Daily Media Summary, 11-24-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today summary of the local dailies includes the convening of the 18th meeting of the ECOWAS Administration and Finance Committee at the ECOWAS Commission in Abuja and reports of the death of one of the latest Ebola patients in Monrovia.



ECOWAS Administrative& Finance Committee Meeting Opens In Abuja

The 18th Meeting of the ECOWAS Administration and Finance Committee (AFC) started on Monday, November 23, 2015 at the ECOWAS Commission in Abuja. The ANALYST newspaper reports that the five-day event will review the annual budgets for the 2016 Fiscal Year for ECOWAS institutions ahead of the end-of-year statutory conferences: the Mediation and Security Council (December 13-14), Council of Ministers (December 15) and the Heads of State Summit (December 16-17). A dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja quotes the President of the ECOWAS Commission, His Excellency Ambassador Kadré Désire Ouédraogo, as saying that the AFC meeting is intended to account for the performance in the execution of key tasks assigned to the ECOWAS Commission and Community institutions for the 2015 Fiscal Year. The other purpose of meeting is to brief stakeholders about progress made in 2015, and to present proposed plans and programs for the 2016 Fiscal Year.  According to the Abuja dispatch, Mr. Ouedraogo called on all Member States who are late in paying their levies to become compliant. He stated that despite challenges, the ECOWAS Commission and other institutions of the Community remained focused on the strict implementation of the decisions of the leaders of ECOWAS.


Related Captions: ECOWAS Administrative & Finance Committee Meeting Opens in Abuja (Heritage), ECOWAS Administrative & Finance Committee Meeting Opens In Abuja(The ANALYST), ECOWAS Reviews Financial Strength (FOCUS), ECOWAS Administrative & Finance Committee Meeting Opens In Abuja (FrontPage Africa)



Ebola Kills First Victim In Re-Emergence - CDC Experts Expected

The FrontPage Africa newspaper has gathered from medical sources that one of the three patients died late Monday from the deadly virus, becoming the first victim during the current outbreak. Until the death of the one patient, there were three confirmed cases with more than 150 being monitored for possible contacts with the Ebola positive patients. Months after Liberia was declared Ebola free after the third outbreak in which another teenager also died, the Ministry of Health disclosed last week that report from one of its reference laboratories confirmed that a blood sample from live patient tested positive for Ebola. Until late Monday, Deputy Health Minister and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Francis Kateh, said that the number of confirmed cases stood at three including a boy, the index case, his father and brother who have all been at an Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) before the death of one of the three.
Dr. Kateh said that the source of the virus was still a mystery, and that the United States was sending experts to Liberia to find out. “We are working very, very hard to identify the source of the virus. We are bringing in additional experts to do a couple of things: one, the sequencing of the virus to tell us the nature of the virus—whether it is the same virus as in the other outbreaks—and where this virus came from.” With the source of the third outbreak which started in a small village in Margibi County still unknown, it seems Liberia now recognizes the risk posed by the unknown sources of these new outbreaks, for which Dr. Kateh said the CDC experts are expected to help find out. Dr. Kateh said in addition to conducting serological test, the experts will help to determine whether there was a prior exposure to find the timeline when that person was exposed to enable health officials put an entire picture to find the exact source of the virus. “We have two experts coming from the CDC (United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention),” he disclosed. According to him, the government of Liberia had requested for the experts and their arrival was a matter of urgency.


Related Caption: Liberia Seeks US Help...Following Re-emergence Of New Ebola Cases (The NEWS), Liberia Seeks Help for Cause of New Outbreak(New Democrat)






450 to Be Trained In Disaster Management

The West Africa Disaster Preparedness Initiative (WAPI) has begun a two week training exercise involving 450 Liberians in disaster management and preparedness systems. The training, which began November 16, 2015, according to the workshop’s organizers, is geared towards ensuring that Liberia develops enhanced disaster management systems and polices in order to handle future disasters.  “What WAPI is simply trying to do here is to ensure that Liberians are able to handle the case of Ebola” Faith Akovi, WAPI’s regional advisor, informed New Democrat on Monday in Monrovia.



25 Health Workers Risk Ebola

Following the resurgence of the Ebola Virus Disease over the weekend, the Ministry of Health has confirmed that the country already has three confirmed cases. 25 healthcare workers are also being monitored, 10 of which fall within the high risk category. Speaking to newsmen Monday morning at the Ministry, Liberia’s Chief Medical officer, Dr. Francis Kateh, said there are currently contact being monitored, FOCUS newspaper report.



‘People Afraid Of Donated Blood’ Because of Ebola

An official of the Ministry of Health (MOH) said that the Ebola outbreak in the country has not only caused the deaths of people, but brought uncertainty to other health services that should save lives. Dr. Samson K. Arzoaquoi made the observation yesterday during a program marking the dedication of the Blood Bank Donation Center on 5th Street in Sinkor. The center contains screening rooms, storage, cold storage and several offices for performing various functions. Dr. Arzoaquoi emphasized that patients with anemia and maternal related problems die when blood is not available to treat them. He further noted that accidents cause victims to lose blood, and without a blood donation center, the victims may lose their lives also. Dr. Arzoaquoi said as a result of the Ebola outbreak, people are afraid to receive donated blood. And with the disease being blood related, it slowed down the activities of the National Blood Safety Program in Liberia. In spite of the uncertainty caused by the deadly disease, the MOH official said the Ministry will continue the effort to convince the public to accept screened and safe donated blood. Dr. Alex Gasasira, WHO Country Representative, commended MOH for the establishment, and for working with partners to eradicate EVD and tackle other health related issues in the country. He also commended CDC for its strategic role in providing needed assistance for revamping of the Liberian health system, and for cooperating with the WHO to meet targeted goals. Mr. Jeff Bailey, Laboratory Director of ACCEL, disclosed that funding for the project came from the Paul G. Allen and Family Foundation. He said that in the midst of the frightening Ebola crisis in the region, they have put in place steps to ensure that blood is screened properly and safely prepared for transfusion of patients, reports the Daily Observer.



NEC Qualifies 10 for Lofa Representative By-Elections

The National Elections Commission (NEC) has qualified ten (10) candidates to contest the December 29, 2015 Representative By-Election in Electoral District Number 2 Lofa County. The list of qualified candidates was released at a press conference held by the Commission in Monrovia Monday, November 23, 2015 in line with the key dates of the By-Election. The Chairman of the Commission, Cllr. Jerome Korkoya said the candidates comprise eight political parties and two independent candidates. Two females are among the candidates. Meanwhile, Chairman Korkoya has announced the start of political campaign for the Lofa County Electoral District Number 2 By-Elections, the Heritage newspaper writes.



LNP Bans Motorcyclists On Barnesville Junction, Estate--For Burning Vehicle in Mob Action Accusing Driver of ‘Heartman’ Activity

According to the Daily Observer, the Liberia National Police (LNP) has announced the temporary suspension of all motorcycles plying the routes between Barnesville Estate and Barnesville Junction, and has warned of drastic action against any violators. The LNP in a release Monday said the decision is due to the continuous unruly and violent behavior of motorcyclists generally and particularly the incident on Friday, November 21 that resulted in the burning of the official vehicle of the Sinoe County Representative, Jeremiah McCauley. The motorcyclists chased and burned the vehicle on allegation that the operator was a “heartman” following a reported fuss between the operator and his fiancée, the LNP investigation said. The LNP said preliminary investigation has established that the vehicle was operated by the son of Representative McCauley and his fiancée when they were rescued by police assigned at the Johnsonville Police Depot. The motorcyclists threw stones at the depot and demanded officers on shift to turn the vehicle operator over to them before setting Representative McCauley’s vehicle ablaze. The police have arrested six persons in connection with the Friday night violence in Johnsonville. Police Inspector General, Col. C. Clarence Massaquoi, said the ban on the movement of the motorcyclists in the affected areas will remain in place until a comprehensive investigation is conducted. The LNP has meanwhile erected three checkpoints on the main road linking Barnesville Estate to Barnesville Junction to enforce this restriction.



Make Pan Africanism A Reality Pro Temp Jallah Challenges Confab on Pan-Africanism and Negritude

The President Pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate has cautioned the International Conference on Pan-Africanism and Negritude not to continue to dwell in the philosophical scheme and concept of Pan Africanism, but must go beyond the scope of the everyday challenges and how to solve the many questions confronting the organization and its peoples. Pro Tempore Armah Zolu Jallah made the assertion when he was selected to deliver the opening remarks at the historic international conference held at the Howard University in Washington DC, the United States. Delving into the background of the organization, Pro Temp Jallah described Pan-Africanism as a movement with a rich and long history spanning more than 200 years, writes the Daily Observer.



Careysburg Mayor Commends UNICEF, Dutch Gov’t, Others For Services To City

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Dutch Government, and several others have been commended by Careysburg City Mayor, Mrs. Anna Urey-Phillips, for providing valuable and sustainable services to the City. During the recent dedication of three modern latrines in the city, Mayor Urey-Phillips explained that the latrines constructed by UNICEF have four stalls – male and female sections, hand-washing areas and are also handicap accessible. There are also shower facilities with pipe borne water, she told citizens at the dedication, adding “you must show appreciation by making good use of the facilities.” Mayor Phillips said UNICEF and the Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) have built the best elementary school in the city at Harris Town, Lower Careysburg City.  She also commended Merlin, the European Union and West Concept, for providing solar panels to the community clinic, Save the Children for building schools, wells and helping with the clinic and Water Aid for providing pipe borne water to the clinic. UNMIL also received appreciation for training one hundred and sixteen young people in eight different disciplines. Those trained are now providing livelihoods for themselves and their families, according to the Daily Observer.



LRA Seeks More Capacity Building Opportunities

The Board Chairperson of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Mr. Robert Tubman has expressed delight and applauded the World Customs Organization (WCO) for hosting a weeklong capacity building training in Monrovia, stressing the need for more of such trainings. Funded by the Swedish Development Agency, the WCO-WACAM seeks to strengthen customs organizations to perform up to global standards. Making remarks at the Dinner, the Commissioner General of The Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA), Mr. Yankuba Darboe called for more support to the newly established LRA, FOCUS newspaper reports.



 Gender Ministry To Celebrate 14 Years of Activism Against GBV

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection in collaboration with partners will on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 begin implementing series of activities geared towards the observance of this year’s 16th Days of Activism. Meanwhile, the pre-launch press conference will be held on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 11:00AM in the conference room of the Ministry highlighting the significance of the day together with the reading of the proclamation, FOCUS asserts.



Liberian Business Group Calls for Moratorium on Importation of Toiletries, Others

A local Liberian business group, COLINBO is calling on the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to place a moratorium on the importation of toiletries and its related products on the Liberian market. The Concern Liberian International Business Organization (COLINBO) says the placement of the moratorium will further President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s call for the growth and development of Liberian businesses. COLINBO said it is making the call because there is a local industry with the capacity, equipment and manpower to supply the Liberian market wit6h toiletries and its related products, the Heritage daily reports.