Daily Media Summary 2016-09-19

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia 



News of the commissioning of Dr. Mohammed Sheriff to the Court of St. James in the United Kingdom and Madam Jenevie Kennedy, Ambassador to the Republic of Ghana by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the appointment of Col. Gregory B. Coleman, Inspector General of the Liberia National Police and the signing of a communiqué to form a collaborative front against the ruling Unity Party for the 2017 Legislative and Presidential elections by over twelve opposition political parties are stories dominating today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.

The summary also includes news of the arrival of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and delegation in New York to participate in the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Johnson Sirleaf’s message of congratulations to the Government and people of the United Mexican States on the occasion of the 206thIndependence Anniversary of that country, among others.



Ellen Commissions Two New Diplomats


President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has administered oaths of office to two newly appointed Liberian diplomats to the Court of St. James in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ghana, respectively. Ambassador Dr. Mohammed Sheriff is taking up assignment at the Court of St. James in the United Kingdom, while Ambassador Jenevie Kennedy takes over at the Liberian Embassy in Ghana here in West Africa. During the ceremony, President Sirleaf challenged the two Liberian Ambassadors to foster stronger relationships between Liberia and their various places of assignment. Amb. Sheriff - assigned to the Court of St. James in London, the United Kingdom also has concurrent multiple accreditations to Northern Ireland, the Holy See and the Order of Malta. He assured President Sirleaf that his presence in the Holy See and Northern Ireland will have the positive impact that she desires, adding that he will also engage and build on the strong bilateral relationship with Northern Ireland. Also speaking, Amb. Kennedy vowed to prove to the world that Liberia has returned stronger from the years of war here, stressing that she willlive up to the confidence reposed in her by the president, the New Dawnreports newspaper.


Related Captions: Ellen Commissions 2 Ambassadors(The INQUIRER), Ellen Commissions Envoys To UN, Ghana (Heritage), Pres. Sirleaf Commissions Envoys To UK, Ghana(INSIGHT)


Police Director Replaced, Abe Kromah Back

The New Dawnnewspaper reports that Police Inspector General Chris Massaquoi has been replaced by a long-serving officer in the Liberia National Police, Col. Gregory B. Coleman – also a confidant of Col. Massaquoi; while Abraham Kromah has also been reappointed Deputy Police Director for Operations. President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf announced the new appointments in a live nationwide address from her temporary office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Monrovia on Friday, 16 September. President Sirleaf said Director Massaquoi continues to enjoy her confidence, suggesting that he has skills and will still be required by her government in another role to assist in leadership. New Police Chief Coleman, who has served under both Col. Massaquoi and Col. Kromah for years, will now bear the title of Inspector General or IG when confirmed by the Liberian Senate in line with the new Police Act of 2015 that coincides with his appointment by the president.

Related Captions: A.B. Kromah Goes Back To Police…Deputy Director Takes Over From Massaquoi(The INQUIRER), Police Chief Dismissed….Abraham Kromah Back(Heritage), Police Get New Inspector Gen., Deputy(INSIGHT), Abe Kromah Back At LNP As ‘102’ Coleman Succeeds Massaquoi As Police Chief(Daily Observer) 

20 Opposition Parties Form Agreement Toward Political Front Against UP For 2017


The Daily Observer says twenty opposition political parties, on September 17, signed a communiqué in Ganta, Nimba County, to form a collaborative front against the ruling Unity Party (UP) for the 2017 legislative and presidential elections. In the document, known as the “Ganta Declaration,” the opposition political parties agreed to work together to achieve victory in 2017. They also resolved to constitute a Joint Technical Committee (JTC) comprising two representatives from each party to work out the details for approval by the national executive committee of their respective political parties. The JTC is expected to report within 60 days as from the date the declaration was signed in Ganta, Nimba County. As part of the agreement, the parties made a solemn pledge not to castigate or denigrate one another in any manner and, in the event of disagreement; the matter would be referred to the JTC for redress. The “Ganta Declaration” also welcomed and encouraged other opposition political parties, who were not signatories to the agreement, to join and urged them to make their intentions known through letters of intent to the JTC. There were five key opposition political party leaders in attendance, including the host and organizer, Senator Prince Y. Johnson (Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction); Benoni Urey (All Liberian Party); Alex Cummings (Alternative National Congress); Senator George M. Weah (Congress for Democratic Change); and Cllr. Charles Walker Bruskime (Liberty Party). The rest of the political parties that formed part of the agreement included Movement for Economic Empowerment; The National Patriotic Party; United People’s Party; New Liberia Party; Vision for Liberia’s Transformation; Movement for Progressive Change; Union of Liberia Democrats; Victory for Change; All Liberia Coalition Party; and the Liberian National Union. They were represented by their respective national chairmen.


Related Captions: Opposition Vows To Unite For 2017(The INQUIRER), Ahead Of 2017: Several Opposition Parties Sign Compact To Collaborate(Heritage), Weah, PYJ, Brumskine, Sign “One Shot Deal”(INSIGHT), 15 Political Parties Strategize For 2017(The New Dawn)




Advance Liberian Delegation Arrives in New York to Participate in the71st Session of the UN General Assembly; President Sirleaf Expected Today


The INQUIRERnewspaper quoting a Foreign Ministry release says the Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the head of an advanced Liberian delegation, has arrived in New York, the United States of America to participate in the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 71). According to the release, Madam Marjon Kamara and her team have already begun work in collaboration with Ambassador Lewis Brown and his team at the Permanent Mission to the United Nations. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who leads the Liberian delegation, arrives in the United States later today, Monday, September 19, to fully participate in the deliberations at the UNGA 71 as well as engage in high-level meetings and bilateral engagements with foreign leaders and partners on the fringes of the Assembly. This theme of the general debate of the 71st Session is “The Sustainable Development Goals: A universal push to transform our world”. The general debate which begins on Tuesday, September 20, will last up to Monday, September 26.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, September 13, the 70th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) held its closing plenary, adopting a compromise resolution to improve the transparency and accountability of the Office of the UNGA President. UNGA 71 then opened with the incoming President, Peter Thomson of Fiji, becoming the first in UN history to take an Oath of Office. Opening UNGA 71, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed that the world looks to the UN to not simply react to problems but to proactively work to better the human condition. In his opening address to the Assembly, Mr. Peter Thomson said UNGA 71 must be the time “we witness the wheels turning on the implementation of all 17 SDGs."  He called on Member States to provide clear guidance through the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR) process, and said he will work to revitalize and align the UNGA's agenda with the 2030 Agenda.


Liberia Congratulates Mexico On 206th Anniversary

The Heritagenewspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and people of the United Mexican States (Mexico) on the occasion commemorating the 206th Independence Anniversary of that country. President Sirleaf added that as the Government and people of the United Mexican States commemorate its 206th Independence Anniversary, the people of Liberia wish to recount the efforts of Mexico for extending support during the period of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease, which demonstrated the deepened existing ties between the two countries and peoples. 

Related Captions: Liberia Congratulates Mexico On 206th Anniversary(INSIGHT) 

CBL Detects Economic Sabotage; Threatens Punitive Action


The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) has vowed to institute punitive action against individuals and businesses engaged in the hoarding of Liberian dollars banknotes. The CBL said those involved in hoarding large volumes of currency, especially Liberian dollars are using these cash hoards to artificially impact the exchange rate, something the bank said can be interpreted as an act of economic sabotage. The warning by the CBL comes amidst a disclosure by the bank that some business entities and individuals are operating outside of the banking system, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.

Wednesday Is ‘International Day Of Peace’

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared Wednesday, September 21, as International Day of the Peace to be observed as a “Working Holiday” throughout Liberia. According to a Foreign Ministry release, this year’s commemoration will be held under the theme: “Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace,” which highlights the responsibility to provide the opportunity for prosperity, peace and partnership through the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.  According to the New Dawn newspaper, quoting a Foreign Ministry release says the observance of the day will also include the call for global ceasefire in situations of conflict and violence in order to enhance the culture of peace and stability around the world. The release quotes the Proclamation as urging all citizens, government ministries and autonomous agencies, civil society organizations and private businesses, schools and colleges, places of worship to cease movement and observe a minute of silence at the precise hour of 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 21.


Legislature To Approve US$556M Budget Tuesday-After 4 months on Capitol Hill

The newly appointed House’s Chairman on Ways, Means, Finance and Development Planning, Bong County District # 5 Representative Prince Moye and the Senate’s Chairman on Ways, Means, Finance and Budget, Grand Cape Mount County Senator Edward Dagoseh, have separately announced that the 2016/2017 National Budget would be endorsed jointly tomorrow, Tuesday, September 20. According to the Daily Observer, the 2016/2017 Budget has been at the Legislature for over four months, and was not acted upon due to the in-house division over the recusal of Speaker J. Alex Tyler, which spilled over to the Senate. Rep. Moye, the Chairman on the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, and his co-Chairman, Sen. Dagoseh, said last week that the scrutinized 2016/2017 Budget would be submitted simultaneously to both Houses, on Tuesday, September 20, and are confident that it would be instantaneously endorsed. The pronouncements were made separately during the intensive Budget Hearing on the Expenditure Component. 

Foreign Ministry Clarifies Newspaper Report


According to the INSIGHT newspaper, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has affirmed the Liberian government’s commitment to the African Union’s decision to support the candidature of Ethiopia in the election for Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017. The Foreign Ministry made the statement in clarification of a story published in the FrontPage Africa newspaper Thursday September 15, under the caption: “Africa Betrayal?” In its story, FrontPage Africaindicated among other issues that while the African Union has endorsed Ethiopia’s candidature for the position of Director-General of the World Health Organization, at the African Union Heads of State and Government gathering in January 2016, Liberia is contesting along with France’s candidate against the decision of the African Union. On the contrary, the Government of the Republic of Liberia wishes to confirm its support for the candidature of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, for the position of Director-General of the World Health Organization, in conformity with a decision reached at the 26th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the African Union in Addis Ababa, in January 2016.


President Sirleaf Urges Consolidated Health Plan for West Africa

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has said that it will be important for National Health Plans of West African countries to be aligned with all regional and international plans concerning the health sector. According to the INSIGHT newspaper, the President pointed out that Liberia is concluding the legal processes for the establishment of a National Public Institute of Health to focus on disease control and research. The local daily said the President spoke Thursday when she received a delegation from the West African Health Organization (WAHO) at her office in Monrovia.  

Whistleblower, Witness Protection To Top Regional Anti-Graft Meet

The twin issues of whistleblower and witness protection in the fight against corruption will top discussions at a regional workshop planned for Monrovia this week. The three-day regional workshop will bring together more than 60 anti-corruption practitioners and government officials from West Africa. The regional gathering seeks to increase the knowledge of participants about systems to protect whistleblowers and witnesses; share experiences and lessons learned from other countries, as well as identify practical priority actions for West African countries. The event is being organized by the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in partnership with the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) and the Network of National Anti-corruption Institutions in West Africa (NACIWA), Heritage newspaper asserts. 

3, 500 Liberians Seek Ghanaian Citizenship; Refuse to Return Home


The INSIGHT newspaper has reported that the Ghanaian Refugees Boards has initiated a process to naturalize 3,500 Liberia refugees, who have expressed interest in integrating into that society. The Executive Director of the refugees board, Dr. Kofi. Anani, said the 3,500 opted not to come back to Liberia when the voluntary repatriation program for about 40,000 Liberian refugees resident in Ghana was organized in 2012.

Albino Society seeks US$66k To Construct School

The Liberia Albino Society says it needs US$66,000 to construct a 24-classroom school building in Bentol, Montserrado County. The National Focal Person of the society Clarence Clay said the school is intended to afford Albinos the opportunity to have easy access to good education. Clay disclosed that the population of Albinos in the country has grown to over 20,000, Heritagereports.

Chemical, Refrigerator Importers Rally To Protect Ozone

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has challenged importers of Chemicals, Refrigerators and Air-conditioners to take measures aimed at protecting the ozone layer as required by the Montreal Protocol and the Copenhagen amendments. Speaking Friday at program in commemoration of International Ozone Day, the Deputy Executive Director of the EPA Mr. Urias S. Gool opined that the total restoration of the ozone layer to its previous state requires not a singular approach but rather the concerted effort of all stakeholders especially importers of refrigeration and air-conditioning chemicals and related equipment, Heritage newspaper pens.


Committees Debate Health Legislations

Since the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, several measures are being put in place as response preparedness mechanisms among which is the idea of repealing and subsequent amending provisions of the New Executive Law Revised creating the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and Title 12. Deputy Health Minister Tolbert Nyensuah informed the lawmakers that the provisions for the establishment of the new Ministry of Health also seeks to focus on the provisions of health care, strengthen services and implement policies, pointing out that with the Ministry of health and the NPHIL would mean a safer and healthier Liberian population, the INQUIRER writes. 

On Ratification Of Paris Agreement Document: High Level Consultative Forum Ends In Monrovia


A high-level consultative forum aimed at discussing the ratification of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has ended in Monrovia between the Executive and Legislative branches of Government. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf pleaded with the National Legislature to consider the endorsement and timely ratification of the Paris Agreement document, the Heritagenewspaper reports.


Related Caption: Legislative And Executive Branches Meet Over Paris Deal(The New Dawn)

Women, Carter Center Hold Peace Day Event

Women of Liberia, with support from Carter Center, have began events in observance of this year’s International Day of Peace, under the Theme: “Rejecting Violence to Secure Human Rights; Celebrating Women and Girls”. This year’s theme calls for a reflection of peace, dignity and justice as celebrations have already started with a service at the Fish Market Mosque and a vigil night at the meeting place of Women Peace Builders opposite the Fish Market on Saturday with incoming events which are taking place simultaneously, the INQUIRER says.

TRANSCO CLSG Organizes Donors’ meeting in Liberia

The Management of TRANSCO CLSG, a regional transmission company responsible for the transmission of affordable and reliable electricity to millions of citizens in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea is holding a major Donors’ Coordination meeting in Monrovia, Liberia to discuss the progress and challenges in the implementation of the CDLSG project. The annual meeting which is being organized within the framework of the implementation of the CLSG interconnection project, to provide updates to stakeholders will run from September 22nd to 23rd, 2016 at the Cape Hotel in Monrovia, the INQUIRER reads. 

Journalist Diakite’s Family Lauds Pres. Sirleaf For Support In Bereavement


Ranking family members of fallen Liberian Journalist, Fanta Sulamane Diakite on Friday, September 17, 2016 paid a courtesy call on President Ellen Johnson at her Foreign Ministry Office in Monrovia. According to an Executive Mansion release, a Special statement of thanks and appreciation, read by Ambassador Brahima Kaba was presented to the Liberian leader as a mark of gratitude and respect for standing by the family during the passing of Journalist Fanta Sulamane Mamadee Diakite. President Sirleaf thanked the Diakite family for the recognition but pointed out that the fallen media professional deserved the honor he received in death. She reiterated her support for Mamadee’s family, particularly his young children, widow and aged mother, according to the INSIGHT newspaper.

Related Captions: President Sirleaf Meets Mamadee’s Family(The INQUIRER)

Police Dismisses 2, Suspends Several

The INQUIRER newspaper reports that the Administration of the Liberia National Police has with immediate effect dismissed two of its officers and suspended for time indefinite additional seven officers following their involvement in various acts that run contrary to the police code of conduct. A police statement issued in Monrovia Sunday September 18, 2016, quotes Police Spokesman DCP Sam K. Collins, as saying that the affected officers’ conducts undermine the integrity of the Liberia National Police, something which is considered prohibited by the police administration. Those dismissed from the Liberia National Police for Desertion of Post and Constant harassment and extortion of money from members of the public include Patrolman William D.Z. Zubah, and Patrolman Theophilus Karsaw, all from the Traffic Section of the LNP. Other suspended for time indefinite include Patrolman Joseph D. Paye, Patrolman Sam G. Tougbay, Patrolman Elijay Veselee and Civilian Staff Richard J. Taylor, who has been purporting as a police officer, while Inspectors James O. Kollie, Andy B. Blamo and Mohammed A. Sawrey are facing a month suspension with salary deduction.

 Related Caption: Police Dismiss Two Officers(The New Dawn)

Attempted Murder: Defense Minister’s Son Charged With Attempted Murder in Beach Shooting

Police in Monrovia have charged the 36-year-old son of Defense Minister Brownie Samukai in the shooting incident that took place at the Tropicana Beach in the Thinker’s Village along the Robertfield Highway that left one injured. Michael Samukai was charged by the Police on Friday for shooting Zardee Andrews on his neck and was taken to the Paynesville Magistrate Court and later taken to the Monrovia Central Prison, where he is currently held. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, with the charge of criminal attempt to commit murder, Samukai also faces the charges of aggravated assault and illegal possession of small arm. Police say from its investigation, based on inquiries and witnesses’ accounts, Samukai shot Andrews at the birthday party of his wife-Charlotte Samukai out of jealousy having accused her of having an affair with Andrews.   


Related Caption: Michael Samukai Charged With Attempted Murder(The New Dawn)