Daily Media Summary 2016-11-28


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Mrs. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Undersecretary of United Nations and Executive Director of UN Women and Mrs. Zainab Bangura, SRSG for Sexual Violence in Conflict special visit to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Friday, November 25, 2016is the lone dominant stories in today’s media summary.

Others stories include Liberia’s recommitment to the “One China Policy,” University of Liberia graduation ceremonies and the launch of child support helpline by the Ministry of Gender and Children and Social Protection.

Dominant Story 

Pres. Sirleaf Receives UN Officials


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Friday received two senior United Nations officials at her Foreign Ministry Office in Monrovia. The two officials, Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women and Mrs. Zainab Bangura, SRSG for Sexual Violence in Conflict are currently visiting Liberia. An Executive Mansion release said, the UN Women Executive Director briefed President Sirleaf about current and pending programs of the UN entity in Liberia that focus on women. Some of the programs include a 5-year Community Sanitation Facilities Program aimed at building sanitation infrastructures by women and for women with support from Sweden and Canada; conclusion of pending market projects in Lofa, Bong and Grand Cape, among others, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption:UN Special-Envoy Mohammeda Ibn Chambers Pays Courtesy Call on President Sirleaf(FOCUS), Senior UN Officials Meet President Sirleaf(In Profile Daily), UN Special-Envoy Chambers pays Courtesy Call on Ellen (Heritage) and Two Senior UN officials Meet Ellen (Inquirer)


Liberia Re-Commits to ‘One China Policy’


The Government of Liberia has reaffirmed its commitment to the “One China Policy.” The government also restated its support to China’s concept of “one country, two systems” and every effort by the Chinese Government to achieve national reunification. The Liberian government’s statement comes in the wake of an alert about two separate communications (each dated August 19, 2016 respectively) signed by the former Speaker of the Transitional Legislative Assembly, Mr. George S. Dweh, Sr., to authorities of the Republic of Taiwan. The communications were suggesting bilateral discussions to establish an economic trade link with the Government of Liberia. According to a Foreign Ministry release, Mr. Dweh is a former government official, who in no way is or has been an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs nor has had any official relation with the Ministry or is an envoy of the President of Liberia, the Heritage newspaper reports. 


MoGCSP Launches 116 – Child Support Helpline…For Reporting Abuses Against Children


The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection along with its partner, Sweden and UNWOMEN have officially launched a Child Helpline (116) in an effort to curb and have immediate responses to cases of violence against women and children in the Country. The 116-Helpline was inaugurated under auspices of the official launch of the 16-days of Activism, a Campaign initiated to stand-up against all forms of violence against women and girls. The child helpline is a comprehensive, coordinated, interdisciplinary, accessible and sustainable multi-sectorial service and program respond to children at all levels, reports the FOCUS newspaper.


UL Graduates 2,000 next Monday

University of Liberia (UL) said it will on December 5, 2016, begin its 97th commencement exercises. At least 2,000 students are expected to receive degrees in various professional and academic disciplines after completing their required courses of study at the University. Mr. Norris Tweh, Vice President for UL Relations, told a local radio station on Friday, November 25, 2016, in Monrovia that the graduation exercises would dedicate and successful service to the institution, the Insight newspaper reports.


5,000 Children Benefit From Budu Children Project

According to the New Dawn newspaper, nearly five thousand less-fortunate and destitute children, as well as the elderly from towns, villages and cities in Cheesemanburg, Arttington and Millsburg in rural Montserrado County over the weekend received assorted Medical, Educational and Relief donations from the Budu Liberian Children Project in Liberia. Budu Liberian Children Project is a joint Humanitarian, Educational and Spiritual campaign that was launched in 2003 on the than Liberian Budubura Refugees Camp in Accra, Ghana to care for the needed during the days of the Liberian Civil Crisis. The Budu Liberian Children Project, after the official closure of the Budubura Refugees Camp in Ghana has turned its focus in Liberia working mainly with Liberian Orphanages first in Lofa County.The Budu Liberian Children Project donations included Cloths, text books and Food as well as Free Medical and Dental treatments for people suffering from Malaria, High Blood Pressure, Severer Body Pains, Pneumonia, and lactating Mothers and Pregnant Women. 


Join Efforts In Building A Liberia Void Of Poverty…Father Molubah urges YOCADS/KFYF Beneficiaries


The Archdiocecian of the St. Theresa’s Convent, Father P. Sumo Varfee Molubah has urged young people in the country to join the effort in building a nation void of poverty. Father Molubah made the assertions over the weekend, when he served as keynote speaker of the Youth For Community Academic and Developmental Services (YOCADS), kick for your future apprenticeship/skill training, at the 10th gradations exercises at the Clara Town Community. The keynote speaker noted that such opportunity to acquire knowledge should not be forgotten by the graduates. According to him, if beneficiaries should become experts in other countries, there’s a need to return and give back to Liberia what they have learned, reports the FOCUS newspaper. 

‘Major Public Health Issue’ – Vice President Boakai Describes HIV/AIDS Prevalence


The In Profile Daily reports that Vice President Joseph Boakai has described as major public health issue, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS due to the level at which it has claimed the lives of more than 90,000 persons in Liberia over the last two decades, according to the National AIDS and STI Control Program. Speaking during the launch of the  ‘Know Your Status’ (KYS) HIV Counseling and Testing Campaign, held in Borough of New Kru Town, Vice President Boakai said the Campaign is significant, not only for response to HIV/AIDS, but also for the country’s national healthcare delivery system.


Manu River Union Conducts Water Management Training

A three day regional training workshop for national platforms and water management champions of the Mano River (MRU) on trans-boundary water governance has ended in Monrovia. The training organized by the General Secretariat of the MRU, with support from the International Union of the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was aimed at training local stakeholders of the Mano and Moa-Makona Rivers on institutional and legal aspects of the trans-boundary water management. The training was also intended to clarify missions and responsibilities of different organs of the union in order to support the establishment of an ideal environment for advocacy, consultation and dialogue, as well as conflicts prevention and management and joint implementation of programs at local and regional levels, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.



14 Year-old Boy Off To India For Eye Surgery

A 14 year-old Liberia boy, Friday Jacob, who has been suffering from a serious eye diseace has been flown to India for surgery. Friday has been battling with a strange eye condition for a prolonged period. According to an Executive Mansion release, Friday departed for India on Friday, November 26, 2016, via Kenya Airways with assistance from President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, reports the Daily Observer.


Nimba University Students in Maryland Appeal for Aid

Over 150 students attending the state-run William V.S. Tubman University in Harper, Maryland County are appealing to the county administration, lawmakers, and well meaning citizens for assistance. Speaking via mobile phone from Maryland recently, the President Elect, of the Nimba University Students Association at Williams V.S. Tubman University, Mr. Bobby Zlahn, said the students are faced with numerous challenges that need urgent attention, the Insight reports.


Free Education for Girls YES proposes passage of a Legislation as SDA Revelation, Jimmy Jolocon High Schools top Speaking completion

Stephen B. Laval, Executive Solutions (YES), has proposed the passage of a legislation aimed at providing free education for girls across the Liberian nation as opposed to the enactment of Gender Parity bill in to law. According to Mr. Lavala, the Gender Parity bill when passed would only create jobs for a handful of educated women and girls, who, he believes, are desperate for political power. According to a YES statement issued in Monrovia over the weekend, he made the statement at the Jimmy Jolocon High School on Somalia Drive during the conduct of the second edition of “Speak Out Girls Speech Competition,” organized by Yes, the Insightnewspaper reads.


Int’l Philanthropists Provide Students of Future Children School with Capacity Training

The Heritage newspaper reports that three international philanthropists have conducted a three-day capacity training for students of the Future of the Children Junior High School. Situated in Gay Town Community, Old Road, outside Monrovia, the Future of the Children Elementary and Junior High School was established in March of 2015. It has approximately 500 students from kindergarten to 9th grade. The three distinct personalities namely: Dr. Rob Goodfellow, Mr. Michael Fernandez and Madam Monique Bolus provided the students with knowledge on sexual health, hands touching and leadership skills among others.


Korkpor Raps on Integration says ECOWAS Must take “Bigger Step”

In forty decades, the Chief Justice of the Republic of Liberia, Francis S. Korkpor, said the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has built institutional architecture which makes ECOWAS a global recognized organization. According to him, the body has also adopted protocols and developed policies and programs to facilitate integration as identified in the initial treaty, but noted that ECOWAS must take another step by developing its operational capabilities and generating tangible impacts for member states and citizens, the Inquirer newspaper asserts.


White Plain Rehab on Course

Project works for the rehabilitation of White Plains Water Treatment Plant and 36-inch, 21 Kilometer Treatment Plant to Paynesville Red Light, appears to be well and truly on course. The works on the plant, which was massively destroyed during the civil war, have intensified over the past few weeks with technicians and project engineers working on a 24-hour basis, the Inquirer newspaper report.