Daily Media Summary, 11-16-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.


News of President  Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory messages to the Governments and Peoples of the Kingdom of Morocco and Angola as they celebrate their respective independence anniversaries, her message of condolence to the Government and People of the Republic of France, following news of coordinated terrorist attacks at six different locations across Paris and the lifting of economic sanctions against Liberia by United States are among the stories dominating today’s edition of the local dailies.




Pres. Sirleaf Congratulates Morocco, Angola

The New Dawnnewspaper says President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has sent separate messages of congratulations to the Governments and Peoples of the Kingdom of Morocco  and Angola as they celebrate their respective independence anniversaries. The Kingdom of Morocco is celebrating its 56th independence anniversary; Angola celebrates its 40th independence anniversary. In her message to His Majesty King Mohamed VI (6), President Johnson Sirleaf stated: “It gives me great pleasure to convey to your Majesty, warmest felicitation on this significant occasion of the 56th independence anniversary of the Great Kingdom of Morocco.” The president further said to King Mohamed VI: “My Government and People are grateful for the enhanced bilateral relations subsisting between our two countries, specifically in the area of capacity building.” President Johnson Sirleaf also noted that as the People of Morocco celebrate another milestone in their national history of her government looks forward to concluding pending bilateral cooperation agreements, which will further enhance bilateral trade between their two nations for the mutual benefits of their citizens. “As we work together in the furtherance of the principles of the Africa Union and the United Nations in promoting peace, security and cooperation among all nations,” she added. President Johnson Sirleaf then concluded by  praying that the Almighty Allah will endow His Majesty with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his compatriots to greater prosperity. In her message  of congratulations her Angolan counterpart,  Mr. Jose Eduardo Dos Santos, she stated: “It gives me immense pleasure to extend to you and through you to the Government and People of Angola, heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Government of People of Liberia and in my own name.” The president also  noted that as the People of Angola commemorate this historic occasion, she looks forward to strengthening the existing bilateral cooperation with Angola for the mutual benefits of both nations and peoples. “As we work together in furtherance of international peace and economic integration in Africa and the world, it is my fervent prayers that the Almighty God will endow your Excellency with abundant wisdom and strength as you lead your people to sustainable peace and greater prosperity,” President Johnson Sirleaf wished President Dos Santos as she concluded her Message.


Related Captions: Ellen Congratulates Morocco And Angola(Heritage), EJS Congratulates Morocco, Angola(The NEWS)



US Lifts Economic Sanctions Against Liberia

The United States lifted economic sanctions against Liberia on Thursday as President Barack Obama cited the country's "tremendous progress" and commitment to democracy since emerging from civil war in 2003, the White House said. "The United States congratulates the people of Liberia for their determination, ingenuity, and commitment to peace and democracy that has made this possible," National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said in a statement. "Liberia has worked to overcome not only the scars of war but also the challenge of responding to an unprecedented outbreak of Ebola," he said. Obama revoked the executive order on Liberia that was imposed in July 2004 in response to the threat posed to U.S. foreign policy by Liberia's President at the time, Charles Taylor. Taylor began the 1989-2003 civil wars that killed nearly 250,000 people in Liberia, a nation founded by descendants of freed American slaves. He was sentenced in 2012 to 50 years in prison for his role in atrocities committed in neighboring Sierra Leone during its civil war in the 1990s. Last month, the U.N. National Security council ended some sanctions on Liberia, including a travel ban and asset freeze on those deemed a danger to its stability, pens the INFORMER newspaper.


 Related Captions: US Lifts Economic Sanctions Against Liberia(The INFORMER), US Lifts Sanctions On Liberians, Others…ALP Political Leader Welcomes Action(The Inquirer)



Following Paris Terrorist Attacks:  President Sirleaf Consoles France

The Heritage newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has sent a condolence message to the Government and People of the Republic of France, following the distressing news of coordinated terrorist attacks at six different locations across Paris. The barbaric attacks, which killed at least 129 persons and injured more than 350 others, with 99 being very critical, occurred on Friday, November 13, 2015, in the evening hours in Paris. A  Foreign Ministry release says in the message to her French counterpart, H.E. François Hollande, President Johnson Sirleaf on behalf of Liberia, extended deepest condolences to the French President, and through him, to the Government and People of France, particularly the bereaved families for the irreparable loss sustained as a result of the tragic attacks. “During this difficult period, I wish to, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in my own name, convey deepest condolences to you personally, the People of France, particularly, families of the victims,” President Johnson Sirleaf expressed with deep sorrow while consoling the France Leader. The President noted that the people of Liberia are very saddened by the outrageously gruesome events leading to the death of dozens of peaceful French residents, who are President Hollande’s beloved compatriots. The Liberian Leader further assured her French counterpart of her fullest support and solidarity as he and the People of France go through this period of national mourning. The Liberian Leader then prayed that the Almighty God will grant President Hollande strength and courage needed as he leads the French People through this difficult period of national tragedy.


Related Captions: Ellen Consoles France Following Paris Attacks(The INFORMER), Ellen Consoles France(The NEWS)



Gov’t To Build Two Fire Stations In Two Counties

The Heritage asserts that the Government of Liberia has unveiled plans to construct two fire stations for the Liberia National Fire Service (LNFS) in Margibi and Nimba counties. The project will cost 0.01 percent of the US$10 million approved by the government in its security transition budget as the UN Mission in Liberia draws down, according to Justice Minister Benedict Sannoh. Addressing the regular Ministry of Information press briefing in Monrovia recently, Justice Minister and Attorney General Sannoh also disclosed the dedication of a completed National Fire Service sub-station at Bong Mines Bridge in Monrovia on Saturday, November 14.


Related Captions: Gov’t TO Build Two Fire Stations In Two Counties(FOCUS), Gov’t TO Build Two Fire Stations In Two Counties(The INFORMER)







President Sirleaf Consoles Germany

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a condolence message to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Germany, following the sudden death of Mr. Helmut Schmidt, former German Chancellor, who served Germany from 1974 to 1982. He died at the age of 96. In her message to her German counterpart, H.E. Joachim Gauck, according to the Foreign Ministry in Monrovia, the President noted that the noble qualities of Mr. Schmidt and his courageous positions in European and global politics have made him a competent and outstanding German statesman, a leading proponent of the European Union, the Euro and the Central Bank for Europe.  While expressing her deepest sympathy to the bereaved family and people of Germany, President Sirleaf stated: “at this painful time, I offer, on behalf of the Government and People of the Republic of Liberia, and in my own name, condolence to your Excellency, and through you, to the bereaved family and the German People, our sincere sympathy and respect, as you face such a difficult period of grief”, writes the New Dawn newspaper.



76 Female Officers Certificated

76 female officers from Liberia’s various security agencies, including the army, police, immigration, EPS, DEA, NSA and customs were certificated on Friday, 13 November at the end of a week-long empowerment training at the YMCA on Broad Street down town Monrovia. The officers, under the banner of the Liberia Female Law Enforcement Association or LIFLEA, underwent the training at the Center for Criminal Justice and Research Education, with funding from Kvinna till  Kvinna. They were trained in various areas beyond their regular programs at the academy, including leadership, supervision, report writing, as well as project proposal, among other professional skills, according to the New Dawn newspaper.


UN Agencies Pledge Support To Improve Food Security In Liberia

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Program (WFP) have pledged to support the Liberian Government to improve food security and the overall economic growth of the country. The pledge was contained in a joint statement read by WFP Deputy Country Director Wurie Alghyassim during the World Food Day Celebration national Stakeholders Dialogue held Thursday under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the FAO and WFP at the Monrovia City Hall. According to the Deputy WFP Country Director, actors are still looking for a better approach to improve the population’s living standard,the INFORMER newspaper reports.


Related Captions: UN Agencies Pledge Support To Improve Food Security In Liberia(Heritage)



MOH, WHO  Turn To Communities For Disease Prevention

In a drive to prevent the outbreak of contagious and other wide-spread diseases in communities, the Ministry of Health and the World Health organization (WHO) over the weekend mobilized about 400 community leaders and their subordinates from Monrovia and environs for the exercise. Participants at the day-long sensitization and coordination meeting which took place at a local church edifice in Sinkor included ACF supervisors, District Health Officers (DHO), District surveillance Officers (DSO) and Zone Surveillance Officers (ZSO) from Montserrado County. Speaking during the program, Dr. Mosoka Fallah of the Ministry of Health said the meeting was aimed at bringing together the community leaders and their workers who earlier worked with the MOH during the Ebola outbreak to focus on a new dimension of disease preventive measures now that Ebola is defeated, the INFORMER newspaper reports.


Related Caption: MOH, WHO Turn To Communities For Prevention(Heritage)



House Invites Experts To Discuss CRC Propositions

The House of Representatives through its joint committee on Judiciary, Good Governance,  Election and Inauguration to provide their expert opinions on the 24 proposition of the Constitution Review Committee (CRC) during its upcoming retreat to be held in Ganta, Nimba County this week. The disclosure was made by Nimba County District #8 Representative, Larry Younquoi, Thursday, November 12, at the Capitol Building during a press conference, FOCUS newspaper reports.



China Union To Construct Steel Plant…Dispels Report Of Bankruptcy

The Management of China Union Investment, (Liberia) Bong Mining Company, LTD has strongly denied media reports that it has gone bankrupt terming it as a calculated ploy, baseless and unfounded only intended to discredit its investments and expose it to public disrepute. The management said recent local media reports that it is bankrupt are lies which are out of thin air. The China Union management said it takes seriously the negative media reports and it is ready for any legal action to redeem its credibility, Inquirer reports.



Brown Wants Liberians Celebrate US Decision To Lift Sanctions

Information Minister Lewis Brown has urged Liberians to celebrate the U.S. Government’s decision to lift the decade-long economic sanctions against Liberia. The US Government on Thursday lifted the economic sanctions it imposed on Liberia during the regime of former Liberian leader, now war crimes convict, Charles Taylor, FOCUS writes.




Huge Commendations For U.S. Government For Lifting Sanctions

The decision by the Government of the United States to lift the economic sanctions against Liberia has been greeted with huge commendations from Liberians of all walks of life including the Liberian government among others. It can be recalled that on Thursday, November 12, the U.S. Government lifted the sanctions on Liberia as US President Barrack Obama signed an Executive Order which takes note of Liberia’s tremendous progress since emerging from civil war in 2003, in particular its commitment to democracy and the development of its political, administrative, and economic institutions. Since the declaration by the US, Liberia has welcomed the decision by the US government. There have been huge commendations coming from the government and opposition blocks, Heritage reports.



Health Ministry Outlines Achievements…Committed To Placing Over 4,000 HCW On Payroll

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has been outlining its achievements and has subsequently announced a 10-year National Health Investment Plan which is meant for the building of a resilient health system following the deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). The Ministry’s Communication Director, Mr. Sorbor B. George, during the weekend told senior media practitioners that MOH is aware of the shortage of health workers and having listened to the cry of health practitioners, the Government of Liberia (GoL) has placed 736 health workers on the payroll this year, pens the Inquirer newspaper.




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