Daily Media Summary, 18-03-2016


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia





Today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies highlights United Nations Development Program boss Kamil Kamaluddeen’s acclamation on the progress made by the Liberia Revenue Authority in managing the country’s revenue administration and President Johnson Sirleaf’s memorial of the late Deputy Minister of Commerce and Trade Services Hon. Cyril Afam Allen, II as the ‘Point Person’ for promoting the country’s private sector.




UNDP Boss Lauds Progress at LRA: As Commissioner-General Seeks More Support

The Country Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Mr. Kamil Kamaluddeen, has lauded officials of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) for progressively managing the country’s revenue administration. Mr. Kamaluddeen, paying a working visit at the LRA recently, said he was pleased with the progress and vision of the LRA, assuring the UNDP’s continuing support in making the Authority more efficient. He said there were ongoing discussions between the LRA and the UNDP in areas of technical assistance and he would push the LRA’s case at headquarters as the UNDP is prepared to work with the LRA to serve better. Commissioner-General Elfreda S. Tamba lauded the UNDP for its support including the provision of funding for a modern data center for the Liberia Revenue Authority. She stressed the need for more technical assistance and capacity building in enhancing professionalism, efficiency and the effectiveness of the LRA in administering the country’s revenue sector. According to the Heritage newspaper, the LRA is, among others, seeking support of the UNDP to support for a national revenue summit as well as technical assistance for Domestic Resource Mobilization Strategy and the funding of airport scanner.



Related Captions: UNDP Boss Lauds Progress At LRA (The INQUIRER), UNDP Boss Lauds Progress At LRA (FOCUS), UNDP Boss Lauds Progress At LRA (The News)



Ellen on Fallen Deputy Minister


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has described the late Deputy Minister of Commerce and Trade Services at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Hon. Cyril Afam Allen, II, as the ‘Point Person’ for promoting the private sector.  The NEWS newspaper quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that President Sirleaf made the statement when she joined host of government officials, family and friends at the Memorial Program for the former Deputy Minister of Commerce and Trade Services of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the late Honorable Cyril A. Allen, II, on Thursday, March 24, 2016. The Liberian leader said the late Deputy Minister was young and talented individual who had the ability to convince on the basis of articulation especially guided by his Minister and supported by his colleagues. “We will miss him, his friends will miss him; the business community will miss him; because he stood gallantly” - she told host of family members, sympathize and friends.  She furthered that the formal Deputy Minister contributed immensely in creating the environment that have attracted many small businesses today owned and managed  by Liberians across the country.


Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf Describes Cyril Afam Allen, II As “Point Person” For Promoting The Private Sector (FOCUS), Memorial Service Held For Fallen Dep. Minister (The INQUIRER)





President Sirleaf Receives Special Nigerien Envoy

According to the New Dawn newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf last Friday, received in audience a Special Nigerien Envoy on behalf of that country’s re-elected President, Mahamadou Issoufou, at her Foreign Ministry Office in Monrovia with a special message from her counterpart. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf congratulated President Mahamadou Issoufou on his re-election by the people of the West African nation, who chose the democratic path as a surest means for transition. She assured the Nigerien Special Envoy her continuous commitment to working with the President of Niger at the levels of ECOWAS and the African Union. She assured the Special Envoy that the Government of Liberia would communicate its response through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Earlier, the Nigerien Special Envoy, Mr. Ouhoumoudou Mahamadou thanked President Sirleaf for the opportunity and audience extended him, along with the three-member delegation to Liberia, saying President Issoufou looks forward to a favorable response from his Liberian counterpart.


Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf Receives Special Nigerien Envoy (FOCUS)




Ellen Condemns Arson Attack on Tarjuwon School

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has condemned recent arson attack on the Tarjuwon Junior High School in Tarjuwon District, Sinoe County – and described it as a wanton act of violence that deliberately denies fellow Liberians the opportunity to prepare themselves for a better future.  According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf issued the condemnation when her attention was drawn to media report that the Tarjuwon Junior High School in Sinoe County was set ablaze by some unidentified person. The Liberia leader noted that it was unfair that in this day and age – elements of lawlessness in the District would find it fit to target the only Junior High School establish intended to serve as light in darkness and to mold the minds of young Liberians in that part of the country, writes the Heritage newspaper.



Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf Condemns Arson Attack On Tarjuwon Junior High School (FOCUS)



Liberian Confirmed Dead…..Following Belgium Bombing

The Liberian woman who went missing during last week's blast at an airport in Brussels, Belgium, Ms. Elita Barbor Weah, is reported dead.  A report posted on social media said the body of the missing Liberian female of Dutch citizenship has been found. Ms. Weah went missing after the attacks on last Tuesday when reports emerged she had been at the Brussels Airport en-route to the United States to attend her father's funeral. Members of her family in the Netherlands contacted the Liberian Embassy in Belgium and a search was launched. According to the leadership of the Liberian community in Belgium, hotels and evacuation centres in Liege, Meerbeek, Leuven and Brussels were searched, but to no avail. On Wednesday, the sister of the deceased contacted the Liberian Embassy in Brussels and provided them with a picture taken by Ms. Weah moments before the terrorist attack, which was sent to her sister. In the picture, she is seen standing next to her baggage trolley.The Liberian Ambassador to Belgium, Isaac Nyenabo, informed Daiqua Media that the Belgian authorities had said, with all areas covered, the next step was to acquire and carry out DNA fatalities from the Brussels Airport attacks kept at a local military hospital. At 3:am Friday, the Liberian Embassy and the Liberian community in Belgium were informed by the Belgian authorities that the body of Ms. Weah had positively been identified through photo evidence through the picture provided by the sister of the deceased. In the picture, Ms. Weah is seen dressed in a black overcoat, smiling and standing next to her baggage trolly at the Brussels Airport. The picture was apparently taken moments before the terrorist attacks at the airport. According to family sources, Ms. Weah was travelling to the United States to attend the funeral of her late father. The family of Ms. Elita Rita Weah has already been informed about her death, reports the News newspaper.


Related Caption: Liberian Confirmed Dead In Terrorist Attack (The INQUIRER)



GoL, Partners To Build US$85 Service Center… In Gbarpolu

The News newspaper writes that the Government of Liberia and partners have started construction of a US$58,000 County Service Center (CSC) in Bopolu City, Gbarpolu County.  The project is part of the government's de-concentration program intended to bring services closer to locals.  According to a Ministry of Internal Affairs official, US$48,000 of the project cost will be provided by the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), while the remaining US$10,000 will come from the government. When completed, the center will process birth certificates, driver licenses, business registration, wedding certificates and registration of vital documents. Speaking recently at the ground breaking ceremony, Deputy Internal Affairs Minister Varney Sirleaf described the project as the beginning of a long anticipated dream. He challenged citizens to take ownership of the center as doing so will motivate government and partners to respond more to the needs of the county.  In remarks, Paramount Chief William Mawolo assured Minister Sirleaf and partners of the county's fullest. At the same time, citizens of Grand Kru County have welcomed government’s decision to construct a County Service Center (CSC) in the County. The In Profile Daily reports under the caption “Grand Kru Citizens Welcome County Service Center As GOL, Partners Break Ground“, that under the Decentralization program, the County Service Center is a one-stop shop where documentation services are offered. The citizens were speaking over the weekend when Government and partners broke ground for construction of the Grand Kru County Service Center in Barclayville. The citizens say when completed, the center will alleviate constraints experienced while attempting to obtain services in Monrovia.


Related Caption: Grand Kru Citizens Welcome County Service Center (Heritage)



China Medical Team Launches Long-Term Medical Program with BIN

In a bid to address some medical completions that might be faced by officers and staff of the Bureau of Immigration and Nationalization (BIN), the 9th batch of the China Medical Team has launched a long-term medical program with BIN. BIN is one of the security departments under the Ministry of Justice of Liberia that deals with alien matters. Speaking Friday, March 25, 2016 at the launch of the long-term medical program, the head of the 9th China arrangement, Chinese Doctors from the team will visit BIN’s headquarters to conduct free medical services and each clinic would last for three hours, the Heritage newspaper writes.



Liberian Students in Beijing want more Support to China-Africa Cooperation

Liberians attending various universities and institutions in Beijing, China, have called on African governments to unite and collectively support the China-Africa Cooperation (CAC), which they said is positively shaping the destiny of the continent. The students, under the banner, Beijing Union of Liberian Students (BULS), said the cooperation has seen growing activities of China in Africa in recent years including bilateral and non-bilateral scholarships for African students in various parts of China. BULS’ Coordinator Benjamin John Blamo made the call on Saturday, March 26, 2016, following the group’s monthly meeting held on the Campus of Beijing Normal University (BNU), the In Profile Daily writes.  



MOH Confirms 252 Cases of Measles

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has confirmed that 252 children in six counties have contracted measles in Liberia. Speaking at the regular press briefing of the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism in Monrovia, Adolphus S. Clarke, the National Program at MOH, said 252 children have been confirmed to have been confirmed to have Measles, while one person has been confirmed dead. He noted that Nimba, Bong, Grand Bassa, Margibi and other counties are confirmed to be affected with the disease, disclosing that the disease has caught children from 9 months to 23 months, the In Profile Daily reports.



KRTTI Deploys Over 200 Trainees

The administration of the Kakata Rural Teacher’s Training Institute (KRTTI) will today Monday, March 28, deploy nearly 220 trainees in schools across Margibi and Montserrado Counties. The Academic Dean of KRTTI, Madam Sorna F. Sherrif said, the trainees will be assigned in both private and public schools in four educational districts in the two Counties. She named the four educational districts as Todee, Marshall, Kakata and Gibi, respectively. She said the targeted institutions in these districts are considered as catchment schools and they were selected based on merit, adding that in the history of KRTTI, this is the first time the Institute is assigning trainees outside of Kakata. According to her, this is meant to allow incoming teachers to gain outside experience. Madam Sherrif further explained the trainees will spend about three months outside which is two academic periods (5th and 6th) at their respective areas of assignment after which they will be recalled, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

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