Daily Media Summary, 12-01-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s plead for Liberians to be united and work, the Chairman of the National AIDS Commission of Liberia, Dr. Ivan F. Camanor’s pronouncement that 30,000 persons are suspected of being HIV carriers in Liberia and the death of the Director of Public Information at the Temple of Justice, Singbe Gerald Flomo Johnson, Jr. are the dominant stories in today’s dailies.


Dominant Stories

Ellen Pleads For Unity

The New Dawn newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has pleaded with Liberians for unity and togetherness, urging the citizenry to think about the unity that the late President William V.S. Tubman brought to Liberia, as they memorialize him. President Sirleaf told journalists on Sunday, 29 November at the Centennial Memorial Pavilion on Ashmum Street where the longest- serving Liberian President's grave lies, that it was because of the unity among the citizenry that Liberia enjoys peace. After laying wreaths on the tomb of the late President, President Sirleaf noted that Liberia remembers Tubman for the Unification Policy and the togetherness that he promoted during his 27- year rule. Family members, including main opposition Congress for Democratic Change’s 2011 Presidential candidate, Cllr. Winston A. Tubman and Robert Tubman, were on the grounds of the Centennial Memorial Pavilion. “And we hope that as we memorialize him today we will think about his life; we’ll think about what he represented; we’ll think about the unity that he brought to our land,” President Sirleaf urged. On behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, she deposited a reeve on Tubman’s “living remains to his everlasting memory.” Speaking on behalf of the family, Mr. Robert Tubman recalled how the late president “worked assiduously for 27 years,” citing the construction of the three branches of government on Capitol Hill, the Freeport of Monrovia, roads, the Mount Coffey dam and water system as some of his works during his 27-year rule. He suggested that Liberians prioritize togetherness as a people, warning that division and disagreement can help destroy whatever the people have. 


Related Captions: President Sirleaf Wants Liberians Emulate William V. S. Tubman (Focus), Ellen Pays Homage to President Tubman (The Inquirer), Pres. Sirleaf Pays Homage To Liberia’s 18th President Tubman (FrontPage Africa), Ellen Pays Homage To William V.S. Tubman (In Profile Daily)

30,000 AIDS Carriers In Liberia

The Chairman of the National AIDS Commission of Liberia, Dr. Ivan F. Camanor, has said that about 30,000 persons are suspected of being HIV carriers in Liberia. By that statistics, Dr. Camanor said the AIDS epidemic remains a life threatening enemy to Liberia despite massive awareness carried out over the years. Dr. Camanor’s comment comes, ahead of programs to commemorate this year’s World AIDS Day today, December 1, in Buchanan Grand Bassa County. Quoting statistics, he indicated that 2,330 persons die each year of AIDS, with females accounting for 52 percent of the death rate. He said 6,500 persons are receiving treatment. Dr. Camanor attributed causes of the spread of HIV to sexual relations with multiple partners, disregard for the use of condoms, denial of one’s positive status and low level of domestic support to the infected. He said as the world strives to end HIV/AIDS by 2030, the Government of Liberia needs to see the fight against the disease as a national obligation if the country wants to be free from new infections. December 1 is observed globally as World AIDS Day, and this year’s global theme is, “Fast Track-Ending the AIDS Epidemic by 2030,” while the national theme is, “Liberia Fast Tracking Scale Up Treatment, Know Your Status, Use Condoms and End Stigma and Discrimination.” In consonance with the theme, the National AIDS Commission and the National AIDS Control Program of the Ministry of Health will engage in massive HIV counseling and testing campaigns, distribution of condoms, HIV/AIDS quizzing competition among young people and a sports tournament in Grand Bassa County, writes the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: HIV Remains a Threat…Dr. Ivan F. Camanor (The NEWS), HIV Still Threatens National Development (In Profile Daily), HIV Still A Threat To National Development-Dr. Ivan F. Camanor (FOCUS)

Journalist Singbe G.F. Johnson Dies

The Daily Observer has gathered according to family sources that the Director of Public Information at the Temple of Justice, Singbe Gerald Flomo Johnson, Jr., died early Saturday morning from “hypertension” upon arrival at the JFK Memorial Hospital in Sinkor. He was 45. Mr. Johnson was a graduate of the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) and served in several media positions before he was employed about nine months ago by the Judiciary. He served as Director General of the state-owned Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS) and Liberia National Television (LNTV). He also served as General Manager of the Reconnaissance Communication Incorporated (RCI), which runs the Truth FM Radio and Real TV. Mr. Johnson, according to the daily came into the media limelight during the country’s civil crisis when he served as a newscaster and reporter for the then Gbarnga-based Radio Liberia, Kiss FM, and later relocated to Monrovia, where he worked for ELBC and Power TV, respectively.


Related Captions: PUL By-Election Aborted Over Death of Journalist Sengbe (The Inquirer), Hocking Death Of Singbe Johnson---What Really Went Wrong? (The NEWS), PUL Postpones By-Election Over Member’s Death (FrontPage Africa)


Three New Ambassadors Present Letters Of Credence

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has received the Letters of Credence from an additional three new Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries accredited near Monrovia. They include Her Excellency Ms. Tove Degnbol, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark with residence in Accra, Ghana; His Excellency Mr. Mohammed Fadel Khalaf, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait with residence in Dakar, Senegal and His Excellency Mr. Vanapalan Punjanathan Moodley, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa with residence near Monrovia. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader, while receiving the three Ambassadors at separate ceremonies at her Foreign Ministry office on Friday, November 27, welcomed the esteemed diplomats to the country and expressed appreciation on behalf of the Government and people for the excellent and cordial relations subsisting between these countries and Liberia. In separate remarks, the Liberia President updated the three new Ambassadors on the current situation in the country beginning with the administration’s five year development plan, the “Agenda for Transformation (AFT)”, aimed at supporting nearly all of the pillars of Liberia’s long term development plan, Vision 2030. She acknowledged the three countries support in various areas particularly infrastructure, health, education, security and gender. She indicated that as Liberia was well on the path of economic stability when Ebola struck. “As we began to recount our gains, Ebola struck and began to invalidate the progress made over the years,” the Liberian President noted. President Sirleaf assured the three diplomats that the current Ebola outbreak that has hit the country is well under control. “We believe we have the capacity to contain this virus and this is going to be another example of us proving to the world that we now can manage it,” she assured. She disclosed that health authorities are expected to bring in some trial vaccines earlier used in Sierra Leone and Guinea to be administered to those most at risk, notably health workers who again have become affected by the virus.  Presenting her Letters of Credence earlier, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Liberia, Her Excellency Ms. Tove Degnbol, expressed thanks for the warm welcome extended her by President Sirleaf and stressed that time has come for the two countries to look at other types of partnerships where the private sector will be very actively involved. She mentioned the Danish company, APM Terminals, which is actively involved in the development process especially at the Freeport of Monrovia. For his part, the new Ambassador of the State of Kuwait, His Excellency Mr. Mohammed Fadel Khalaf said he was delighted to serve as his country’s top diplomat to Liberia and reaffirmed his commitment to ensure that cooperation between the two countries will be strengthened and elevated to a new level. “I am delighted today to magnify the relationships shared by Liberia and the State of Kuwait and the growing exchanges between the two countries through the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development,” he said. The new Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to Liberia, His Excellency Mr. Vanapalan Punjanathan Moodley expressed his gratitude for the role that Liberia played in his country’s liberation struggle. Going forward, he emphasized that both governments should look at what they can do to enhance cooperation between the peoples of both South Africa and Liberia. “It would be important for us to look at what economic developments and benefits we could get for both countries to alleviate the burden of unemployment, particularly amongst the young,” he said.


Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf Speaks Of Liberia’s Development Priority…Accepts Letters Of Credence From 3 Ambassadors (FOCUS)


Lawmakers In ‘Emergency Session’ On Capitol Hill

The 103 members of the 53rd Legislature are taking up another extraordinary session, beginning today, due to a request from President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the House’s Press and Public Affairs Director, Isaac G. Redd, has announced. Constitutionally the Legislature goes for annual agricultural break at the end of August or early September; but this year, they were asked by the President to stay up to October 15 for an extraordinary session. Mr. Redd said the Lawmakers have to cut short their constituency (agricultural) break for the second time, and their return to Capitol Hill will address several proposed legislations that are relevant to the country’s economy. According to a November 9 letter addressed to House’s Speaker J. Alex Tyler and Senate President Pro Tempore Armah Z. Jallah, President Sirleaf argued that the additional stay by the Lawmakers is to conclude several bills and other matters important to keeping the economy on an even keel. The President’s letter was written 25 days later as a ‘follow-up’ to her appeal after a decisive and secret meeting with the Legislature’s leadership on Wednesday, October 14, in the House’s First Floor Conference Room. President Sirleaf said the ratification of the bills would rescue the country’s economy amidst the global decline in the prices of Liberia’s major export commodities (iron ore and rubber) as well as the operations of certain exploration companies. The President indicated that in order to maintain Liberia’s macroeconomic stability, there are several measures that need to be implemented, reports the Daily Observer.

Related Caption:  Ellen Calls Lawmakers Back—To Session (The NEWS)

LCPS Train Medical Specialists holds First Annual Meeting

The Liberia College of Physicians and Surgeons (LCPS) over the weekend held its first annual general and scientific meeting in Monrovia with the President of the College targeting the training of more qualified medical specialists. Speaking last Friday at the opening of the meeting held at the Monrovia City Hall, LCPS President Dr. Roseda E. Marshall said the institution was established to address the brain drain of medical professionals in Liberia noting that it is committed to doing so. Dr. Marshall also said the college would endeavor to improve the quality of care for patient; provide specialist in all of the 15 counties; provide clinical instructors or he medical school as well as provide clinical professors and researchers for training residents, the NEWS newspaper writes.  


SRSG Zarif Wants All Join the Fight against SGBV

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG), Farid Zarif, has observed that the fight against gender-based violence cannot be won by government t alone, but through the collective efforts of all citizens. Reading a Special Message from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Zarif said he is “deeply concerned about domestic violence perpetrated against women and girls”. SRSG Zarif used the occasion to call on government to increase its contribution to the UN Trust Fund that is aimed at ending violence against women, according to a press release. He noted that the UN Peacekeeping operations, peacekeeping operations, peace building efforts and the women peace and security agenda have all highlighted the critical values of women’s participation in peace and security operations, the FOCUS daily writes.


The National Dump Truck Union of Liberia (NDTUL) and the Truck Union of Liberia (TUL) at the weekend signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for merger between the two unions. The signing ceremony which took place in the Watta Allison Memorial Hall in Upper Caldwell was witnessed by several high-profiled Government officials including Senate Pro-Tempore, Armah Jallah, Montserrado County Representative NDTUL Adolph Laurence, and Assistant Minister of Labor for Trade Union Affairs, Emmett Crayon and a representative of the Ministry of Transport, as well as community members. Pro-temp Armah Z. Jallah, who spoke at the occasion lauded the two Unions for the decision to unite under one umbrella noting that by that they would have common matrimony to move the organization forward, according to the Inquirer newspaper.

MOH Takes Step to Strengthen NDS

The Ministry of Health said as part of its transparent and accountability process in leading the health sector, it has taken a series of measure to improve the management and operation of National Drug Services (NDS), an entity with statutory responsibility to procure and manage the country’s drug and medical supplies. The Ministry said an Interim Management Team has been setup to carry out a full assessment of situation at the NDS, after it was observed that situations at the entity have taken a nosedive, with report of chronic theft of health commodities. The Ministry said the IMT is doing a good job in putting systems into place to make the NDS assume its statutory role in the management of the country drugs and medical supplies system, the Inquirer writes.

Don’t Create New Administrative Structures

According to the New Dawn newspaper, over eighty Participants from six counties in Liberia have recommended to the Government of Liberia the suspension of the creation of new sub national units in the country to enable government administrative structures properly function. The participants made the recommendation last weekend in Gbarnga, Bong County in a joint resolution when the Ministry of Internal Affairs concluded a three-day High Level Consultation and Sensitization on the Rationalization of Government Administrative Structures. The participants also recommended that people who are elected to public offices desirous of seeking higher elected positions resign their posts before contesting. The participants, including city mayors, civil society organizations, chiefs, political party representatives and local leaders, as well as representatives from other government institutions, expressed the belief that rationalizing local government structures will heavily assist government in its development plan. In their joint resolution, they also maintained that when government administrative structures are rationalized, government will be efficient, effective and will experience the reduction of financial burden.


WADPI Ends Disaster Management Training

The West Africa Disaster Preparedness Initiative (WADPI) has ended a two-week intensive training on disaster management in Monrovia, which began last week in Monrovia, brought together officials of government line ministries and agencies, and commissions with 30 participants from five counties including Montserrado, Gbarpolu, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, and Margibi. The exercise was conducted under the auspices of the West Africa Disaster Preparedness Initiative or WADPI in collaboration with the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) based in Ghana. It was specifically meant to build capacities of ECOWAS countries to improve responses to disasters such as Ebola at the national and international levels, and other disasters that may occur. According to the New Dawn newspaper, the main objective of the two-weeks training in Liberia is to utilize lessons learned from the recent Ebola epidemic, and to strengthen national capacities. It is also meant to implement an all-hazards approach to disaster preparedness and response management to ensure continued regional collaboration, communication and coordination among member States in disaster preparedness and response.



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