Daily Media Summary 2016-08-19


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s News summary highlights news of the commissioning of Mr. Abu Kamara as Minister Counselor and Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of the Republic of Liberia in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara and President Johnson Sirleaf’s separate congratulatory messages to the Governments and peoples of the Republic of Indonesia and the Gabonese Republic on the occasions marking their Independence anniversaries on August 17 among other stories.






Foreign Minister Kamara Commissions Mr. Abu Kamara as Minister Counselor

The FOCUS newspaper reports that Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara has commissioned Mr. Abu Kamara as Minister Counselor and Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of the Republic of Liberia in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mr. Kamara previously served the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICAT) as Minister Counselor for Press and Public Affairs at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Liberia to the United Nations in New York. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the commissioning ceremony, which was witnessed by colleagues, friends and family members of the honoree took place in the Foreign Ministry’s conference room on Thursday, August 18, 2016. Before commissioning the honoree, Foreign Minister Marjon V. Kamara challenged Mr. Kamara to protect the interest of Liberia at all times as he takes on his new assignment and thanked members of his family and well-wishers for gracing the occasion. In response after the commission, Mr. Kamara assured the Foreign Minister of his readiness to support, protect and promote the interest of Liberia at all times and promised to live by the etiquette of the Foreign Service while pursuing the goals and objectives of the Liberia’s foreign policy.



Related Caption: GOL Commissions Kamara Minister Counselor To Saudi Arabia (Heritage)



Ellen Lauds Indonesia, Gabon, on Independence Anniversaries

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent two separate messages of congratulations to the Governments and peoples of the Republic of Indonesia and the Gabonese Republic on the occasions marking the 71st and 56th respective Independence anniversaries of the two countries on Wednesday, August 17. The INSIGHT newspaper quoting  a Foreign Affairs Ministry release said, in her message to her Indonesian counterpart, President Joko Widodo, President Sirleaf prayed that as Liberia and Indonesia work together in furtherance of peace, security and cooperation, the Almighty Allah will endow President Widodo with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his compatriots to greater prosperity.  In her message to the President of the Gabonese Republic, Mr. Ali Bongo Ondimba, President Sirleaf said Liberia looks forward to expanding the excellent friendship for the prosperity of the two governments and peoples.


Related Caption: President Sirleaf Hails Indonesia And Gabon On 71st And 56th Independence Anniversaries (Daily Observer)



Liberia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic Establish Diplomatic Relations

Representatives of the Governments of the Republic of Liberia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) have signed a Joint Communiqué establishing diplomatic relations. According to a dispatch from Beijing, People’s Republic of China, the impressive ceremony took place at the Kempinski Hotel Lufthansa Center in downtown Beijing on Friday, August 12, 2016. Signing the Communiqué on behalf of the Government of Liberia was Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Liberia to the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency Mr. Dudley McKinley Thomas, while the Ambassador of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to the People’s Republic of China, Her Excellency Mrs. Vandy Bouthasavong, signed on behalf of the Government of Lao PDR. Making remarks after the signing ceremony, Ambassador Thomas expressed certainty that this new relationship between their two countries, will engender new opportunities for cooperation at the multilateral level; in which the promotion and development of closer Africa - Asia ties for increased South-South cooperation, should form a strong component. For her part, Ambassador Bouthasavong noted that the step taken by the two countries would establish new parameters for mutually benefitting cooperation at both the bilateral and multilateral levels, reports the FOCUS newspaper.



European Union Welcomes Rural Energy Strategy And Master Plan

The European Union has congratulated the Rural and Renewable Energy Agency (RREA) on the completion of the rural and Renewable Energy Strategy and Master Plan. According to the FOCUS newspaper, under the European Union’s National Indicative Programme (NIP) for 2014-2020, a total of EUR 100 million has been allocated for projects and projects and programmes in the energy sector, with rural electrification  being one of the priority for the .




Legislators Support National Biometric Identification System

According to the INSIGHT newspaper, several Senators attending a two-day legislative retreat organized by the National Identification Registry in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County have expressed t commitment to the production of the National ID Cards for citizens and residents. The daily quotes the Senator as saying the act creating the Registry was passed into law and signed by the resident since 2011; as such the Registry needs to double its effort to meet the target by February of 2017.



Pastor Guilty For Murder

Jurors at the Montserrado County Criminal Court “A” have handed down a guilty verdict for murder against Pastor James Mulbah. They handed down the verdict Thursday, 18 August with two of the 12 empaneled Jurors opposed to the ruling. The clerk of court said, ten of the petit jurors adjudged defendant James Mulbah Guilty, and two said not Guilty, and is hereby noted.” The court reminded that the Law of Liberia provides that petit jurors of twelve having met in their room of deliberation where a minimum of nine jurors adjudge a guilty verdict or not guilty verdict, the majority thereto, constituting nine or more, is taken as the verdict. The court has set final Judgment for Monday, August 29, 2016Defendant Mulbah allegedly murdered one Patrick Yeanay on the night of March 23, 2016 in front of the Enterprise Store in Monrovia after accusing the victim of loving to his wife, Mrs. Hannah Mulbah. Court document says Pastor Mulbah placed a deadly weapon and scissor in his bag with the intent to kill the victim on the date and place mentioned.


Related Caption: Jurors Find Pastor Guilty Of Murder (Heritage)



50 Certificated As Young Messengers Of Peace

About 50 children between the ages of 8 to 19 were on Wednesday, August 17, 2016, certificated as Young Ambassadors (Messengers) of Peace, after a month-long summer camp on peace and security. Ms. Gwendolyn Myers, the Executive Director of Messengers of Peace, said the inaugural summer camp has empowered the children to become messengers in their respective homes, communities and schools and also provided them the opportunity to improve their self-esteem, literacy, life and languages. Making special remarks, Director Myers said seeds of peace have been planted in the ‘Young Ambassadors,’ and would be long lasting, writes the Daily Observer.



Ebola Research Collaborative, Consistent with Protocols Established for Vaccine Research

The Partnership for Research on Ebola Virus in Liberia (PREVAIL) says its mission has been conducting collaborative biomedical research in accordance with best practices to advance science, strengthen health policy and practice and improve the health of Liberians and people worldwide. In reaction to a statement presented at the opening of the just ended workshop on the Committee for Clinical Trials on Ebola that brought medical doctors and healthcare professionals from Guinea and a Sierra Leone to Monrovia, Dr. Vuyu Kanda Golakai, Dean of the A. M. Doglioti College of Medicine at the University of Liberia deliberated on gaps in the conduct of the Ebola vaccine research and called for a review as well as scrutinizing the conduct of the research in Liberia, writes the Daily Observer.



MICAT Boss Lauds U.S. for ‘Countless’ Support to Liberia

The Minister of Information, Culture Affairs and Tourism (MICAT), Lenn Eugene Nagbe, has commended the government of the United States of America for the numerous support and assistance it has rendered to the Government and people of Liberia over the years. Nagbe said that the U.S. Government support to Liberia is enormous and immeasurable, and hoped that the diplomatic relationship subsisting between the two nations will continue to yield positive results. He made the comment Thursday when U.S. Ambassador to Liberia Christine Elder paid him a courtesy visit at the Ministry of Information in Monrovia, the Heritage writes.



Take Advantage of Vocational and Technical Trainings Deputy Youth and Sports Minister Urges Young Liberians

Deputy Youth and Sports Minister for Technical and Vocational Services, Rufus Neuville, has underscored the need for young Liberians to advance themselves through vocational and technical trainings. Deputy Minister Neuville indicated that the young people, especially those who have not gone to formal schools, will improve their lives if they take advantage of vocational and technical trainings, the Heritage reports.



“Do not Compromise Rape Cases” Angie Brooks Executive Warns

The head of the Angie Brooks International Center is calling on Liberians, especially family members not to compromise rape cases in the country. Cllr. Yvette Chesson Wreh said rape is worse than murder and it is about time to put a halt to rape she also frowned at what she termed as the coalition and conspiracy of silence of rape in the country by many people mainly family members, which she said must be discouraged, reports the FOCUS newspaper.

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