Daily Media Summary 2018-04-24

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia





The Presidential Proclamation issued declaring April 25 as “World Malaria Day”; Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor’s recent visit to Nigeria to meet with her Nigerian counterpart Professor Yemi Osinbajo and the United Nations Development Program’s donation of US$30,000 worth of equipment to the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the UL are among stories highlighted in today’s edition of our daily media summary.



Wednesday Is World Malaria Day

The New Dawn newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release: President George Manneh Weah, has, by proclamation, declared Wednesday, April 25, 2018, as "World Malaria Day," and is to be observed throughout the Republic as a Working Holiday. According to the Proclamation, April 25, 2018 is the 11th World Malaria Day, which will be celebrated under the global theme: "Ready to beat Malaria," and the local slogan "Everywhere, Every Night, Sleep under the Net." Accord to therelease, the Government of the Republic of Liberia, realizing the significance of protecting the wellbeing of its citizens and foreign residents, has ratified the Convention on the Right of the Child to good health and nutrition and, as a member of the World Health Organization (WHO), will join other global health partners in supporting all health programs to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC). President Weah has requested the Ministry of Health and other Government Agencies, as well as International Organizations concerned to initiate and execute programs to make the occasion meaningful. The President further said in his Proclamation that continued investment in malaria control will propel malaria-endemic countries along the path to achieving the targets of Global Malaria Technical Strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals, especially those relating to improving child survival and maternal health, eradicating extreme poverty and expanding access to education.


Related Caption: Tomorrow is ‘World Malaria Day’…To Be Observed As Working Holiday (Heritage)



2.6m Mosquito Nets To Be Distributed

Plan International through its implementing partner Starks Foundation is due to commence distribution of 2.6 million mosquito nets in the 15 counties here this Thursday, 26 April to reduce the prevalence of malaria. At the start of a two - day workshop Monday, 23 April for supervisors and mosquito nets distributors, Plan International Deputy Chief of Party Mr. Emmanuel R. Konoe said over 4,000 volunteers and supervisors are being trained simultaneously in the 15 counties for the distribution. According to Mr. Konoe, distributing mosquito nets is just an event, but one of the challenges faced is the usage. He says they are conducting the two - day workshop ahead of the distribution to train participants to serve as ambassadors in helping to encourage the end users to sleep under the nets and not use them for other purposes. According to Mr. Konoe, mosquito nets will be given to those who have been issued tickets at specified centers, adding that they will not move from one house to another, according the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: Ahead Of Distribution of Mosquito Nets Several Undergo Training (Heritage)


Vice President Howard-Taylor Meets Nigerian Counterpart; Stresses Youth Empowerment

The Vice President of Liberia, Her Excellency Madam Jewel Howard-Taylor has held closed-door talks with the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency Professor Yemi Osinbajo. A press release from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja says the meeting between the two Vice Presidents was held at the Aso Rock Presidential Villa in Abuja on Monday, April 23, 2018. Liberia’s Ambassador to Nigeria and Permanent Representative to ECOWAS, Professor Al-Hassan Conteh, accompanied the Liberian Vice President and delegation to the Presidential Villa. According to the release, Vice President Howard-Taylor, on behalf of the Liberian Government, thanked her Nigerian counterpart for his country’s warmth reception accorded President George Manneh Weah and entourage during his recent two-day state visit here, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: VP Howard-Taylor Meets Nigeria Counterpart…Stresses Youth Empowerment (Heritage)


12th Graders Salute President Weah

President George Manneh Weah has reaffirmed his government’s commitment to ensuring quality and improved learning for Liberian students.  Improving the quality and standard of education and easing the burden on students, mainly 12th graders formed integral part of President Weah’s campaign message. The same was reiterated in his inaugural address as the 24th President of the country.  The President spoke Friday, April 21, 2018 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when a group of 12th graders from various high schools paid him a courtesy call, to show appreciation for underwriting their WASSCE fees. The Liberian Leader thanked the students; whose action reflected the biblical character of the one leper who returned to Jesus to thank Him (Jesus) for healing him. The President urged the students to remain courageous and committed to their education sojourn, as his government is prepared and determined to improve the education sector of Liberia. He added that if students are to achieve their educational quest and make meaningful contributions to the development of their country, they have to remain steadfast in learning,” reports the Heritage newspaper.


Related Caption: 12th Graders Salute President Weah; Reaffirms Commitment to Quality Education (FrontPage Africa)


UNDP Donates US$30K Equipment To University Of Liberia

As part of support to institutions in the Liberia, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has presented equipment worth US$30,000 to the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia. The equipment, according to UL, is the UNDP own way of helping to refurbish the Legal Aid Clinic of the Law school. "The Legal Aid Clinic is aimed at strengthening clinical legal education as well as providing basic but important legal aid services and advice to socially disadvantaged groups on a wide-range of legal issues," UL Vice President for Public Affair, Atty. Norris Tweah said in a communication. According to Tweah, the facility will also afford law students the opportunity to put theory into practical at an early stage in their legal career. Equipment presented include, a 15KVA generator, computers, an executive desk, air-conditioners, computer accessories, desktops and many others. The legal aid clinic is expected to be run by law students with supervision from the law school faculty. Making the presentation on behalf of UNDP, the Rule of Law Adviser of UNDP, Mr. Maarten Barends, assured that the UN agency will fully support the refurbishment of the Legal Aid Clinic, pens the FrontPage Africa newspaper.



Liberia’s Forest Authority Heralds Campaign To End Deforestation

The Forestry Development Authority (FDA) says operation within some high carbon sites is causing risk to the country’s natural reserve, depleting the forest and scaring away wild lives and other species. Apart from danger caused by their operations, FDA says Liberia loses huge sum of money meant to benefit citizens when farmers cut down big tress without replanting and when logging companies ignore reforestation. Deforestation is reportedly creating a negative impact on the country’s forest reserved. The size of forest, according to FDA, might not be able to absorb the content of greenhouse gases which are dangerous to the atmosphere, the FrontPage Africa newspaper reports.



A French Investors Meet Transport Minister Prospect For Air Liberia Resuscitation High

According to the In Profile Daily, a high powered French business delegation from Toulouse, Southern France based Turboprobo Aircraft manufacturers, ATR on Wednesday, April 18 met with Liberia’s Transport Minister, Mr. Samuel A. Wlue. According to Transport Ministry release, the delegation which was headed by the head of Airline and Marketing, Mr. Tarek Ben Omarane, also met with the Managing Director of the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA) and Mr. Wil Bako Freeman and the Director General of the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority (LCAA). According to the daily, briefing Minister Wlue and officials of the Liberian Government, Mr. Omarane disclosed that the French delegation’s visit was intended to explore investment opportunities, specifically in the aviation sector. 



Sime Darby Expresses Regrets

Sime Darby Plantation Berhad, has expressed regret about the incident that occurred few months ago at its operational site that led to the torturing of a young man, who reportedly had stolen palm from the company’s plantation. “SDP would like to express our regret that the General Manager of SDPL was unable to disclose the details of the video during the course of the hearing as requested by the House of Representatives, the statement issued in Monrovia over the weekend said. The Management of Sime Darby Plantation Liberia (SDPL) has been charged with contempt by the House of Representatives for deliberately refusing to provide a clear explanation to the body on recent alleged manhandling of a Liberian on the premises of the entity, reports New Dawn newspaper