Daily Media Summary Dec. 11, 2013

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



U.S President Barack Obama description of fallen former South African President, Nelson Mandela as ‘the last great liberator of the 20th century’, Pakistani Diplomat appraisal of Liberia’s ‘Substantial Progress’ in restoring peace, European Union Head of Delegation’s   deliberation on Human Rights issues in the country and the National Elections Commission’s 250,000 Youths target for 2014 election are dominant among other stories highlighted in our selected local dailies for today, Wednesday, December 11, 2013.


 Dominant Stories


Nelson Mandela Memorial: Obama Lauds ‘Giant Of History’


Tens of thousands of South Africans have joined dozens of world leaders for the national memorial service for former President Nelson Mandela. The service was held in front of a vociferous crowd in the FNB stadium in Johannesburg. US President Barack Obama said Mr. Mandela was a “giant of history”, describing him as the last great liberator of the 20th Century. The Former South African President died last Thursday at aged 95. The country is observing a series of commemorations leading up to the funeral on Sunday, theINSIGHT newspaper reports.


Related Caption: None Like Madiba – Obama Sounds Warning In Powerful Eulogy At Nelson Mandela Memorial (FrontPage), Nelson Mandela Memorial: Obama Lauds ‘Giant of History’ (Daily Observer)


World Bids Farewell To Mandela


World leaders, from US President Barack Obama to Cuba’s Raul Castro, have paid homage to Nelson Mandela at a mass memorial in South Africa that recalls his gift for bringing enemies together across political and racial divides. Obama shook the hand of Castro at the memorial, an unprecedented gesture between the leaders of two nations which have been at loggerheads for more than half a century. According the New Democrat newspaper, Castro smiled as Obama shook his hand on the way to the podium to make a speech at the commemoration for former South African President Mandela, one of the world’s greatest peacemakers who died on Thursday.


‘Liberia Cherishes Involvement With Madiba And The ANC To Fight Apartheid’ – VP Boakai Pays Tribute To Madiba


In the softest of tones, Vice President Joseph N. Boakai Tuesday, December 10, suggested that Liberia might have been destine by God to play a recognizable role…however modest…towards advancing the cause to which the former President of South Africa, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, surrendered most of his life. Speaking at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion during the Memorial and Reflection Service for the late, First Black President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, VP Boakai reminded Liberians of the privilege their nation enjoyed by providing a safe haven and a place of refuge for victims of the much-hated apartheid. Ambassador Boakai said that, as the first independent republic on the continent, this country provided unrestrained support to the struggle against human degradation by white minority rule in that country…something all Liberians remain proud of today. The Acting Dean of the Cabinet, Finance Minister Amara Konneh, said Madiba will always be remembered for his fight against injustice. Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan read the Government’s condolence message, while Liberia’s astute historian, D. Elwood Dunn also outlined Liberia’s role in the anti-apartheid fight, pointing out two lessons that can be learned from the struggle, the Daily Observer newspaper reports.



Liberia Has Made ‘Substantial Progress’ After Prolonged Civil Strife, Pakistan Tells UNSC


A top Pakistani diplomat told the United Nations Security Council Monday that Liberia has come a long way in its quest to restore peace, security and stability after years of civil war that ended in 2003. “With the support of the United Nations, the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the country has made substantial progress,” Ambassador Masood Khan said in his capacity as chairman of the 15-member body’s committed concerning Liberia and the Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations.  Briefing the Council on the gains and challenges ahead, he said Pakistan was proud of its engagement with Liberia, as the largest troop contributor and twice as the committee chairman. The Committee’s Panel of Experts, the Pakistani envoy said, had found that a majority of the individuals and entities listed for asset freeze and travel bans did not pose a threat to peace and security in Liberia or the region, the New Democrat newspaper reports


Related Caption: Pakistan Praises Liberia’s ‘Substantial Progress’ (FOCUS)


EU Tough On Human Rights


The European Union Head of Delegation to Liberia says human rights and democracy remain at the centre of the EU’s engagement with Liberia. Ambassador Attilio Pacifici said given such attention to human rights and democracy, the EU would continue to promote and support initiatives geared toward advancing human freedoms. “With our bilateral partners around the world, including with Liberia, we commit to strive to place human rights and democracy at the centre of our interactions”, he stated in a speech delivered on Friday, (6thDecember 2013) at a human rights workshop for a group of Liberian musicians. He added that the EU is committed to promoting its values of human rights and democracy around the world, stressing “We do this not only by “pointing fingers” – as we must, when grave human rights violations occur, but also by “joining hands” in order to provide concrete support and guidance in the implementation of human rights obligations,” the New Democrat newspaper reveals.


Related Caption: EU Speaks On Human Rights (The NEWS)


NEC Launches Awareness Project – On 2014 Voters Roll Update


The National Elections Commission (NEC) in collaboration with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on Tuesday launched a two-month youth awareness campaign on the pending 2014 Special Senatorial  Election voter update exercise. The youth awareness campaign is a nation-wide information dissemination effort that will be carried out in secondary schools, colleges and universities, the NEWS newspaper reports.



Related Caption: NEC Targets 250,000 Youths For 2014 Election (Daily Observer), NEC Rolls Up Voters Update-250,000 Youths Targeted (Insight)




China To Train AFL Engineering Battalion

An inside top lead story reveals that out-going Chinese Ambassador Zhao Jianhua has pledged his government’s commitment to the training of the Engineering Battalion of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL). Making the disclosure when he paid a courtesy call on Information Minister Lewis Browne at his Capitol Hill Office Thursday, Ambassador Zhao said the training of the Engineering Battalion of the AFL is part of his government’s effort to maintain the bilateral ties between China and Liberia. According to the Chinese envoy, this is the first of its kind for China to train members of any country’s army in Engineering, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


LRRRC Seeks Legislative Approval – For Internally Displaced People


A sub back page lead of the New Democrat newspaper says the Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) has appealed to the Legislature to approve the Kampala Convention, a document which addresses issues affecting internally displaced persons, especially those displaced by war, disease, violence, manmade disasters and natural disasters. On 6 December 2013, seventeen countries in Africa, including Swaziland, ratified the Kampala Convention.


Acting UL Provost Appointed


Authorities at the state owned University of Liberia or UL, say Dr. Walter Wiles has been appointed as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs and provost, over a month after faculty and students demanded the resignation of Dr. Vede Elliott Brownell from the post. The Vice President for UL Relations, Dr. S. Momolu Getaweh confirmed Dr. Wiles’ appointment on Monday in an interview with the Focus Newspaper. In an official release issued by the university under the signature of Dr. Getaweh, the Board of Trustees announced that regular activities at the institution resumed Monday, December 9, 2013 on all campuses of the university.


Autopsy For Fayiah Gbollie


Police authorities in Monrovia say they have taken the corpse of the gruesomely murdered politician Sahr Fayiah Gbollie to an undisclosed funeral home in Monrovia, pending an autopsy. Mr. Gbollie, a Former Presidential Candidate during the 1997 ECOWAS-sponsored special election won by the now war crime convict former President Charles Taylor, was reportedly found dead on Friday, 6 December at his residence on the back road of Congo Town outside Monrovia. Eyewitnesses narrated that they only discovered the dead body of Gbollie, hours after his two kids, ages 7 and 11, had left for school. Police spokesman Sam Collins could not say whether local or international doctors will perform said autopsy, but assured that it will be performed professionally. The late Gbollie was the Standard Bearer for the Free Democratic Party or FDP, among 13 presidential candidates who contested for the Presidency, theFOCUS  newspaper writes.


Lavalah Calls For Unity To Fight Corruption


The News newspaper reports that an Anti-Corruption Youth Advocate, Founder and Executive Director of the Youth Exploring Solutions, Mr. Stephen Lavalah has called for a united front among Liberians in the fight against corruption. Speaking on Monday, in Kakata, Margibi County, when he served as keynote speaker at the indoor program marking the celebration of the 2013 International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD), Mr. Lavalah said corruption continues to affect all segments of society and therefore stressed the need for all Liberians to come together to fight this menace.