Daily Media Summary, 12-16-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of President Johnson Sirleaf issuance of Executive Order No. 74 developing the Liberia National Trade Policy, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf assertion that the Nairobi outcome of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization has the potential to foster fairer and more equitable trade for the prosperity of all peoples and Plan International-Liberia pronouncement of the change of its brand are the dominant stories among selected stories from today’s dailies.  




Prez. Sirleaf Issues Executive Order No. 74

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has issued Executive Order No. 74 developing the Liberia National Trade Policy (LNTP) intended to use trade as an engine of inclusive growth ad as a vehicle to reduce poverty, especially among women, children, and the most vulnerable communities of the population. As such, Executive Order No. 74, signed by President Sirleaf on December 10, 2015, directs that Liberia, in order to systematically implement the LNTP, has developed the Post Acesion Plan (LPAP) 2016-2017 as a short to medium term approach. Liberia is in the process of acceding to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and has made commitments relating to WTO Membership that will be implemented in the LPAP, FOCUS reports.


Related Caption: Ellen Issues Executive Order No.74(The NEWS), Pres. Sirleaf Issues Executive Order 74, To Enhance Inclusive Growth(The New Dawn), President Sirleaf Issues Executive Order No. 74(Daily Observer)



WTO Confab Promises Prospect For Fair Trade

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says the Nairobi outcome of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization has the potential to foster fairer and more equitable trade for the prosperity of all peoples. According to a dispatch from Nairobi, President Sirleaf made the assertion when she spoke at the Official Opening Ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) at the Jomo Kenyatta International Convention Center in Nairobi, Kenya. President Sirleaf used the occasion to congratulate President Kenyatta and the good people of Kenya for the warm hospitality accorded her delegation and for demonstrating the capacity to host such a critical meeting that is poised to impact global trade. The Liberian leader further expressed deep honor for the opportunity to join President Kenyatta on such historic occasion marking the official opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, the first ever on the African continent. For his part, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta encouraged delegates to adopt a sense of open mind in making proper representations of their respective countries and pointed out that the gathering was a victory for Kenya and Africa in particular to for the first time host the WTO Meeting. “Africa is now within reach as a result of global trade liberalization”, he indicated. Speaking during the occasion, WTO Director General, Ambassador Roberto Azevedo paid tribute to the government and people of Kenya and thanked President Kenyatta for believing in the power of trade. Ambassador Azevedo also lauded President Sirleaf for her leadership that has informed Liberia Accession to the WTO, writes the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: Ellen Addresses WTO 10th Ministerial Cofab.(Inquirer), WTO Conference Opens In Kenya(Daily Observer)


Plan Int’l-Liberia Changes Brand

A none governmental organization, Plan International-Liberia has announced the change of its brand.Speaking at a news conference Tuesday, December 15, 2015, the Chief of Party of Plan International-Liberia, Dr. Ibrahim Oloriegbe said that the new brand captures uniquely who they are and what they stand for. It reflects their DNA and in a single-minded way captures what is important to Plan International-Liberia. “Our new logo defines us as a single global organization and captures our common aim to achieve lasting change for children. It encompasses how we think, act and represent ourselves both externally and internally as 'One Plan' with 'One Goal', forming the foundations upon which we can build a strong, unified and coherent organization,” he said. He maintained that the new brand is to enhance belief and commitment to Plan International and to reduce the cost of acquisition and retention across all its activities by being more aligned in thinking, work and communications, writes the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Plan Detects Children’s Challenges-Launches News Logo(In Profile Daily), Quality Integrated Childhood Care Lacking In Liberia-Plan Int’l Discloses; Launches New Logo(FOCUS)







Somilia Drive Road Construction Resumes

The New Dawn newspaper, road construction work on the Somalia Drive in Monrovia has resumed in earnest with the return of contractors from Japan to implement the project. The NewDawn has noticed over time movement of earth moving equipment with several local and foreign contractors basically engaged. According to the daily, Japanese Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ms. Miki YAMADA, also confirmed the resumption of work when she led a high-powered delegation in a bilateral meeting with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in Nairobi, Kenya. Ms. YAMADA also informed President Sirleaf that Phase II of the Somalia Drive road project will commence in 2016 consistent with the commitment made by the Government of Japan - a dispatch said here Tuesday. Ms. YAMADA also assured President Sirleaf that plans are on course for the reopening of Japanese Embassy near Monrovia, which will end several years of directing the affairs of Liberia’s operations from Accra, Ghana. She indicated that Japan is determined to support the Africa’s 2063 Agenda that seeks to address critical areas of need for the African continent. Speaking during the meeting, President Sirleaf thanked the Government of Japan for its continued support to Liberia’s recovery efforts, especially in the areas of health, energy, food security, commerce and trade. She also pointed out that her government is keen on the rehabilitation of the country’s water system, which is crucial to meeting a critical need of the population. 

German Ambassador Stresses Transparency


German Ambassador to Liberia, Ralph Timmermann, has admonished the government to ensure transparency and accountability in administering the functions of the state. Speaking Tuesday December 15, 2015, at the launch of the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy (MLME) Website and Outline Licensing repository program held at the Monrovia City Hall, Ambassador Timmermann stressed that the issue of transparency should be taken very seriously because it is important to enhance development programs, In Profile Daily reports.


VP Boakai Wants Liberians Devote Education To Community services

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has reminded Liberians that community colleges across the nation were established to respond to Government’s policy of decentralization of education with specific emphasis on those living in the rural parts of the country who are unable to pursue higher education in the Capital city. Vice President Boakai made these remarks in Sanniequellie over the weekend during the first commencement convocation of the Nimba County community college in Saniquellie where one hundred and sixty seven graduates received diplomas in various disciplines, In Profile Daily reports.


Liberia Gets 6m Financial Support To Combat Climate Change

The European Union Ambassador to Liberia, Tiina Intelman, has announced that the EU will give Liberia 6million in support of the country’s effort to implement its own strategic plan to mitigate climate change. She said the amount is exclusive of the millions of euro the EU has already committed in support of the country’s development initiatives including agriculture, forestry, roads, education, energy, and human rights. Appearing on a radio talk show with French Ambassador Joel Godeau on Tuesday, December 15 in Monrovia to amplify the outcome of the just-ended Climate Change conference in Paris, France, the EU envoy asked the Government of Liberia, civil society organizations and other stakeholders to step up their work in creating awareness on issues of waste management which entails properly disposing wastes  and stopping the practice of burning tires and plastic materials because they help to pollute the air. On his part, French Ambassador to Liberia Joel Godeau applauded Liberia’s Environmental Protection Agency for speedily developing and disseminating the country’s plan to help mitigate the climate change; and encouraged all stakeholders to work together in achieving the objectives of the plan, FOCUS reports.




Boakai Attends Conde’s Inaugural Ceremonies

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai at the head of a high powered Liberian delegation on Monday, December 14, 2015 traveled to the Republic of Guinea to participate in the inaugural ceremonies of President Alpha Conde. The Vice President and delegation arrived in Conakry and received by the Prime Minister of Guinea, Mohammed Said Fofona and other senior government Officials of that country, the NEWS reports.




MLME Launches Online Repository…To Improve Investors’ Confidence

The Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy has launched its website and an online repository intended to improve transparency and investors’ confidence in the country’s mining sector. In a live presentation, a representative of revenue Development Foundation (RDF), an international group, said the online repository will ensure the regular flow of information about revenues generation, applications and licenses status. According to him, the repository will prevent disputes over land rights through the usage of geographic information system for all concessions, TheNEWS writes.


Pleebo Citizens Smoke Peace Pipe

The people of Pleebo district under the banner of the “All Nyanbo Conference” have smoked peace pipe following a week-long peace and reconciliation activities. The conference brought together 45 delegates representing the communities in Pleebo District and provided the opportunity during which time the citizens resolved their differences. Pleebo Statutory District Supt. Tomoul Hoto, said the people have realized that unity, peace and reconciliation are necessary if Pleebo must indeed develop and lauded the delegates who attended the conference for the first time for peace. Meanwhile, the citizens have resolved to carry on the conference at the end of every ear to ensure that peace, unity and reconciliation exist at all times, Inquirer reports. 

Brewerville Sets Up Watch Team – To Help Police Fight Crimes


Officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP) assigned in Brewerville and its environs have collaborated with member of the community in launching a community watch team to complement the work of the police in combating crime in the area. Nelson Freeman, Police Chief of Public Safety, said that the watch team was set up in the area “because police have over the years observed the alarming rate of rape cases and multiple crimes in the community, which have claimed the attention of the government, Daily Observer reports.


Ground Breaking For B’ville-Caldwell Road

A major ground breaking ceremony is expected to take place today at the Bardnersville Junction for the construction of connecting roads from Bardnersville to Caldwell. The project is estimated at more than US11m and is expected to be done by CICO.  Today’s ceremony is expected to begin at 11 a.m. with the Minister of Public Works, Gyude Moore leading the ground breaking activities, Inquirer writes.

Related Caption: Road Development Underway In Brewerville(The NEWS)



Women’s Groups Condemn SGBV

The Save Cities for Women’s forum under the umbrella of ActionAid-Liberia (AAL) has condemned the increase of sexual and Gender Based Violence in the country. The women made the plea on Friday at the end of a candle light dinner organized by Action Aid, held at the Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) in Monrovia. The group as therefore called on the government to create safe city for all women and girls by providing electricity to every community in the country. AAL Program Manager for Women’s Rights, Elizabeth Johnson, said the program was intended to remind government and stakeholders about the need to provide light around the city and universities because women and girls are the most insecure at night, Daily Observer reports.


LIPA Wants More Money

The Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA) is appealing to the Legislature for the allotment of US$30m in the next national budget to enable the agency construct its administrative complex. According to the LIPA Deputy Director General for Research, Consultancy, Information and Library Services, Charles G. Jarrett, LIPA has more than 25-acres of land to construct the complex, but could not do so due to the lack of funds. Mr. Jarrett made the appeal when he served as proxy for LIPA’s Director-General Oblayon Nyemah at a program marking the official closing ceremony of the Public Sector Budgeting and Financial Management Training, held at the headquarters of LIPA. Mr. Jarrett further indicated that the complex will accommodate more students and have them stationed there until their training was over. During the ceremony, over 30 members of the Legislative Budget Office were certificated following six weeks of intensive training in budgeting, according to the New Dawn newspaper.



New Us$6m Hospital Complex Insight - Elwa Marks 50th Year

Elder David L. Writebol, the Executive Director of Eternal Love Winning Africa (ELWA) Ministries says the ELWA Hospital has catered to approximately 2.7 million people over the 50 years of its existence in Liberia. Speaking at the 50th Anniversary celebration over the weekend, Samaritan’s Purse Country Director, Kendell Kaufedlt recognized the ‘courageous performance’ of ELWA during the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and said Missionary and Preacher Rev. Franklin Graham – a CEO of Samaritan Purse, is committed to ensuring that the under-construction new ELWA Hospital provides health services for Liberians. The new ELWA hospital complex comprises of eight buildings which include an Out Patient Department (OPD), Pediatric Ward, Male and Female ward, operation building, emergency building, pharmacy, Morgue amongst others. Massive work is ongoing on the project and is expected to be completed and turn over to Samaritan’s Purse by May 2016, FrontPage Africa reports.



Cape Mount Out Of Count Meet…As Bassa-Sinoe Game Ends In Confusion

Grand Cape Mount County is out of this year’s National County Sports Meet after suffering straight two defeats in the competition. The county, playing its home matches in Saniquellie, Nimba County, lost to Bomi County in a rivalry derby 2-1 in the opening match of the competition and suffered the second defeat yesterday at the hands of host Nimba County, Inquirer reports.