Daily Media Summary 2017-01-18

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Monrovia, Liberia


News regarding the resignation of Mr Willie Belleh, Chairman of the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission is the lone story highlighted in today’s summary of the local dailies.




Belleh Quits PPCC-Head of Liberia’s Procurement Agency Resigns Over Global Witness Allegations

 Mr. Willie Belleh, one of the central figures of the Global Witness bribery saga in Liberia has resigned as Chairman of the Board of the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC). A statement from the procurement agency says it takes due notice of the ongoing investigation by the Special Task Force on the Global Witness allegations against some past and present officials of the Liberian Government including its Chairman Professor Belleh. In its explosive report, GW reported that on June 2010, US$10,000 was paid to Belleh, who held a key position in the tender process for mineral concessions and helped review the procurement act. Belleh denied receiving any payment. The report alleges that Mr. Belleh receive a bribe to create a loophole in the PPCC law. But Belleh in a lengthy response debunked the report, stating that as far as he is concerned, his conscience belongs to God. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the case against Mr. Belleh spurred from an email exchange between him and Cllr. Varney Sherman, former head of the ruling Unity Party and current Senator from Cape Mount County.


Related Captions: PPCC Chairman Quits Job To Respond To Global Witness Allegations(Heritage), PPCC Chairman Quits Job…To Respond To Global Witness Allegations(The INQUIRER), Another Big Fish Hooked-Special Task Force Flexes Muscle; PPCC Chairman Resigns To Face Global Witness’ Allegations(FOCUS), PPCC Chairman Resigns To Respond To Global Witness Allegations–Prez. Sirleaf Urges Political Parties(Daily Observer)





Ellen Seeks help to Curtail Power Theft as Public Works Needs over US$2.2BN to Pave Major Cities

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has informed the House of Representatives that the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) will be imposing fines on businesses and homes that will be found guilty of power theft. In a communication to plenary, the Liberian Leader said recently, LEC embarked on a vigorous program to identify and disconnect illegal connections. She noted that as a result of this exercise many residential and large businesses have been found tapping into illegal connections resulting in the loss of revenue for LEC in millions, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.


Related Caption: Ellen Wants Tough Punishment For Power Theft(The New Dawn)


Let’s Learn To Invest In Ourselves Veep Boakai Urges Africans

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has called for a new spirit of investment and commitment among Africans in which Africans will look inside the continent for the resolution of African problems through job creation. Vice President Boakai said when Africans invest in Africa they are doing good for themselves and that looking elsewhere for the creation of opportunities in African nations should be something of the past because in his words the continent has abundance of natural resources that can be used to improve the lives of its people, the INQUIRER newspaper says.



10 Million Euros Road Project for Liberia

UK Contractor Dawnus International has been awarded its third contract in Liberia, for the 10 Million Euros Gangra Haul Road project for the World’s largest steel manufacturer, ArcelorMittal.  ArcelorMittal is developing three iron ore deposits and concentrator in the mountains of Nimba County, 300km north east of Liberia capital, Monrovia. Dawnus said the work will involve constructing 13km of road through a heavy bush area, along with a 50m bridge across the Dayea River, a 100m bat tunnel and restoration works including replanting 85 hectares of trees and grass, the FOCUS newspaper says.



China, Liberia Celebrate 8th Anniversary of Confucius Institute Here

The Governments of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Liberia (GoL) through their relevant authorities have celebrated official ceremonies marking the 8th year existence of the Confucius Institute. The China operated Confucius Institute, which teaches program in Chinese Language, located at the state-run University of Liberia (UL) Main Campus on Capitol Hill in Monrovia. Speaking at the eight anniversary program, Chargé d’affaires of the Chinese Embassy near Monrovia, Mr. Li Zhaung, recalled that since its establishment at the UL, the Confucius Institute has made much headway step by step with graduates all over the country, reports the Heritage newspaper.



Modern Chinese Clinic Opens Here

In a bid to solving several medical complications and an effort to further boast the healthcare delivery system of the country, a new modern Chinese clinic has opened in the country. The Angel Medical Care Clinic was opened by the leader of the 9thChina Medical team, Doctor Sun Lijuan, who has just returned to the country. The clinic is situated in the township of Congo Town on the outskirt of Monrovia. Speaking Monday, January 16, 2017 in an exclusive interview with this paper, Doctor Sun said, as a means of adding further boost to the sector, the clinic is providing state of the art diagnostic equipment Ultrasound, EKG, Respirator (breathing machine) for heart or lung failure and Hemodialysis (kidney failure machine) among others, according to the Heritage news.



Lighe Raps On ECOWAS Biometric Work Permit

The Ministry of Labor is to enumerate all non-Liberian ECOWAS citizens operating in the informal sector to be transitioned into the formal sector of Liberia, Labor Minister Neto Z. Lighe has said. He told the ELBC “Super Morning Show” Monday that this will be done by implementing the ECOWAS Biometric Work Permit to regulate foreign ECOWAS citizens operating in the informal sector of Liberia. This policy, according to Mr. Lighe, is intended to regulate Liberia's informal business environment by upholding the laws that govern the sector. Lighe made the statement against the backdrop that there have been numerous complaints from Liberians operating in the informal sector, especially unions that are representing petty traders, about the influx of foreigners in the sector. He said the Ministry of Labor, in partnership with the Ministry of Commerce and the Liberia Revenue Authority, can adequately address this situation if only they have proper documentation and records of those foreigners that are operating in the sector. Meanwhile, Lighe has described 2016 as a "prosperous year" for the Ministry of Labor, owing to limited strike actions occasioned by the ministry's prompt interventions in several labor issues within institutions, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.



LRA Holds Holds Meeting Of Global Forum On Transparency And Exchange Of Informtion For Tax Purposes

Tax collectors in Liberia are participating in a three-day meeting of the global forum on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. The meeting is the 9th forum of the technical assistance on Round 2-Peer Review and Other Global Forum Initiatives. The FrontPage Africa newspaper quotes the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) as saying that this technical assistance, meeting is important for Liberia, as the country aim to accomplish strengthening collaboration and sensitization amongst all local stakeholders and enhance preparedness of the country to ensure passage of the Round 2-Peer Review to avoid the blacklisting of Liberia for lack of transparency in financial matters.



Bomi College Ends Climate Change Validation Workshop

The Bomi County Community College (BCCC) last Thursday ended a one-day Climate Change Validation Workshop in Tubmanburg, Bomi County with 45 participants. The workshop was sponsored by Plan international Liberia and it was implemented by authorities at the BCCC.  BCCC President Dr. Zobong Norman, told participants that it was an opportunity to the college to be the leader to develop a module that would eventually be used to teach two semesters at the college, the back page story of the INQUIRER newspaper says.



A Liberian NGO Granted Status in United States of America

A back page story of the INQUIRER news daily reads that New World Initiative (NWI), a registered Liberian not for profit organization was on November 14, 2016 certified by the State of Lowa through its Secretary of State Paul D. Pate as a not for profit organization to conduct business in the state. American and Liberian partners of NWI are expected to collaborate their efforts aimed at providing needy development services to Liberia after the launch of the organization this year in Liberia to be followed by initiation of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) pilot project. 



Most Health Facilities Provide Family Planning Service – MoH Report


The Ministry of Health (MoH) has reported that 88 percent of health facilities in Liberia provide family planning services. Out of the 583 health facilities assessed for readiness, 48 percent had family planning guidelines available, while 14 percent had at least one trained staff in family planning during the last two years, according to the ministry’s 2016 Annual Report released recently. The report noted that those facilities also have readiness of contraceptive, including over 90 percent male condoms for progestin whose readiness score was 85 percent during the same period, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.