily Observer, the House of Representatives has begun reviewing four resolutions amending certain provisions of the Liberian Constitution, including citizenship and land ownership. The titles for the four resolutions are Citizenship Amendment, Property Amendment, Qualifications I Amendment, and Qualification II Amendment. At the 8th day sitting Thursday, the first reading of the resolutions was done and sent to two separate Joint Committees for revision and report to the House Plenary in three weeks — by Thursday, March 1. The daily reads that the four Resolutions will be approved if two-thirds of the members of the House of Representatives and the Senators affix their signatures. If their signatures are affixed, it means the Resolutions will be considered “items” for Referendum – Yes or No! It may be recalled that on Monday, January 22 during his first Annual Message, President George Weah called for the removal of what he called a “racist” clause in the constitution which restricts citizenship to Black people.


Related Captions: On Dual-Citizenship & Land Owner Quest: Lawmakers Back Weah…As Resolution To Amend Constitution Surface (INSIGHT), Citizenship Bills Land At Capitol (The New Dawn)


Pro Temp Chie: ‘35 of 83 Nominees Confirmed’ – Nominees From MFDP, EPS, Commerce, LME, Youth & Sports, Others Confirmed Yesterday

The Daily Observer says the President Pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate Thursday disclosed that President George Weah has submitted 83 nominees for various posts in his government and that the Senate has so far confirmed 35. Senator Albert Chie, during his first briefing at his Capitol Building office Thursday, also disclosed that the Senate is receiving reports that some of the nominees are already ‘conducting the business of government’ without the approval of the Senate. “All those officials that were not confirmed are advised not to conduct the business of government either in their offices or outside of their offices,” he admonished.


Related Captions: 35 Out Of 83 Presidential Nominees Confirmed…Senate Pro-Tempore Discloses (INSIGHT), Senate Clears 35 Presidential Appointees (The New Dawn)



President Weah Declares Sunday, February 11, Armed Forces Day to Be Celebrated Monday, February 12, 2018

The INSIGHT newspaper reports that His Excellency Mr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), has by Proclamation declared Sunday, February 11, 2018, as “Armed Forces Day.” The Day is to be observed on Monday, February 12, 2018, throughout the Republic as a National Holiday. The Proclamation further directs all military and paramilitary organizations within the Republic to organize and execute appropriate programs including parades and other ceremonies in recognition of the Day. According to a Foreign Ministry release this year’s Armed Forces Day’s celebration will be commemorated under the theme: A Force For Good - Promoting Stability and Contributing to Peace and Reconciliation in Liberia. The Proclamation is in consonance with an Act of National Legislature of the Republic of Liberia, declaring the 11TH day of February of each year as Armed Forces Day to be observed as a National Holiday.


Doyen Of The Diplomatic Corps Pays Courtesy Call On Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley

The Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps, His Excellency Abdoulaye Doré, Thursday, February 8, paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley at his offices. According to a Foreign Ministry release, Ambassador Doré, who is also the Guinean Ambassador accredited to Liberia, met with the Foreign Minister and exchanged views on critical bilateral issues aimed at strengthening the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between the two sisterly Republics. While welcoming the Doyen, Foreign Affairs Minister Findley assured Ambassador Doré of Liberia’s commitment and unflinching desire to expand cooperation and promote the two countries’ shared values under the dynamic leadership of His Excellency President George Manneh Weah. For his part, Ambassador Doré extended on behalf of the diplomatic community and in his own name heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Foreign Minister Findley for his preferment as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liberia. The Guinean Envoy assured the Foreign Minister of his renewed commitment to foster cordial working relationship with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under his leadership, reads the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: Doyen Of The Diplomatic Corps Pays Courtesy Call On  Foreign Minister (INSIGHT)


President Weah Meets A Delegation Of Health Workers Association;  Commends Them For Commitment, Sacrifices   

President George Manneh Weah has met with a delegation of the Health Workers Association of Liberia. The meeting, which took place under a friendly atmosphere, was held on Thursday, February 8, 2018 in the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader commended the Health Workers for their commitment and sacrifices to the nation and assured them of his continued support aimed at revamping the health sector. President Weah said he was appalled by the existing condition of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital and promised to work towards transforming the facility.  For their part, the Association, through its spokesperson said amongst issues confronting the health sectors, they noted the need for effective ambulance service; adequate drugs supply in a timely manner; the welfare of the health workers; the refusal of the Ministry of Labor to grant them a Certificate of Recognition; inadequate salary for health workers; and lack of insurance as well as non-existence of decent work Act. They also appealed for specialized training for doctors and nurses, according to theFrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: Weah: “We’re In Trouble” (The New Dawn)


Nigerian Investors On Exploratory Investment Mission At NPA -Ready To Add Value To The Operations Of The Port

A high power investment delegation from Nigeria has held talks with the management of the National Port Authority for possible investment in the port industry of Liberia. The head of delegation, and Chief Executive Officer of R.G. Holding International Limited, Ian Roche, said his team’s visit to Liberia is meant to explore business and investment opportunities that would help create jobs and add value to the operations of the port. NPA’s Deputy Managing Director for Administration, Celia Cuffy–Brown, and Deputy for Operations Christopher Wisner, welcomed and briefed the investment delegation on the operations of the port following a tour, and expressed the management’s preparedness for investments that “must” impact the lives of the ordinary people, according to the Daily Observer.


Chief Justice Postpones Opening Of Courts

The Chief Justice of Liberia, Francis S. Korpor, has directed that all Circuit Courts a across Liberia open their quarterly session for the February A.D 2018 Term of Court on Tuesday, February 13, 2018. According to the In Profile Daily, Justice Korkpor said in a memo to Circuit Judges throughout the country that the decision to open courts on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 is due to the observance of the Armed Forces Day which falls on Sunday, February 11 but will be officially celebrated on Monday, February 12, 2018 is incidentally the 2nd Monday of February on which Circuit Courts are to open their quarterly session, as a national holiday.


Ex-President Sirleaf Arrives In Beirut

Liberia’s former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Wednesday evening arrived at the Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport, where she will meet with Lebanese officials.  Quoting the National News Agency, the INSIGHT reads that during her visit to Lebanon, the former Liberian leader will meet with foreign and expatriates Minister Jibran Bassil and other officials. She will also tour a number of Lebanese areas.