Daily Media Summary, 12-15-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of President Johnson Sirleaf’s acknowledgement of Kenya’s tremendous strides towards the empowerment of women, the holding of the 75th Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers in Abuja, Nigeria   and news of the 6th report of the Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative are the dominant stories in today’s local dailies.




Ellen Acknowledges Kenya’s Progress On Women Empowerment

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has acknowledged Kenya’s tremendous strides towards the empowerment of women that give them voice, equal participation, visibility, and access in all shades of life as it is imperative for Liberia to learn from the Kenyan model. According to a dispatch from Nairobi, the Liberian President made the opening remarks as honored guest at an International Forum on Women in Business organized International Trade Center (ITC) and co-sponsored by the Government of Kenya and Kenya Association of Manufacturers.  President Johnson Sirleaf recounted nearly two decades of civil conflict that had plagued Liberia but noted that when she took the reins of leadership – the immediate focus was to put in place different fundamentals to accelerate the recovery and rebuilding processes. She said in the composition of her Cabinet, the crucial positions of Finance, Justice and Foreign Affairs conventionally not held by women were filled by female appointees. She thanked the Kenyan people who through constitutional amendments have allotted 30 per cent of positions in government for women occupancy while at the same time enshrining in their constitution that the positions of Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security be occupied by women. The Liberian leader said her administration has been able to make remarkable progress aimed at increasing the number of young girls’ school enrolment at the rate of 50 percent through a package that supports their stay in school. She paid tribute to women in the face of numerous challenges they have to surmount as they cross various borders, travel to China, Dubai and other parts of the world in order to take their own destiny into their hands. She stressed the need for access to loans, skills transfer in managing their businesses; adding that technology remains critical towards the overall efforts to empower women.


Related Captions: Ellen Acknowledges Kenya's Gains On Women Empowerment(The New Dawn), Ellen Acknowledges Kenya’s Progress On Women’s Empowerment—Says It Represents Best Practice For Liberia To Emulate(Daily Observer)




ECOWAS' 75TH Ordinary Council Commences -In Abuja

The 75th Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers kicked-off Sunday, 13 December 2015 in the Nigerian capital of Abuja. The Council of Ministers, holding from the 13th to the 14th of December, begins a week-long activity leading to the 48th Ordinary Session of the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government which begins on the 16th of December, 2015. The Mediation and Security Council at Ministerial level will take place on the 15th of December.  Also, the 40th Anniversary of the Community climaxes the summit on the 17th of December, 2015. Acting Foreign Minister Elias B. Shoniyin led the Liberian delegation, which also comprises of the Deputy Finance Minister for Administration, Edward M. Eesiah, the Deputy Defense Minister for Operations, Jerome Larbelee and the Head of ECOWAS National Office in Liberia, Benedict D. Roberts. During Sunday's opening session, the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Kadre Desire Ouédraogo, outlined major achievements of the body for past 12 months. Presenting his annual activities report for 2015, the President extolled the Heads of State and Government for the Commission's active involvement in ECOWAS' achievements in the area of democracy and good governance. He named the holding of successful, transparent, credible and peaceful elections in Nigeria, Togo, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso. “The Commission has also adhered to its avowed role whenever there has been a direct threat to peace and security in our region or results already obtained have risked being jeopardized”, he asserted. On progress made for the Common External Tariff (CET), Mr. Ouédraogo revealed that the instrument has been effectively applied in eight out of the 15 member states, reports the NEWS newspaper.


Related Captions: ECOWAS’ 75th Ordinary Council Of Ministers Begins In Abuja(Daily Observer), ECOWAS’ 75th Ordinary Council Of Ministers Holds In Abuja(FrontPage Africa), ECOWAS’ 75TH Ordinary Council Of Ministers Held In Abuja(The New Dawn)



LEITI Releases 6th Report

The Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (LEITI) has released its 6th Extractive Industry Transparent Initiative (EITI)Report for Liberia. The report includes the beneficial ownership disclosure report, mining sector scoping study report, as well as the abridged version of contracts in the extractive sectors. Speaking at a news conference at the LEITI office in Monrovia on Monday, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Deputy Minister for Planning and Human Resource Development at the Lands Mines and Energy Ministry, Stephen Dorbor, said the 6th EITI Report on Liberia - commissioned by the MSG in March 2015 and prepared by Moore Stephens in the United Kingdom in collaboration with Parker and Associates LLC, contains reconciled accounts of payments made to, and revenues received by the Government of Liberia from the oil, mining, forestry and agricultural companies during the Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 up to and including June 30, 2013. The Report shows that the total amount received by the Government of Liberia from the oil, mining, forestry and agriculture sectors for the period under review amounted to US$185, 960 million, while payment data supplied by e80 companies amounted to US$179,983,000.00, resulting to a net difference of US$5,361,000.00. “This means that the Government of Liberia acknowledged receiving Five Million, Three Hundred and Sixty-one Thousand Dollars more in revenue than what the companies reported as taxes paid. Also, the data shows that direct government revenue from the extractive sectors increased by nearly sixty-nine percent from US$110.14m for the Fiscal Year 2011/2012 to US$185.96m in Fiscal Year 2012/2013,” Minister Dorbor acknowledged, writes the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Govt Receives Over US$185M From Companies…LEITI Report Reveals(The NEWS), 6th EITI Report Shows Gains In Extractive Sector(Daily Observer)





Liberia, Kenya Sign Air Transport Agreement

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta have signed a Bilateral Air Services Agreement or BASA, to revitalize the air transport connectivity between Liberia and Kenya. An Executive Mansion release says Presidents Sirleaf and Kenyatta also signed an agreement for the establishment of a Joint Commission for Cooperation and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Political Consultations. Liberia's acting Foreign Minister, Mr. Elias Shoniyin, signed on behalf of the Government; while Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Amina Mohammed signed for Kenya as Mrs. Sirleaf and Mr. Kenyatta looked on, the release says. According to the New Dawn newspaper, President Sirleaf conceded that the time was ripe for Liberia and Kenya to explore new areas of engagements to benefit their citizens, citing great strides that Kenya has made especially in the education sector, an area she says Liberia was keen to develop.


Related Caption: Liberia, Kenya Sign Bilateral Air Services Agreement(FrontPage Africa)



Reclaim The Economy By Becoming Entrepreneurs Says LBDI President

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Mr. John B.S. Davies, President of the Liberian Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI), has told graduates of the College of Business and Public Administration to reclaim the Liberian economy by creating opportunities for themselves through entrepreneurship rather than simply relying on jobs, which he said are now in limited supply in the private sector. “Today we witness a different dynamic in time. Supply of men and women on the job market seems to quadruple the demand quite strangely,” said Mr. Davies when he delivered the commencement address at the college’s graduation. More than 1,000 students received Bachelor’s Degrees in Economics, Public Administration, Accounting and Management. Speaking on the topic: “Relevance of business education in the roll out of our post war reconstruction program as encapsulated in the agenda for transformation,” the LBDI President said less than 10% of business graduates were business owners and self-employed with the capability of employing others. He said further that the college was founded to provide the necessary training that would be required to build the country’s succeeding generations of business leaders and entrepreneurs, to provide the springboard from which our economy will be well within our control and to serve as a catalytic role in the tedious task of wealth creation and labor employment for the capable young people of our nation who have shown to deserve a chance. In closing, Mr. Davies proffered two recommendations, saying, “It is about time that we review our programs and products from the job market demands perspective rather than the academician perspective; we must find resources to strengthen the business intelligence and research arm of the College of Business.”


Related Caption: ‘Reclaim The Economy By Becoming Entrepreneurs’-LBDI President(Daily Observer)



Ellen Meets Liberian Community in Kenya

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has met a cross-section of the Liberian diaspora community in Nairobi, Kenya on the margins of her State Visit to that East African nation. According to a dispatch from Nairobi, Kenya, the Liberian leader had a tête-à-tête with compatriots comprised largely of students who presented a progress report on Liberians, their challenges and for her to get a better appreciation of the conditions facing the Liberian diaspora. Thrilled by the incredible number of Liberian students in Kenya enrolled at various universities and colleges pursuing graduate studies, President Sirleaf expressed delight over such commitment of human capital development, which she said remain strategic to the country overall development process. The Liberian President said she was glad to meet her compatriots and urged them to return home to contribute to the process of nation-building. She indicated the challenge of the country’s prolonged dependence on the extractive industries and informed them of Government’s efforts to diversify the economy. Line ministers in her delegation gave an overview of the key activities taking place in their sectors. Earlier, Liberia’s Honorary Consul to Kenya, Mr. Karmani Mathu, congratulated the President Sirleaf for her steadfast leadership during the Ebola crisis.  He said he was happy to play a critical role in assisting Liberians during the Ebola crisis either in the form of assistance for airport clearance on commencing their studies at various higher institutions of learning. He said the Ebola outbreak meant a difficult moment for Liberians traveling to Kenya or those attending universities and colleges. Speaking on behalf of her colleagues, in an interactive session, Ms. Mamuna Kamara, thanked the President and Government for the strong leadership shown during the Ebola crisis.  She appealed to the Liberian leader for the placement of students upon completion of their studies. In a statement, Ms. Kamara entreated the Liberian President to prevail on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to put a protocol staff at their disposal to handle passport and visa-related issues.  Responding, the President urged Mr. Sebastian Muah to work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the possibility of introducing online solutions for Liberians in need passports overseas. President Sirleaf was accompanied to the interactive meetings by Minister of Education, Mr. George Werner; Minister of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Axel Addy; Managing Director, Liberia Telecommunication Corporation, Mr. Sebastian Muah; Legal Advisor to the President, Cllr. Seward M. Cooper; Montserrado County District No. Representative, Honorable Josephine Francis and Assistant Minister for Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Steve Marvie, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.



Vice President Turns …To All Girls Pink Panthers

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, on Friday, December 11, 2015, turned over ten motorbikes to the All Girls Pink Panthers of Liberia. The donation was made possible by the Angie Brooks International Center, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Liberia Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI). Ten young ladies are being empowered by means of giving the motorbikes to them. They are expected to operate the bikes and will pay them from proceeds generated. Speaking at the turning over ceremony in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building Friday, Vice President Boakai said Liberian women have contributed immensely to the Building of the Liberian economy. Vice President Boakai cautioned the All Girls Pink Panthers of Liberia that motorcycle riding is not the end in their quest to achieve economic empowerment. He called on the pubic to treat the panthers with respect, pens the NEWSnewspaper.



20Km Road Project Underway In Sinoe

According to the Daily Observer newspaper, Golden Veroleum Liberia has began rehabilitation work on 20 kilometers road linking Johnny Town, the Panama highway and surrounding communities in Kpanyan, Sinoe County. Costing over US$5,000, the company said the project will be completed in a matter of weeks, and will connect 2,500 residents and other commuters. GVL Spokesman Stephen Binda said that when it is completed, the road will improve the flow of goods and services to and from the country capital Greenville.



CSA To Launch Service Delivery Charter Tomorrow

The Civil Service Agency (CSA) with support from the States Agency for International Development-Governance and Economic Management Support Project (USAID-GEMS) will launch a Service Delivery Charter (SDC) tomorrow Wednesday. The ceremony, according to a statement issued by CSA, will be held at the Monrovia City Hall. The SDC launching program will include an Open Accountability Forum to showcase the various services provided by each directorate at the CSA, reports the Daily Observer.



The 2015 FOCAL Summit and African Development: A Commentary by: Professor Augustine Konneh, PhD., Director General –Foreign Service Institute –Ministry of Foreign Affairs


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, at the head of a high level Liberian delegation, participated in the Forum for China – Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) on December 4-5 in Johannesburg, South Africa. This year’s FOCAC theme was: “Africa-China Progressing Together; Win-Win Cooperation for Common Development”. The Government of the People’s Republic of China and African partners established FOCAC in October 2000 as an official forum to strengthen China-Africa development relations. This was a logical outing of the Liberian leader’s earlier trip to China, where she renewed Liberia’s bilateral cooperation with President Xi Jinping and discussed the modalities for ongoing and potential projects, including procedures for accessing China’s Lines of Credit to finance roads and power. It was the second time since FOCAC’s founding in 2000 that China and Africa was coming together to discuss a win-win development agenda. Leaders and representatives from China and 50 African countries and the Commission of the African Union attended the summit. The Chinese President pledged $60 billion in credit line to African countries for development projects. And the innovative thing about this new funding is that it would not interfere with the Brenton Woods procedures of development assistance to African countries. In announcing the $60 billion soft loan, the Chinese President provided assurance of China’s firm support to Africa’s pursuit of independent sustainable development, Inquirer reports.



GoL, Cote d’Ivoire Signed Voluntary Repatriation Accord

The Government of Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire and UNHCR on Thursday, December 10, 2015 signed a tripartite agreement at the fifth meeting of the Technical Working Group (TWG) to resume the voluntary repatriation of Ivorian refugees in the country. Signatory parties recommend the resumption of the voluntary repatriation process as soon as possible. The signatory parties recommend educational experts from Cote d’Ivoire to travel to Liberia as soon possible to assess technical educational issues with their Liberian counterparts. The signatory parties recommend that refugee children receive refresher classes that will enable them to sit placement exams if need be. The Government of Liberia expresses to the Government of Cote d’Ivoire and to UNHCR its gratitude for their availability and understanding, which made the meeting of the WTG possible, Inquirer writes.


96 Ebola Contacts Reintegrated

Ninety-six residents of the Cow Field Community on the Du-port Road who were being observed by the Ministry of Health following the latest outbreak of the Ebola Virus have been reintegrated in their community after being declared free of the virus. In brief remarks, the Deputy Minister of Health and head of the Incident Management System, Minister Tolbert Nyenswah, said the ceremony was intended to reintegrate the 96 contacts who were taken care of by health workers who constrained themselves for 21 days to take care of 166 people to complete the time considered as incubation period. He said this does not mean that Liberia is being declared Ebola free, Inquirer newspaper asserts.



ELWA Celebrates 50 Years – Six Million New Hospital Complex Insight

Elder David L. Writebol, the Executive Director of Eternal Love Winning Africa (ELWA) Ministries says the ELWA Ministries Hospital has catered to approximately 2.7 million people over the 50 years of its existence in Liberia. Elder Writebol speaking on Saturday, December 12, during the 50th anniversary of the ELWA held on the construction site of a new hospital complex worth US$6 million said the institution has contributed immensely to the health needs of Liberians over the years. The program was attended by Liberia’s Health Minister, Dr. Bernice Dahn, her Deputy, Dr. Francis Katch as well as Representative Edwin Snowe and staffs of Samaritan Purse – a Major partner of ELWA Liberia, FrontPage Africa newspaper reports.