Daily Media Summary 2017-02-28

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News of Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai’s dedication of a little over 20 feet-wide ferry in Bong County, the conduct of by-election in District #1 , Lofa County  by the National Elections Commission and Police Inspector General Gregory Coleman’s  warning to traffic police officers against extorting of money from commercial drivers are stories dominating today’s  summary of the local dailies.




VP Boakai Dedicates Ferry Valued Over US$70,000

Vice President Joseph NyumahBoakai has dedicated a little over 20 feet-wide ferry to residents of Fuammah and Sannoyea Districts, in Bong County. The ferry is also intended to connect Bong County to Gbarpolu County via the two districts. Residents of both districts, including neighboring Gbarpolu County have over the years used canoes to cross the St. Paul River to transact business. The New Dawn newspaper quotes an aide of the Vice President, Mr. Abdullah Lusene Kamara as saying that the ferry project with an estimated cost of over US$70,000 was undertaken through the personal initiative of VP Boakai. Vice President Boakai said the initiative is meant to rescue the suffering citizens of Bong and Gbapolu Counties, who travel cross the St. Paul River on a daily basis in the face of serious risk to their lives.


Related Captions: VP Boakai Launches Ferry On Saint Paul River (Heritage), Easy Sail On St. Paul River Vice President Joseph N. Boakai Launches Ferry (FrontPage Africa), VP Boakai Launches Ferry To Ply St. Paul River (INSIGHT)



2 NEC Staff Die

Two contractual workers assigned with the National Elections Commission (NEC) Grand Bassa County voter registration (VR) center have died reportedly of various ailments, NEC Chairman, Cllr. Jerome G. Korkoyah has confirmed. The deaths of the two took place separately after each suffered a period of illness while carrying out their respective assignments as NEC workers in the county. He said while the NEC regrets the passing of the two VR staff, it is in prayer that the bereaved families will take solace in the Lord. In another development, the Daily Observer says the NEC will today February 28, conduct by-elections in Lofa County’s Electoral District #1 to fill the vacancy of the lone Representative seat in the district. NEC is expected to announce the final results of that election by March 1. Ahead of today’s poll, Korkoyah said all logistical arrangements have been completed and police officers, polling staff and election materials are already deployed at all of the polling places.


Related Captions: Lofa District #1 Citizens Engage By-Election Candidates (In Profile Daily), Today is D-Day as Lofa County District #1 Representative By-Election Kicks with Nine Candidates Vying for the Vacant Seat (FOCUS)



Police Chief Warns Against ‘Extorting Money From Drivers’

The Heritage newspaper reads that Inspector General Gregory Coleman has warned traffic police officers against ‘extorting money from drivers, especially commercial operators. Addressing traffic officers in Monrovia over the weekend, Coleman said such unprofessional act is unacceptable as it reduces public confidence in the police force. “Such accusation from the public is worrisome and degrading, especially against law enforcement officers who are expected to live above reproach in the performance of their duty,” he added.


Related Caption: Stop “Extortion”-Police Chief Warns Traffic Officers (INSIGHT), Inspector General Disappointed-Over Police Extortion Reports (In Profile Daily)






NEC Issues 72hrs Ultimatum  

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the National Elections Commission (NEC) has issued 72 hours ultimatum to presidential and representatives aspirants involved in alleged pre-campaign activities to remove their postures and materials bearing campaign messages from public places or face the full weight of the law.  Speaking on Monday, 27 February at news conference in Monrovia, NEC Chairman Cllr. Jerome Kokorya said, in keeping with Chapter V, Section 5.2 (b) of the electoral guidelines, it is forbidden for individuals, who have ambition to contest a general election to publish printed materials with pictures on billboards, banners, posters and placards that tend to promote their quest when campaign has not been declared by the commission.



‘NEC Should Axe Code Of Conduct Clause’-Governance Commission Recommends, regarding National Code of Conduct Part V, Sections 5.1 and 5.2

The Governance Commission (GC) has made a recommendation to the National Elections Commission (NEC) to declare the Code of Conduct’s exclusion rule inapplicable. The GC made reference to Part V Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the Code of Conduct that seek to exclude from candidacy, high officials of the Executive Branch of government, who did not resign from their positions at least three years prior to the holding of elections. The GC said its recommendation was made in view of the doubts about the constitutionality of the provision, as it is now under challenge and the disruptive effect its enforcement will have on the October 2017 elections, reports the Daily Observer.



US SG Affirms Commitment to Journalist Safety

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has pledged his commitment to ensuring the safety and protection of journalists as well as a free and independent press. A statement from the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) says Guterres is of the opinion that these issues are fundamental to democracy and human rights and has pledged to take action. The UN Secretary General, according to the release, made the commitment over the weekend in a meeting with the Secretary General of Reporters without Borders, Christophe Deloire and the Executive Director of the Committee to protect journalists, Joel Simon, the Heritage newspaper reads.



Hundreds of Households, Businesses to Benefit from Pipe Borne Water

The Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) has begun a robust exercise to connect hundreds of households and businesses to its newly commissioned water treatment plant in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. During the period of its exercise, the corporation is connecting customers in that county free of charge and has waived upfront connections fees as well as the cost of purchasing materials usually required for connections. In August 2016, LWSC cut the ribbon for its new facilities in Grand Bassa, which was built with funding from the African Development Bank in partnership with the Government of Liberia. The opening of the new plat marked the first time that Buchanan had access to running water in twenty six years, the Heritage newspaper reads.



Former Liberia’s Foreign Minister Raps on Power Transfer in Africa

Former Liberia’s Foreign Minister, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, has frowned at what he calls ‘sit-tight’ leaders in Africa who continue to hold onto power and subvert the peaceful and democratic transfer of power in their countries. The immediate past Liberian foreign Minister’s speech comes on the heels of the holding of Presidential elections in his native Liberia in eight months’ time. He stated that Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, after serving for twelve years, is expected to turn over power to the newly elected President in January 2018. “If everything pans out as planned, this would be the first time since 1944 for Liberia to experience a peaceful transition from one living President in January 2018, the Heritage newspaper asserts.


Related Caption: How Democracy Can Thrive In Africa:-Ngafuan Explains In Nigeria (INSIGHT)



Representative Aspirant, Cohort Busted With NEC Materials At Private Residence-Fraudulent Voters Registration

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, a consultant of the Presidential Delivery Unit, Amos Siebo, has been arrested as part of an illegal voters registration ring at his private home in Johnsonville, outside Monrovia. The ring was busted with an assortment of National Elections Commission voters’ registration materials, including cameras, blank voters’ cards, forms and printers. Siebo who intends contesting the Montserrado County District #1 seat was arrested along with five ladies. Other workers of the NEC believed to be linked to the scheme are to be on the run, as the Liberia National Police has commenced an investigation into the matter. Based on the police report, the Ministry of State has immediately cancelled Mr. Siebo’s contract. He and his cohorts are being processed for prosecution.


 Related Caption: Police Probe MOS Staff For Trucking (The New Dawn)



Arcelor Mittal, Workers’ Union Sign CBA-Agreed To Restore Benefits

The Daily Observer says ArcelorMittal, a steel company mining the Mount Nimba Concession, on February 24, 2017, reached a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the United Workers Union of Liberia in the Port City of Buchanan. According to a press release issued by ArcelorMittal Liberia, the CBA will govern all aspects of the company and its relationship with employees. Some of the points highlighted in the CBA, according to the release, include the rehiring of some redundant workers, starting in the third quarter of 2017; the comprehensive job mapping to adjust salaries where they are inconsistent with the position; and the reinstatement of some benefits reduced to save jobs during the redundancies, beginning July 2017. Signing on behalf of ArcelorMittal Liberia was the Chief Executive Officer, Michel Prive, while Oldpa Zogbay signed for the Workers’ Union of ArcelorMittal Liberia.




ABIC Embarks On Nationwide Quick Impact Project

Angie Brooks International Center (ABIC) for women’s empowerment, with support from the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), Monday embarked on a nationwide quick impact project on governance. ABIC coordinator Cllr. Yvette Chesson Wureh said the project will boost women’s participation in the ongoing voter registration as well as enhance gender representation in the forthcoming presidential and representative elections. According to the Daily Observer, the project will be held simultaneously in Bopolu City, Voinjama, Barclayville, Saniquellie, Harper, Zwedru, Buchanan, Gbarnga, among others.



Rep. Corneh Dragged To Justice Ministry

The National Elections Commission (NEC) says it is forwarding Montserrado County Electoral District #14 Representative Abraham Vamuyam Corneh to the Ministry of Justice for possible prosecution in connection with alleged trucking of people to register in his district. Addressing a news conference in Monrovia Monday, February 27, the Chairman of the National Elections Commission Cllr. Jerome Kokorya said the commission received a petition from some residents of Electoral District #14 in which they accused Rep. Abraham V. Corneh of trucking people into the district to register. “Because trucking is a criminal offense and we do not have prosecutorial powers over crimes, all such reports will be referred to the Ministry of Justice for action,” Chairman Korkoya said. He said the NEC has defined voter trucking as the importation of people, either by a vehicle or foot, from their ordinary residence to get registered and vote in another area as nonresidents. According to the New Dawn newspaper, Rep. Corneh, who is seeking reelection, has been persistently accused of trucking people into his district to register ahead of the October elections, but he has denied.