Daily Media Summary 2016-04-19

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s News Summary highlights stories including news of the National Port Authority Management’s pronouncement of the installation of Aids to Navigation at the Freeport; the Liberia National Police’s investigation of two alleged notorious armed robbers  and a Pastor of the Salvation Christ Deliverance Ministries for allegedly killing a 23-year-old man.


Also included in the Summary is President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Condolence Message to His Imperial Majesty Akithito, Emperor of Japan, on the occurrence of two earthquakes in south-western Japan.





Freeport of Monrovia to Run 24 Hours - Installs Aid to Navigation

The FrontPage Africa newspaper quoting a release from the National Port Authority (NPA) says the Management of the NPA has announced the installation of Aids to Navigation at the Freeport of Monrovia by a world renowned supplier PHAROS MARINE in compliance with IALA (International Association of Light House Authority) regulations. The statement indicated that the installation of Aids to Navigation will be completed by April 30, 2016. “Consequently, the Freeport of Monrovia in three decades, will operate on 24/7 basis effective May 2016”, added the statement. The port has announced that a ceremony to officially commission the Aids to Navigation will take place in May 2016. A statement from the NPA says as a result of the installation of the Aids to Navigation, the following outcomes will be achieved- safe 24 hours Marine Operations, quick Vessel Turnaround time, more Revenue for GOL, more Vessel  calls, complete Berthing and sailing of vessel at night beginning May 2016 ( First in 30 plus years) and lead to Job Creation.


Related Captions: NPA Management Discloses Installation Of Aids To Navigation At Freeport Of Monrovia(Heritage), NPA Installs Aids To Navigation(The New Dawn), NPA Installs Aids To Navigation(FOCUS), NPA Management Discloses Installation Of  Aids To Navigation At Freeport Of Monrovia(Heritage)



Liberian National Police Nabbed ‘Robbers’ - Pastor Charged With Murder

Police in Monrovia have arrested and are investigating two alleged notorious armed robbers in connection to a recent armed robbery incidents in the City of Brewerville, in which a huge amount of Liberian dollars were stolen. Otis Richard (CKA Nut Shaking) and Koko Borbor (Night Bird) allegedly armed robbed a resident of Brewerville making away with Three Hundred  and Fifty Thousand  Liberian Dollars  (L$350,000) and an  unspecified amount of  United States Dollars and other valuables  by  putting their victims at gun point. Koko Borbor (the brother of detained armed robber Kollie Borbor) and Otis Richard have long been on Police wanted list in connection to series of armed robberies in Monrovia and its environs. According to an LNP Statement, both men were involved in the October 24, 2015 armed robbing of a resident of Peace Island, Madam Massa Kamara. The men on November 11, 2015 also armed robbed Pastor John Sabah, inflecting wounds on his son and made away with huge sum of money and valuables. In another development, the FrontPage Africa newspaper writes that the Liberia National Police has charged the Pastor of the Salvation Christ Deliverance Ministries, James Mulbah with murder after he allegedly killed a 23-year-old man, who he accused of having a love affair with his wife. Pastor Mulbah told Police investigators that he had earlier advised the deceased to abandon his love affairs with his wife, but to no avail, something he said prompted a fight between him and the deceased. He said during the fight, he mistakenly stabbed the victim with a scissors that resulted to his death.


Related Captions: Pastor Kills For “Woman Business”(The INQUIRER), For ‘Woman Business’ Pastor Charged For Murder(Daily Observer)






Ellen Condoles Japan 

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a Condolence Message to His Imperial Majesty Akithito, Emperor of Japan, on the occurrence of two earthquakes on the island of Kyushu, south-western Japan on April 14, and April 16, 2016, respectively. Two powerful earthquakes hit the south-western Island of Kyushu last week killing at least 42 people. More than 1,000 people are injured and there has been widespread damage to buildings, houses, roads and bridges. Big landslides cut off remote mountain villages. Eleven people are still missing. On Thursday night, April 14, the city of Kumamoto was hit by a magnitude–6.4 quake; while again on Saturday, April 16, Kumamoto was hit by a magnitude – 7.3 quake. According to the release, President Sirleaf, in her message on behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Liberia, and in her own name, extended to His Imperial Majesty, and through him, to the Government and people of Japan, especially the bereaved families, “heartfelt condolences for the irreparable loss sustained”. She prayed that the resilience and courage which the people of Japan are known to exhibit during difficult times will strengthen them during this period of mourning. The earthquakes last week are the biggest to have hit Japan since 2011 when a 9.0 magnitude quake caused a huge tsunami, leaving more than 19,000 dead and missing.




GoL’s Free Primary Education not Working, says US Report

The U.S. Department of State 2015 Human Rights Report has observed that tuition-free and compulsory education in public schools from the primary through junior secondary levels, but many schools charged informal fees to pay for teachers’ salaries and operating costs the government did not fund, the report said. It indicated that this situation has prevented many students from attending school. During the first term of the Unity Party-led government, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf announced that only senior secondary level students are required to pay some level of fees in public schools, the Focusnewspaper reports.



Related Caption: US Report: GOL Free Primary Education Not Working (Heritage)



County Donates Buses to Bassa College, Gov’t Hospital

The Grand Bassa County leadership has donated a bus each to the Grand Bassa Community College (GBCC) and the Liberian Government Hospital in Buchanan to help address the transportation problem facing the two institutions. The buses were purchased by the Project Management Committee (PMC) from a local dealer at a cost of US$130,000 with money drawn from the county and social development funds. The buses were presented to the two institutions by Grand Bassa County Superintendent J. Levi Demah and County Legislative Caucus chairperson, Senator Nyonblee Karngar Lawrence at the administration building in Buchanan during the weekend, the Focus reports.




Regional Meeting of National Small Arms Commission Underway in Liberia

The Liberian National Commission on Small Arms (LiNCSA) will host the annual meeting of National Commissions on Small Arms and Light Weapons from ECOWAS countries from March 30- April 1. The two-day conference will focus on the status of implementation of the ECOWAS convention of SALW, their ammunition and other related materials. Participants at the meeting will also focus on adoption the 5-year Priority Plan of the ECOWAS Convention, 2016-2020 and elaborate a common regional position to be presented at the 6th UN Program of Action on SALW Biennial Meeting of States, scheduled for June this year in New York, the Heritage newspaper reports.




V.P. Boakai Donates US$2,000 To NUSA

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has provided US$2,000 to the Nimba University Student Association or NUSA in response to request from the group for financial assistance. Making the presentation on behalf of Vice President Boakai on Monday, in Monrovia, Nimba County electoral district # 9 Representative, R. Matenokay Tingban, said, if Liberia could only open her eyes in making decisions that will benefit her for tomorrow, the country could be far ahead in terms of development, saying the “first step to self-discipline is realization to overcome your weaknesses and we as citizens if we want to wake up from our mystery, there is need to make genuine decisions.” Tingban quoted Vice President as saying; “if you want to be President and you don’t think and develop love for Liberia then you will not have the determination to develop this country.” Meanwhile, the Nimba University Student Association has pledged its unwavering support to VP Boakai’s bid for the presidency in 2017. NUSA is a student’s group comprises of young males and females hailing from Nimba County that are attending the African Methodist Episcopal Zion University on Benson Streets in Monrovia. Members of NUSA say their support for the Vice President stems from his tireless efforts in helping to reduce poverty in the Liberian society, including his track records and high quality of leadership demonstrated over the years, reports the New Dawn newspaper.




Konneh Calls For Increased Financial, Technical Support

According to the Daily Observer, the outgoing Finance and Development Planning Minister Amara M. Konneh, has led a high-powered delegation to attend 2016 Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington DC, USA. While in the US, Minister Konneh held talks with senior officials of the IMF, World Bank Group, the United States Peace Corps, US Departments of State and Treasury, African Development Bank, International Finance Corporation, among others. According to a Dispatch, Minister Konneh commended Liberia’s development and traditional partners for the level of support Liberia enjoys. He emphasized the need for further financial and technical assistance.





NHA To Add 70 Units To NASSCORP Village

The Daily Observer reports that the National Housing Authority (NHA) says it has received funding from the National Social Security & Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) to construct 70 additional affordable homes. Mr. Prince A. Wreh, deputy managing director for administration, told journalists that the procurement process for quality Liberian contractors has begun and hoped the project will commence before the rainy season, or by June this year. Wreh who did not disclose the dollar amount for the new units, expressed NHA’s gratitude for the partnership with NASSCORP tha has continued to provide support that for the NHA to implement its national shelter program




Liberians Warned Against Outside Solutions

According to theNew Dawn newspaper, the Brazilian Ambassador to Liberia has challenged Liberians to stop looking outside for solutions to their country’s problems, noting there is “Too much faith in the solutions coming from outside; you can do better.” Ambassador Andre` Santos says Brazil has lots in common with Africa in terms of the Slave Trade and “Because we face the same budget constraints; social constraints.” In a breakfast chat with reporters over the weekend in Monrovia, he said Liberia could learn a lot from Brazil in the area of agriculture, particularly food production. “I think there is lot Liberia can learn from Brazil; I think Liberia has seen that outside solutions don’t work everywhere”, he says.




Establishment of Gompa Vocational School Legislated; Senate Concurs with House

The Plenary of the Liberian Senate on Thursday, April 14, 2016 concurred with the House of Representatives on an act seeking the establishment of the Gompa Technical and Vocational Educational Training Institute (G-TVET) in Ganta City, Nimba County, theHot Pepper newspaper reports.




18 Communities Receive Solar Power In Nimba

Eighteen communities in the Buu-Yao Administrative District are benefiting from solar-powered lights provided by the German humanitarian organization GIZ through a program called “EnDev – Liberia.” The solar power installations cove 21 facilities, including 18 public schools and three clinics, in 18 communities across Buu – Yao, as well as Kparblee Administrative District, which lies on the border with Ivory Coast, reports the Daily Observer.

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