Daily Media Summary, 2016-10-26


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of the appointment of Ms. Marian F. Sandi as Director of Passport and Visas at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the one-day symposium to expand access to finance for entrepreneurs and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Chief Justice Francis Korkpor caution for lawmakers to avoid the use of the court to resolve their internal differences are among stories dominating today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.


The summary also highlights news of visiting ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Mrs. Halima Ahmed, disclosure of the UNDP provision of 2.3 million United State Dollars towards the implementation of the ECOWAS’ Arm collection projects and the Embassy of the State of Qatar near Monrovia clarity on the issuance of visas to Liberians.




Foreign Ministry Appoints New Director Of Passport And Visas

The Heritage newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf   has approved the appointment of Ms. Marian F. Sandi as Director of Passport and Visas, Division of Passport and Visas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to a Foreign Ministry release, her appointment takes effect on the 1st of November 2016.In her letter of appointment, dated October 25, 2016, Foreign Minister Marjon V. Kamara challenged the new Director to ensure an effective and efficient management of the Division of Passport and Visas and to provide quality services to the public and assist in the detection and prevention of fraud in securing passport/visas.  Prior to her appointment as Director of Passports and Visas, Ms. Marian Sandi served the Ministry in several positions including Deputy Director, Division of Passport and Visas; Special Assistant to the Director of Passport and Visas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among others. 


Related Captions: Foreign Ministry Appoints New Director Of Passport And Visas (The INQUIRER), Foreign Ministry Appoints New Director Of Passport, Visas (FOCUS), Meet Liberia's New Passport Director (Daily Observer), Ms. Marian Sandi Appointed New Director Of Passport And Visas (The New Dawn)



IFC, NIC Promote Finance Leading For MSMEs

The Daily Observer reports that a one-day symposium aimed at building awareness and promoting the finance leasing sector to expand access to finance for entrepreneurs and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) has been held in Monrovia.The forum, which also showcased investment opportunities in leasing that can help representatives shape the emerging sector in the country, was conducted by the International Finance Corporation’s Africa Leasing Facility, a member of the World Bank Group, in partnership with the National Investment Commission (NIC).Declaring the forum opened, Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai disclosed that the forum was the first major step made by the government of Liberia through the NIC to make finance leasing operational in the country. He said finance leasing can and will address the long-term financing needs of MSMEs which are in need of the use of productivity assets to improve agricultural production.Earlier in her welcome remarks, Etmonia D. Tarpeh, chair of National Investment Commission (NIC) said the Commission is strongly committed to the development of leasing in Liberia as a viable and affordable financing solution for MSMEs that would improve the country’s economy.In remarks, Ms.Cassandra Colbert, IFC Country Manager, said: “Access to finance is key to the development of the private sector in Liberia.”


Related Captions: Liberia Economy In Transition…VP Boakai Asserts (Heritage), Vice President Boakai Opens Liberians Finance Forum-Calls On Financial Stakeholders To Invest In The Private Sector (FrontPage Africa)



Don’t Resolve Your Differences In Court’-Chief Justice to Lawmakers:

Chief Justice Francis Korkpor yesterday told a group of lawmakers to not always use the court to resolve their internal differences. According to the Daily Observer, the Lawmaker, headed by the newly elected Speaker, Emmanuel Nyuquoi, had gone to introduce the House’s new leadership to the full bench at the Supreme Court. Hours after a closed door discussion between the Chief Just and the Lawmakers ended, Chief Justice Korkpor told the lawmakers in full view of the public that using the court as a way to resolve their disagreements would create more division than unity. Though it is good to seek redress through the court, Justice Korkpor said, lawmakers should first learn to use peaceful means to address their respective concerns. Justice Korkpor added: “You have to solve for yourself some of the problems with constitutional concerns, and stop running to the court for settlement, because doing so is not good for our democracy.” According to him, the visit was in line with the constitutional provision that has to do with three separate, but coordinated branches of government. “We have to coordinate because Liberia practices body politics, where we all have the responsibility to work together to make it better,” the Chief Justice said. In a brief chat with journalists, Speaker Nuquay said the lawmakers’ visit to the court was to acquaint themselves with the five justices.



Related Captions: Closed Door Meeting: Chief Justice, Speaker Hold Talks Over House’s Controversies; Lawmakers Told To Peacefully Settle Disputes (FrontPage Africa), “Avoid Court Action In Settling Your Disputes”…Chief Justice Tells Lawmakers (Heritage)



Law Society Holds Forum On “Defamation”

Assistant Minister for Information Services at the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, Wellington Geevon-Smith has told a gathering that journalism needs to be redefined in Liberia. He said that every generation has its own responsibilities and with that in mind, it is believed that generation at the time need for draconian laws and that should mean that transformation will always take place. According to the INQUIRER newspaper, Minister Geevon-Smith spoke a one day forum on decriminalizing defamation and libel law organized by the Liberia Law Society on Tuesday. He said it is time that informants differentiate between journalism and activism because journalism puts a reporter under the responsibility to follow the law therefore buttress the law and there should be remedies for those whose character may be stained.


Related Captions: Defamation Law Violates International Norms…Kofi Woods Alarms (Heritage), Atty Woods: ‘Journalists Must Not Go To Jail For Defamation,’ As Cllr. Zoe adds: “It is painful to be a journalist, and cowards cannot be journalists.” (Daily Observer)






ECOWAS Commissioner For Political Affairs, Peace & Security Pays Courtesy Call On Foreign Minister Kamara

The visiting ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Mrs. Halima Ahmed, has disclosed that the UNDP has provided the amount of 2.3 million United State Dollars towards the implementation of the ECOWAS’ Arm collection projects to be implemented by all member states of ECOWAS. Commissioner Ahmed made the disclosure Friday, October 21, 2016, when she paid a courtesy call on Liberia’s Foreign Minister, H.E. Ms. Marjon V. Kamara, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to a Foreign Ministry release, she hailed Liberia for ensuring that all legal instruments are in place regarding the collection of arms in the country. She particularly thanked Liberia for the passage of the Act creating the Liberia National Small Arms Commission and for putting in place effective regulations with proper networking among various security agencies. The ECOWAS Commissioner said her delegation was in Liberian to hold the Bi-annual Steering Committee’s meeting in order to ascertain the progress the country has made regarding the collection of small arms and light weapons. For her part, Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara thanked the delegation for the courtesy call and asserted that the region needs to pay keen attention to the issues concerning small arms and light weapons, which are causing so much trouble in the Africa and elsewhere. She assured them of the Foreign Ministry’s unflagging support to these efforts that will lead to effectively implementation of the ECOWAS arm collection project, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.


Related Caption: ECOWAS Official Calls On Foreign Affairs Minister Kamara UNDP Has Provided US$2.3 Million Towards The Implementation Of ECOWAS’ Arms Collection Project (Daily Observer)


Qatar Clarifies Visa Issuance To Liberians

The In Profile Daily reports that the Embassy of the State of Qatar near Monrovia has clarified that contrary to media reports that it has commenced the issuance of visas to Liberians traveling to that country as published in two local dailies, it is instead concluding modalities to commence the issuance of “official visas” to only government delegations traveling to Doha, on official functions. According to a Foreign Ministry release, these publications were slightly a misrepresentation of the facts surrounding the issuance of visas as discussed between the Qatari Embassy’s Charge d’Affaires, Mr. Shamsan Abdullah Al Sada and H. E. Ms. Marjon V. Kamara, Minister of Foreign Affairs, during a courtesy call.


Related Caption: Qatari Embassy Clarifies Media Reports On Visa Issuance In Liberia (FOCUS)


Ellen Attends 10th General Assembly Of Int’l Agency For Prevention Of Blindness

According to the INQUIRER newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has departed the country to attend the 10th General Assembly of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), which takes place in Durban, South Africa. quoting an Executive Mansion release, the daily says President Sirleaf will be away from October 27 - 30, 2016. The IAPB is a global alliance of civil society organizations, corporate and professional bodies promoting eye health through advocacy, knowledge and partnerships. The theme of the 10th General Assembly (10-GA) is - “Stronger Together”. Meanwhile, during her absence, the Minister of Justice / Attorney-General, Hon. Frederick Cherue will serve as Coordinator of the Cabinet in consultation with the Vice President.


Related Caption: Ellen Off To South Africa (Heritage)


Liberians In Scandinavia Appeal To Liberian Government

According to the Heritage newspaper, hundreds of Liberians residing in the Scandinavian region of Europe under the banner the Consortium of Concerned Group of Liberians in Western Europe are appealing to the Government of the Republic of Liberia, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to come to their rescue by opening a Central Consulate Office in the region that will help ease travel difficulties for hundreds of Liberian and foreigners alike in the region to europe. In press release, the concerned Liberians say they are consistently faced with difficulties of passports renewal and obtaining of visas to travel back home.


President Sirleaf Pays Surprise Visit To The Judiciary

The FOCUS newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Tuesday, October 25, paid a courtesy call on the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, His Honor Francis Korkpor. The daily reports that discussions at the meeting centered on strengthening coordination between and among the three branches of Government in serving the best interest of the country and is people. A release says the conference of the President with the chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court on governance of the state is held during her attendance at the opening of each term of the Supreme Court.



Liberia Celebrates 11yrs of Peace As Zanzan Kawor Calls for Unity among Political Parties

The In Profile Daily says Liberia Crusaders for Peace (LCP) and partners on October 24, 2016 at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) celebrated 11 years of peace in Liberia, which coincided with the 71st Anniversary of the United Nations (UN) under the theme “Maintaining The Peace”. The program which brought performances from National and international artist in West Africa, was coined as peace festival under the title Kukatornon which means ‘We Are One’. Speaking during the celebration, the National Chairman of the Traditional Council NTCL, Chief Zanzan Kawor call on Liberians and Political Leaders to maintain the Peace Liberians enjoy today.



UNFPA, Mineke Foundation Launch Youth Empowerment Project

The New Dawn newspaper says the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Mineke Foundation (MF) have launched a new storytelling project for youth in Monrovia. The project is aimed at getting an insight in the lives of adolescents and young people in Liberia with digital storytelling through social media. A group of young people will be reporting on their own lives and their friends. They will show what social issues affecting them in their communities, and who and what inspires them. The goal is to use these digital stories to give an insight into their lives and raise awareness on their day to day social challenges, barriers, needs, aspirations, lessons and successes. These stories will be used for advocacy to get more attention for and focus on youth in Liberia. UNFPA Liberia Country Representative, Dr. Oluremi Sogunro notes, “We want to inspire young people to use what they have and start where they are to make changes both in their own lives and in their communities; providing them the opportunity to avoid early pregnancy, child marriage and sexual exploitation, …as examples of social barriers to their personal development.” 



New Georgia Commissioner Donates Land For ‘Carwash’

The Commissioner of the township of New Georgia in Montserrado County, Lewis K. Wleh Sr., has donated a parcel of deeded land to a newly established not-for-profit non-governmental organization (NGO), Humble Youth International Incorporated, to construct a modern carwash. Commissioner Wleh made a formal presentation of the land on Tuesday, October 18, to the leadership of Humble Youth International Inc. in New Georgia Community during a mass meeting with community stakeholders and residents, mainly youth, who will benefit from the project. Mr. Wleh told the residents to undertake community-based projects that would benefit the residents rather than waiting on the government “to do all.”The land was donated by Commissioner Wleh after he learnt during an interactive forum that Humble Youth International Inc. was in need of land space to construct the carwash, which is meant to create jobs for youths in the community and beyond. Humble Youth International Inc. with support from the United Nations Peace-building Fund (PBF) concentrates its activities on peace-building, youth and women’s empowerment and rights advocacy, reports theDaily Observer.

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