Daily Media Summary 2017-05-22

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of President Sirleaf’s Message of Condolence to His Excellency Dr. Alpha Condé, President of the Republic of Guinea, due to the unfortunate death of 24 persons, Vice President Joseph Boakai’s acceptance of the investment by Orange telecommunications into the Liberian market and United Nations Development Program Country Director, Dr. Pa Lamin Beyai’s call for the use of tripartite engagement to project affected communities and Liberians in responding and seeking redress to concession issues are among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dallies.


Ellen Consoles Guinea

The New Dawn newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to His Excellency Dr. Alpha Condé, President of the Republic of Guinea, due to the unfortunate death of 24 persons and injury to several others. The unfortunate accident involving a mini bus and a truck occurred in Dubreka, north Conakry on Saturday, May 6, 2017. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, expressed heartfelt condolences to the Government and people of the Guinea, especially the bereaved family, for the irreparable loss sustained. “In extending best wishes for speedy recovery of the injured, we pray that the Almighty Allah will grant Your Excellency and the people of Guinea strength, courage, and fortitude during this difficult period of mourning,” President Sirleaf indicated.

Related Caption: Ellen Consoles Guinea (Heritage), Liberia Consoles Guinea (Focus)

V.P. Boakai Welcomes Investment By Orange

The Daily Observer reads that Liberian Vice President Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai has hailed the entry of telecommunications giant Orange into the Liberian market.  The Vice President made the statement at a VIP dinner held on Thursday, May 18th at the Paynesville Town hall to celebrate the launch of the Orange brand in Liberia. The Vice President, who served as the Guest of Honor at the event, lauded the investment made by Orange and said that it would have a significant effect on the Liberian people.  He highlighted that although GSM companies had made strides in improving coverage, there was still a lot of the country that still did not have access to telecommunications.  VP Boakai admonished Orange to focus not only on expanding its network, but to also ensure the quality of service provided to the Liberian people.  

Related Captions: VP Boakai Welcomes Investment By Orange…Says It Would Have Significant Effect On Liberians (Heritage), VP Boakai Welcome By Orange (In Profile Daily), Vice President Boakai Welcomes Investment By Orange (FrontPage Africa)

UNDP Boss Calls For Tripartite Engagement

The Country Director of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Dr. Pa Lamin Beyai, has encouraged project affected communities and citizens across Liberia to always use tripartite engagement in responding and seeking redress to concession issues. Speaking in Sinje, Grand Cape Mount County at a two-day training held recently for members of the Sustainable Partnership Initiative (SPI), the UNDP Boss said dialogue and round-table engagements among the three stakeholders- the concessionaires, the government and the people should always be the way of dealing with issues and ensuring peaceful co-existence in concession communities. The training was part of a series of workshops conducted in four land conflict-prone concession sites around Liberia to include Sinoe, Maryland, Grand Cape Mount and Nimba Counties ) under the Accessed Funding Project. The New Dawn newspaper says the Project is being implemented by the United Nations Development Program in collaboration with the United Nations Mission in Liberia in partnership with the National Bureau of Concession (NBC). It is part of Strengthening National Reconciliation through Improved Understanding of Conflict Drivers in Concession Areas and the Establishment of Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (MSPs).

Related Captions: UNDP Boss Calls For Tripartite Engagement…In Responding to Concession Issues (FrontPage Africa), UNDP Boss Calls For Tripartite Engagement (In Profile Daily), UNDP Boss Calls For Tripartite Engagement (Heritage)

CSA Boss Upbeat About Efficiency, Effectiveness

A back-page story of the In Profile Daily reads that Dr. Puchu Leona Bernard, Director General of Liberia’s Civil Service Agency (CSA) says she is upbeat about the prospect of an effective and efficient agency of government supporting the rebuilding of public institutions in the country. Her statement is in relation to ongoing hands-on-training in performance assessment across various sectors of government. CSA’s performance management teams are currently in the field conducting the training intended to empower agency staff with needed skills to enhance performance and service delivery in the public sector.

Related Captions: CSA Boss Upbeat About Agency’s Efficiency (The New Dawn), Liberia Civil Service Aiming To Improve Delivery, Performance (FrontPage Africa), Dr. Bernard Upbeat About An Efficient, Effective CSA (INSIGHT), CSA Boss Upbeat About Agency’s Efficiency (The New Dawn)


Pres. Sirleaf Hails Cameroon On 45th National Day

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extended warmest congratulations to the Government and people of the Republic of Cameroon on the occasion marking the 45th anniversary of the National Day of that country. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in her message to His Excellency Mr. Paul Biya, President of the Republic of Cameroon, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, expressed confidence that Liberia and Cameroon will continue to work together to promote globe peace, security and economic development. She added that as Cameroon commemorates this joyous occasion, her government looks forward to strengthening the already excellent bilateral ties subsisting between Liberia and Cameroon, reads the New Dawn newspaper.    

ECOWAS, AU, UNMIL Pave Way for Smooth Elections Plan National Forum

Another back-page story of the In Profile Daily asserts that the office of the Special Representative of the President of ECOWAS Commission in Liberia, the African Union Liaison Office in Liberia (AU) and the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) has disclosed plans to hold a National Forum of all political parties and stakeholders from May 31-June 1, 2017 in Monrovia. According to a joint statement, the forum is in pursuance of the implementation of their respective mandates of facilitating peaceful, inclusive, credible, free and fair elections in Liberia. The statement calls upon leaders of political parties to engage in all processes leading towards the Forum, including the preparatory meeting scheduled to take place on 24 May 2017 at the Lutheran Guest House, 14th Street Sinkor, Monrovia, the paper says.

ECOWAS Envoys Pay Courtesy Call On President Sirleaf In Washington

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf last week met with Ambassadors and Chargé d’Affaires of ECOWAS countries in Washington, D.C on the first day of her visit to the United States. During their courtesy call on President Sirleaf, who is Chairperson of the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government, the ECOWAS Envoys lauded the Liberian Leader for her stewardship, which has ensured continued peace, stability and progress in Liberia and the sub-region. Speaking on behalf of the ECOWAS Ambassadors Group (EAG), Ambassador Daouba Diabate of Côte d’Ivoire, who is Acting Dean of the EAG, said President Sirleaf’s leadership has not only positively impacted Liberia but West Africa and the world at large. According to a dispatch from Washington, Ambassador Diabate indicated that because of President Sirleaf’s capable leadership, Liberia has continued on a path of peace and reconstruction despite the recent tragedy and setbacks brought about by the Ebola epidemic. In remarks, President Sirleaf lauded the ECOWAS diplomats for the courtesy call, and used the opportunity to encourage them to continue to work together assertively as a regional bloc for the good of West Africa and the African Continent as a whole. President Sirleaf spoke of the efforts being made toward regional integration, such as the ECOWAS Parliament and ECOWAS Court, as well as improving communication and coordination among Member Countries regarding regional security, reads the New Dawn newspaper.

NASSCORP Dedicates Regional Headquarters In Margibi County

The National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) over the weekend dedicated its Kakata, Margibi County regional office valued US$400,000. It contains a service center and a residential area. According to NASSCORP management, they intend to build similar structures in all county capitals where the corporation’s regional offices are located around the country. The new structures would contain banking facilities for lease to potential banking institutions. The FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that the dedication of the regional office, according to NASSCORP, is in fulfillment of its decentralization program and its desire to perfect the social security system for the benefit of the Liberian people throughout the country.

Related Caption:  ‘We’re Moving Ahead Aggressively’ (Daily Observer)

Help To Reduce Pre-Trial Detentions; Min. Cherue Challenges Rights Groups

In a bid to reduce pre-trial detainees, who have overwhelmed prisons in the country, Justice Minister Frederick Cherue is calling on rights organizations to help with the representation and prosecution of cases involving pre-trial detainees. He told Judicial Reporters in an interview in Gbarnga Thursday that instead of raising alarm about the growing wave of pre-trial detainees in prisons, it would be good for them to help sponsor lawyers who will ensure speedy trial of their clients’ cases. He acknowledged the fact that prisons  are overcrowded with pre-trial detainees, but note that given the budgetary constraints facing the ministry, it would be worthy for partners to give such a support, the FOCUS newspaper reads.

Miss Liberia Commissioned As ‘Face Of Star Condom’ Ambassador

Liberia’s beauty Queen, Ms. Wokie Dolo, was on Friday, May 19, 2017 commissioned by the Population Services International (PSI) as its ‘Face of Star Condom’ Ambassador to help promote to robustly help in the spreading of messages of the prevention of teenage pregnancies and HIV/AIDS. During the occasion, Miss Liberia, Wokie Dolo and the Country Representative of PSI, Mr. Rajiv Dua signed the Memorandum of Understanding which awarded the 8-month old contract to the Liberian beauty queen to provide eloquently her services to the NGO. The Sales and Marketing Manager of PSI, Mr. Amos Songor explained that during the lifespan of the Contract between Miss Liberia and his organization, a giant symbol will be erected at strategic locations with Miss Liberia displaying the Star Condom, symbolizing to the general public on how to help prevent these unforeseen situations including unwanted pregnancies and the prevention of HIV/AID, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper

Related caption: Miss Liberia Commissioned ‘Face Of Star Condom’ Ambassador (In Profile Daily)

WEAC Begins Today

The Heritage newspaper reports that several senior students from across the length and breadth of the country will today, Monday, May 22, 2017 join their West African counterparts for the annual West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) test. With its headquarters in Accra, Ghana, WAEC is non-profit-making organization that was established in 1952 after Governments of Ghana (then Gold Coast), Nigeria, Sierra Leone and The Gambia enacted the West African Examinations Council Ordinance in 1951. Liberia became the fifth member of the Council in 1974.

ActionAid Launches Forestry Project To Empower Women

According to the Daily Observer, ActionAid-Liberia (AAL) in partnership with the Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) and Foundation Community Initiatives (FCI) on Thursday, May 18, launched the Forestry Governance and Management Project. The project is entitled, “Promoting Women and Community Rights in Forest Governance and Management in Liberia.” Lakshmi S. Moore, AAL Country Director, said the project is implemented with funding from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the European Union (EU). The project, she said, is being implemented over nine months across Grand Gedeh, Gbarpolu, Margibi, Grand Bassa and Nimba counties targeting 25 communities. The aim, among other things, is to improve women’s capacity to participate in forest governance processes and also contribute to the assessment and monitoring the impact of the Liberian Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) on gender relations and gender-related livelihood opportunities.

Change In Command LDEA, Commissions New Officers

The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDAE) has commissioned a new corps of officers to stir the affairs of the agency, Margibi County’s detachment. The LDEA at the weekend put into office Col. A. Mentor Yormie as the Detachment new Commander replacing LtC. Ralph O. Gooding. Also commissioned were Deputy Commander Momoh Zinnah and the Chief of Operation, Sgt. Darlingto I. A. Sauel. The commissioning ceremony was witnessed by LDEA officers including the Deputy Chief of Operations, Mayor Abraham Payne. Speaking after the commission ceremony, the newly appointed commander, Col. A. Mentor Yormie, vowed to work fervently so as to ensure that drug usage is seriously reduce in the Country. The newly appointed Commander and has Co-workers are charged with the responsibility to control activities surrounding the LDEA Margibi County’s detachment, the FOCUS newspaper reads.

Miss Liberia Wokie Dolo Off To Uganda For Mega Charity

Miss Liberia Wokie Dolo is in Uganda upon the invitation of Miss Uganda, Nakitende Irene, to participate in charitable works. According to the Liberian Beauty Queen, she was invited following a deal brokered by the Ugandan Beauty Queen to undertake the charitable works from May 21 to 27. According to reports, Nakitende Irene, Miss Uganda, also considered as ‘Rising Woman of Uganda’, invited the Liberian Beauty Queen in a bid to strengthen ties between the two countries. Speaking to the media in Uganda, Nakitende noted that hosting the Liberian beauty queen will be a step forward in further strengthening the friendship between the two countries, the INSIGHT newspaper says.

Social Safety New Agreement Presented To Legislature

A financing agreement on the Social Safety Net Project, signed by the Government of Liberia and the International Development Association, has been presented to the National Legislature by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for ratification. The financing agreement, which is valued at Special Drawing Rights (SDR0 7,300,000 or US$10 million was signed on September 19, 2016, according to the Liberia Leader. A SDR is an international reserve asset created by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1969 to supplement the existing official reserves of member countries, the FOCUS newspaper reads.

PUL Suspends LEGISPOL Congress

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has, with immediate effect, suspended all electoral-related activities of the Legislative Press Pool (LEGISPOL) at the Capitol Building. The Union’s decision is a result of a growing tension which has the potential of undermining the coverage of the first branch of government at a critical moment in Liberia. The Union, through its President, Charles B. Coffey, is therefore cautioning members of LEGISPOL to refrain from all acts that would blow off chaos in the network of journalists.  Coffey has mandated all reporters at the Legislature to conduct themselves in a manner that will best serve the interest of the public, said a PUL release.

MIA Official Leads Delegation

Deputy Internal Affairs Minister for Operation Mrs. Gbeme Horace-Kollie, at the head of a Liberian delegation, departed the country, Friday, May 19, 2017 to attend a week-long conference on the 2017 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Cancun, Mexico. Deputy Minister Horace-Kollie delegation, which includes representative from the Ministry of Transport-Metrological Department and the Liberia National Red Cross, among others, will be part of more than 5,000 participants, including policymakers and disaster risk managers that are expected to attend the conference that runs from May 22 – 26. Accordingly, the Global Platform will mark the first opportunity for the international community to review global progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, which was adopted in Japan in 2015, reports the Heritage newspaper.

Relation Caption: MIA Official Leads Delegation To Mexico (Heritage)

PPAL Launches Youth Family Planning Awareness Project For Grand Bassa County

The Planned Parenthood Association of Liberia (PPAL) on May 17 launched a community engagement for youth family planning Program in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the project is sponsor by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and targets youth between ages 11 to 24 years. Speaking at the launching, the Chief Executive Officer of PPAL, Madam Martha Kiawu Cojolo said the program seeks to improve Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) for the population.  She said the objective will be achieved through programs development and implementations, training and technical assistance in SRHR information including family planning services and youth friendly service provision amongst others. 

16 North Carolina Central University Students In Liberia To Support Government’s Development Process, Reforms

An inside story of the In Profile Daily reads that students with extensive professional experience, the 16 members of the Executive Mater’s of Public Administration program bring rich perspective on public service to the classroom North Carolina Central University (NCCU). A trip together to Monrovia, Liberia in West Africa for short-term placements in the Liberian Civil Service Agency is giving them an outstanding comparative look at international public administration. The students were welcomed to Liberia and their internships by Dr. Puchu Leona Bernard, Director-General of the Civil Service Agency (CSA), and an alumna of North Carolina Central University. “Today, we are excited to see our student volunteers back to Liberia. We celebrate and welcome them in grand style,” said Dr. Bernard.

AEL Launches Agric. Project Targets 400 Farmers In Margibi County

A three-year agriculture program targeting 400 farmers in Margibi County has been launched by the Association of Evangelicals of Liberia (AEL). The Jersey Project is aided at empowering local farmers in Gibi and Kakata Districts in Margibi County. Speaking at the launch of the program, AEL program Officer, Ebenezer Binda said the project was designed basically to provide an economic platform for local farmers in the two districts. Mr. Binda said the 400 farmers who are targeted will be selected from several communities by local authorities to participate in the agriculture project, the In Profile Daily says.

Police Issue Elections Warning

The Liberia National Police (LNP) has issued warning to citizens here, mainly urging political actors to avoid putting people on the street to stage violent demonstrations, to avoid a “very strong” police force which claims it does not want to misuse its strength. “We are not telling them because we’re afraid; we are telling them because we are very strong and we don’t want to misuse our strength that is why we are telling people to do away with violence”, Police Spokesman Sam Collins said Saturday, 20 May, as he proxy for Inspector General Col. Gregory Coleman at a community policing forum in Clara Town. Mr. Collins says police have been in the 15 counties here and met with 21 registered political parties, seeking their assistance to guide the political season by not putting people on the street for violence. According to him, the meeting with the community residents including men, women, students and motorcyclists is part of a US$2.3m project sponsored by the Sweden Government in helping to build the LNP’s capacity in community policing in which experts come from Sweden to provide help, asserts the New Dawn newspaper.