Daily Media Summary 2016-11-25


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies highlights news of the visit of Canadian Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Justin Trudeau to Liberia, a one-day Liberia-UK Trade and Investment Forum held in Monrovia and the Liberia Electricity Corporation’s raid on over 250 homes in the Township of West Point for power theft.



PM Trudeau Acknowledges Liberia’s Strive…As Canada Pledges Support to 2017 Elections, Others


Canadian Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Justin Trudeau, has acknowledged that Liberia can be proud of the strive that has been made– although recognizing the real challenges dogged by – a very difficult civil war - the global economic downturn, low commodity prices and Ebola.
Hon. Trudeau pledged his country’s commitment to support the 2017 presidential and legislative elections scheduled to take place in the country as well as buttress the global acceleration instruments for women, peace and security and humanitarian action, which works to expand the role women already play in building and leading peace processes. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Right Honorable Trudeau spoke at a joint press stakeout with President Ellen Johnson in the Foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday, November 24, following a bilateral meeting. Prime Minister Trudeau is on a two-day official visit to Liberia.

Earlier, President Sirleaf thanked Prime Minister Trudeau for the visit and noted that his visit seeks to rekindle the relationship between Liberia and Canada. She highlighted Canada’s support to Liberia through international and multilateral agencies, specifically emphasizing Canada’s support to Liberia during the Ebola epidemic, the Heritage newspaper reads.


Related Captions: Canadian Prime Minister Acknowledges Liberia’s Strive…Pledges Canada’s Support to 2017 Elections, Women Empowerment(FOCUS), Stand Up For Women’s Rights…Canadian PM Urges Liberian Men, As He Ends Visit Today(The INQUIRER), Canadian Millions For Female Candidates(The New Dawn).In a related development, the Daily Observer in a back page story captioned “‘We Will Always Be Friends’ Canadian PM assures Liberian students”, reads that Canadian PM Justin Pierre Trudeau on Thursday assured the Liberian student community that he and Canada will always be their friends, regardless of the distance and challenges that may exist. He said he too was impressed that God has afforded him the opportunity to visit Liberia and share with its people all the joy.



GOL, UK Host Trade & Investment Forum in Monrovia

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that Liberia and the United Kingdom have ended a one-day Liberia-UK Trade and Investment Forum in Monrovia. The forum which was organized by the National Investment Commission in collaboration with the British Embassy in Monrovia and Developing Market Associates, was held under the theme: “Investment Opportunities in Liberia: Towards Inclusive Growth and Economic Diversification” The Liberian Leader, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf speaking at the Forum, described it as an opportunity for Liberia to reengage the international business community for business prospects. President Sirleaf said the Forum was organized to allow the government to layout its economic agenda in its post health crisis environment, highlight opportunities for foreign investors, and reinforce international interest in the country.


Related Captions: GOL, UK Host Trade & Investment Forum…Ellen Describes As Opportunity For Business Sector(Heritage), GOL, UK Host Trade & Investment Forum…Pres. Sirleaf Describes Forum As Opportunity For Business Sector(FOCUS), GOL, UK Host Trade & Investment Forum (In Profile Daily), GoL, UK Host Trade, Investment Forum British Ambassador Assures Gov’t Of Better Collaboration(Daily Observer) 


LEC Disconnects Over 250 Homes For Power Theft…Confiscates Bundles Of Wire


According to the Daily Observer, the Energy Monitoring Section of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) and the Liberia National Police (LNP) have raided the Township of West Point, disconnected over 250 homes and confiscated huge bundles of illegal wires. The criminals, who fled the scene before the arrival of the team, had hooked their cables to a high voltage line supplying the Township before distributing the illegal power to several homes. Mr. Owen Richards, Head of the Energy Monitoring Section said the Township was one of the hotspots of electricity theft in Liberia.  “We have raided this Township several times before. This is in continuation of our regular monitoring exercise in West Point. West Point is one of the hotbeds of power theft, so we have made it our duty to regularly move into the community to inspect our lines to ensure that they are not been tempered with.”


Related Captions: LEC  Raids West Point For Power Theft(Heritage), LEC Raids West Point For Power Theft(The New Dawn), LEC Raids West Point For Power Theft…Over 250 Homes Disconnected; Huge Bundles Of Wires Confiscated(The INQUIRER), LEC Raids West Point For Power Theft…Over 250 Homes Disconnected; Huge Bundles Of Wires Confiscated(In Profile Daily)





British Envoy Lauds Int’l Health Group

The Heritage newspaper says British Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Mr. David Belgrove has lauded the United Kingdom (UK-based) non-governmental health group, Life for African Mothers (LFAM) for providing training to local midwives. Speaking Thursday, November 24, 2016 at the closing ceremony of the first batch or training of midwives, Mr. Belgrove OBE, described the training as very significant to Liberian midwives, who are striving to save lives. According to the daily, Life for African Mothers is a Maternal Health charity group aiming to make birth safer in Sub Saharan Africa, by providing medication to treat eclampsia and post-partum hemorrhage.


Related Captions: British Ambassador to Liberia Lauds Life For African Mothers(FrontPage Africa)


Lawyers’ Convention Today

According to the Daily Observer, Lawyers from across the country are assembling in Ganta City, Nimba County to attend their 5th convention. The President of the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA), Cllr. Moses Paegar, said strategy on the proposed Continue Legal Education Program and an amendment to the LNBA Constitution are some of the major issues expected to top today’s agenda. Cllr. Paegar said the event is designed to provide refresher training for some of the lawyers and non-lawyers to bring them up to speed on some of the newly introduced statutes (laws), rules, changes in court decisions, and legislative changes to the laws that are applicable to the justice system. The theme of the three day LNBA Ganta Convention is “Enhancing Economic Integration, Rule of Law and Democratic Governance of West Africa.” According to the daily, Legal practitioners from La Cote d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone and the African Bar Association (ABA) will be on hand to present concept papers at the convention. 


Decentralization Success Depends On Joint Efforts’-MIA Dr. Henrique Tokpa


Internal Affairs Minister Dr. Henrique Tokpa says to fulfill the country’s decentralization program the media should collaborate with stakeholders to adequately inform the public about the positive roles government has played in the process. Dr. Tokpa speaking recently at the close of a two-day working session on the role of the media in government’s decentralization process held in Gbarnga, Bong County, challenged the media to pay regular visits to some of the recently introduced County Service Centers (CSCs) to adequately inform the public about projects the government has implemented successfully. According to the Daily Observer, the Liberia Decentralization Support Program (LDSP) is a framework document that defines government’s vision for a new Liberia that responds to the needs of its people. The Liberia Decentralization Support Program is implemented in partnership with the European Union, the Swedish Government, USAID, UNMIL and UNDP.


2 Electrocuted In Paynesville

The New Dawnnewspaper reports that at least two persons, all females, have been electrocuted in Ballah Creek Community, Jacob’s Town in Paynesville. Eyewitnesses said the victims whose corpses could not be identified, were riding on a commercial motorcycle when they came in contact with an electric wire that reportedly dropped across the main route leading to the community.