Daily Media Summary 2017-07-27

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of Liberia’s 170th Independence Day Orator, Dr. Herman B. Browne’s call for Liberians to return to the basic value of respect for the rule of law and the hosting of the Bi-Annual Sub Regional Economic Conference in Liberia are stories highlighted in today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.

The summary also includes news of the United Nations Security Council’s call for credible and transparent elections in Liberia.


Return To The Value Of Respect Independence Day Orator Urges Liberians

Liberia’s 170th Independence Day Orator, Dr. Herman B. Browne, has stressed the need for Liberians to return to the basic value of respect for the rule of law. In a rather emotional speech delivered at the Centennial Pavilion yesterday, Dr. Brown said, “The Independence we so desire is that we must live in private and public, teach and preach the basic values we wish to in our children, then we ourselves, as adults must return to basic values of respect for ourselves, for women, and for constituted authority, fairness in our dealings with others integrity when no one is looking and duty as a self-imposed obligation to serve the public good. “The second cluster of issues is bluntly this; we must elevate the terms and tenor of our public discourse. We should be less about seat and salary in the Senate, and more about service and sacrifice to country; less about reputation and prestige and more about responsibility and impact; and we must learn all over again a respect for the truth in the public space,” Dr. Brown said, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.

Related Captions: ‘Some Done, Some Not Done’-Says Independence Day’s Orator, Dr. Brown; Also Cautioned; “We Are In Danger If We Repeat The Mistakes Of The Past.”(FOCUS), Orator Hails S/Court Ruling On CoC-Slams Tribal Politics (The New Dawn), “Beyond Personal Differences”-Independence Day Orator Tells Liberians (In Profile Daily). At the same time, the INQUIRER newspaper reads under the caption Donald Trump, Other World Leaders Greet Liberians” that the United States President, Donald Trump and several other Heads of State of the World have sent messages of felicitations to Liberia on the occasion of her 170th Independence Anniversary. Liberians celebrated their country’s 170th Independence Anniversary Wednesday with appropriate ceremony befitting the day. Countries that congratulated Liberia on her 170th Anniversary include, The Gambia, Ghana, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Ethiopia, Zambia, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Kingdom of Morocco, the Republic of Guinea, Senegal, Libya, France, Cameroon, Ajustralia, Germany, Mali, Sierra Leone, the Ivory Coast, among others.

Liberia Again Hosts Bi-Annual Sub Regional Economic Confab

According to the In Profile Daily, Fiscal and Monetary policy experts in the West African Sub region will today commence a nine-day intensive High-Level Statutory Conference aimed at finding workable solution to the numerous economic challenges facing their embattled economies in the auditorium of the Central Bank of Liberia. The daily says Liberia’s chief fiscal policy manager and Finance & Development Planning Minister, Boima S. Kamara; an Economist who is leading the Liberian delegation alongside Central Bank Governor, Milton Weeks is expected to contribute immensely in discussions alongside his counterparts in the sub region. The daily reads that the statutory meeting brings together Ministers of Finance, Governors of Central Banks and the College of Supervisors of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ).

Related Captions: Liberia Plays Second Time Host –To Bi-annual Sub Regional Economic Confab (FOCUS), Liberia To Again Host Bi-annual Sub Regional Economic Confab (The INQUIRER), Liberia Host Bi-annual Sub Regional Economic Confab Again (INSIGHT)


UN Security Council Calls for Credible and Transparent Elections in Liberia Encourages Support of International Partners

The United Nations Security Council has called on all stakeholders including international partners to ensure that the impending legislative and presidential elections in Liberia are free, fair, credible and transparent. The Security Council in a statement adopted on July 24, 2017 during its 8010th meeting, stressed the full participation of women, peaceful resolution of disputes through established mechanisms in accordance with the law and the deployment of electoral observers as key to ensuring credible elections. According to a dispatch from Liberia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, the Security Council also welcomed the signing of the Farmington River Declaration by 20 political parties committing to a violence free elections and peaceful transition to a new government; and encouraged the Government of Liberia to ensure that the National Elections Commission gets the necessary resources for the successful conduct of the polls, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.

Related Caption: UN Security Council Stresses Credible. Transparent Elections In Liberia (In Profile Daily)

‘Human Rights Is Key;’ UNMIL Chief Of Human Rights Asserts

The United Nations Missions in Liberia (UNMIL) Human Rights and Protection, Representative, High Commissioner for Human Rights in Liberia, Marcel Akpovo says human rights is key, as such, there is a need for it to be prioritized. Speaking Tuesday, when his office donated office equipment to the Independent National Commission on Human Rights of Liberia (INCHR), Akpovo pledged the UN continual to support towards the work of the commission so as to ensure that people’s right are respected and advocated for. The donation includes laptop computers, printers, binders and head phones, among others, the In Profile Daily asserts.

Ellen Honors Partners

The New Dawn newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has conferred high honors upon several international partners including individuals and organizations for their tremendous efforts and contributions made towards Liberia’s development the over years of her administration. Among those honored was U.S. Economist Dr. Steven Radelet, one of the first groups of international partners that visited Liberia following the 2005 elections and significantly contributed to the development of the country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy among others. Commencing the investiture program at the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, 25 July, President Sirleaf recalled that in the past 11 years plus, Liberians have shown great courage, great commitment and great resilience in meeting the challenges of development. While crediting the success of the progress being celebrated in the country to the values demonstrated by all Liberians, Mrs. Sirleaf, however, notes that Liberia cannot do it alone. She recognizes the many partners who have been with the country, taking up their time and using their resources, talents and skills to have come and joined in the development initiatives of the country.

Google Link Project Launched-As Pres. Sirleaf Holds Interactive Dialogue with Young Mothers

According to the FOCUS newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, as part of the 170th Independence Anniversary Celebration launched Google Link Project in Liberia. She expressed the hope that the facility will find its way into the interior of the country to improve activities in the agricultural sector, strengthen essential healthcare, education and government systems, as well as help to unlock the potential of the digital economy for Liberian citizens and the private sector. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader performed the ceremony Monday, July 24, 2017 at the Boulevard Palace Hotel when she launched the Google Link-Liberia Project. President Sirleaf commended C-Square and the United States Agency for International (USAID) for such investment in Liberia. In another development, President Sirleaf in an interactive dialogue with young mothers and women leaders - challenged them to believe in themselves in reaching for what they want to achieve in life. “Reach out; Stretch yourself; Go that extra mile and say I can make it,” she told dozens of young mother at the Auditorium of the University of Liberia. She admonished the over 50 young mothers to work harder in pursuing education to achieve their full potentials. The Interactive Dialogue was organized by the Ministry of Youths and Sports, under the Theme: “All Is Not Lost.”

Related Captions: Liberians To Enjoy “Fast” Internet Service…As Ellen Launches Google-Link (The INQUIRER)

President Sirleaf Dedicates Eye Center At JFK- LVPEI Ophthalmologist Performs First Cornea Transplant Surgery In West Africa

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has dedicated the Liberia Eye Medical Center at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Medical Center in Monrovia. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the remarks on Monday, July 24, 2017, on the Compound of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Medical Center during official program marking the dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Eye Center at JFK. The Liberian leader said - even though it has been a very long road to where we are today, bringing Dr. Gizzie Dorbor from the Ivory Coast and L.V. PARSAD from India to Liberia, proved a worthy cause. President Sirleaf initiated the need for collaboration with LV Prasad Modern Eye Center during her visit to India in 2013 to receive the Indira Ghandi Award. Speaking earlier, Dr. Gullapalli N. Rao of LV Prasad who facilitated the opening of the Eye Center in Liberia, said the Center will prevent and protect Liberians from eyes diseases and will carry out Corneal Transplants - the first of its kind in West Africa at the Eye Center. Dr. Rao said another significant milestone is the first ever corneal transplant surgery, which was performed in Liberia at the Eye Center by an ophthalmologist from LVPEI on Monday, July 24, 2017 - making Liberia the first country in West Africa to perform such medical exercise, reads the FOCUS newspaper.

MCSP Makes Two Programmatic Donations To The Ministry Of Health

An inside story of the INQUIRER newspaper reads that the Ministry of Health will this Friday July 28, 2017 benefit from two programmatic donations from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Maternal and Child Program (MCSP). MCSP currently implements two USAID-supported Projects namely, Restoration of Health Services (RHS) and Human Resources for Health, HRH. The donations comprised of six vehicles for MCSP-supported Pre-Service Education Institutions and a consignment of essential Medical Equipment and Supplies targeting health facilities in Grand Bassa and Lofa Counties.

Liberian Students Shine In Robot Competition In USA.

The INSIGHT newspaper says seven Liberian students, who flew the Liberian flag high at the first- ever International Robot Olympics have returned home from the United States of America (USA). The International Robot Olympics took place in Washington DC, from 16-18 July 2017. The Liberian Team which comprised seven secondary schools students, from Plebo Maryland County was graded second best team, out of 40 teams from Africa and 12 out of 163 teams from around the world. Benin and Liberia were ranked highest among the 40 African Countries that participated in the ended FIRST GLOBAL CHALLENGE robot competition.

Chief Korwor Orders Traditional Bush Closed for Elections

The head of the National Traditional Council of Liberia, Chief Zazan Korwor has called for the closure of all traditional bushes for the smooth participation of all in the electoral process. Liberians are expected to go to the polls October 2017 to elect a government that will replace the administration of Liberia and Africa’s first female President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has been in power for nearly 12 years and is expected to end her second term in January next year. The Liberian traditional Chief spoke on Tuesday at a Traditional Honoring Program for President Sirleaf organized by the traditional people of Liberia. The program was held in Bentol the Capital City of Montserrado County, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.

AAMIN, PUL Launch HIV Media Monitoring Initiative

The Anti-AIDS Media Network (AAMIN) with support from the American Jewish World Service (AJWS) has launched in partnership with the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), a sectoral media monitoring program with focus on HIV and Human Rights subjects for the first time in the country. Liberia’s HIV prevalence is currently at 2.1% from 1.5% in 2007. The major mode of HIV transmission is through sexual intercourse. Stigma and discrimination which are main drivers of HIV since its discovery, remain pervasively high in the country, thus resulting into terminally ill persons to remain at home; while approach to engage those lost to follow-up and advocate for their welfare especially key populations-msm, commercial sex workers, and others continue to remain a major challenge to national response to ending AIDS by 2030. To help the situation, Anti AIDS Media Network says the media monitoring program which was launched last Wednesday is intended to foster collectiveness for bettering journalism in Liberia toward ending AIDS by 2030, the In Profile Daily writes.

Related Caption: AAMIN, PUL Launch Hiv Media Monitoring Initiative (INSIGHT)  

Fraudulent Tax Clearance Certificate – LRA Alarms

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has uncovered the production of a fraudulent Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) in the possession of a charity NGO called BESTWA Inc. An investigation by the LRA Professional Ethics Division shows that BESTWA Inc. operates in Grand Bassa County, where it provides medical aid to the needy. According to the In Profile Daily, the forged tax clearance was discovered among the NGO’s application to the LRA Commissioner General Elfrieda Stewart Tamba, seeking duty free privilege to import medical supplies. An original tax clearance certificate of the Ngo issued on October 4, 2016 by the LRA and valid for a 90-day period was fraudulently altered by the broker of BESTWA Inc., McPherson T. Siaway. McPherson dubiously altered the original certificate and created a new tax clearance certificate dated 4th October 2017 with a 120-day validity period. The LRA is also warning that those criminals involved in duping the system at the detriment of honest taxpayers and the State will not escape with impunity once caught.

 AMEU Student Wins YAP-Liberia Essay Award

A senior student of the African Methodists Episcopal University (AMEU), Henry Gbilai, has won the Young Ambassador for Peace Liberia (YAP-Liberia) essay completion. Making the disclosure Tuesday, at the Head offices of the Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY), the President of YAP-Liberia, Ambassador D. Momo Taylor, said in an effort to include every category of the Liberian youth populace, his organization launched a National Peace Essay Competition for the participation of universities around the country on June 5, 2017. According to him, the completion highlighted the topic: “This is my President and these are my reasons,” in an essay of not more than 5,000 words that lasted for 15 days. The YAP-Liberia President indicated that Gbilai wrote giving justifiable reasons why he selected “Alexander B. Cummings” as his Presidential Candidate with all that was required, the In Profile Daily says.

Phebe Hospital Graduates 66

The Phebe Paramedical Training Program (PTP) in Bong County, central Liberia has graduated 66 candidates after completion of three years of study.  The graduates were awarded Diplomas Saturday, 22 July during the 36th Commencement program of the PTP held at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church on the Phebe Hospital Compound in Suakoko, Bong County. The 66 graduates are from six medical disciplines including; Nurse Midwifery (4 candidates), Nurse Anesthesia (7), Certified Midwifery Bridging (6), Professional Midwifery (23), and 26 candidates from the Medical Laboratory Technology Programs. According to the New Dawn newspaper, among the graduates is the first male nurse midwife in Liberia.

Related Caption: Phebe Graduates 66 (In Profile Daily)