Daily Media Summary 2017-08-04

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies highlights news of the United States Department of State’s assertion that the U.S. Government is not supporting any political party or candidate for the October elections in Liberia and the Liberia Revenue Authority’s Oath of affirmation in the discharge of its duties.



U.S. Doesn`t Support Any Candidate

The United States Department of State says the U.S. Government does not support any political party or candidate for the October elections in Liberia. “We do not support any particular candidate or party, rather we support a fair and transparent process and stand ready to work with whomever is fairly elected,” says an official of the U.S. State Department. Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Regional Affairs and West Africa, Mr. Robert K. Scott, says the United States supports free, fair and peaceful elections so that all Liberian voters can freely elect their new leaders, according to a dispatch from the Embassy of Liberia in Washington, D.C. Mr. Scott spoke at the diplomatic reception commemorating Liberia’s 170th independence anniversary held at the Liberian Embassy in Washington, D.C. recently. The U. S. State Department official stresses that the October 2017 presidential and representative elections will mark a historic moment in Liberia, adding that Liberians will have the great opportunity to see the peaceful transition of power from one living, sitting president to another, both elected by the people, the New Dawn newspaper reads.

Related Captions: U.S. Does not Support Any Political Party, Candidate in Liberia’s Elections’ Says Scott, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic ad Regional Affairs for West Africa (Daily Observer)

LRA Officials, Staff Take Oath Of Affirmation

Top officials and hundreds of employees and staff of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) led by its Commissioner General Elfred Stewart Tamba reaffirmed their signed Oath of national duty to Mama Liberia with a high standard of professionalism, integrity, accountability and transparency in the discharge of their respective duties. The FrontPage Africa newspaper says the LRA officials and employees took the Oath administered by Chief Counsel Max T. Duncan. Commissioner Tamba said although signed, the Oath will be administered to every staff and employee of the LRA on duties across the country.


Related Captions: LRA Officials, Staff Reaffirm Oath (New Dawn), To Avoid Politics, & Giving Personal Opinions on Government Policies, Others: Officials, Staff, Take Oath at LRA  (INSIGHT)



President Johnson-Sirleaf Applauds Liberian Athlete Bill Rogers; Says-He Is An Example Of Determination

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has applauded one of Liberia’s most influential athletes based in the United States, Bill Rogers. She lauded the athlete for his outstanding performance in making Liberia proud and described his effort as an example of determination. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader made the comments when she received in audience Liberia’s professional athlete on Wednesday, August 2, 2017 during a courtesy call at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She commended Bill Rogers for his determination and commitment to Liberia especially in light of his painful story. Speaking earlier, Bill Rogers, who narrated his painful life story commended President Sirleaf for the opportunity given him to meet and interact, for which he expressed gratitude. He told President Sirleaf he has secured 20 acres of land to build the Bill Rogers Youth Facility that will help to empower young people. He noted that some of the features will include boarding facilities for young athletes to further develop their natural talents, computer lab, Library, in-door basketball, volleyball, soccer pitch, etc.

Related Caption: Ellen Applauds Liberian Athlete (The New Dawn)


Cuttington University Graduates 727 Students Tomorrow

A front-page story of the Daily Observer reads that the Episcopal Church-run Cuttington University (CU) situated in Suakoko District, Bong County, will on August 4 and 5 graduate 727 students in various professional disciplines. Dr. Theodore V. K. Brown, Vice President for Academic Affairs, said the undergraduate school, which is run on the school’s main campus in Suakoko, will put out 363 students from different disciplines on Friday, August 4, beginning at 10 a.m.; and around 2 p.m., the Cuttington Junior College, which operates in Kakata, Margibi County will put out 46 students earning associate degrees in various fields of study. On Saturday, August 5, the Monrovia-run Cuttington School of Graduate and Professional Studies is expected to graduate 318 with Master’s degrees. Dr. Brown said Dr. Deborah Harmon Hines will serve as convocation speaker at the first graduation program. Dr. Hines, an African-American, is a professor emeritus of the University of Massachusetts Medical School in the United States. Hines worked with the Episcopal Church in Liberia and the A.M. Dogliotti School of Medicine at the University of Liberia for several years.

Related Caption: Cuttington University To Graduate 700 Students (FrontPage Africa)


Accelerate Girls’ Education, Brazilian Scholar Urges

The Daily Observer reports that a Brazilian PhD research scholar of the University of Sao Paulo has hailed the New Hope Academy (NHA) of Jacob Town for its demonstrated commitment to advancing girls education in Liberia. Sociologist Dr. Germana Dalberto said accelerating girls’ education is extremely important to Liberia’s endeavor to eradicate poverty for sustainable peace, security and development. Delivering the keynote address recently at the 22nd graduation ceremony of the Kindergarten Class of NHA, Dr. Dalberto said poverty and limited opportunities are challenges in Liberia that are similarly found in Brazil,  particularly in the community where he grew up. The 14 graduates, including 11 females, is a significant milestone at the NHA and Better Future Foundation, its principal sponsor.

Related Caption: Brazilian Research Scholar Lauds New Hope Academy for Commitment to Education as BFF Reaffirms Commitment to Advance Girls Education (INSIGHT)


Pres. Sirleaf Addresses WAMZ Finance Ministers, CBL Governors Today

The Daily Observer reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is expected to meet delegates attending the ongoing Statutory Meetings of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) today, Friday, August 4. Also to make a special statement, according to the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning release, are the President of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Marcel de Souza, and Dr. Momodou Kargbo, Minister of Finance and Economic Development of Sierra Leone.


Gov. Weeks Pledges Liberia’s Support To WAMZ Obligations Ends 50th Ordinary Meeting Of The Committee Of ECOWAS Bank Governors Today

The Executive Governor of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), Dr. Milton A. Weeks has assured Governors of the Central Bank of ECOWAS member states that Liberia will live up to its commitment to the WAMZ. Governor Weeks, who has also been appointed by the regional body of Bank Governors of ECOWAS as chairman of the West African Institute of Financial Management (WAIFEM), said Liberia will make every effort to honor all of its obligations, particularly when it comes to the promotion of regional financial integration to the zone. Welcoming the delegates to the city of Monrovia for the 50th meeting of the Committee of Governors, ECOWAS Commission, West Africa Agency of Monetary Institution (WAMI) and WAIFEM, he stated that the meeting provides an opportunity to take stock of the level of progress made toward monetary and economic cooperation, and an opportunity to deliberate on strategies and policies to enhance monetary integration and harmonization of policies under a unified WAMZ, the Daily Observer reads.


‘Nigerian Soldiers Coming, But Not For Elections’ Defense Minister

The Defense Ministry in Monrovia yesterday confirmed the deployment of Nigerian Soldiers to Liberia, but added: “The soldiers are being deployed to carry out regular rotation of its troops and that has nothing to do with the upcoming elections”. In a release issued yesterday, Assistant Defense Minister for Public Affairs, David Kadiker Dahn, said contrary to Wednesday’s report of the deployment of 250 Nigerian soldiers to beef up security during and after Liberia’s upcoming elections, the deployment of the Nigerian contingent is instead under the banner of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). The deployment, according to the release is a normal and regular part of UNMIL’s troop rotation. The Nigerian troops will land in Liberia on August 12 and will remain until the end of their tour of duty in March 2018, thereby sealing the official rotation of the Nigerian contingent in Liberia under UNMIL, the Daily Observer asserts.


Senate Receives Code Of Conduct Repeal Act

The Senate Thursday received an Act calling for the repeal in its entirety of “The Act of the Legislature prescribing a National Code of Conduct for all public officials and employees of the Government (2014).” Maryland County Senator H. Dan Morais, in his three-page communication read before Senate plenary yesterday, argued that his action is in line with the cardinal purpose of the Code of Conduct as prescribed in its preamble, which “has now been reversed by the ruling of the Supreme Court.” The Code of Conduct was approved March 31, 2014, and printed and published on June 20 of the same year, became enforceable law, and was used in the special senatorial election in 2014. “The purpose of the Code of Conduct becomes unattainable when ruling from the High Court, renders laws made by the legislature only enforceable when it is validated by its constitutionality,” Senator Morais said. Outlining further reasons for his proposed Act, Morais said when a law that was in force since 2014 is now opinionated by the Supreme Court in the form of a ruling in the case of “Karnwea versus National Election Commission, the Legislative response to this Judicial Review cannot be less than the entire repeal of the Code,” the Daily Observer laments.


Greenville Port Gains ISPS Compliance Level 1 For The First Time In 53 Years

The Port Facility Security Assessment (PFSA) and Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP) of the Samuel Alfred Ross Port of Greenville, Republic of Liberia after an exhaustive reviewed, meets the guidelines and procedures pursuant to the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) X1–2 Chapter 16.3–3.15 and 16.4 and the Contracting Government’– Designated Authority, ISPS, Republic of Liberia. Consistent with  International best practices, and in full compliance with the ISPS Code Regime , Particularly, X1–2 Chapter 16.3–3.15 and 16.4 respectively, and in keeping with the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS), the Management of the National Port Authority instituted  an Alternative Security Arrangement, approved by the Designated Authority, a Recognized Security Organization, West African Maritime Security Consultancy (WAMSEC) conducted a Port Facility Security Assessment (PFSA) of the Greenville Port and formulated a Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP), FrontPage Africa writes.

Related Captioned: Greenville Port Gains ISS Compliance Level 1 (Daily Observer)


13 Inmates Get Certificates In Maryland

An inside story of the New Dawn newspaper reads that 13 inmates at the Harper central prison in Harper City, Maryland County, have been certificated after completion of several months of adult literacy training. The inmates were taught how to read and write, spell their names as well as good manner or moral conduct. Prison Superintendent Crispin Doe, says the program organized by the correction palace in the county is in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice and the office of the Independent Human Rights Commission (IHRC) monitor, Mr. S. Boniface Nyema.


President Sirleaf Receives West African Youth Network; Acknowledges Contribution

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has received in audience members of the West African Youth Network led by its National Program Manager, Arthur R. M. Becker in an effort to enhance the potential of young people to engage into positive actions, social change among others. The delegation included Abraham J. Passewe, Program Officer and Sylvia N. Kai, Program Assistant. President Sirleaf received the Network at her Foreign Ministry Office in Monrovia on Thursday, August 3, 2017 and acknowledges their contributions and efforts in promoting peace and reconciliation in the sub-region especially during this critical moment in the country’s history, the FrontPage Africa newspaper reads.


Gender Ministry And Partners Host-2017 National Young Women And Girls Conference

A three-day conference on girls and young women in Liberia has ended in Monrovia. The FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that 400 girls and young women from across the 15 counties and 50 national and international partners as well as other guests participated in the conference. The daily says the conference comes on the backdrop of the proposed National Young Women and Girls Conference as a yearly program designed by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection and its partners to afford young women and girls the platform to gather and discuss issues affecting  them in their respective communities.