Daily Media Summary, 11-23-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) 35 motorcycles and 2 ambulances donation to the Ministry of Health authorities, news of the re-emergence of the Ebola Virus Disease in the country and the upcoming one-day Dutch trade and investment conferencein the Hague are among stories dominating today’s edition of the local dailies.



Health Ministry Receives 35 Motorcycles, 2 Ambulances

According to theNew Dawnnewspaper, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has presented 35 motorcycles and 2 ambulances to the Ministry of Health authorities to be used for the reduction of the maternal motility rate in Liberia. Speaking last weekend at the Ministry of Health during the presentation ceremony, UNFPA Country Representative, Dr. Oluremi Sogunro, alarmed that the maternal mortality rate was causing serious problem for women in Liberia, saying: “We notice this issue has been a problem and we at the UNFPA are aware of the many challenges that this poses on the health sector, and at such, we got some funding from partners to support efforts toward minimizing the maternal mortality rate in Liberia; it is from this backdrop we want to present this to you”. According to Mr. Sogunro, the UNFPA was working in three counties, including Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu and Lofa. He said the two ambulances can be used in Grand Cape Mount and Lofa counties to convey pregnant women, while, and the other must be used by surveillance team in those counties. Receiving the donation from the UNFPA, the Minister of Health, Dr. Bernice Dahn, expressed gratitude to the UN agency, promising that the donation would be used for its intended purpose at the ministry. Minister Dahn said the issue of maternal mortality in Liberia was worst. “I want to seize this opportunity to look forward with you and your partners in making sure that this issue is addressed,” she added.



Related Captions: MOH Gets Three Vehicles, 35 Bikes…From UNFPA(The NEWS), MOH Maternal Unit Gets Boost-As   UNFPA Donates Ambulance, Motorbikes(In Profile Daily), UNFPA Turns Over 3 Ambulances, 35 Motorbikes To MOH(Daily Observer)



Ebola - 153 Contacts Under Surveillance – 3 Confirmed Cases

One hundred and fifty three contacts including twenty two nurses are currently under surveillance in the fourth outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus, Deputy Health Minister, Dr. Francis Kateh has confirmed. The outbreak started after a teenager, Nathan Gbotoe, who is currently undergoing treatment, was confirmed positive of the deadly virus. According to the Ministry of Health, it is working with the Montserrado County health team and partners to conduct an investigation to isolate and limit the effects of this case, and to quickly respond to any additional cases that may be identified.  The Health Ministry cautions Liberians that the fight against the deadly virus is not over yet, calling on all to continue the preventive practices against the spread of the virus. “The fight against Ebola is not over yet, but we must not lose hope and must continue the practices we used to beat Ebola before. We can win this battle again with your participation and support of the communities”, the Ministry cautioned. The current outbreak is the fourth and raises fears that Liberia will have continue to fight the virus for years, FrontPage Africa reports.


Related Captions: Ebola Re-emerges…Over 150 Contacts Under Observation(The NEWS), New Ebola Cases Spark Fear(The New Dawn), Ebola Back-MOH Serious Use Of Preventive Measure(In Profile Daily), 3 New Ebola Cases Reported-Over 150 People Under Surveillance(Daily Observer), 153 People Under Surveillance (New Democrat), Health Ministry Confirms 3 New Cases(Inquirer)




Dutch Sets November 30 For Trade Investment Confab

A one-day trade and investment conference organized by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation has been planned to take place on the 30th of November in The Hague, the Netherlands. The New Dawnnewspaper reports that the conference, which will involve the participation of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone is a follow-up to the July 6-9, 2015 high-level Dutch trade delegation to the three Mano River Union countries with the view of providing insight into the pros and cons, dos and don'ts of doing business in the three countries. The Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Lilianne Ploumen, said the conference will review strategic progress made in investing for sustainable development and economic transformation with the focus on opportunities for investing with an eye for challenges, economic transformation and inclusive growth and socially responsible development. Representatives from Liberia to the conference are expected to come from the National Investment Commission (NIC), Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Ministry of Commerce, National Housing Authority, National Port Authority, Ministry of Public Works, Liberia Water and Sewer, Liberia Chambers of Commerce and the Liberia Business Association. Over all, about 31 persons, 15 representing the private sector and 16 from the public sector are expected to represent Liberia. Liberia's Ambassador to Belgium, Holland and the EU Isaac W. Nyenabo says the conference will provide the avenue for trade and investment possibilities in Liberia in line with the Government economic diplomacy program. Ambassador Nyenabo said several meetings and discussions have taken place since the July 6, 2015 trade delegation to Monrovia, all aimed at laying the ground work for the upcoming November 30 Conference in the Hague.


Related Captions: Huge Investment Confab Set for November 30-Liberia, Guinea And Sierra Leone To Participate (In Profile Daily), The Hague Investment Conference Set For November 30-Liberia, Guinea And Sierra Leone To Participate(Daily Observer)



FAO, MOA Sign US$318,000 Agreement ...To Combat PPR In Animals

The NEWSnewspaper reports that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture has signed US$318,000 agreement to launch a project aimed at combating the Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) outbreak in the country. This disease is well known as a plague which affects small ruminants such as goats and sheep. The project is being funded as a Technical Cooperation agreement between the FAO and the Government of Liberia under FAO's emergency intervention for the control of the disease. Speaking Friday at the signing ceremony in Monrovia, FAO-Liberia Representative Marc Abdala said the project is intended to combat PPR disease in animals. He recalled that few months ago, about 2000 cattle died in Liberia as a result of Peste des Petits Ruminants outbreak. Mr. Abdala said it is against this back drop that FAO decided to prove funding to help the Liberian government address future PPR cases. He said awareness will be created among farmers in order for them to know the sign and symptom of Peste des Petits Ruminants and how to address any outbreak. For his part, the Minister of Agriculture Dr. Moses Zinnah lauded FAO for providing funding to combat Peste des Petits Ruminants in animal. He said the funding will be used to purchase equipment, vaccine, among others to battle Peste des Petits Ruminants.


Related Captions: FAO Provides Over US$300K To Control PPR Animal Disease(In Profile Daily), Liberia, FAO Agree on Treatment for Animal Disease(New Democrat)



EJS Breaks Ground for Eighth Judicial Circuit Court

A back page story of the News News newspaper writes that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is urging all Liberians to commit to the rule of law and continue to preserve the peace in all that they do. “Individually, we have to commit to that so that the development that we see can continue,” she advised. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader made the assertion last Friday when she joined the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, His Honor Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. at the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Eighth Judicial Circuit Court Complex in Sanniquellie, Nimba County.


Related Captions: Ellen Warn Nimbaians against Violence; Breaks Ground for Judicial Complex(Inquirer), Ellen Lauds Nimba Entrepreneurs-Says Nimba Is On The Move(Daily Observer)



U.S. Coast Guard Commends…..NPA for Passing ISPs Compliance Inspection

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Liberia has made remarkable progress under the International Port Security Program through the United States Coast Guard and International Maritime Organization. Results from the just concluded ISPS inspection from November 17-19, 2015 have certified "all facilities" at the Freeport of Monrovia and the Port of Buchanan. The Ports are in full Compliance with the procedures and regulations governing the ISPS Code. ISPS is the International Ship & Port Security Code. The result that declared Liberia to be in full compliance with Security level one under the ISPS code was released to the Designated Authority (DA) Honorable Binyah Kesselly and the Management of the National Port Authority through a debriefing after a comprehensive ISPS inspection and facilities tour. This latest result from the U.S Coast Guard on the status of the Seaports in Liberia indicates that the management of the National Port Authority has passed the ISPS inspection and that there is NO security threat to vessel operations and international trade.


Related Captions: US Coast Guard Commends NPA for Passing ISPS Compliance(Heritage), U.S Coast Guard Commends NPA-For Passing ISPS Compliance Inspection(In Profile Daily)




Nigeria Consoled

The Newsnewspaper writes that President Sirleaf Consoles Nigeria on Tragic Terrorist Attacks The President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria following an odious Terrorist attacks which occurred in Yola, and Kano, Northeastern and Northwestern Nigeria killing forty seven people and injuring eighty four others. In her message to Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, President Johnson Sirleaf, on behalf of the government of Liberia, extended heartfelt condolences to President Buhari, and through him, to the Government and People of Nigeria, especially the bereaved families and families of the victims, for the irreparable loss sustained as a result of the tragic incident. While expressing her deepest sympathy to her Nigerian counterpart and the People of Nigeria, President Johnson Sirleaf stated, “During this difficult time of mourning, you can be assured that the people of Liberia stand in solidarity with the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”. President Johnson Sirleaf further assured Nigeria that Liberia will join other peace loving nations in condemning this act of terrorism perpetrated in Nigeria and at the same time call for global and regional cooperation and action in bringing an end to this barbarity against humanity.  The Liberian President then prayed that the Almighty Allah will grant President Buhari and the People of Nigeria strength, courage and fortitude as they go through this difficult period of national mourning. 



Lebanon Commemorates Seventy-Second Independence Day

The Lebanese Embassy near Monrovia at the weekend commemorated the seventy-second Independence Day of the Republic of Lebanon on 12th Street in Sinkor. The Chargé d’Affairs Fadi Zein disclosed that the Republic of Lebanon cherishes the bilateral relationship that exists between Lebanon and Liberia which he said dates back at the advent of the 20th Century. He said that said that Liberians are not just friends of Lebanese, but also brothers, saying “through our consular work, we have noticed a lot of mixed marriages between Lebanese and Liberians which he said have the propensity to consolidate the relationship between the two peoples. Hon. B. Elias Shoniyin, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, extended on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the Government and People of Liberia, heartfelt congratulations to the President, Government and the peace loving People of the Republic of Lebanon as they celebrate their 72nd Independence Day, the Heritage news daily reports.



Chinese Envoy Yue Reaffirms China's Support To Liberia

The Ambassador of China accredited near Monrovia Zhang Yue has assured the Liberia National Police and the people of Liberia that in the wake of the drawdown of the United Nations Mission in Liberia, China will continue to play its due role in supporting and cooperating with Liberia to maintain peace and security.  Ambassador Yue made the statement over the weekend when he turned over a consignment of equipment including (30) built Police Motorbikes, (2) Chines built jeeps and several anti-riot gears to the Liberia National Police. The value of the consignment totals 1.3 million RMB. According to the Chinese Envoy the donation was made possible as the result of request made by the Liberia National Police to the Ministry of Public Security of China. “It is the largest Police aid from China to Liberia”, Amb. Yue said. Amb. Yue said the donation comes at a time when UNMIL is drawing down and Liberia is on its path to post-Ebola recovery. “This donation aims at helping Liberia National Police to overcome difficulties of insufficient funds, to change the old Police equipment, to improve the stability maintenance and anti-riot ability of Liberian Police force, to play a positive role in guaranteeing the long-term security and stability”, the Chinese Ambassador said while turning over the items to the Director of the Liberia National Police. Receiving the items the Inspector General of the Liberia National Police Col. Clarence Massaquoi lauded the government of China for the gesture, adding that it will help the Police in addressing the many challenges the force is faced with in providing security to the people of Liberia. The Liberia Police Chief said China has been a partner in the restructuring process of the LNP stressing that the Police will continue to exhibit professionalism in the performance of its duty to the people of Liberia, pens the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: “China Remains A Reliable Partner Of Liberia”-Amb. Zhang Yue Asserts(In Profile Daily)



Lawmakers Boycott Retreat For Per Diem

Members of the House of Representatives have boycotted a constitution review retreat organized in Ganta City, Nimba County in demand of allowance. The retreat was organized by the Constitution Review Committee or CRC and sponsored by the United Nations Development Program or UNDP. The exercise started last week Tuesday with an understanding to have ended on Saturday, but was boycotted by members of the House of Representatives on grounds that allowance promised them by the UNDP was reportedly reduced without prior notice. The chairman of the retreat, Nimba County Representative Larry Younquoi, said the leadership of the House had agreed that Speaker Alex Tyler should receive US$125.00 as daily allowance, while chairpersons of three committees: Good Governance and Reconciliation, Judiciary, and Internal Affairs were to receive to US$115.00 per day and all members of the House of Representatives that attended the retreat to receive US$100.00 daily plus US$64.00 for gasoline. Representative Younquoi said after the lawmakers arrived in Nimba for the retreat, UNDP informed them through its account department that delegates present would instead receive US$70.00 and US$64.00 for gasoline each. But apparently the message did not go down well with the lawmakers so many of them packed and left the retreat hall on Thursday for Monrovia in protest of cut in the allowance, reports the New Dawn newspaper.



Over 2,400 Set For Ul Graduation - Female Graduates Increasing

The University of Liberia has announced that after weeks of hearing petitions from Deans of Colleges and deliberating upon them, the University of Liberia Faculty Senate cleared while the Board of Trustees of the institution approved for 2,433 candidates to graduate at the 96th Commencement Convocation in December, 2015. In a statement, the University has indicated that the final sitting for clearing students was completed on Thursday, October 29, in the Conference Room of the Nathanial H.B. Cassell Building on the Capitol Hill Campus. The Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. S. Momolu Getaweh confirmed that the process of clearing student was finally closed.  The undergraduate colleges include: Liberia College with 401 candidates comprising of 218 males, and 183 females; the William V. S. Tubman Teachers’ College with 93 candidates, comprising of 54 males and 39 females; the William R. Tolbert, Jr. College of Agriculture and Forestry with 239 candidates, comprising of 195 males and 35 females; the Thomas J. R. Faulkner College of Science and Technology with 188 candidates, comprising of 137 males, and 51 females; and the College of Business and Public Administration with 1,127 Candidates, comprising of 706 males and 421 females. The graduate schools include: Master in Business Administration (MBA) and Master in Public Administration (MPA) with 110 candidates, comprising of 74 males and 36 females; the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Graduate School of International Relations (IBB) with 17 candidates, comprising of 13 males and 4 females; the Regional Planning Program with 24 candidates, comprising of 18 males and six females; the Graduate Program in Education Administration and Supervision (GPED) with 15 candidates, comprising of 13 males and two females; and the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation (KAICT) with 21 candidates, comprising of 13 males and eight females. The three professional schools include: the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law with 54 candidates, comprising of 43 males and 11 females; the A. M. Dogliotti College of Medicine with 35 candidates, comprising of 20 males and 15 females, and the School of Pharmacy with 29 candidates, comprising 24 of males and five females, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.



Higher Education Opportunities Irish Government To Provide Fellowship Training For Liberians

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that the Government of Ireland through its aid support program has launched a fellowship training to strengthen the capacities of Ministries, Departments, agencies, and development organizations by providing higher education opportunities. The program according to the Irish Government is the first time for Liberia to be included among countries benefitting from the next cycle 2016-2017. It is expected that the total number of fellowships to be awarded will be around 70-75 individuals for all nine of Irish Aid’s key partner countries and that only applicants nominated by the Irish Aid partner organization invited to participate in the scheme are eligible. The Irish Government announced the list of eligible partners as: the Ministry of Health (MOH), WASH Consortium, and Liberian National Police (LNP) Bureau of Immigration (BIN). Others include Drugs Enforcement Agency (DEA) Ministry of Justice (MOJ) Ministry Of Public Works (MPW) and the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC). Irish Ambassador to Liberia and Sierra Leone, Sinead Walsh, who officially launched the fellowship in Monrovia late Thursday, stated that the intent of the program is to build up human capacity and strengthen the bilateral cooperation existing the two countries.



YES, AIESEC Partner To Inspire Youth Leadership

The Youth Exploring Solutions, a passionate, voluntary and accredited nonprofit grassroots youth-led development organization has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a period of one year with AIESEC, the world's largest student run organization to establish mutual partnership. Under the MoU, YES will provide the platform for young people to learn, listen and lead communities driven initiatives through a grassroots approach utilizing the energy, enthusiasm and innovation harness among young people in Liberia. YES will also organize various events and programs as well as initiate solution driven projects, serve as a learning partner for AIESEC in Liberia and host interns of AIESEC for community development programs. On the other hand, AIESEC in Liberia will create a unique framework to provide opportunities for YES to increase their brand visibility with AIESEC's international platform and provide conference and exchange opportunities for YES staff members and volunteers. AlESEC will as well enable YES solicit donors' funding through a collaborative and coordinated mechanism, writes the NEWS newspaper.


Related Captions: YES, AIESEC Partner To Inspire Youth Leadership(The ANALYST)



Liberians Plant Trees to Remember Ebola

Communities in Liberia have been searching for ways to commemorate the 4,808 people who died there during the regional Ebola epidemic. For surviving family members such as Oretha Morris, the virus took not only a life but the ability to have any kind of conventional closure. “We never had the time to bury him, to give him proper burial after they took him away,” she says of her father as tears stream down her face. In silent prayer, she situates the base of a small palm tree in the soil outside her home, just one of many remembrance trees which are now taking root across Monrovia. The city-wide plantings are the result of a local radio campaign encouraging residents to plant kola nut trees and trees to commemorate the deceased, the New Democrat writes.