Daily Media Summary, 11-26-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.


News of the Deputy Health Minister’s assurance of the general public that the Government would exert all efforts to contain the Ebola disease, the World Bank’s  pronouncement of  a new plan that calls for $16 billion United States Dollars funding to help Africa combat its climate change challenges and President Johnson Sirleaf’s emphasis on the  need for stronger and effective actions to fight sexual and gender-based violence against women, girls and children are among stories dominating today’s dailies.



Dominant Stories

Health Ministry Vows To Contain New Ebola Outbreak

Deputy Health Minister and Chief Medical Officer of Liberia, Dr. Francis Kateh, has assured the public that the Ministry will exert all efforts to contain the Ebola disease which has resurfaced in the country. Kateh urged the public to remain calm as the ministry is working diligently to put the situation under control, adding, “We want to inform the public that we are in full control of the situation”. Addressing the Ministry of Information regular press conference in Monrovia Tuesday, Honorable Kateh called on Liberians to maintain the same level of vigilance that made the country victoriously defeat the virus when it first struck the country, the Informer reports.


Related Captions: Health Ministry Vows To Contain New Ebola Outbreak(The Analyst), Health Ministry Vows To Contain New Ebola Outbreak(Heritage)



WBG Unveils US16bn Africa Business Plan To Address Climate Change Challenges

According to the New Dawnnewspaper, the World Bank Group on Wednesday announced a new plan that calls for $16 billion in funding to help African people and countries adapt to climate change and build up the continent’s resilience to climate shocks. The new plan, Accelerating Climate-Resilient and Low-Carbon Development, the Africa Climate Business Plan, the Bank said will be presented at COP21, the global climate talks in Paris, on November 30. It lays out measures to boost the resilience of the continent’s assets – its people, land, water, and cities - as well as other moves including boosting renewable energy and strengthening early warning systems. “Sub-Saharan Africa is highly vulnerable to climate shocks, and our research shows that could have far-ranging impact -- on everything from child stunting and malaria to food price increases and droughts,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim. “This plan identifies concrete steps that African governments can take to ensure that their countries will not lose hard-won gains in economic growth and poverty reduction, and they can offer some protection from climate change.” Per current estimates, the plan says that the region requires $5-10 billion per year to adapt to global warming of 2°C.  The plan will boost the region’s ability to adapt to a changing climate while reducing greenhouse emissions, focusing on a number of concrete actions. It identifies a dozen priority areas for action that will enhance Africa’s capacity to adapt to the adverse consequences of climate variation and change. The plan aims to help raise awareness and accelerate resource mobilization for the region’s critical climate-resilience and low-carbon initiatives. The plan warns that unless decisive action is taken, climate variability and change could seriously jeopardize the region’s hard-won development gains and its aspirations for further growth and poverty reduction. And it comes in the wake of Bank analysis which indicates climate change could push up to 43 million more Africans into poverty by 2030.


Related Captions: US$16 Billion To Tackle Urgent Climate Challenges(FOCUS), To Tackle Urgent Climate Challenges: World Bank Group Unveils $16 Billion Africa Climate Business Plan(Heritage), US$16Bn For Africa Climate Challenges(In Profile Daily), WB Unveils $16B Africa Climate Business Plan(The INFORMER), GoL, Partners Commence World AIDS Day(The INFORMER),World Bank Group Unveils US$16 Bn Plan--To Tackle Urgent Climate Challenges(Daily Observer)



Happens,” President Sirleaf Emphasized

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says there is a need for stronger and effective affirmative actions to fight sexual and gender-based violence against women, girls and children. She emphasized that the campaign must begin at homes, churches, organizations, among other places, where parents have an obligation to protect their children. A release from the Executive Mansion says, president Sirleaf made the assertion when she officially launched the 16 Days of Activism against Sexual and Gender-based Violence campaign at the YMCA on Wednesday, November 25, 2015. President Sirleaf admonished parents to exercise care and caution to keep children out of harm's way and in order to protect their future. “In the schools, churches and homes,” the Liberian leader said, “everyone must join in efforts to protect children,” adding, “Responsibility belongs to parents - the first responsibility belongs to you parents, you mothers and you fathers in the homes - to protect your children.” She further indicated that every mother and father in the home has a secondary responsibility to reach out to every child. Likewise, the teachers have a responsibility; we all in our churches or organizations; wherever we are, we need to bear this message. President Sirleaf also challenged leaders of the three branches of government to ensure an effective effort to sustain the fight against sexual and gender-based violence against children is promoted. “Those of us responsible for the three branches of government, as leaders of government, will go back with all that have been said, and be able to look at it and see what does it mean for us; what can we do to make sure,” she said. She admonished the chairperson of National Traditional Council of Liberia, Chief Zanzan Karwon, to ensure that the well-being of the members of Poro and Sandi societies are observed, managed and monitored. The Liberian leader used the occasion to recognize international movie star, Frank Atus, who also formed part of the program and urged him to ensure that whatever song he sings or whatever he does must send a message loud and clear that he stands for the rights of children and the protection of women; that his voice will be heard to create massive awareness. President Sirleaf thanked the 15 children who represented the 15 sub-political divisions of the country for their brilliant performance during the ceremony. She called on all broadcast media institutions especially the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS) to repeatedly play their voices; stressing that repetition brings action. Reading out a Special Message from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) Farid Zarif, noted that the fight against gender-based violence cannot be won by Government alone, but the collective efforts of all citizens. Mr. Ban said he is deeply concerned about domestic violence perpetrated against women and girls. SRSG Zarid used the occasion to call on government to increase its contribution to the UN Trust Fund that is aimed at ending violence against women. He pointed out that UN peacekeeping operations, peacebuilding efforts and the women peace and security agenda have all highlighted the critical values of women’s participation in peace and security operations. The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Mrs. Julia Duncan-Cassell, whose ministry is spearheading the 16-Day of Activism campaign, made a passionate plea for more action to curb rape and other vices associated with gender-based violence. She stressed that enough is enough and the fight against gender-based violence will continue until the rights of women and children are protected under the laws of the country. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence is an international campaign to raise awareness about the negative effects of gender violence. Activists intend to speak on the various laws against gender violence and demand more accountability during the 16 Days of Activism, reports the New Dawnnewspaper.


Related Captions: Ellen Launches 16 Days Of Activism(The INFORMER), Ellen Warns Against Mob Violence(In Profile Daily), Pres. Sirleaf Calls For Stronger Effective Community Affirmative Action Against SGBV(FOCUS)



‘Improving Education’ - GoL, EU Teacher Training Initiative

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that the European Union (EU) and the Ministry of Education have organized a three-day forum for junior High School teachers that witnessed the coming together of academicians from universities across the country, international experts among others. Speaking at the opening of the meeting, the EU Ambassador to Liberia Tiina Intelmann described the day as a ‘mile stone on the path of improving teachers’ education in Liberia. Madam Intelmann said participants of the training will analyze and validate the first draft of the revised “B” certificate curriculum for junior high school teachers.  “The training is going to happen at the Kakata Rural Teacher Training Institute. There will be one hundred teachers who are going to be trained. “The course is for two years so it is really a course that should give a lot of materials, give a lot of training [and] is not something that happens over a few weeks and then it stops.” Intelmann hopes that among those trainees there will be female participants, adding that the inclusion of women in the training goes in line with the EU’s priorities to empower women. Also speaking at the opening ceremony, Deputy Education Minister for instruction and Acting Minister of Education Dr. Romelle Horton stressed the need for an inclusive education in order to target all students.


Related Captions:  Govt., EU Revive Teachers Training Programme(The INFORMER), EU Revives Teacher Training Program Here(FOCUS)



Liberia, Partners Commence World Aids Day Event

The Government of Liberia through the National AIDS Commission (NAC) and the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) of the Ministry of Health has announced series of activities in observance of the World AIDS Day 2015 in the Country.  According to the In Profile Daily, the activities are being undertaken by the AIDS Commission in collaboration with its partners including the Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS), World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Development Program and other UN agencies. Observed on the 1st of December every year, World AIDS Day is dedicated to raising awareness about the HIV and AIDS pandemic; provide a platform to reflect on the achievements made in the national HIV response and to embrace with optimistic solidarity people living with HIV. Ahead of the December 1 indoor program, the release said series of activities including Community Outreach, a massive HIV Counseling and Testing campaign, mobilization of schools and Communities, sports tournament and competition are being implemented in Buchanan and other counties. The NAC release said partners in the HIV national response including the Network of People living with HIV (PLHIV) are spearheading these activities before the indoor program in Buchanan on December 1, 2015. ActionAid Liberia's Country Director Madam Korto Williams will serve as Guest Speaker for this year's World AIDS, followed by speeches from the Government of Liberia, heads of UN Agencies and other internationals partners. The National AIDS Commission is calling on Liberians and others within the borders of Liberia to use these activities marking the observance of the day to join in the creation of awareness in their communities in giving the prevention of HIV&AIDS a human face.


Related Captions: GoL, Partners Commence World AIDS Day(The INFORMER), Global Campaign To End AIDS Commences Here(FOCUS), Liberia, Partners Commence World AIDS Day(Heritage)






Ellen Proposes Law Against Domestic Trafficking…Want Individuals Prosecuted- For Sending Their Children In The Street To Sell

The In Profile Daily newspaper says President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has called on the National Legislature to pass a law that will prosecute parents in the habit of sending children on the street to sell. According to her, most of children sent on the streets are not their biological mothers and fathers. She said relatives sometimes go to their counties and children from their parents with the intention of taking them to Monrovia to acquire education, but sadly indicated that when they get to Monrovia, the plan changes. “Most of them are used to make money, and this is something that we need to tackle now before it gets out of hand”, said President Sirleaf.



VP Boakai Launches Women Radio Project

The Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, has launched a women radio project at the Monrovia City Hall, with a reminder that women have a major role to play in the society. According to the Vice President, the radio project will help young women and girls to understand how to live and work together in society with their male counterparts, adding that the Government will support the effort of the women’s talk show. Dr. Margaret Kilo, Country Representative of the African Development Bank, said the Women’s Radio project is a live talk show that will be aired every Wednesday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and repeated every Saturday from 3PM to 4PM on the state-owned Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS) and relayed on 15 community radio stations around the country. She noted that the talk show will highlight sexual and gender base violence, adding that it is important for women to contribute to the society as they have the same aspirations like men in Politics, Engineering, Banking and other professions. The United States Ambassador to Liberia, Deborah Malac, said there is need to stop sexual abuse against women to enable them pursue their dreams. The U.S. Envoy encouraged everyone to spread the message of the talk show so women can participate and have their lives improved, reports the New Dawnnewspaper.



Cabinet Reviews Prez Sirleaf’s Delivery Unit Priority Projects --Receives Briefings on Economic Performance amid Fiscal Position Update

The Daily Observer says the Cabinet, following careful review and assessment of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s “Delivery Unit Priority Projects” and the nation’s prevailing “economic performance update” on the current fiscal position of the administration, has made what it calls an informed determination in the best interest of the nation and its people. An Executive Mansion release said the Cabinet directed that the President’s Delivery Unit (PDU) in the Office of the President to collaborate with the appropriate and relevant stakeholders to ensure all priority projects, especially those earmarked and covered under the energy, infrastructure and water and sewer sectors, are not only seen to be time-bound but become realistic fulfillments under President Sirleaf’s watch. The Cabinet mandated the PDU to bring the Cabinet up to speed on the systematic, particularly developmental, progression of all priority projects currently ongoing and those to commence shortly.  


Related Caption: Cabinet X-Ray Pres. Sirleaf’s Performance(FOCUS)




VP Boakai Launches Women’s Radio Project

The Daily Observer reports that Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai has officially launched the Women’s Radio Project to advance the issues facing women and girls in the country. Speaking at the program in Monrovia on Thursday, VP Boakai said the project is intended to enable women to speak out on issues that affect them, including SGBV and rape. VP Boakai said it is his desire to support women because, “women have lots of responsibilities that can help move the country forward through their programs.” He urged the organizers to decentralize radio programs to all 15 counties to enable women across Liberia to participate. He stressed on the issue of sustainability and hoped that the Women’s Radio Project will be sustained for a long time. The Country Representative of the African Development Bank, Dr. Margeret Kilo, said the ‘Women Let’s Talk’ program will be broadcast on ELBC on Wednesdays, and repeated on Saturdays. She explained that the program came about when a group of international women serving in Liberia discussed the generational difference among Liberian women as professors, judges, lawyers, doctors and women in the legislature and government who are well educated and highly accomplished. “Through the radio program, these phenomenal women will be able to share their stories with women who trade in foodstuffs in Red Light or secondhand clothes in Duala, along with the judge, mechanic, among other stories, will be told to other aspiring women who can know what to do to become like their role models,” Dr. Kilo said.



YMCA To Dedicate Youth Center In Gbarnga

According to the Daily Observer, Liberia YMCA will dedicate a newly constructed Gbarnga YMCA Youth Center on Friday November 27, in Gbarnga, Bong County. A press release issued by Liberia YMCA in Monrovia said the successful construction of the center that will be dedicated is the result of efforts to decentralize and strengthen its programs to reach out to rural communities in Liberia.  The centre is located on the Gbarnga-Ganta Highway, a short distance from Gbarnga City, and will host the main offices of the Gbarnga YMCA, a computer training center, a youth radio station, a conference hall, among others. The project was funded from local resources of the Liberia YMCA and subsidized by the government of Liberia through the Ministry of Youth & Sports and gifts from YMCA’s international partners, the release said.





The Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy is leading a series of four regional consultation workshops in Lofa Bridge, Ganta, Buchanan and Zwedru between November 2015 and February 2016.  The NEWS newspaper quotes a release from the Ministry as saying the consultations constitute part of a broader ongoing initiative to develop a regulatory roadmap aimed at formalizing Liberia's artisanal and small scale mining (ASM) sector.  “ASM sector formalization is an integral component of the legal and regulatory framework reform that is being provided to MLME through a support by the German technical cooperation via the Gesellschaftur  Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development in partnership with the Government of Australia,” the release said. The release said the project seeks to work with the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy in the process of accruing greater development benefits from the extractive sector in Liberia. According to the release, the consultations are intended to establish a foundation for a win-win tripartite system of miners, host communities and the Government of Liberia. Findings from the consultation workshops will help develop an artisanal and small-scale mining roadmap strategy, which will serve as the first step in the long-term process of establishing Liberia's ASM sector polices.




Liberia Int’l Festival Tour On Course

Plans are underway to launch the campaign for the hosting of the Liberia International Festival Tour (LIFT) in 2016. The LIFT team constitutes resident and Diaspora Liberians, who see this move as a way of expediting the process to translate a long conceived positive idea into concrete action.  Pioneer of the scheme Jerry Boweh is a social entrepreneur, musician and academician based in Glasgow England, the Informer writes.


Related Caption: Liberia Int’l Festival Tour On Course…Stakeholders To Launch Campaign (In Profile Daily)



Midwives To Host Annual Convention

The Liberia Midwives Association has disclosed the hosting of its 2015 annual national convention under the theme: “Bringing Midwives Together for a Better Tomorrow”. According to the Association’s President, Lucy Barh, who spoke in an interview with the In Profile Daily recently, the annual convention is intended to bring together all midwives across the country to acquaint the government with challenges they are faced with. She said the convention will take place at the ELWA Compound from November 26-27, 2015, In Profile Daily reports.



US$9.7m Expired Drugs At NDS…Health Minister Dahn Discloses

The Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Bernice Dahn has disclosed that approximately US$9.7million expired drugs have been discovered at the National Drugs Service (NDS) office. Dr. Dahn said by the ministry’s directive, the expired drugs will not be used by citizens and it will not also be return to NDS. She made the disclosure Tuesday at the Ministry of Information Cultural, Affairs and Tourism regular press conference in Monrovia, In Profile Daily reports.