Daily Media Summary 2018-01-17

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr. Bhofal Chambers, on his second day sitting, constituting an 8-person committee to look at the rules and orders of the House; President-elect George Weah promising to take some giant steps in the educational sector and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, admitting the US Ambassador Ms. Christine Elder into one of Liberia’s respected Orders are among stories topping today’s local dailies in Monrovia.



Chambers Takes On First Task-Appoints Ad-Hoc Committee To Review ‘Rules, Regulations And Procedures’

The FrontPage Africa newspaper says a day after his election as Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr. Bhofal Chambers has appointed an eight-man committee to review the new ‘Rules, Regulation and Procedures’ of the House of Representatives. Dr. Chambers made the appointment during the 2nd day sitting of the 54th Legislature, on Tuesday, January 16, and mandated them to report on Tuesday, January 23, 2018. Members of the Ad-Hoc Committee include Gbarpolu County Rep. Kanie A. Wesso, Chairman; Montserrado County District #4 Rep. Rustonly Suacoco Dennis, Co-chairman and Rivercess County District #1 Rep. Rosanna Schaack, Secretary General. Other members are Montserrado County District #6 Rev. Samuel Enders; Montserrado County District #8 Rep. Acarous Gray; Maryland County District #3 Rev. Dr. Isaac Roland; Margibi County District #5  Rep. Clarence  Garr and Lofa County District #2 Rep. Julie Wiah.


Related Captions: Speaker, Chambers Appoints Review Committee (The New Dawn), New Speaker Picks Committee to Review House Rules (Daily Observer)


Weah Vows Giant Steps

Liberia's President-elect George Manneh Weah has vowed to take giant steps toward the rebuilding process of Liberia's educational system, having recounted the impact of the 15 years of civil war had on the sector and the huge demand for qualified teachers. "H.E. Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has done her part and we are committed to doing more with giant steps!" the former Liberian international soccer legend-turned politician Mr. Weah says in Monrovia during observance of ECOWAS Human Rights Day on 16 January. President - elect Weah says he agrees that the denial of access to education is indeed a human rights violation, and argues further that the inability of any child to access education because of the absence of school, sub - standard school or high cost of schooling constitute a denial of the child's right to education. Mr. Weah says he hopes and trusts that Liberia's partners in ECOWAS and the international community will give their unflinching support, lamenting that the vast majority of the institutions of learning here lack science labs, libraries and textbooks; though he says they are crucial to the learning process. The New dawn newspaper reads that President-elect Weah made the statement at the ECOWAS Human Rights Day event where he acknowledged the huge demand for qualified teachers and professors for Liberian schools, vocational institutions and universities.


Related Caption: Weah Promises Steps to Improve Youth Education (Daily Observer)


President Sirleaf Admits U.S. Ambassador Elder Into Star Of Africa

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that President Sirleaf has admitted United States Ambassador to Liberia, Her Excellency Ms. Christine Elder, into the Star of Africa, with a Grade of Knighthood, for her invaluable services in improving already existing bilateral relations between Liberia and the United States of America. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the statement over the weekend in the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She recognized the immense contributions and support of Ambassador Christine A. Elder and for tirelessly working for the good of the two countries which brought boost to the developmental agenda of the Liberian nation. Receiving the honor, the United States Envoy noted that she was humbly receiving the honor from President Sirleaf and the Liberian people with deepest respect and admiration.


Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf admits U.S. Amb. Elder into the Star of Africa (The New Dawn)


Jewel of Africa

The New Dawn newspaper reads that the President of the African Development Bank, Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina, has described President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as a “Jewel of Africa”. Dr. Adesina made the remarks on Monday when he was admitted into the Order of the Star of Africa, with the Grade of Grand Band during a Special Investiture Ceremony at the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dr. Adesina acknowledged the strong leadership of President and reflected on her many achievements ranging from debt relief, rebuilding of destroyed infrastructures, women’s empowerment, agricultural development, sound fiscal management, promotion of basic freedoms and the rule of law amongst others.”Those who water others will always be watered. Those who bless other will always be blessed,” pointed out Dr. Adesina. He assured Liberia and Liberians that the African Development Bank will remain supportive of Liberia’s development effort and will continue its engagement with the new administration of President-elect George Manneh Weah.


Related Caption: “You Are A Jewel Of Africa” AFDB President Tells Ellen As He Receives State Honor From Her (Heritage)


LACC Wants Weah Declare Assets

The Acting Chair of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) Cllr. Augustine Toe, has called on President-elect George Manneh Weah to take the lead to declare his assets as required under the Code of Conduct. Speaking on the Prime Morning Drive show (Prime Communications Network or Prime FM) on Tuesday, Cllr. Toe said it is important that President-elect Weah tells the Liberian people his financial worth when he takes office. “When Weah declares his assets, he will send a strong message to the Liberian people that he is committed to fighting corruption”, Cllr. Toe stated. The Daily Observer reads that Section 10.2 of the Code of Conduct states that every public official in the three branches of government must declare their assets. Unfortunately, most public officials ignore the law. Asset declaration, Cllr. Toe added, is a major tool in the fight against corruption because it tracks what people brought into government and what they acquired during their public service. The law requires that people declare assets when they are leaving government, a process that will be monitored by an Ombudsman.


Related Caption: Weah, Jewel Must Declare Their Assets-LACC Demands (The New Dawn)


CBLTo Host National Payment Systems Stakeholders Forum

The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), in collaboration with stakeholders in the financial sector, will host a National Payment Systems Stakeholders Forum in Monrovia on Thursday, January 18, 2018. CBL’s Executive Governor, Milton A. Weeks, said: “In a move to reform the National Payments System so as to bring it in line with international standards, the strategy of the Central Bank of Liberia is to educate the Liberian Public about the payment systems modernization initiatives, thereby creating popular support for it”.  According to the Daily Observer, in addition to its legislative responsibility to promote and maintain monetary stability, efficient financial system, and issue legal currencies and coins, the Central Bank of Liberia is also mandated in Part 11, Article 2 of “The New Payments System Law of Liberia” to establish and designate systems to provide safe and efficient mechanisms for payments, clearing and settlement, including the settlement of securities as a means of promoting efficiency and stability in the financial system of Liberia.


Related Caption: CBL Hosts National Payment System Stakeholders’ Forum (Heritage)


 2 Drug Smugglers Arrested at RIA, 1 Carrying Cocaine Pellets in Stomach

The Liberia Narcotics Control Bureau, otherwise known as the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA), has intercepted and arrested two foreigners at the Roberts International Airport (RIA), foiling a massive drug deal destined for the country during the inaugural parties, one of the illegal substance conveyors has admitted. According to the Daily Observer, the LDEA had put all of its machinery into action on the eve of the October 10 presidential and legislative elections – up to the December 26 presidential runoff election – when drugs are widely used in rave parties. Acting on this task, the RIA Zonal Unit of the LDEA had put all of its focus on the foreigners coming to the country through the airport to reportedly supply some of the illegal substances. One of the two foreigners, a 25-year old Nigerian identified as Friday Samuel Mbah, was trying to smuggle into Liberia 23 capsules of pure cocaine in his stomach when he was intercepted on January 13 at the RIA by on duty LDEA agents. Meanwhile, an X-ray report showed at least two more pellets inside Mbah’s stomach. He was arrested and held at the medical facility until the drugs were removed from his system. It was not clear if the suspect allegedly ingested the drugs before or after his flight to Liberia.


Carter Center Holds Mano River Union Traditional Women Peace Conference
Over 200 women from the Mano River countries have met in Nimba County for a 3-day conference aimed at preventing conflict and sustaining peace in the union. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Chiefs, elders and women from Sierra Leone, Guinea, La Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia conference is supported by Carter Center, USAID and Sweden. The head of Liberia Crusaders of Peace, Ambassador Julie Endee, said there is need for violence prevention and the relevance of Liberia ‘Kukartornon’ peace festival in Guinea, La Côte d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone. Kukartonon is a Liberian dialect -Kpelle word meaning “We are one.” The Chief of Party at Carter Center, Pewee Flomoku, appreciated the donors adding that they are happy to work with women on grounds that more women make over half of the population in the world. “We at Carter Center- Access to Justice are interested in empowering women for peace,” he said. Topics discussed included the role of justice and good governance in dispute resolution and conflict prevention, traditional women’s role in ensuring smooth border security, and how can traditional women use traditional mechanism to foster peace and security along MRU borders.


FCA, AFELL Hold Dialogue on Criminal Justice System

According to the Daily Observer, a thorough review of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) in three of the 15 counties will take place at a national dialogue in Monrovia today, Wednesday, January 17, 2018. The dialogue is an initiative of the Finn Church Aid (FCA) in partnership with the Rural Human Rights Activists Program (RHRAP) and the Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL). The daily says the conference, which focuses on CJS situations in Bong, Lofa and Nimba counties, will be held at the iCampus, my Market Place Building, a statement said Tuesday. The gathering is accordingly intended to solicit recommendations, build coalition and consensus to promote and protect the rule of law and fundamental human rights of community residents.