Daily Media Summary 2018-09-12

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The US$2.5 Billion Deal Sealed between the Government of Liberia and the People’s Republic of China for development purposes and the ongoing Contempt Charges against Human Rights Lawyer Gongloe are Headlines toping today’s edition of our news summary.  

Others stories include news about a joint border patrol between the government of Liberia and its Ivorian counterpart; President Weah’s assurance of fruitful meeting at the recent FOCAC summit in China and the training of 60 community forest monitors through the EU non-state actors project; the volunteers to support international efforts in developing Africa. (VOSIEDA).


US$ 2.5 Billion Deal Sealed With China…Landmark Roads, Electricity Insight


A front page story of the Heritage newspaper reads that the Liberian Government through the Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning ( MFDP) Samuel Tweah says it has signed a US$ 2.5 Billion Mineral Swap Arrangement Project with the Government of the People’s Republic of China, According to Minister Tweah, the Project is not a loan agreement, but rather it is a means through which China will take mineral resources from Liberia in exchange of roads and electricity development in the country. Minister Teah made the disclosure on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at the Ministry of Information cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) regular press briefing in Monrovia. The Press briefing was basically aimed at giving highlights of President George Manneh Weah’s official visit to China recently where he attended the 2018 edition of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).


Related Caption:Liberia Signs US$2.5 Billion Agreement(New Dawn), Liberia, China In US$2.5bn Natural Resources Swap….Several Roads To Be Rehabilitated, Paved (The Inquirer),Liberia Eyes Natural Resources for Cash Deal with Chinese Company US$2.5 billion (FrontPage Africa), Resources Swapped for US$2.5BN ( In Profile )


Gongloe, Others Plead For Mercy

The Inquirernewspaper is reporting that the lawyers representing Amos Brosius, Cllr. Taiwon Gongloe and others pleaded for mercy after the intervention of other lawyers yesterday at the commercial court of Monrovia. Cllr. Gongloe and others of the Gongloe and Gongloe Associates whose client has been involved in discussing the case outside of the court were recently served a writ of arrest for contempt of court to appear before Judge Eva Mappy Morgan. According to Judge Eva Mappy Morgan, Gongloe and other contempt charges resulted from their declined by an agreement, that the party to the case should not discuss the case outside of the court until the final judgment of the case is made.


Related Caption: Commercial Court Pauses Contempt Charges Against Human Rights Lawyer Gongloe, (FrontPage Africa), Cllr. Gongloe, Others Beg for Mercy,(In Profile), Judge swaps contempt by insults (New Dawn)



Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire Conduct Joint Patrols


The joint security of Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire has successfully concluded patrols of River Gee and Maryland Counties inside Liberia. According to a press release, the patrols are in continuation of efforts aimed at increasing confidence between security forces and border communities and increasing intra/cross-border cooperation and peaceful co-existence within the two Countries. The release says the patrols are designed to prevent illegal entry of people, arms, drugs, and other substances. The exercises are also intended to promote peace, improve security, build trust and confidence amongst border security personnel and communities of both Liberia and Cote d’ Ivoire. The patrols included Police officers, Immigration officers, and Drug Enforcement Agents and National Security personnel from the two Countries. The Liberian security team was led by the Director of Border Patrol at the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS), Col. Sarh Manasseh Felee, while the Ivorian team was headed by Commander SGTIA Grabo, Capt. Arsene Zaoly. The joint security of Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire has successfully concluded patrols of River Gee and Maryland Counties inside Liberia. According to a press release, the patrols are in continuation of efforts aimed at increasing confidence between security forces and border communities and increasing intra/cross-border cooperation and peaceful co-existence within the two Countries. The release says the patrols are designed to prevent illegal entry of people, arms, drugs, and other substances, reports theNew Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption:Liberian, Ivorian Securities Conduct Joint Border Patrols, (In Profile Daily), Liberian, Ivorian Securities Conduct Joint Border Patrols(The Heritage)

Weah Speaks Positive of China trip…. Says Liberia Stands to Benefit.

President George Manneh Weah has positively of China and the benefits Liberian stand to accrue with specific reference to the US$ 54 million grant and other largesse soon to be revealed. According to the Heritage newspaper, President Weah termed as successful for the country’s recovery process his visit to China in terms of the gains made in the areas of re-strengthening its relations with china as well as its support for Agriculture, roads, health and technology under the government’s pro-poor agenda. China offered a US$ 54 million grants to Liberia for the construction of two overhead bridges, while $20 millions in food aid. The President made the comments Sunday, September 9, 2018 at the Roberts International Airport upon his return from China where he joined other African leaders at the 2018 edition of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).


EU Non State Actor’s Project Concludes Training of 60 Community Forest Monitors

Amidst continuous efforts to promote accountability and transparence in forest governance, the volunteers to support international efforts in developing Africa. (VOSIEDA) has completed training of 60 community forest monitors (CFMs) in Lofa, Gbarpolu, and Sinoe Counties. Trainings of beneficiaries were drawn from cross section of community forest management bodies (CFMBS), Community Forest Development Committee (CFDCs), and CSOs including youth and women groups. According to a publication in the Heritage newspaper, the month long training which commenced July 17, 2018 is part of ongoing efforts by the EDU and local partners to strengthen the capacity of non-state actors (NSA) in forest governance.


Senator Yallah Submits Bill to Divide County for the Creation of ‘Bong Range County’

It had been all about rumors until Senator Henry Yallah of Bong County Tuesday, September 11, submitted a bill seeking the division of Bong County to the Senate. Sen. Yallah, in his proposed bill, wants another county created out of Bong County to be named and styled, “Bong Range County.” Bong County is one of the most populated Counties in Liberia. It comes second to Nimba and third to Montserrado Counties, which is the first and most populated in the country at the moment. Some citizens hailing from Bong County have joined their Senator’s wish to divide the county adding that the separation is necessary in order to bring more developments to Lower Bong, an area that has been marginalized. He cited the major developments in Upper Bong such as Cuttington University, Phebe and C.B. Dunbar Hospitals, the Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI) and the Bong County Technical College. Lower Bong, he said, has Bong Mines Hospital and Tumutu Vocational Institute. In addition, FrontPage Africa writes.


Gov’t Increases Health Workers, Doctors’ Salary

The Government of Liberia (GOL) has added 2000 Health workers to its payroll as a means of strengthening the country’s Health Care Delivery System. Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel D. Tweah told a news Conference yesterday at the Ministry of Information that the 2000 Health Workers were added to the Government’s Payroll by directive of President George Weah. Minister Tweah noted that the President’s directive is an indication of his serious concern for the expansion and strengthening of the country’s Health Care Delivery System. At the same time, Minister Tweah has disclosed that the Government of Liberia (GOL) has increased the salary of medical doctors. He said despite budgetary constraints, President George Weah is seriously concerned about the welfare of medical doctors and all Liberians, the Inquirer newspaper.


Several Houses Risk Demolition In Monrovia  As MPW Embarks on Pavement of Roads in Various Communities Soon

 The Ministry of Public Works (MPW) has announced the pavement of major roads in Monrovia and other communities. Speaking at the Ministry of Information special press briefing after his return from the recent FOCAC Conference held in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), Public Works Minister Mobutu F. Nyepan, name the Chocolate City, Bishop Michael, Pipeline community, VOA Community, Tusa field community, Patience Shop, R2 Community, Dry Rice Market, AB Tolbert, St. Francis, Police Academy, Banjor Community, and the Johnsonville Dry Rice market roads as some of the roads which will be paved. The Public Works Minister puts the cost of the pavement Project at over US75Millions. According to him, feasibility study has already been done concerning the project, Insight newspaper reads.


ECOWAS Radio Station to cover 15 Member States the regional radio in Monrovia, Liberia is expected to cover all Member Countries of the of Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS)

TheInsight newspaper states by 2022. During that period, the production and broadcasting of programmes in English, French and Portuguese will become a reality. it was recommended the by 2020, the coverage of the radio and broadcasting of Programme in three ECOWAS official languages should be effective in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde. The projects will continue in 2021 in five other countries and will be completed in 2022 with the remaining four countries.


Businessman Builds Vocational School

A local business in Ganta, Nimba County, has begun the construction of  a 15-classroom vocational school in BuuYao, District #5, Nimba County, for citizens of the district and the Nimbaians in general. The institution is named:“Buu-Yao Education Foundation (BYEF).  Mr. Dahn A. Harris, in an INSTIGHT Interview recently puts the cost of the project at USD$70,000.00. According to him, the project, when completed, will help to bring much needed educational reforms in the Education sector of Liberia.





LOIC Launches Strategy Plan for Youth Empowerment

A story in theFrontPage Africa newspaper reports, the Liberia Opportunities Industrialization Center Incorporated (LOIC) has launched a five-year strategic plan for youth empowerment in the country. The launch took place on Tuesday, September 11 at the main campus of the LOIC in New Matadi, Sinkor. Giving the overview of the initiative, the Chairman of the LOIC Board of Directors, Joseph K. Duwor said the development is a five-year plan that will commence in 2019 and ends 2023. He said that it will place emphasis and focus on youth empowerment and workforce development. “The Liberian chapter, LOIC was established in 1977 for youth empowerment and workforce development. It has the velocity of workforce development, empowering youth especially, the disadvantaged youth,” he said. Director Duwor added that LOIC has empowered about 60,000 Liberians youth through vocational education and other disciplines since its existence throughout the country. He also mentioned that the LOIC is only operating in four counties: Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount and Bong due to lack of funding.