Daily Media Summary Dec. 20, 2013

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of the presentation of Letters of Credence by ECOWAS and The Gambia Ambassadors accredited to Liberia, the suspension of a Deputy Defense Minister and revelation of theft of petroleum by several filling stations in the country are major stories highlighted in our summary for today, Friday, December 20, 2013.

Dominant Stories

Liberia Gets New Ambassadors from ECOWAS & Gambia

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has received the Letters of Credence of the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary   of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), H. E. Mr. Banatunde Olanrewaju Ajisomo and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary   of the Gambia accredited to Liberia, H.E. Cherno Barra Touray. The ECOWAS Ambassador is resident in Monrovia while the Gambian Ambassador is residing in Sierra Leone. The Insight newspaper quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that President Sirleaf, while receiving the ECOWAS Ambassador, expressed appreciation on behalf of the Liberian Government and People for ECOWAS’ involvement in Liberia’s peace initiatives and social economic development during and after the civil conflict. The President mentioned that Liberia is a founding member of the ECOWAS and has been keen on promoting regional integration both within the sub-region and the Mano River Union Basin. She also reflected on the role played by ECOWAS in the restoration and consolidation of peace in Liberia, adding the Liberia remains grateful to the sub-region. “Troops from ECOWAS countries suffered, fought and died here to safeguard the peace the country currently enjoys, and for this Liberia remains forever grateful,” President Sirleaf told the new ECOWAS Ambassador to Liberia. In presenting his Letters of Credence to President Sirleaf, Ambassador Ajisomo, on behalf of the President of the ECOWAS Commission, conveyed the fraternal greetings and best wishes of the leadership of the Commission to President Sirleaf, the Government and People of Liberia. He expressed his joy at being in a country he called the “Land of Liberty” as Special Representative of the President of the ECOWAS Commission, following a wise decision to reopen the office of the Special Representative that was closed in 2010. He said ECOWAS appreciates the commendable role Liberia has played, under President Sirleaf’s leadership, towards achieving the ECOWAS Strategic Vision 2020 of transforming the region from an ECOWAS of States into a Citizen-Centered Community – an ECOWAS of people. He pledged to do his utmost in promoting ECOWAS activities in Liberia, with a view of enhancing regional integration and cooperation. In receiving the Credentials of the new Gambian Ambassador to Liberia, H.E. Mr. Cherno Barra Touray, the Liberian leader welcomed him and acknowledged the excellent relations existing between Liberia and the Gambia. She told Ambassador Touray that collaboration is strong between the two countries at the level of ECOWAS and bilaterally. President Sirleaf recalled Gambia’s role in restoring and promoting peace in Liberia, and acknowledged President Yahya Jammeh’s personal role as an officer when the first ECOMOG troops landed on Liberian soil to stop the prevailing carnage in 1990. “I am pleased that Gambia joined other West African nations to intervene during the most difficult years of the war, and that the peace conference that gave birth to the Interim Government of National Unity headed by Dr. Amos C. Sawyer was held in Banjul,” President Sirleaf reflected. Speaking earlier, Ambassador Touray expressed gratefulness for the kind words and sentiments from President Sirleaf about the Gambian leader. He quoted President Jammeh as referring to the Liberian leader as a woman o substance with high degree of confidence.        


Pres. Sirleaf Suspends Deputy Defense Minister

The Insight newspaper reveals that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has suspended, with immediate effect, the Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of National Defense, Mr. Joseph F. Johnson, in connection with a fraudulent transaction on petroleum products involving some officials of the Ministries of National Defense and Finance, and the DonKan Gas Station. The President has also instructed the Minister of National Defense to suspend, with immediate effect, the Finance Ministry’s Comptroller, Mr. Nyumah Dorkor. Meanwhile, President Sirleaf has concurred with the suspension of the Comptroller/Accountant General of the Republic of Liberia, Mr. Boom Wilson, a Presidential appointee, pending a full investigation into circumstances surrounding a transaction with the Don Kan Gas Station. According to an Executive Mansion release, the suspensions will remain in place pending the conclusion of an ongoing investigation that will determine the next course of action.


Related story: Pres. Sirleaf Swings Axe- Suspends DMA, Comptroller at MOD; Concur With Comptroller General’s Suspension (In Profile), Deputy Defense Minister Suspended (New Dawn)



Several Gas Stations Stealing From Public

The front page lead of the CATALYST newspaper reads that the Minister of Commerce and Industry Axel Addy has revealed massive fraud at various filling stations in Monrovia and called on those stations to adjust their equipment. Speaking Thursday at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing, Minister Addy said the Ministry conducted technical inspection of 18 filling stations of which 13 failed and were operating without a business license. According to him, technical inspection which ran from 22 November to 4 December covered weight, measurement and industrial compliance to meet best practice. Minister Addy stressed that out the 18 filling stations, only the Total Capital Bye Pass, 15 street, Sinkor, Old road and SP met the Ministry’s standard.

Related story: Gas Fraud Detected (New Democrat), Min. Addy’s Cosmetics Statement (In Profile Daily). Also in another related story captioned Commerce Boss Warns Unregistered Businesses, theNew Dawn newspaper reads that the Minister of Commerce and Industry Axel Addy,, is warring business proprietors  here to stop operating businesses that haven’t registered with the Government of Liberia. He said the Commerce Ministry has qualified technicians in the field to gather empirical data on unregistered business houses in the country.

Other Stories


Pres. Sirleaf to move Back to Executive Mansion

The front page lead story of the Insight newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has reveal plans to move back to the Executive Mansion, the official seat of the Presidency. Making the disclosure during the late evening of Wednesday at an elaborate program of the official lighting of the National Christmas Tree at the grounds of the Executive Mansion, President Johnson Sirleaf described the occasion as a symbolic event that brought the Tree branches of Government for the lighting of the Christmas trees in their respective ministries.  “The occasion is also special because we are here on the grounds of the Executive Mansion to commence the process of returning to our official home”, the Liberian leader said. In a related story captioned “Pres. Sirleaf Lit First X’mas Tree on Grounds of E-Mansion” the New Dawn newspaper writes that for the first time in memory, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, on Wednesday, lit Christmas trees on the Grounds of the Capitol Building, the Temple of Justice and at the Executive Mansion signaling the start of the Christmas festivities.



World Bank Brands Corruption ‘Public Enemy Number One’ in Developing Countries

A back page story caption of the CATALYST newspaper reveals that World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim Thursday said the bank group is stepping up its fight against corruption, and he called on developing world partners and the private sector to be part of the solution. “In the developing world, corruption is public enemy number one”, Mr. Kim said speaking at an event hosted by the World Bank’s Anti-corruption Investigative arm of the integrity Presidency. “We will never tolerate corruption, and I pledge to do all in our power to build upon our strong fight against it”, CATALYST furthered.

Related stories: World Bank to Fight Corruption (Insight)

UL Gets Accounting Computer Lab

An inside story of the FOCUS newspaper asserts that the University of Liberia (UL) has for the first time opened an accounting computer lab on its Capitol Hill campus in Monrovia. Speaking at the official dedicatory program in the UL’s auditorium, Mr. Alex Cuffy said the opening of the accounting lap will meaningfully improve the teaching of accounting at the state run university.

According to him, students who are pursuing higher education in accounting will be informed about the newest accounting principles and tactics through technology. He stated that students will not be confronted with technological skills of accounting after graduation from the university. The Strengthening Accounting Project (SAP) term leader mentioned that the projects will strength accounting, and acquits instructional staffs with new methods of accounting through technology.

He said the project will also strength and enhance financial capability through human resource development for instructor staffs and students. The Accounting Department Chairman pointed out that the project will also create avenues for faculty exchange with an American university.