Daily Media Summary 2017-10-18

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




UNFPA Launches 2017 Report

The United Nations Fund for Population Activities or UNFPA has launched the 2017 World Population Report with the call to support country reproductive health system, and rights in an age of inequality. Speaking at the formal launch of the report Tuesday, 17 October 17, at the UNFPA office at Mamba Point, Country Representative Dr. Oluremi Sogunro said the world is increasingly unequal, but the inequality is not only about money.  The new UNFPA report is titled: “Worlds Apart: Reproductive Health and Rights in an Age of Inequality.” Dr. Sogunro says it’s also about power, rights and opportunities, and it has many dimensions that feed on each other. According to him one dimension of inequality that has received too little attention is in the enjoyment or denial of reproductive rights and the effects of that on humanity.  The Country Representative adds that example of the impact of inequality on the reproductive rights of women and girls is that Obstetric fistula, a wound that leaves a hole in the birth canal, caused by prolonged, obstructed labour. According to him, this problem has been virtually eliminated in the world’s wealthier countries and in better-off communities within poor countries.  Fistula is preventable and treatable, but persists due to weak health systems, poverty, gender inequality, and early marriage and childbearing. Working with other United Nations agencies, partners and governments, UNFPA is committed to a future where zero is the only acceptable number, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Boakai, Weah Confirmed for Nov. 7 Run-off

Henry Flomo, National Elections Commission (NEC) Communications Director, has confirmed to the Voice of America (VOA) that former international soccer superstar George Weah will face Vice President Joseph Boakai in the second round, which the commission has scheduled for November 7. Flomo said neither of the two men got more than 50 percent of the votes, which is required by the Liberian Constitution to outright win the presidency. Weah has garnered about 39.0 percent, while Boakai has obtained 29.1 percent of the votes counted so far. The second round winner will succeed President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Africa’s first female president, who is stepping down after two terms. The two candidates with most of the votes so far were unable to secure the required 50 percent plus 1 for an outright victory. So far the top opposition contender, George Manneh Weah of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), has secured 572,453 votes, which amounts to 39.0 percent of the 1,550,923 votes already tallied across the country. Vice President Joseph N. Boakai of the ruling Unity Party (UP) trails by 427,550 votes, which represents 29.1 percent of the national tally. And with the NEC having tallied 95.6 percent of all votes cast on Tuesday, October 10, it is quite unavoidable that a run-off election will ensue, but Mr. Flomo said this will be done on November 7, instead of the 8th, which was in the case of the two previous postwar elections, pens Daily Observer newspaper.

MOA, Partners Celebrate World Food Day

According to the Daily Observer, the Ministry of Agriculture along with development partners, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Food Program (WFP), the Liberia Agri-business Development Activity (LADA) and others yesterday celebrated World Food Day. The program under the theme “Change the Future of Migration, Invest in Food Security and Rural Development,” was characterized by a press briefing, stakeholder dialogue, and exhibition of local food products and display of farm equipment. The Minister of Agriculture, Madam Seklau Wiles, said during the program that Liberia has significantly improved from security given the reduction in rice imports by the government. “Current statistics show that rice imports have reduced, which indicates that smallholder farmers are producing more for domestic consumption,” she said.


EU–Liberia To Host Road Safety Event


The Ministry of Transport with assistance from the European Union (EU) and the GIZ, a German NGO, are expected to hold a city activity under the title: “Safe Streets Festival,” on Saturday, November 25 in Central Monrovia. The event is inspired by the European Mobility Week and will take place under the motto, “Road Safety Strengthens Economic.” Annually, Liberia loses 3-5 percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) due to inadequate road safety measures and related traffic deaths and injuries, a release from the ministry said. The one-day event is aimed at promoting mobility and road safety in the country’s transport sector, reports the Daily Observer.


EPA Provides Updates on MNG Gold Mine Incident

A crisis management team (CMT) set up by the government to investigate the recent chemical spill incident that affected 34 persons at the MNG Gold Mines in Kokoya, Bong County, is making efforts not just to unveil what might have gone wrong, but also institute stringent measures that would ensure that such an unfortunate incident doesn’t happen again. It may be recalled that there was a chemical spill when a section of the geo-membrane of the Tailing Storage Facility (TSF) ruptured at the MNG Gold facility, affecting the victims who were taken to Phebe Hospital in Suakoko for immediate medical examination. The situation has since been greeted with angry reactions across the country—and the government, through the CMT, has since taken steps to remedy it. The rupture resulted in an uncontrolled discharge of ‘slurry’ containing a high concentration of cyanide into the Sein Creek and the surrounding environment, asserts Daily Observer.

Related Caption:EPA Shuts Down MNG(Inquirer) 

LoneStarCell MTN Launches Smile Today Promotion


One of Liberia’s leading mobile communication networks, LoneStar Cell MTN, has restored the hope of many valuable subscribers, launching the “Smile Today” promotion. Speaking at the formal launch of the Smile Today on Tuesday, 17 October at the company head offices in Oldest Congo Town, the Brand and Communication Manager, Mrs. Abigail Nufefeatalai said LoneStar Cell MTN will be giving its subscribers hundred thousand reasons to smile every day. “We’re going to be changing the lives of every Liberian in this country, because we are launching one of the biggest promotions ever in this country,” she says. The company says it has a history of giving back to its customers, and the country in which it operates. Also speaking, the Senior Manager for Marketing Service Mr. Ibrahim Daramie said LoneStar Cell MTN will make history, and change lives. He says about a month ago, the company launched its Discount Store where Liberians were asked to dial 500 and get the best deal in their market. It says every month; it will have a subscriber that will walk away with one million Liberian dollars for the next four months. Meanwhile, Mr. Daramie says to form part of those that will win one million dollar for the next four month, subscribers must ensure that they reach their recharge targets by dialing *124# and stand the chance to win, reports New Dawn newspaper.

Related Caption:LoneStar Cell MTN Giving Away L$100K A Day For 100 Days(Daily Observer)

Science Students At UL Receive Scholarships

A Liberian-based organization with the aim to promote science and leadership education has paid in full the tuition of five freshmen and science major enrolled at the University of Liberia. The students’ fees were underwritten by the non for profit organization name “From Scholars to Leaders Program” (FSLP). The beneficiaries of the scholarship award were selected following a rigorous application process that required, among other thing, applicants to sit a panel interview, according to David Sinatu, a Liberia student based in Germany, and one of two founders of the program. He said the selection of the four males and a female was based solely on merit. He added that the winners of the scholarship proved to be the best of 27 candidates who applied to the program. Speaking to this paper recently in Monrovia shortly following the award of the scholarships, Mr. Sinatu said the mission of the organization is twofold, writes the Inquirer newspaper.