Daily Media Summary 2017-06-13

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s summary highlights news of President Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to the President of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin, on that country’s National Day and President Sirleaf’s appointment of three persons at the Liberia Electricity Regulatory Commission  with immediate effect among others.


President Sirleaf Commends Russia On Its ‘National Day’


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a congratulatory message to the President of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin, on that country’s National Day. The National Day of the Russia Day commemorates the formal adoption, on June 12, 1991 of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation, which declared Russia’s Independence from the USSR. In accordance with this name, this holiday is generally celebrated as a show of patriotism for Russia, the INSIGHT newspaper reads.


Related Captions:President Sirleaf Commends Russia On Its ‘National Day’(Daily Observer), and President Sirleaf Commends Russia on Its ‘National Day’(New Dawn) 

Pres. Sirleaf Makes Appointments At Power Entity


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has made three appointments at the Liberia Electricity Regulatory Commission (LERC) with immediate effect. According to an Executive Mansion release, those appointed are Ms. Angelique Weeks, Acting Chairperson, Mrs. Ian Yhap and Foday Sackor as Commissioners respectively. The release said the appointments are keeping with the new Energy Regulatory Law. The appointments are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate where applicable, the release stated; reads the INSIGHT reads.


Related Caption:President Sirleaf Makes New Appointments(Daily Observer)



Liberia Makes Gains On Reducing Maternal, New Born Deaths


A conference to bring together 150 delegates from eight health districts in Grand Bassa County to celebrate maternal and newborn gains in mortality reduction will begin today in Buchana. The conference them is “No to Maternal and New-born Deaths,” and is jointly organized by the Ministry of Health, Grand Bassa County Health Team and other health partners with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). According to the organizers, great gains have been made in the fight against maternal deaths and newborn diseases. The organizers, quoting the Liberia Demography Health Survey (LDHS), said from 2007 to 2013, the maternal mortality ratio in the country increased from 994 to 1072 per 100,000 live births while the neonatal mortality rate reduced from 32 to 26 per 1000 live births during the same period, writes the Daily Observer.

SME To Boost LTA Revenues

The Liberia Telecommunications Authority has acquired the much sought after Spectrum Monitoring Equipment (SME) with capability to scan the entire country.  The acquisition was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The equipment valued at over US$600,000 arrived last week and consists of five units, four of which will be mounted strategically and one mobile component unit, which may be mounted on to a vehicle or handheld. LTA’s Commissioner of Engineering, Henry Benson, will be overseeing the installation process along with a team of expert from L.S. Telecom, the German manufacturer of the equipment. NetHope, the implementing agency for USAID, has been the major facilitator, reports the Daily Observer.

LNHF Gives Free Hepatitis B Vaccines To Medical College Students

According to the Daily Observer, fifty-eight (58) students of the A.M Dogliotti College of Medicine of the University of Liberia were grateful to a team from the Liberia National Hepatitis Foundation (LNF) that visited the campus in Oldest Congo Town to vaccinate them free of charge against the killer disease, Hepatitis B, last Friday. The vaccines were donated by Dr. Ahmad Jo, a cardiologist (heart doctor) at the St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital in Sinkor. The LNHF said they are grateful to be able to make the donation as it enables them to see their wish come true by moving one step closer to making Liberia Hepatitis free.

NEC Regrets Inaccessibility Of Sinoe VR Centers

The Daily Observer reports that as the nationwide exhibition of the 2017 voters roll began yesterday, the National Elections Commission (NEC) has expressed regret over the inaccessibility of several centers in Sinoe County Electoral Districts #1 & 2. At a brief press conference in Monrovia yesterday NEC Chairman Jerome G. Korkoya said the centers are unreachable for now due to the flooding of the roads as result of heavy rainfall in those districts. “For the sake of transparency, we will continue to keep the public informed of every unfolding event, regardless of the location, where each case is identified,” Korkoya noted. He added that even though the deadline for the exhibition is on Saturday, June 17, residents in the affected areas who have registered to vote will have extended time to allow them to verify all their voter registration (VR) information before the start of the campaign period.


Chinese Center, Kpatawee Farmers Sign MOU

The Saukoko – base China-Liberia Agriculture Cooperation Project Team has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kpatawee Farmer Organization to enhance agriculture production in the Kpakwee Waterfall area in Bong County. The Vice general manager of the center, Kobe Zhang said at the signing in Bong County recently that the agriculture exchange and technological cooperation intended to consolidate, develop and strengthen cooperation in the fields of agriculture production and training. The project, specifically situated at the China Aid Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center in Saukoko, aims to enhance agricultural production in the Kpatawee waterfall area. The project comprises professional brought to the center by the Chinese Government to support Liberia’s Agriculture Research Institute to enhance agriculture technology and sustainability of agriculture development here, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

“Scholarships For Scholars” – Gender Minister Tells Beneficiaries of ECOWAS Scholarship Program

According to FOCUS newspaper, At least 46 potential young women Friday benefited from over US$46,000 (forty-six thousand plus United States dollars) ECOWAS Girls of Excellence Scholarship Program. The ECOWAS Girls of Excellence Scholarship Program is an initiative carried out by the ECOWAS Gender Center, a Sub Regional Institute charged with the responsibility to initiate and facilities capacity building through knowledge based training. The Center also transferred of skills and development for women to address gender equality in ECOWAS integration program.

PUL Launches Media Project Tuesday

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) will Tuesday launch a UNESCO-supported project intended to help build the capacity of the Liberian media and social actors ahead of the October elections. The Strengthening Conflict Sensitivity in Journalism and Social Media towards Elections in Liberia Project will be kicked off at the YMCA Auditorium in Monrovia. The project is a part of UNESCO’s International Program for the Development of Communication (IPDC) and will support the Liberian media and social actors by training and capacity building that will enhance cordial professional relations with politicians and political parties. According to a PUL release, the project will also promote journalists; safety by working with politicians to discourage crimes against journalists, especially in the build up to the 2017 elections, the INSIGHT newspaper says.

Related Caption: Medical School Students ‘Grateful’ for Free Hepatitis B Vaccine to Them(FrontPage Africa)