Daily Media Summary 2017-03-10

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia





Today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies highlights among other stories news of President Sirleaf’s called for heads of diplomatic missions to continue to promote Liberia’s Agenda For Transformation, the Liberia Revenue Authority and the Federal Inland Revenue Service of Nigeria signing of a Memorandum of Co-operation to strengthen ties between the two tax collecting bodies and the Canadian Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Madame Patricia McCullagh expression of her country’s preparedness to work with Liberia.




Retreat Opens Pres. Sirleaf Urges Heads Of Liberian Diplomats And Consular Missions To Continue Hard Work

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has called on heads of diplomatic mission to continue to promote Liberia’s agenda for transformation. At a retreat organized for heads of the country’s diplomatic and consular missions around the world in Monrovia, President Sirleaf called on the diplomats to use the retreat to share knowledge with members of the cabinet. She said even though she has eight months in power, subsequent government will build on policies laid out by her government and hence the input of the diplomats would always be needed.  “You are career civil servants, which means, you move from one administration to another and what we will be doing will pass on to the next administration. "We expect that but we expect that some things will remain - certain fundamentals - and there are things we put in place anybody who succeeds me will want to build on and you will be the ones that will be part of the continuity to be able to carry these things,” Sirleaf said.Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara urged the ambassadors to contribute positively for Liberia to benefit, adding that it has been an exciting experience serving the country.


Related Captions: Diplomatic Heads, Consular Of Missions Extolled-As Ellen Opens Retreat, Urges Them To Continue To Do Well (FOCUS), “ You Are Career Civil Servants”-Pres. Sirleaf Tells Liberian Diplomats At Retreat (In Profile Daily), Ellen Talks Politics At Diplomatic Meeting (The New Dawn), Ellen Urges Liberian Diplomats to Continue Good Work (Heritage)


Deal Sealed For Revenue Modernization, Others

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) and the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) of Nigeria have signed a Memorandum of Co-operation to strengthen ties between the two tax collecting bodies. The In Profile Daily quotes a press release from the LRA as saying that the signing ceremony took place recently in Abuja, Nigeria at Headquarters of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, with LRA Commissioner General Elfrieda Stewart Tamba and FIRS Executive Chair Dr. Tunde Fowler signing for their respective institutions. According to the daily, areas of cooperation under the memorandum will include exchange of information and best practices; identification, initiation and development of pilot projects in the areas of revenue administration; provision of technical assistance, including capacity building and training; development of common approaches towards risk profiling, risk assessment and revenue protection measures, among others.


Related Captions: LRA, FIRS Sign Knowledge Sharing Pact (The New Dawn), LRA, FIRS Ink Knowledge Sharing MoU (INSIGHT


Amb. McCullagh Stresses Maritime Security Concern-Expresses Her Country’s Preparedness to partner with Liberia; As Samukai Empasizes Thwarting Tragedy of the Commons’

The Canadian Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Madame Patricia McCullagh has expressed her country’s preparedness to work with Liberia within the broad spectrum of collaboration adding, “Maritime security is of concern and I hope my country will work closely with Liberia’s Ministry of National Defense”. In a related development the Canadian Ambassador has disclosed that a Canadian Naval Vessel-HMCS MONCTON-is expected to conduct, for the first time, a routine port visit to Monrovia from 21-20 Marc, 2017 as part of a greater exercise within the Gulf of Guinea, the FOCUS newspaper reports.


Related Captions: Samukai Reaffirms Strong Partnership With Canada-For Liberia’s Maritime Security Advancement (In Profile Daily), Minister Samukai Speaks Of AFL’s Professional Development (Heritage), Minister Samukai Speak of AFL’s Professional Development (INSIGHT)


WABA Wants Members Tackle Economic Challenges-Holds Its 70th Annual General Meeting In Monrovia

The West African Bankers Association (WABA) during its 70th annual general meeting Thursday in Monrovia called on executive members to continue coordinating and collaborating to tackle the economic challenges confronting the sub-region. Mr. John B.S. Davies, President of the Liberia Bankers’ Association (LBA) and Chief Executive Officer of LBDI, who spoke at the opening ceremony in Monrovia, told executives that the LBA, which is part of WABA, is aware of the increasing attempts at coordination and collaboration within ECOWAS. Mr. Davies said he is hopeful that the expectation of ECOWAS with regard to banking and financial services will be highlighted in their meeting. The Executive Governor of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), Mr. Milton A. Weeks, renewed his call for capacity building in the finance and banking sectors of the sub-region, according to the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: Sub-Regional Bankers Meet In Monrovia (The New Dawn), West Africa Bankers Convene In Monrovia (The INQUIRER)




‘Proud’ of Ghana’s Achievements Elle Expresses

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has expressed pride in what the West African nation Ghana has become, acknowledging its economic growth and new status as a middle income country in the sub-region. She also commended the people of Ghana for the recent peaceful elections that brought President Nana Akufor-Addo to power. President Sirleaf was speaking Monday when he participated in the 60th Independence Day Celebrations of the Republic of Ghana in Monrovia. She reflected on the sisterly and bilateral relationship between Liberia and Ghana and recounted Ghana’s assistance to Liberian during the civil war to include providing refuge o Liberians and the deployment of peacekeepers to help end the conflict, the FOCUS newspaper says.


Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf ‘Proud’ of Ghana’s Achievements (INSIGHT)


UP Smokes Peace Pipe

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has called on Unity Party (UP) stalwarts and partisans to “Let by gone be by gone” and move ahead in preparing the party for victory. The New Dawn newspaper reports that President Sirleaf made the statement during a gathering on March 9 at the national headquarters of the Unity Party in Cong Town. According to the President, it is time for all partisans to unite and move the party, which has until now, been dormant, with spit of exodus of several national executive committee members to Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine’s Liberty Party. But the President, apparently in a religious mood or mocking members of the opposition bloc, who might have shared speculations about division within the ruling establishment, quoted the Holy Bible by saying, “By their fruits, we shall know them.” Commenting, Vice President Boakai and presidential hopeful said, the UP is not at war with anyone, urging partisans not to live under such belief. He called on partisans, supporters and sympathizers to treat President Sirleaf with high respect. The occasion also saw the presentation of 15 brand new two-cabin pickups to the party for use by leaders in the political sub-divisions of the country.


Miss Liberia Presented to President Sirleaf

The winner of the 2017 Miss Liberia Beauty Pageant, Wokie Dolo, has been officially presented to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Miss Dolo was received by the Liberian leader on Wednesday, March 8, 2017. She was presented by Gender, Children and Social Protection Minister, Julia Ducan Cassell, at the celebration of International Women’s Day held at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Stadium in Paynesville, outside Monrovia. She disclosed that her meeting with President Sirleaf has strengthened her resolve to walk in the President’s footstep, a woman of substance and good virtues. Miss Dolo described President Sirleaf, as “a true mother,” who has worked hard to restore peace to Liberia after years of turmoil, the INSIGHT newspaper reads.


Samukai, Dennis, Johnson Get Nat’l Honors

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has honored Defense Minister Brownie Samukai, out-going UL President Dr. Emmett Dennis and the late former Internal Affairs Minister Ambillai Bolah Johnson. At the Special Investiture ceremonies which took place Monday at the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium, the late Minister Johnson was honored posthumously. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader termed the services of the three officials as a mark of commitment that should be emulated by others. Defense Minister was admitted into the Humane Order of African Redemption with a rank of Knight Great Band; Dr. Dennis with a rank of K night Grand Commander, while he late Johnson was admitted posthumously with a rank of Knight Grand Commander into the Venerable Order of the Pioneers, the INSIGHT newspaper reads.


UN Boss Alarms on ‘Reduction, restriction, and Reversal of Women’s Rights’ Women leaders Laud Liberia’s Progress

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, says women’s rights are human rights, “but I these troubled times, as our world becomes more unpredictable and chaotic, the rights of women and girls are being reduced, restricted and reversed.” In a statement issued in commemoration of International Women’s Day 2017, Mr. Guterres pointed out that empowering women and girls is the only way to protect their rights and make sure they can realize their full potential. “Historic imbalances in power relations between men and women, exacerbated by growing inequalities within and between societies and countries, are leading to greater discrimination against women and girls,” he declared, the INSIGHT newspaper reads.


Police Launch “No to Violence, Yes to Peace” Campaign

The Liberia National Police (LNP) has embarked o0n a nationwide tour to get firsthand report from citizens on the performance of officers assigned in their areas. The tour also seeks opinions on how Police performance can be improved in delivering quality service ahead of and during the Presidential and Legislative Elections schedule of October 2017. The tour comes at the time the LNP has taken over security from the United Nations Mission in Liberia following their drawn down I collaboration with other security Apparatus in the country, the FOCUS newspaper says.


Africa Must Invest In WASH

The Country Representative of UNICEF has called on the continent to use its resources to provide and improve Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services for its population. Speaking at the 4th joint annual review meeting in Monrovia, Mr. Suleiman Braimoh said much is spent on fighting cholera, diarrhea, among many other preventable diseases in Africa and other parts of the world only because care is not being given to the improvement of people’s livelihoods through better and safe water provision as well as sanitation and hygiene.
“We also have challenges with the issue of sustainability and there is a haunting challenge and our inability to achieve the sanitation target,” Mr. Braimoh noted. Also speaking, the Senior Advisor at WASH in the Netherlands, Mr. Dirk C. Van Ginhoven, said the sub-region, including Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, must work harder than ever before to reach other Sustainable Development Goals. Liberia’s Public Works Minister Gyude Moore said no African political campaign has expressed the desire to target the poor state of living of the people simply due to lack of WASH. According to him, high population in cities such as Monrovia places a tremendous pressure on the limited resources and accounts for the high cost of living.
Also present at this March 6-11 review meeting held at a resort in Monrovia, are representatives from Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Holland, Nigeria, and host Liberia, among others, the Daily Observer reports.


Senate: LEC Should Embrace Private Investment, Joint Ventures

The Senate Joint Committee on Lands Mines, Energy, Natural Resources & Environment and Public Corporations has recommended that the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) embrace and aggressively work on programs for private investment, joint ventures and other forms of public-private partnership in the electricity sector, especially in power distribution. The joint committee’s recommendation was contained in a 5-page report presented to the Senate Plenary on Tuesday during its 17th day sitting. The Senate, on February 17, 2017, mandated the Standing Committees to investigate several issues involving the operations of the LEC. In the report, the committee recommended among other things that the Government should create the opportunity where local businesses can obtain finance to invest in power distribution. The joint committee, according to the Daily Observer, was headed by Senators J. Gbleh-Bo Brown and Albert Tugbe Chie.


Related Caption: Lawmaker: Power Theft Will Continue If (Heritage)


Liberian Women Made Tremendous Progress Says Pres. Sirleaf

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has hailed the women of Liberia for making tremendous progress that has impacted not only Liberia but also the world with women advancing everywhere and every day. According to a Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the statement on Tuesday, March 7, at the Samuel K. Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville City when she opened this year’s International Women Colloquium. She recounted that the current gathering by women from around the world is a mark of coming to see what progress the aftermath of 2009 International Women Colloquium has brought to Liberia since the first launch of the Colloquium in M of 2009,the FOCUS newspaper says.


CSA Supports Civil Servant Leadership, but Sounds Caveat

An inside story of the Heritage newspaper reads that The Civil Services Agency (CSA) has pledged to work with the newly indicted leadership0 of the Civil Servants Association of Liberia (CSAL) in ensuring that issues concerning reforms in the Public Sector are amicable achieved. Speaking recently at the Foreign Ministry during the induction of officers elect of the association, the Principal Administrative Officer of the CSA Mr. Alfred Drosaye told the officers that they are taking the mantle of leadership at a difficult period and that he task ahead requires integrity and professionalism if they are to accomplish their goals. Mr. Drosaye, who proxy for CSA Director General Dr. Leona P. Bernard, however cautioned tee w leadership that while his agency will have an open heart for them, they should work in harmony with the CSA laws and policies in fostering the ambition of their leadership, the Heritage newspaper reads.


17 New Projects Set For Dedication In Nimba Supt. Cooper

Nimba County Superintendent-Designate, D. Dorr Cooper, has disclosed that seventeen projects have been completed by the county administration and are to be dedicated soon. Speaking to the Liberia News Agency recently in Sanniquillie, Superintendent Cooper named the projects as several elementary and junior high schools, bridges, commissioner compounds, and City Halls. He pointed out that funding for the projects came from the County and Social Development Funds provided by the Liberian government and concessionaires, the FOCUS newspaper says. Meanwhile, Superintendent Cooper has extended thanks to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for her intervention that has made it possible the people of Nimba to receive he US$300,000 owed them by the Ministry of Public Works.


NGO Plans To Reduce Maternal Mortality

A non-governmental organization, We Care Solar, has embarked on an initiative to reduce maternal mortality in the country. Dubbed ‘Light ever childbirth,’ We Care Solar Executive Director, Dr. Laura Stachel, said they want to ensure every pregnant woman has an access to reliable lighting and essential electricity. Speaking during the launch of the initiative, she said her organization is working with partners to ensure that all mothers have access to timely emergency obstetric care in well- equipped health centers. Deputy Health Minister Dr. Francis Kateh pledged the ministry’s support to the initiative and described the solar suitcase as a blessing to the country’s health system. Vice President Joseph Boakai encouraged government officials to work in the common interest of the country. He said the solar suitcase is simple and effective for the wellbeing of maternal processes, reads the FrontPage Africa newspaper.