Daily Media Summary 2017-12-22

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News of the ground breaking ceremony for the upgrading of the Gbarnga-Salayea highway project in Gbarnga by President Sirleaf in Bong County and the information provided on the country’s economy by the Governor of the Central Bank of Liberia, Mr. Milton A, Weeks are stories highlighted in today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.




Ellen Breaks Grounds For Gbarnga-Salayea Highway

newspaper reads that in continuation of her developmental initiatives throughout the country, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has broken grounds for the upgrading of the Gbarnga-Salayea highway project in Gbarnga, Bong County, Central Liberia. The Gbarnga-Salayea Highway is an eighty-one (81)-kilometer road that is expected to be constructed by a Chinese construction company, CHICO, which initially constructed the road linking Gbarnga and Ganta to the Guinean border. Giving an overview of the project, the Minster of Public Works, W. Gyude Moore, explains that the project is part of government’s commitment to improving the living conditions of citizens across the Country through the provision of roads connectivity. President Sirleaf pledges her commitment to working for the Liberian people up to her last day at the Executive Mansion, official home of the Liberian Presidency. Madam Sirleaf officially leaves office in January 2018.


Related Captions: Weah, Sirleaf Break Ground for “Boakai’s Project” (Daily Observer), For Gbarnga, Menekomah Road Construction: Ellen & Weah Break Grounds…Boakai, Lofa Legislators Were Absent (INSIGHT)


CBL Releases L$2.7B to Commercial Banks,…But Liquidity Crunch Persists

The Daily Observer reads that against the backdrop of rising public concern about the acute difficulty faced by the public at large to access cash from remittances through Western Union and MoneyGram as well as from individual deposits, the Governor of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), Milton Weeks, has disclosed that the CBL has provided an amount of L$2.7 billion roughly equivalent to US$21,259,842 to address the liquidity crunch. He says the amount, provided since last week is intended to contribute to economic growth and the livelihood of the banks’ clients. Governor Weeks further disclosed that as far as he was concerned there are no pending requests from commercial banks. He attributed the liquidity problem to what he described as a slight delay in the currency management process at the bank. Meanwhile, Governor Weeks says “despite challenges, the economy is on the path of a rebound; however, exchange rate and inflationary pressures persist in the wake of elections uncertainties, continuous high demand for foreign exchange to facilitate imports, infrastructural challenges, and other external factors, especially continued low trending in global commodity prices.


Related Captions: ‘CBL Admits Pressure On Economy’…Foresees Rebound In 2018 (INSIGHT), Central Bank of Liberia: Over US$449M Remitted Out of Liberia (FrontPage Africa), CBL Boss Speaks On State Of Economy (Heritage)




Supreme Court Upholds Dec. 26 Runoff Date

According to the Daily Observer, the Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the decision by the National Elections Commission (NEC) to set December 26 as the new date for the runoff election without consulting with the Legislature, and contrary to Unity Party’s contention. Delivering the majority decision, Chief Justice Korkpor said, the NEC is charged with the constitutional and statutory duty, mandate and responsibility to conduct all elections for elective public offices including the setting of the date of the runoff, and declaring its result without the intervention of the Legislature. “NEC has not violated any portion of the constitution for not consulting with the Legislature to set a new date for the runoff because they are not making a new law which is the responsibility of the legislature, rather, they were in full compliance with the constitution,” Korkpor declared. Addressing another contention that the NEC did not fully comply with the cleaning-up of the Final Registration Roll before setting the new date, Korkpor said the NEC has begun the cleaning up of the FRR as mandated by the court. On the argument that the NEC did not consult with the UP and the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) before setting the new date for the election, Justice Korkpor said, during the initial deliberation, the NEC, ECOWAS, UNDP and the political parties held joint discussion where they came up with the proposed workplan for the implementation of the court’s mandate. The daily says Associate Justice Kabineh Ja’neh disassociated himself from the four other justices, including Chief Justice Francis Saye Korkpor’s decision yesterday.


Related Caption: Liberia’s Supreme Court Trashes Unity Party Bill of Information (FrontPage Africa). At the same time the Liberian Senate has instructed the National Elections Commission to continue with the ongoing electoral exercise leading to the runoff poll on next Tuesday, December 26. The decision followed a motion filed by Grand Gedeh County Senator Alphonso Gaye, urging the Commission to adhere to the Supreme Court’s mandate and move on with electoral activities. The Liberian Senate last Tuesday summoned the Chairman of the National Elections Commission Cllr. Jerome G. Korkoya along with all commissioners of the NEC to explain how they intend cleaning the Final Registration Roll. A motion raised by Sen. Jonathan Kaipay of Grand Bassa County that relevant senate committees work with NEC to ensure the runoff is conducted in line with the Supreme Court mandate, was defeated and Sen. Gaye was asked to make a new motion, reports the New Dawn newspaper under the caption “Senate Clears NEC Boss”.


NDI International Election Observer Mission Arrives In Liberia

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) is fielding an international election observation mission for Liberia’s run-off presidential election scheduled for December 26, 2017. According to a press release, the delegation includes 36 political and civic leaders elections expects, and regional specialist from 18 countries across Africa, Europe and North America. The Heritage newspaper named former Nigerian President Dr, Dr, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and Kosovo’s former President Atifete Jahjaga as members of the NDI delegation. The daily says the international observation mission is supported by a grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


Related Caption: Ex-Nigerian President Jonathan, Others Arrive For Runoff (The New Dawn). The Heritage newspaper also reports that the Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) will be deploying over 1000 domestic elections observers in all 73 electoral districts across the country.  The daily says that apart from its regular observation, the ECC will be observing the implementation of the December 7, 2017 to the National Elections Commission. Under the caption For Run-Off Election: ECC To Deploy Elections Observers In 73 Electoral Districts, the daily reads that the deployed observers were trained to use a unique observation checklist that covers all the procedures of polling and counting.


US$15.3M Fuel Unloading Facility Project Commissioned

The Government of Liberia has benefited from the World Bank International Development Association grant for the construction of a new Fuel Unloading Facility valued at US$15.3 million. The Daily Observer says President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Wednesday commissioned the facility. Speaking at the dedicatory ceremony of the Fuel Unloading Facility in Monrovia, the World Bank Liberia Country Manager, Larisa Leshchenko remarked that the new Fuel Unloading Facility is a modern facility built to high international standards, well equipped with latest safety equipment (firefighting equipment). She said the facility will improve the safety and security of the port operation, adding that Liberia’s ability to import fuel needed to sustain economic growth and development will increase. The World Bank Country Manager, Madam Leshchenko urged the Liberian Government to ensure the private sector acts in the best interest of the country, “It is urgent that the LPRC provides a secured and adequate power connection to the FUF, as well as build the supply pipelines to connect the new FUF to oil farm so that it may immediately begin to provide benefits to Liberia, according to the Daily Observer.


Senate Passes US$41M Dangote Cement Investment

The Senate Thursday unanimously passed the Investment Incentive Agreement between Liberia and Dangote Cement Liberia Limited in the tune of US$41 million for the production of cement in the country. The Daily Observer quotes the agreement as saying that  “the investor shall make a total investment of US$41 million during the first 10 years following the effective date, and shall in his best effort assist the government in the maintenance of roads leading to its port terminal; while within the first five years following the start of commercial operations, the investor shall conduct an assessment for the establishment of cutlets in other counties across Liberia.” In the statement by the Senate Committees on Concessions and Investment, Judiciary, Human Rights, Claims and Petitions, following several consultations with stakeholders, meetings in committee rooms and a public hearing, “The Senate Joint Committee is of the opinion that the Dangote Cement Liberia Limited is able to perform in good faith the terms and conditions of the agreement to establish a cement facility which will stabilize and provide affordable prices, access of cement on the local market and create employment opportunities for Liberians.”




MOJ Leads Integration Of Security Apparatus

Minister Barnes made the assertion when she proxy for the Minister of Justice, Cllr. Frederick Cherue at the launch of a one-day conference of women in security sector held recently at the Conference Room of the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs in Monrovia. According to a press release from the Gender on Security Sector Taskforce, Minister Barnes also notes that the Justice Ministry in collaboration with the University of Liberia SSR Think Tank recently launched an Advance Course on Women, Peace and Security Studies for the Gender Focal Points of Liberia’s security institutions. The conference, which brought together key stakeholders in the security sector from across the country, is an event jointly organized by the ministries of Justice, Defense and Gender, Children and Social Protection. It was held in collaboration with National Security Council Secretariat with UNMIL Assessed Funding support, reads the New Dawn newspaper.


Through The Salient Project: US-Based Liberian Male Chorus Group Plans Medical Outreach to Liberia

A United States-based Liberian male chorus group, the Messiah’s Men Ministries, through the Salient Project, has planned a medical outreach to benefit thousands of Liberians in 2018.  The Salient Project is a registered nonprofit organization founded in 2012.  According to the Heritage newspaper, the all Liberian Male Acapella gospel group is planning the outreach in collaboration with Dr. Stephanie Harding, a United States Board Certified General Dentist. During the outreach, slated for March, the Mission to Liberia will provide free preventative services including blood pressure and diabetes screening activities and dental services to children and older adults across selected cities in the country.  During the event, the Mission will also provide free dental hygiene supplies to program participants, namely: dental floss, toothbrushes, toothpastes, mouthwash among others. 


Related Caption: US-Based Liberian Male Chorus Group Plans Medical Outreach To Liberia Through The Salient Project (In Profile Daily)