Daily Media Summary 2017-12-28

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s summary includes stories on the Presidential Run-off election, ECOWAS and AU calls on political leaders to accept electoral results and the closure of the 53rd National Legislature today.

ECOWAS, AU Pleased With Run-off

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union (AU) Election Observers team say the December 26, Run-off Election polling process up to the counting process of the votes was free, fair, peaceful and transparent. The two observer groups at a joint news conference in Monrovia yesterday noted that although there were some minor irregularities as in any elections process was held in an atmosphere characterized by fairness and transparency. The two observer groups at a joint news conference in Monrovia yesterday noted that although there were some minor irregularities as in any elections, the run-off elections, the run-off election process was held in an atmosphere characterized by fairness, and transparency. Former Ghanaian President, John Dramani Mahama who Heads the ECOWAS Observer Team along with the head of the AU Observer Mission noted that the teams in their preliminary declaration observed that most of the Polling Places visited opened not later than 15 minutes after the official opening time of 8:00 a.m with an effective presence of representatives of both the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the Unity Party (UP) in all the polling places covered.

Related Caption: ‘Runoff Credible, Transparent’ (Daily Observer), and ‘Free, Fair and Transparent’ – ECOWAS Election Observation Mission Describes Liberia’s Runoff (FrontPage Africa)

ECOWAS Urges UP, CDC To Accept Results

The Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS) Elections Observer Mission here has urged both incumbent Vice President Joseph N. Boakai and Senator George Weah, the two candidates in the 26 December Presidential runoff to accept the will of the Liberian people. “The Mission appeals to candidates to gracefully accept the will of the people and in the event of genuine grievances, to gracefully accept the will of the people and in the event of genuine grievances, to resort exclusively to legal means to seek redress,” Head of ECOWAS Elections Mission and immediate past Ghanaian President Mr. John Dramani Mahama said Wednesday, 27 December in Monrovia, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Caption: “Accept The Will of the People”…ECOWAS Urges Runoff Candidates (Insight)

NEC Begins Announcing Run-off Results Today

The National Elections Commission (NEC) says it will today begin the announcement of provisional results of the 2017 Presidential Run-off. Tallying of ballot papers is ongoing in the various counties but NEC has not announced any official results of the runoff. The runoff was held on Tuesday, December 26, between Vice President of the governing Unity Party and Montserrado County Senator George Manneh Weah of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC). The NEC says tally of votes started on Tuesday across the country and it is continuing. Liberians are eagerly anticipating the provisional and final results of the Presidential Run-off Election in the coming days, pens the Inquirer newspaper.         

Related Caption: NEC Begins Announcing Runoff Results Today (Daily Observer)                                                                                                                                                                                                              Former Nigerian President Lauds Liberians for Peaceful, Orderly Elections

The Inquirer newspaper reports that Nigeria’s former President Goodluck Jonathan, and head of the National Democratic Institute (NDI), has lauded Liberians for turning out on Tuesday to vote. The head of the NDI in Liberia said the December 26, 2017 Presidential Run-off has indeed shown how Liberians have cherished to participate in a process that has set them with distinction and very credible as people in the West African National. Mr. Jonathan further said that at some areas, voting started late, while other places, voters had problems finding their names, but said, those irregularities were settled before the voting ended.

53rd Legislature Closes Today; 54th Seated In 11 Days

Today, the ‘Daily Sessions’ of the 6th Session of the House of Representatives and the Senate will come to an eventual end, which also terminates the ‘Daily Sessions’ of the 53rd Legislature. According to Rule 2 of the Rules and Procedures of the Legislature, Sessions are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m respectively, at which time roll call and votes are taken. Mondays and Wednesdays are set aside for Committee meetings, with Fridays set aside for constituency business. Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate should had their last Daily Sessions on Thursday, August 31, 2017, but President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf issued a Proclamation extending the 6th Session of the 53rd Legislature for a period of four months, beginning September 1 and ending on December 31. According to Article 32a of the 1986 Constitution and Rule 2.2 of the Rules and Procedures of both Houses, “The Legislature shall meet on the second working Monday of January, reports the Daily Observer.

BMMC Turns Over 200 Housing Units, School, Clinic to Kinjor Residents

In fulfillment of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) to the people of Grand Cape Mount County, particularly residents of the gold mining town of Kinjor, the Bea Mountain Mining Corporation (BMMC) has turned over 200 housing units to the citizens. The housing units, as well as a junior high school building and a well-furnished medical clinic, were presented at an elaborate ceremony over the weekend. Attended by key stakeholders, including the chief medical officer of Liberia, Dr. Francis Ketteh; Grand Cape Mount County Superintendent Tenneh Kpalegba along with her entourage of local leaders; Accountability Lab through its executive director, Lawrence Yealue, among several others, the event was historic in that the 5,000 residents of Kinjor were treated to their first ever medical facility. Making the presentation of the facilities as well as the town hall in which the event was held, the general manager of BMMC, Ozkah Umurhan, said the company is committed to making sure that all of its promises made to the national government and the local leadership of Grand Cape Mount County including the citizens of Kinjor are adequately accomplished, pens the Daily Observer.