The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Daily Media Summary 2018-08-23

Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of President George Manneh Weah’s proclamation declaring Friday, August 24, 2018 as National Flag Day to be observed throughout the Republic as a National Holiday, The Ministry of Commerce assurance to the citizens of Liberia that there is no plastic rice on the market and the launch of the water bills payment scheme, using mobile money platform for customers by Lonestar Cell MTN and the Government of Liberia through the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation are among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.




Friday Is National Flag Day


The New Dawnnewspaper reports that the President of the Republic of Liberia His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, has by proclamation declared Friday, August 24, 2018 as National Flag Day to be observed throughout the Republic as a National Holiday.The proclamation is in consonance with an Act of the legislature approved on October 25, 1915 by the National Legislature of the Republic of Liberia declaring the 24th Day of August of each year as “National Flag Day” to be observed as a National Holiday.The day, which is in observance of the historic event when the National Flag was designed and produced by a committee of ladies led by Mrs. Susannah Lewis which signifies the importance as Africa’s Pacesetter in the struggle for self-determination and inspiration to future African States. The proclamation calls on the Ministry of Education and all other government agencies concern to design programs befitting the day and that all citizens of the Republic, foreign residents within the border to give prominence to the observance of the Day throughout the Republic by flying the National Flag from each dwelling and public building, and that all government offices, public and business houses be closed on this Day.


Related Captions: Tomorrow Is National Flag Day(Heritage), President Weah Declares Friday National Flag Day(The INQUIRER)


Commerce Ministry Dispels Rumors Of Plastic Rice On The Liberian Market

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) says based on its investigation there is no plastic rice in the country contrary to rumor about the importation of plastic rice to the Liberian market. But addressing journalists at the Ministry of Commerce Wednesday, August 22 Minister Wilson Tarpeh said upon hearing the information about the sale of alleged plastic rice, MOCI intensified its control mechanism to verify the information. Following an investigation, Minister Tarpeh urged the public to rest assured that there is no plastic rice in the country, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: MoCI Investigates ‘Plastic Rice’ Video(Daily Observer), Related Captions: Beware of Plastic Rice commerce Warns Public(The INQUIRER)


Lonestar Cell MTN, LWSC Launch Water Bill Payment

The Lonestar Cell MTN in partnership with the Government of Liberia through the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) launches water bills payment scheme, using mobile money platform for customers. The Company says the launch will create an opportunity, and give customers courage in paying their water bills to the LWSC at their confort, without the stress of going to the bank or standing in long queues to make payment. LWSC Managing Director Duannah A. Kamara expresses delight over the initiative between his entity and the Lonestar Cell family, saying this project is a unique one and “I’m very much delighted because it eases tension of for valuable customers”.MD Kamara notes the launch is a clear beginning of change in Liberia that if “we can take our process to the people, we can make more money, because if we sit at the office and think that customers will go for bills then it is impossible, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: LWSC, Lonestar Cell MTN Partner for Bill Payment via Mobile Money(Daily Observer), LoneStar Cell MTN, Water Corporation Launch Mobile Money Utility Bill Payment(FrontPage Africa)


Commerce Official Encourages Honesty, Sincerity Among Students

Assistant Commerce and Industry Minister for Central Administration has urged students and recent graduates of the Booker Washington Institute (BWI), who participated in a business development plan training, to cultivate the act of honesty and sincerity in their daily activities. Asst. Minister Alphonso Kwiah said without honesty and sincerity, the students would find it difficult and if not, impossible to reach their goals in life. He spoke at week-long business development plan training for graduating seniors and recent graduates of BWI supported and conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Liberia in collaboration with the Booker Washington Institute and the Ministry of Commerce. The project is being piloted under the Business Opportunities Support Services Project (BOSS) of UNDP Liberia, as a follow-up activity to the Business development plan competition launched in June this year for students of BWI, reads the In Profile Daily.


Related Captions:  Commerce Official Encourages Honesty, Sincerity among Students(Heritage), Commerce Official Encourages Honesty, Sincerity among Students(FrontPage Africa)




Lewis Brown Recalled As Liberia's Permanent Representative To The United Nations


President George Manneh Weah has recalled the Liberia’s Representative to the United Nations. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Ambassador Lewis Brown was notified of his recall in a letter dated Monday, August 20, 2018 and signed by Foreign Minister Gbehzongar M. Findley. “I take this opportunity to thank you for your invaluable services to Liberia as well as your laudable representation of the country to the United Nations.” Minister Findley said in the communication. Mr. Brown acknowledged the Minister’s letter and in a communication dated Tuesday, August 21, 2018, the Ambassador thanked the government for giving him a chance to serve for the past seven months. The daily reads that Executive Mansion in a statement Wednesday announced Mr. Dee Maxwell Kemayah, Sr. as Brown’s replacement.


Weah Makes Additional Appointments in Government

President George Weah has made additional appointments in Government affecting the Center for Agriculture Research Institute (CARI), Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation, Liberia Intellectual Property, and the Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA). The Heritage newspaper reads that these appointments are subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate where applicable.


FIU, NLA Collaborate On Anti-Terrorism Financing

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) which foremost objective is working to deter money laundering and counter financing of terrorism in Liberia has collaborated with the National Lottery Authority (NLA) with both institutions issuing a joint circular to prevent fraudulent financial transaction in the gamming sector. According to the six-page document issued August 17, 2018 by the two institutions, activities imbedded in the policy document include risk assessment of casinos and other entities operating in the gaming sector, the separation of businesses from owners mainly parent entities,  the Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Combating Financing Terrorism (CFT) Compliance Program, and reporting Obligation to Detect Suspicious Transaction that may be related to financial transaction linked to the commission of a money laundering offence. Others include Procedure for submitting Currency Transaction Report (CTR), writes the Heritage newspapers.


Related Caption: Anti-Terrorism Financing Combated(In Profile Daily)


Several Feared Dead In Margibi As Canoe Capsizes

At least 10 persons were reportedly drowned on August 22, 2018, while six others have been rescued, according to a report from the Liberia News Agency (LINA) the incident occurred Wednesday afternoon at the Manawhala Crossing-point located at the back of the Dolo Town Health Center, near Firestone, Lower Margibi County, while the victims were making their way to the other end of the creek in a locally-made canoe. Quoting the LINA release, the Daily Observer reads that the canoe was transporting 16 people to Unification Town (Smell-No-Taste) when it capsized due to rough and aggressive water current that swept toward the rising tide, which eventually submerged the canoe.


Related Caption: 9 Persons Missing-After Canoe Capsized In Margibi(The New Dawn)


PUL To Hold Two Day Retreat For National Media Council

Media Council: cases it has mediated involving possible defamation action against media entities. Day one of the National Media Council Retreat will focus on strengthening prompt and speedy mediations of issues arising from journalism in Liberia; discussing low points to refresh ethical deposition in the spirit of good To help enhance the professional output of the National Media Council, the Press Union of Liberia and its partner Internews/USAID will on Friday, August 24, 2018 commence a two-day retreat on Alternative Disputes Resolution. According to a PUL release, the event will review the activities of the National journalism, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.


Liberia To Hold Spiritual Cleansing Summit 2019

A five-day Spiritual and Cleansing Summit for Liberia involving the entire religious community is being planned under the auspices of the Office of the Religious Advisor to the President, Rev. M. Emmanuel Nimely. The Spiritual Summit stemmed from a revelation through the inspiration of the Lord Jesus Christ since 2009 to beseech God’s intervention for the peace, security and reconciliation o the entire country. During a meeting with religious leaders Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the strategy and implementation plans for the Summit, Rev. Nimely said the objective is to present the nation Liberia and its people to God and to pray for repentance, the INQUIRER newspaper reports. 


Following “Deaths” Of three School Going Children”VirginiaTownshipCommissioner, Others Dedicate New Bridge

A new bridge linking Virginia Waterside Community to Red Hill Field, outside Monrovia has been dedicated in District 17, Montserrado County, following the death of several school going age children in the area. The bridge was dedicated at a ceremony held on Wednesday August 22, 2018 by Virginia Township Miatta Flower, and the District Representative Hanson Kiazulu. It can be recalled that sometimes ago, the Virginia Waterside Community Bridge collapsed leaving scores of resident stranded in the community, the Heritage newspaper reports.


MCC To Indulge In Waste To Energy, Plastic Recycling

Amid the mounting financial and logistical challenges to rid the City of Monrovia of garbage, the Mayor, Mr. Jefferson Koijee, has disclosed plans to expand the City Corporation’s revenue generation through value addition in waste sector for cost recovery, capital investment growth, and sustainability. This, he said, would be done through plastic recycling and the conversion from waste to energy. He made the disclosure in an interview with this paper. Disclosing his plans and vision for the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC), Koijee said he would govern the city government by the motto of the MCC – “To keep Monrovia clean, green and save”. According to him, his administration has put together a team to assist him to run and manage the MCC. “We developed a 180-day quick impact inception work plan for Monrovia City Corporation-March 1 to August 21, 2018. Heritage writes.


Smart Liberia Educational Sector Sends 12 Students For Foreign Study

Twelve Liberian students are expected to depart the country to further their education in several top universities in the United States and Europe. According to the Executive Director of Smart Liberia, Marvin R. Trawally, the program to expand the knowledge of the next generation of Liberian leaders, will help improve the education sector following their return to the country. Smart Liberia is an organization (social venture) that’s equipping promising young Liberians with the skills and opportunities to create social change and lead meaningful lives in their communities and beyond, reads the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

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