Daily Media Summary 2017-07-17

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies highlights news of the National Elections Commission’s release of confirmation on the number of candidates cleared for the October 10 Presidential and legislative elections and the Liberia Revenue Authority holding of the country’s first-ever National Revenue Symposium.


NEC Confirms 783 Persons to Contest 75 Seats

At least 783 candidates have been confirmed by the National Elections Commission (NEC) to contest the 2017 presidential and legislative elections, which is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10. In keeping with the electoral calendar, the NEC’s progressive provisional report has revealed the list of validated candidates for the 73 Electoral Districts throughout the 15 counties as well as the two top positions – President and Vice President – adding the seats to 75. According to the Daily Observer, out of the 783 candidates – 637 (71.4%) are male candidates, and 146 (28.6%) are female candidates. The daily says the provisional listing is subject to addition up to the period of “Objections and Appeals on Nominations,” while the final list of candidates will be published on July 31.

Related Captions: Only 123 Female Out Of 785 Candidates (The INQUIRER), NEC Releases Provisional Listing (The New Dawn)

Pres. Sirleaf Addresses Revenue Symposium Tuesday

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is expected to deliver an opening statement and also serve as a moderator at the country’s first-ever National Revenue Symposium, tomorrow, Tuesday, 18 July under the auspices of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) in Monrovia. The LRA and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), with support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will host the one-day symposium at the Monrovia City Hall under the theme, "Domestic Revenue Mobilization."  The New Dawn newspaper quotes a release from the LRA as saying that during the symposium, findings from four regional dialogues on domestic resource mobilization held last year and early 2017 will be presented to stakeholders.

Related Captions: Ellen Addresses Nat’l Revenue Symposium Tuesday (In Profile Daily), LRA Hosts 1st National Revenue Symposium Tuesday (Daily Observer)


New UN Women’s Country Director Accredited

The Daily Observer reads that the Minister of Foreign Affairs has received the Letters of Accreditation from the new United Nations Women Country Director, Ms. Marie Goreth Nizigama. The UN Women is an agency created by the United Nations General Assembly to enhance gender equality and promote the empowerment of women across the globe. According to a release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the brief ceremony was held in the conference room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday, July 14.

Nigerian ISS Delegation Makes Presentation on Liberia Study Tour 

A delegation from the Nigerian Institute for Security Studies (ISS) has made an ‘excellent’ presentation on its recent study tour of Liberia. A release from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja says 13 participants undergoing Executive Intelligence Management Course of the ISS, along with three officials of the institute, travelled to Liberia from July 3rd to 9th, 2017 where they undertook a study tour of the country. The Group’s study to Liberia focused on the relationship between the Executive and the Legislative branches of the Liberian Government under the theme: “Executive-Legislative Relations:  Gap, Challenges and Prospects.”  Back in Abuja, the group made the presentation in the presence of the Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria, H.E. Al-Hassan Conteh and other syndicate groups, which too had travelled to Togo, Ghana and Senegal respectively on similar study tours. The presentations, made on July 13, 2017 in the ISS main auditorium outside Abuja, concluded with some recommendations for the Nigerian Government. Ambassador Conteh, in his response, praised the group for an excellent presentation of Liberia. He also supported the group’s recommendation of a reciprocal study tour of Nigeria, particularly of Liberian security agencies, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.

Related Caption: Nigerian ISS Delegation Reports On Liberia Study Tour (Daily Observer)

Ivory Coast Ouattara Gets Liberia Highest Honor

According to the New Dawn newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has admitted President Alassane Dramani Ouattara into the Most Venerable Order of the Knighthood of the Pioneer of the Republic of Liberia with the Knight of Grand Cordon. According to an Executive Mansion release, Mrs. Sirleaf recalled her counterpart Mr. Ouattara’s many achievements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at a time when Liberia was just beginning its infrastructure development programs. An Investiture Ceremony and Luncheon took place at the Executive Pavilion on Broad Street on Saturday, July 15, 2017 amid huge turnout of senior government officials, the Doyen and Members of the Diplomatic Corps, religious leaders and citizens. 

Related Caption: President Sirleaf Honors President Ouattara (In Profile Daily)

Liberia Condemns DPRK’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Launch

The Government of the Republic of Liberia joins other peace loving peoples in the global community in condemning the launching of a ballistic missile of possible intercontinental range on July 4, 2017 by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK). The launch was DPRK’s 11th missile this year, in total disregard to international outrage and international law. Quoting a Foreign Ministry release, the FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that the Government of Liberia said this action threatens world peace in clear disregard of DPRK’s commitments under the 2005 Joint Statement of the Six Party Talks. The Government of the Republic of Liberia urges the DPRK to cease its provocations and chart a course of denuclearization; honoring its international commitments under resolution 2094 of the United Nations,

Gov’t, Media Adopt Draft Peace Compact

The New Dawn newspaper says the Liberian Government and media executives have adopted a draft peace compact at a retreat called by President Ellen Johnson - Sirleaf in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County to get the media’s perspectives on wide ranging issues including governance, the pending elections, corruption and security, among others. “At the end of the day, I want a compact with you; a compact for peace, a compact for civility, a compact to promote an environment where indeed we can have a free and fair elections, and the people’s choice”, Mr. Sirleaf told media executives at the start of the one - day retreat on Friday, 14 July in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. A draft resolution adopted Friday at the end of the retreat pledges the media’s professional and ethical commitment that will not allow media platforms to be used to incite violence that disrupts the peace of the country during the electoral process and beyond.

Finance Minister Tours RIA

The Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Boima S. Kamara, along with other senior officials of the Ministry, has toured the ongoing upgrade and expansion work at the Roberts International Airport. The upgrade and expansion cover rebuilding of the New Terminal, the Rehabilitation of the Runway, Road Station, Parking lots, Sewage Treatment System, Electricity systems and other major key components at the Airport. During the tour, Minister Kamara lauded the head of the China Harbour Company, the Sinohyro Construction Company, the Management of the Roberts International Airport headed by Mr. WilBako Freeman and its staffs, for the tremendous efforts and level of work done so far since the commencement of the project. The New Dawn newspaper says the project when completed will indeed be a major boost to Liberia’s economic development.

Veep Boakai Launches Book…As Dr. Edna Moewa Calls On Africans To Work Together

The Minister of Water and Environment and Chairperson for International Relations of the African National Congress of the Republic of South Africa, Dr. Edna Molewa says the political economy that Africa wants must be decided by Africans and that all Africans must come together to ensure that we build Africa. Dr. Molewa said Africa must build a society that is united. Dr. Molewa made these statements Saturday at the Executive Pavilion in Monrovia when she serves as keynote speaker at programs marking the official launching ceremony of the book written by Dr. Sakui W. G. Malakpa, highlighting the life story of Ambassador Joseph Boakai, Vice President of the Republic of Liberia,”From Foya To The Capitol.” Dr. Molewa herself an academic said there are many lessons that can be drawn from the book written by Dr. Sakui W.G. Malakpa on the life of Vice President Joseph Boakai. Dr. Molewa admonished the people of Liberia, South Africa and Africa as a whole to work together as brothers and sisters, saying we have no other choice but to work together for the betterment of the African Continent because we are linked together, reads the INQUIRER newspaper.

Senate Passes Pre-financing Road Pavement Agreement

The Liberian Senate has unanimously voted to pass into law the pre-financing agreement for the pavement of 24.5km of existing secondary roads from Klay to DC Clarke in Bomi County and 51km of selected neighborhood/community roads in Monrovia and its environs. The decision by the Senate was based on a report submitted by its Committee on Foreign Affairs and Public Works with the mandate to act on a bill submitted to the Legislature by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for enactment in June. In their report, the committees noted that “this agreement is in line with the development agenda of Liberia; and as concluded in the hearing, stakeholders maintained that if the agreement is passed into law, the road pavement project will enhance development, improve livelihood, healthcare, education, commercial activities, alleviates poverty and so forth, asserts the  Daily Observer.

Senate Passes Pre-financing Road Pavement Agreement

The Liberian Senate has unanimously voted to pass into law the pre-financing agreement for the pavement of 24.5km of existing secondary roads from Klay to DC Clarke in Bomi County and 51km of selected neighborhood/community roads in Monrovia and its environs. The decision by the Senate was based on a report submitted by its Committee on Foreign Affairs and Public Works with the mandate to act on a bill submitted to the Legislature by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for enactment in June. In the financing agreement, the East International Group Incorporated, which won the National Competitive Bidding, agreed to procure on behalf of the Liberian government “for the purpose of implementing the project, an external loan in an amount not to (exceed) US$59,567,019.09 on the terms and conditions set forth or referred to in the agreement.” According to the Daily Observer, the Joint Committee hereby recommends to the plenary of the Liberian Senate to approve the ratification of the proposed Pre-financing Agreement, as attached.”

FDA, Partners Call For Sustainable Forest Management– Dedicates Region 3 Refurbished Offices

Authorities of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA), European Union (EU) and the Government of the United Kingdom (UK) have called on Liberians to consider the sustainable management of the Liberian forest to fight climate change and make economic progress. Dr. David Belgrove, UK Ambassador to Liberia, said since the inception of the Liberia Forest Reform initiative, the UK and EU have provided about 9,000,000 euros intended for governance, capacity building and some provisions for vital equipment to the FDA and other stakeholders in the forest sector of the country. Amb. Belgrove assured the FDA and other partners that the UK will work to ensure that forest governance, capacity building and the Liberian forest products are sustained and managed to benefit all, reports the Daily Observer.

50 Female Aspirants Complete Training in Political Capacity Building

The Daily Observer reads that 50 female aspirants and candidates over the weekend ended an intensive political capacity-building training intended to help sharpen their understanding of politics and bring them on par with their male counterparts. The three-day event, which ended on Saturday, was meant to enable the women to participate in debates, face their districts using the media and other platforms, respond to issues, and their strategies for the upcoming campaign. The program was held under the theme, “Politics is Women Business Too, Winning Campaign Strategies for Women Candidates.”

Tax Giving Back: LRA Reaches Out To The Disadvantaged

According to the Daily Observer, the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has provided some huge quantities of assorted materials to disadvantaged groups and people living with disabilities in two separate locations including the Old Folks Home on Front Street, and the Antoinette Tubman Cheshire Home in Sinkor. The daily says the gesture by the LRA is part of the Revenue Authority’s recently launched Corporate Social Responsibility Program with the aim of providing assistance to vulnerable groups, communities and institutions in Liberia.