Daily Media Summary, 11-17-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.


News of President Johnson Sirleaf’s condolence messages to the Governments and Peoples France and Lebanon for the tragedies that occurred in both countries and the opening of the Micro and Medium-sized Enterprises Conference in Monrovia are among the stories dominating today’s edition of the local dailies.




Ellen Consoles France, Lebanon


The INQUIRERnewspaper President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has sent a condolence message to the Government and People of the Republic of France, following the distressing news of coordinated terrorist attacks at six different locations across Paris. The barbaric attacks, which killed at least 129 persons and injured more than 350 others, with 99 being very critical, occurred on Friday, November 13, 2015, in the evening hours in Paris. A Foreign Ministry release says in the message to her French counterpart, President François Hollande, President Johnson Sirleaf on behalf of Liberia, extended deepest condolences to the French President, and through him, to the Government and People of France, particularly the bereaved families for the irreparable loss sustained as a result of the tragic attacks. “During this difficult period, I wish to, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in my own name, convey deepest condolences to you personally, the People of France, particularly, families of the victims,” President Johnson Sirleaf expressed with deep sorrow while consoling the France Leader. The President noted that the people of Liberia are very saddened by the outrageously gruesome events leading to the death of dozens of peaceful French residents, who are President Hollande’s beloved compatriots. The Liberian Leader further assured her French counterpart of her fullest support and solidarity as he and the People of France go through this period of national mourning. The Liberian Leader then prayed that the Almighty God will grant President Hollande strength and courage needed as he leads the French People through this difficult period of national tragedy. Meanwhile, President Sirleaf has also sent a message of condolence to the Government and People of the Republic of Lebanon following a terrorist attack near the Syrian border killing nine persons and injuring four others. In her message to His Excellency Mr. Tammam Salam, Acting President of the Republic of Lebanon and President of the Council of Ministers, President Johnson Sirleaf extended, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name, heartfelt condolences to President Salam, and through him to the Government and People of Lebanon, especially the bereaved families and the families of the victims for the irreparable loss sustained as a result of the tragic incident. President Johnson Sirleaf than prayed that the Almighty God will grant President Salam the fortitude, courage, and resilience for which the Lebanese character is well known and respected as they go through this period of National Mourning.


Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Sends Message Of Condolence To France(The New Dawn), Pres. Sirleaf Consoles Lebanon(The New Dawn)


MSME Conference Features 50 Entrepreneurs: All Get Business Training, 1-Year Tax Clearance -- J-Palm Liberia General Manager to Serve as Guest Speaker

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will today, November 17, officially open the Ministry of Commerce and Industry’s Small Business Administration (SBA) flagship 2015 Micro Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) Conference in Monrovia. The conference will bring together 50 Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) from all over Liberia. All 50 SMEs exhibiting at the fair will receive the World Bank Group business edge training and a one-year year tax clearance to facilitate contracts. The conference is also intended to showcase the Innovation Hall where young entrepreneurs will showcase their products with awards for the best innovators. This year’s Annual MSME Conference is the flagship of the Ministry of Commerce SBA with support from the Government of Japan, in partnership with USAID-Fed, Lone Star Cell MTN, Building Markets, IBEX-Liberia, Single Sparks, Business Start-up Center and the Agency for Economic Development and Empowerment (AEDE). Other supporters include Ecobank-Liberia, LBDI, the West African Venture Fund, Global Bank Liberia Limited, etc. The theme for this year’s conference is “From Vision to Implementation, Buying Liberian, Building Liberia,” with special focus on youth innovation for economic empowerment. Serving as keynote speaker is a young Liberian entrepreneur and Bronson Fellow, Mr. Mahmud Johnson, General Manager of J-Palm, a palm oil manufacturing company that utilizes made-in-Liberia technology and innovation to deliver high quality palm oil on the Liberian market. Since its inception in 2013, the SBA MSME Conference has focused on different topics and allowed SMEs to explore partnerships and receive financing to expand their operations. The conference has facilitated over US$1 million in investments in SMEs with new innovations such as the Liberia Innovation Fund for entrepreneurs and the Liberian Marketplace. Like last year, this year, all 50 SMEs that exhibit in the fair will receive The World Bank Group business edge training and a one-year year tax clearance to facilitate contracts. In 2014, “Agriculture” was the topic where the President issued Executive Order #64 under which SMEs in the agriculture sector benefited from tariff exemption on certain agricultural equipment or implements. This year’s conference will be a capacity building conference, networking and business linkage event, aimed at providing a forum for Liberian youth to participate in a comprehensive E-Plus/business plan competition for emerging starts up MSMEs. It will select the First Class of E-Plus Entrepreneurs to benefit from the Liberian Innovative Fund for Entrepreneurs (LIFE-Fund) and World Bank Group Business Edge Training. The E-Plus First Class will go through entrepreneurship development and mentoring for a two year period and each entrepreneur will receive up to US$10,000 to start their businesses, reports the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: Ellen To Open MSME Conference Today(Heritage),Annual MSME Confab Opens Today (The NEWS),President Sirleaf Opens MSME Conference Today(FrontPage Africa)





VP Boakai Hails Egypt

The Heritage newspaper reports that the Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has hailed the Republic of Egypt for its role in the Middle East peace process and its continuous involvement with Liberia’s development programs, referring to the North African Country as a true friend of Liberia. Vice President Boakai said both Liberia and Egypt have a long history of cordial ties and spoke of Egypt’s role in Liberia’s pre-war agriculture sector, especially poultry the program which Egypt specially assigned specialists to the Ministry of Agriculture. He also spoke of Egypt’s role in the health care delivery system of the country and many other areas.



MYS Honors Chinese Ambassador

The Youth and Sports Minister, Eugene Nagbe, says the best way to solving unemployment in the country is to provide technical and vocational education to the youth.  He said the newly constructed Monrovia Vocational Training Center (MVTC) in Gardnersville and other training facilities across the Country are to provide capacity building for instructors for those institutions in partnership with the Chinese. The Government of the People’s Republic of China has constructed a modern campus at the MVTC. Expressing thanks and appreciation to the People’s Republic of China for its unflinching commitment to Liberia, Min. Nagbe presented the National Seal of Liberia to the Ambassador of China accredited here, Zhang Yue as a sign of appreciation. Speaking at a Dinner organized by the Ministry’s Senior Management Team in honored of Shanxi Engineering Construction Group at the weekend, Minister Nagbe noted that in places where employment is available, it will be impossible to incorporate youth, who lack requisite training in trade, education, technical and vocational skills. He said the dinner was basically organized to demonstrate Liberia’s appreciation to the Government and People of China and the Construction Company for their support to Liberia’s development. According to Nagbe, the Chinese have agreed to provide general services at the newly constructed MVTC for one year following the official turning over of the facilities to the Government of Liberia, stressing “this is a commitment that has not being embedded in other arrangements.” For his part, Ambassador Zhang Yue said, the project is another symbol of China-Liberia relationship, noting that for decades, China has contributed to the educational sector of Liberia, especially in its efforts to recover from the 14-years civil conflict. The Chinese Envoy said he is very pleased that the deadly Ebola virus disease did not fail them nor did it scare away the Chinese construction companies from the country, noting “Right after that our people quickly resumed their work and completed the construction project of the MVTC building and I am very pleased.”  He noted that China is more involved in the post-war recovery efforts of Liberia, stressing that not only in its economic development, security and other areas, but education as well as which is one of the top priorities of Liberia, writes the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: ‘Liberians Need To Catch Up’ Chinese Ambassador Urges(Daily Observer)



European, African Leaders Agree On CPD Action Plan

According to the Daily Observer, delegates representing the European Union, European governments, the UN, African Union, ECOWAS and African governments as well as other international organizations have derived a common position on dealing with the issues of migration, mobility and border control of migrants from the African continent to Europe. The Political Declaration document of the Valletta Summit on Migration; agreed, adopted and spelt out how the issues of legal and illegal migrants will be handled and supported by an Action Plan, which was also developed and will address key pillars of the migrant situation. The five main areas of the policy include the development and benefits of migration, addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement and legal migration and mobility. The other policy issues address international protection and asylum; prevention of and fight against irregular migration, migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings; and making progress on return arrangements and readmission agreements. The Valletta Summit, held from 11 through 13 of November, also brought together EU member states, members of the Rabat and Khartoum processes, observers to the Rabat process, and the International Office on Migration (IOM). According to a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Paris, Liberia's Ambassador to Belgium and the European Union, Isaac W. Nyenabo, represented President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf at the summit. The delegates also agreed to take on conflict generating internal displacement, irregular migration and refugee flows. The document specifically mentions the Sahel and Lake Chad regions, as well as the Horn of Africa.




Indian Community Donates Medical Supplies To Methodist University

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Indian Community in Liberia has donated several medical supplies valued almost four thousand United States Dollars to the United Methodist University (UMU) to enhance the capacity of the Nursing Program of the University. The medical items donated covered anatomical models and delivery sets including adult male human pelvis, adult female  human pelvis, fetus skull, nursing manikins, IV injection training pad, weight scale for infants, MVE sets, suction machines surgical instrument kits, among others.


Related Caption: Indian Community Donates US$4,000 Of Medical Supplies To UMU(Daily Observer)



GOL, UNDP Begin Development Dialogue To Implement SDGs

The Daily Observer reports that the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and government agencies on Monday began a weeklong development dialogue on achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for sustainable development. The dialogue, which has brought together 100 participants from various institutions, including the physically challenged, is held under the theme, “Enhancing the Capacities and National Statistical Foundation for the Evidence Based Policies Toward the Domestication and Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” Mr. Stanley Kamara, UNDP Economic Specialist said the SDGs are very important to the development of Liberia since they comprise 17 goals and 169 targets. Mr. Kamara said the intent of the workshop is to determine the mechanisms to put in place to help implement the SDGs in the country. He said Liberia will include civil society organizations (CSOs), the media and traditional leaders, among others to implement the SDGs.



World Bank Spends US$3.4M For Community Livelihood Investment Project

World Bank is currently funding the Community Livelihood Investment Project in the tone of US$3.4 million dollars that is being implemented by the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE). Speaking during the opening of the workshop in Gbarnga, LACE Program Manager for Social Protection Atty. George Dayrell, emphasized the need for collaboration from County Superintendents and other officials of line ministries and agencies,  FrontPage Africa writes.



Medical Practitioners To Hold Regional Meeting Next Month

The Council president of Liberia College of Physicians and Surgeons (LCPS), Dr. Roseda E. Marshall, has disclosed that on November 27-28, there will be an Annual General Scientific meeting to discuss issues affecting Liberia’s health system,. Speaking at a press conference in Sinkor, Dr. Marshall gave backgrounds and updates about LCPS saying the college is part of the West African college of physicians and has given the college requirements to follow if the college wants to be accepted in the region, the INQUIRER newspaper reports.



Several African Journalist Zimoe Awards

According to the Heritage newspaper, sixteen journalists have been recognized for their exemplary work in reporting on development issues in Africa at the first edition of the Zimeo Excellence in Media Awards held in Johannesburg, South Africa. The awards also recognized institutions that support the development of viable media across Africa, and media organizations that exemplify the adoption and application of best practice in governance and leadership. South Africa led the winners list with four awardees, followed by Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya and Nigeria with three each. The competition, the latest addition to the array of services offered by the African Media Initiative, received more than 500 entries from print, broadcast and online journalists. A technical team reviewed the entries and submitted its initial short list to independent panels of judges representing east, west, central, south and north Africa.



Global Enter Entrepreneur Week Launch Here

The authorities of the Paynesville City Corporation (PCC) in collaboration with the Liberia Business Association (LIBA) on Monday, November 16 officially launched the 2015 Global Entrepreneur week (GEW) in the country. GEW is a celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas of life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare. During one week each November, GEW inspires people everywhere through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. The GEW, which was launched at the Paynesville City Hall outside Monrovia, is the first of its kind in the country. Speaking at the launch of the week-long event, the acting Mayor of Paynesville City, Madam Cyvette M. Gibson, said the city government took serious interest in the celebration, because Paynesville, being the biggest municipality in the country, also has the largest number of entrepreneurs, reports the Heritage newspaper.


Related Caption: PCC Launches Global Entrepreneurs Week -Several Entrepreneurs in Paynesville to Get Networking(Daily Observer)



Buu–Yao Feeder Road Repair Begins

The administration of Nimba County on Sunday, November 15, commenced the Buu – Yao Road rehabilitation project in Beeplay, the district’s headquarters.  According to the Daily Observer, the work is part of the County’s rehabilitation of feeder roads to boost trade and commerce, enhance security and economic activities. Mr. Peterson Walker, head of the project management committee said, the rehabilitation will cover about 150 kilometers of road, beginning from Wea- Beeplay to Yao-Mahnplay, Yao Lepulah and Buutuo and then to Dinplay and New Yourplay in Kparblee District. The roadwork will continue from Glarlay, Gblarlay and Teahplay Bouyealay, situated at the border with the Ivory Coast.



Normal Activities At Sa. Leone Border

Normal life has begun at the Liberia and Sierra Leone border following a declaration by the WHO announcing that Sierra Leone is Ebola-Free. Speaking to a team of journalists at the Bo Border Post,. Commander of Immigration and Chairman of Joint Security, Colonel Francis Tweh, disclosed that the border line is not only Bo Water side because there are other villages that are connected and have men at major entry points, the INQUIRER newspaper reports.



Do-or-Die Battle Today

The soccer team of Liberia, Lone Star, will today engage the Elephants of Ivory Coast in the return leg of   the 2018 world cup preliminary in Abidjan. The match is considered as a ‘do-or-die’ battle for the visitors. Lone Star was defeated at home 0-1. Liberians are hoping for their national team to repeat the record set against Guinea-Bissau following a convincing win away, the NEWS reports.


Related Caption: Lone Star Meets Elephants In Abidjan(The New Dawn)

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