Daily Media summary, 2016-10-28


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Stories highlighted in today’s summary include President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s return to Liberia from South Africa, President Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to the Government and People of Turkey, the arrest of a youth leader for sodomizing a teenage boy, and the auctioning of impounded trucks soon by the Court among other stories.


President Sirleaf Applauds Turkey on 93rd National Observance

According to the a Foreign Ministry release quoted by FOCUS newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated the Government and People of the Republic of Turkey on the occasion commemorating the 93rd Anniversary of the National Day of that country on Saturday, October 29. 2016. In her message to His Excellency Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkey, President Johnson Sirleaf on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia extended warmest congratulations best wishes to the Government and people of Turkey as they celebrate this historic event which places particular recognition on charity work and volunteerism. The Liberian leader further stated “even as Europe is faced with the challenge of migration,   Turkey has become an important stakeholder in decisively addressing this global concern, and we remain grateful for your support in the premise”.



Ellen Returns Today

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf arrives Friday, October 28, 2016 after participating in the 10th General Assembly of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) taking place, in Durban, South Africa. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf will upon arrival participate in a Thanksgiving Service at the United Methodist Church on Ashmum Street, Monrovia, reports the FOCUS newspaper.




Related Caption: ESWG Holds Retreat (New Dawn), Environment Sector working group concludes two-day retreat in Buchanan (Heritage), EPA Holds ESWG Retreat (In Profile Daily)


Youth Leader Arrested For Sex With Teenage Boy

According to the New Dawn newspaper, Police Spokesman DCP Sam Collins says investigators at the Women and Children Protection Section of the Liberian National Police are interrogating the head of the Liberian Youth Network Mr. Mawolo Kpadeh for an alleged sexual intercourse with a teenage boy. Mr. Collins told reporters at the Police Headquarters on Capitol Hill Thursday, 27 October that 40 year - old suspect Kpadeh was arrested on Wednesday, 26 October in Margibi County based on a complaint filed by the victim’s parents over the alleged sexual abuse of their 16 year -old son. DCP Collins said that the victim informed police that he came across suspect Kpadeh during a church service where they allegedly exchanged contacts on the basis of friendship. Having exchanged contacts, Mr. Collins said the victim later went to spend some time with suspect Kpadeh when he allegedly cajoled him to collect his (victim’s) phone from his (suspect’s) room and then crept after him and forced him into sexual intercourse. After the alleged incident, the Police Spokesman said the suspect gave the victim US$10, threatening that he would die if he told anyone about what had transpired. Living with the fear, Mr. Collins said the victim and the suspect became best of friends, but their connection was allegedly exposed when the victim’s playmate observed his constant laughter while reading through text messages exchanged between he and suspect Kpadeh.

Related Caption: Police Arrest ‘Youth Activist’ – For ‘Sodomizing’ Boy, 16 – Suspect Mawolo Tarnue Kpadeh (FOCUS), and Youth Activist Under Probe For “Sodomy” and Man, 40, Sodomizes Boy 16 (In Profile Daily)


Court To Auction Impounded Truck

A Scania dump truck color (blue and yellow) with license plate TT-1317 recently impounded by the Paynesville Magisterial Court for alleged involvement in the crime of misapplication of entrusted property and theft of property is to be auctioned in 15 days, if its proprietor failed to restitute US$3,000 to complainant Kingston Duwaty. The truck is reportedly owned by a resident of Paynesville City, Mr. Ceebee Barshell.  The Acting Stipendiary Magistrate of Paynesville City Eric K. Cooper reached the decision Wednesday, 26 October when he handed down final judgment in the case. According to court record, on January 19, 2015, private prosecutor, Kingston Duwaty hired the services of a transport truck owned by Mr. Barshell and managed by defendants John Totage and Abu Kamara (now at large) to transport 21 drums of gasoline value at US$5,525.00 and a drum of fuel oil value at L$25,900 with empty drums value at US$550.00 to Grand Gedeh County, southeast Liberia. The court continues that having taken full responsibility for the act committed by co-defendant Abu Kamara, defendant Totage executed a commitment note to pay complainant Kingston Duwaty the amount of US$3,000.00 thru installment on the following dates: January 10, 2016 US$1,500.00; February 10, 2016, US$1,000.00; and March 10, 2016, US$500.00, respectively, but failed to restitute the money, reports New Dawn newspaper.




The Deputy Governor for Economic Policy at the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), Dr. MounirSiaplay, has underscored the importance of credit unions in providing affordable financial services. Dr. Siaplay said credit unions invest their earnings in helping members meet their financial goals. In addition to lower rates and betters services, he added, members experience the difference that comes through their democratic structure, services and social goals that credit unions represent. Dr. Siaplay made the comments recently when he deputized for Central Bank Executive Governor Milton Weeks, in commemoration of the International Credit Union Day in Paynesville. The CBL Executive called on members to look beyond their local communities to recognize credit unions for the important role they play in many distressed rural and urban areas worldwide. He pointed out that the CBL has instituted measures to strengthen the sector by spearheading efforts to revitalize and modernize the credit union movements in Liberia. The 3rd Thursday in October each year is set aside to commemorate Credit Union Day around the world, reports New Dawn newspaper.



A two day workshop to organize the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Civil Society Alliance in Liberia has ended in Monrovia with 42 locals and 3 internationals Civil Societies Organizations attending under the theme “Better Nutrition For All”. The event was organized by Action Contre la Faim (ACF) with technical support from UNICEF in an effort to support the government in its commitment to fight under nutrition; taken through their adhesion to the SUN Movement. The Republic of Liberian joined the SUN Movement on February 3rd 2014, but the process for setting up SUN Civil Society Alliance (CSA) was interrupted due to the EVD emergency. On 24th and 25th October, 2016, 45 Civil Societies Organizations (CSOs) across the country converged at the Monrovia Christian Fellowship Center, in Sinkor to re-launch Liberia’s commitment to the SUN Movement by electing a steering Committee to lead the Alliance.  Those elected include: Mr.DismasCupson of the War Victims Assistance Program (WVAP) - Chairperson, Mrs. Agnes F. Kortima of Zorzor District Women Care (ZODWOCA) - first Vice Chairperson, Mr. Joseph Tubman of Breastfeeding Advocacy Group (BAG) - second Vice Chairperson and Mr. Augustine G. Musah of Aid and Development Program (ADP) - Secretary General.  The SUN is a unique global movement initiated in September 2010 to engage governments to take actions to eliminate all forms of malnutrition, based on the principle that everyone has a right to food and good nutrition. SUN vision is a world free from malnutrition in all its forms by 2030, a goal that the Civil Society Alliance of Liberia (SUNCSAL) wants to achieve. SUN is not a donor neither an institution nor an agency but rather a Multi stakeholder platform led by partner governments and supported by organizations and individuals. Currently, 57 countries around the world have integrated the SUN Movement, writes the New Dawn newspaper.


Measles Outbreak Confirmed in Margibi

According to the FOCUS newspaper, the Margibi County Health Team has confirmed the second outbreak of measles in the county this year, with four confirmed cases so far. According to the county disease surveillance officer, Leroy Maximore, the outbreak is in the Firestone Rubber Plantation area and the health team is doing all it can to contain the outbreak. He said in the first three weeks of October, the Firestone Health District has reported 15 cases of measles, of which four were confirmed positive and six negative. The rest of the results are yet to be known, pending the completion of the laboratory tests. Maximore described the current situation as an epidemic in the county and said the county was treating it as a health emergency. He said a team of health volunteers is currently carrying out active surveillance and those affected are undergoing medical treatment. In March of this year, there was one death and 26 confirmed cases of measles. In April 2015, a total of 77 cases were recorded along with six deaths.




Gender Minister Wants Adolescent Girls and Women Cultivate New Culture of Professionalism

Gender, Children and Social Protection Minister Julia Duncan Cassell have called on young Liberian adolescent girls and young women to hold themselves to the highest standards and cultivate a new culture of professionalism. Minister Duncan Cassell speaking in Gorblee, Grand Bassa County on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at the EPAG Round -4 graduation urged the over 60 young women to use the skills acquired to serve themselves and Liberia very well. Minister Cassell urged them to seize every opportunity to learn and use the EPAG experience as a stepping stone to realize their dreams. The 60 young women were trained with skills in business ranging from record keeping, customer service and life skills. “Have a good attitude; show patience and fortitude; be proactive; work hard; communicate with your employer; and ask questions,” the Gender Minister admonished the graduates. Minster Cassel used the occasion to lift praises on Edu Care, the local NGO that is serving as the service provider and implementing the EPAG project on behalf of the Gender Ministry. She expressed the Liberian government deepest thanks and appreciation to development partners especially partners that made the EPAG project successful naming the Swedish Government through the Swedish international Development Agency (SIDA) and the World Bank who administered the project, reports the FOCUS newspaper.




Police in Margibi County have charged two persons for allegedly burglarizing the Cinta Public School and making away with several copies of public school textbooks and other valuable items. The two suspects have been identified as Momo Gbandiboy, 32, and Johnson Flomo, 35. According to the police charge sheet, on October 24, the two suspects were arrested, investigated and charged with burglary and aiding the commission of a crime. They were forwarded to court for prosecution based on evidence gathered against them. The stolen items include an unspecified number of textbooks, one hundred plates, eight pieces of the Liberian Flag, mega phones, spraying cans, three sets of jerseys and two ledgers. The value of the items, according to the police charge sheet, is put at US$875. During Police preliminary investigation, suspect Gbandiboy denied burglarizing the school, but co-defendant Flomo admitted to committing the crime by buying the stolen books from Gbandiboy. Meanwhile, suspects Gbandiboy and Flomo are in the custody of the Kakata Magisterial Court for prosecution, writes the FOCUS newspaper.


27 Ganta Business Leaders to Support Boakai’s Presidential Bid

A prominent businessman in Ganta and owner of a major commodities store, Pharez Dekpa, has disclosed that he and 26 other businesspeople have pledged their support for the presidential bid of Vice President Joseph N. Boakai for the 2017 elections. In an interview with reporters in Ganta, Dekpa said he and his colleagues arrived at the decision at a formal meeting held with Boakai and senior members of the ruling Unity Party in Monrovia, including the party’s chairman, Wilmot Paye. Dekpa said he and many of the other Ganta business leaders were initially noncommittal about supporting Boakai because of the perception that the current government had not made enough progress. “Things are very difficult. People are not working and you are saying we should vote for Boakai? What difference will it make if Joseph Boakai becomes president? What new is he bringing on the table?” he said, expounding on some of his doubts. According to Dekpa, in the conversation with Boakai and Paye, the Unity Party heads courted the Ganta business leaders’ support by emphasizing what they described as a largely ceremonial role the vice president plays. Dekpa said they argued that Boakai never had the chance to make decisions of his own and therefore must be given the chance to ascend to the presidency in 2017, pens the FOCUS newspaper


Finance Ministry Gives 500K to17 Civil Society Organization

According to the FOCUS newspaper, Reform program (IPFMRP) has begun the issuance of the third round of grant to Civil Society Organizations Under its Non State Actors Secretariat. The Value of Grant Portfolio to the 17 Civil Society Organizations from across Liberia is put at over Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($US 500, 000.00). The Civil Society Organizations are monitoring the County and Social development funds being provided to the various counters by the Government of Liberia. Four Civil Society Organizations from Sinoe, Maryland, and Grand Kru Counties have been included into the program and their grant interventions areas in Justice and Public Financial Management issues within the Justice sector.


Related Caption: 17 Civil Society Organization Get 500K (Heritage)