Daily Media Summary, 10-02-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Dominant stories on today’s newsstand include, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s award for courage, leadership, integrity and wisdom in the overall fight against
Ebola Virus Disease, her congratulatory messages to Guinea and Germany, the inauguration of a science laboratory by the Government of Liberia and USAID, as well as the arrest of 27 persons involved in violent clashes Ganta.



Dominant Stories


Ellen Bags Another Award Abroad

The New Dawn newspaperthat President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has become the second proud winner of the prestigious Global Champion Award for her courage, leadership, integrity and wisdom in the overall fight against the Ebola virus disease (EVD). President Sirleaf ranks second to former U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton who bagged the award for the first time in 2013. According to a dispatch from New York, the Liberian President was conferred the Award by the medical organization, International Medical Corps, an INGO involved in the provision of comprehensive care and resources to people diagnosed of Ebola in Bong and Margibi Counties. Receiving the award, President Sirleaf paid tribute to the communities for showing the leadership and taking ownership in demonstrating the zealotry to serve as first responders in the midst of the epidemic. She saluted the communities for putting their country first especially at a time when Liberia was confronting an unknown enemy.


Related Captions:Prez. Sirleaf Celebrated Abroad-Second Winner Of the Global Champion Award (FOCUS), Amid Courage, Leadership, Integrity And Wisdom: Ellen Becomes Second Winner Of Global Champion Award(Heritage),Pres. Sirleaf Bags Another Award Becomes 2nd Winner Of Global Champion Award(Analyst), Ellen Wins 2nd Global Champion Award(Daily Observer),and Pres. Sirleaf Becomes Second Winner Of the Global Champion Award(FrontPage Africa)


Prez. Sirleaf Congratulates Germany, Guinea


The FOCUSnewspaperreports that Liberia’s President, Madame Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has separately Congratulated Germany and Guinea on Distinctive Occasions of the Independence Anniversaries of the two nations. The Liberian leader has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Germany on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of that country’s Unity Day; while at the same time President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf congratulated the Government and People of the Republic of Guinea on the observance of the 57th Independence Anniversary. In her message to His Excellency Joachim Gauck, President Johnson Sirleaf extended warmest congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Germany, on behalf of the Government and People of the Republic of Liberia and in her own name. President Johnson Sirleaf expressed the wish that the long-standing relationship between the two countries will continue to grow adding, "It is my sincere conviction that the current status of German-Liberian Cooperation has a new and elevated level, demonstrated by the height of support my government continues to receive from the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Germany, particularly during the unprecedented outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease". The Liberian Leader further said that the excellent relations between our both countries have been further strengthened with the exchange of recent high level visits. "We are grateful that Germany remains a true partner and a reliable friend, I fervently anticipate that the cordial relations will be further enhanced by our joint efforts in the years ahead for the mutual", President Sirleaf lamented. President Johnson Sirleaf wished for the personal good health and happiness as well as for the continued well-being and prosperity of the people of Germany. In her message to her Guinean counterpart, H. E. Mr. Alpha Condé, President Johnson Sirleaf stated, "It is my distinguished pleasure to extend warmest felicitation and best wishes to you on behalf of the Government and People of the Republic of Liberia, and through your Excellency, to the Government and the resilience People of the Republic of Guinea.”  According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Johnson Sirleaf added that this milestone coincides with the historic groundbreaking of the Hydroelectric Dam, which 240 megawatt electricity will further stimulate the growth and development of the Republic of Guinea. The Liberian Leader also prayed that as the Liberian People join their Guinean counterparts in commemorating the West African nation's 57th historic independence occasion, the Almighty God will continue to endow President Condé with abundant wisdom to lead his people to nobler heights. President Johnson Sirleaf also assured her Guinean counterpart of Liberia's continued commitment to supporting the fight to eradicate the Ebola virus disease (EVD) from the Mano River Union Basin.  The President then expressed hope that the bonds of friendship so happily subsisting between Liberia and Guinea in the spirit of the principles of the Mano River Union (MRU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Union (AU) and the United Nations (UN), in furtherance of international peace and economic development will continue to be further strengthened for the mutual benefits of their respective peoples.



Related Captions:Ellen Congratulates Germany, Guinea(Heritage), Ellen Congratulates Nigeria, Guinea & Germany(The Informer), Liberia Congratulates Guinea on 57th Independence-Reassures Liberia's Support to Curb Ebola Virus in Mano River Basinand (Daily Observer)


USAID, GOL Inaugurates Science Lab In Bassa

According the New Dawn newspaper, The USAID FED, in Collaboration with the Government of Liberia, has inaugurated a Science Lab Facility at the Community College in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. The laboratory was inaugurated on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 by the Mission Director of the United States Agency for International Development Mission to Liberia or USAID, Dr. Anthony S. Chan. Under an agreement with the Food and Enterprise Development Program of USAID, the Community College provided the building to house the facility, while USAID FED remodeled the building, purchased and installed state of the art laboratory equipment intended to aid the delivery of the National Diploma in Agriculture (NDA) and enhance practical learning. The NDA program is Liberia’s recently unveiled market-driven 2-year vocational agriculture program, supported by USAID to prepare Liberia’s youth for careers in agriculture. The NDA offers core agriculture-related courses, including crop cultivation, irrigation, soil science and animal husbandry, as well as skills in entrepreneurship, leadership and communications. In addition to the Grand Bassa County Community College, the NDA will be offered at two other community colleges - the Nimba and Lofa Community Colleges plus the Booker Washington Institute or BWI. A Science Lab similar to the one at the Grand Bassa County Community College was recently dedicated at the BWI. 


Related Captions: USAID FED, GoL Inaugurate Lab In Grand Bassa(FOCUS),USAID FED, Inaugurates Modern Lab In Bassa (Heritage), USAID FED, Government Inaugurate Lab At GBCC(FOCUS), and USAID FED, GoL Inaugurate Science Lab(The Informer)


In Connection With Violence in Ganta - 27 Arrested

Police in Nimba County are continuing to arrest motorcyclists and citizens who are said to be connected to Wednesday havoc in Ganta, Nimba County. According to the Heritage newspaper, so far police have arrested about 27 persons while others are still being pursued. This was confirmed by the Deputy Chief of Press and Public Affairs at the Liberia National Police(LNP), Mr. Lewis Norman when he spoke briefly to the Heritage newspaper yesterday regarding the violent demonstration in Ganta City, Nimba County. The Wednesday incident, which arose due to the death of a motorcyclist, saw protesters setting three houses ablaze and looting business houses in the commercial city. The motorcyclist Milton Weatgbeh was found dead with several parts extracted.

Related Captions:27 Arrested In Nimba, ERU, PSU Hunt Looters, Rioters, Caucus Condemns The Violence(FOCUS), In Connection With Violence IN Ganta: 27 Arrested …Schools, Banks, Others Remain Closed(Heritage),and 18 Arrested In Ganta (New Democrat), Calm Restored To Ganta As Govt. Bans Motorcycles In Ganta (The Informer)



Other Stories

Chinese Investor Eyes Rice Production In Liberia

A visiting Chinese Business Executive has pledged his company’s support to the Council of Chiefs and Elders in the area of food production, particularly the country’s staple, rice. Liberia Development Corporation Inc. CEO Caichun Huang said his company is willing to support the Council in every aspect for the development of the country. Mr. Caichun, speaking Wednesday at a dinner held in honor of the Council of Chiefs and Elders Chairman, Chief Zanzan Karwor and his wife, Representative Mary Karwor at a local hotel in Monrovia said the chiefs can play significant role in making the country self-sufficient. Earlier, Chairman Karwor spoke of the need to assist the Council in its plan for massive food production in country. He said the Council plans to cultivate at least five hundred acres of farmland in every district across the country to feed the citizens and have surpluses for commercial benefit. Chief Karwor said he is prepared to put the Council to work, stressing that hard work is the medicine for hard time. He further noted that no country can boast of its independence if it cannot feed its own people. Also speaking, the Liberian partner to Mr. Caichun reaffirmed his confidence in the company’s ability to contribute significantly to the development of Liberia. Mr. J Elder Jallah said in addition to agriculture, the LDCI is also willing to invest in electricity, construction among other, pens the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions:Business Executive Pledges Support To Food Production(The NEWS), and Chinese Company Pledges Support To Ouncil Of Chiefs’ Food Production(In Profile Daily)



Ellen Concurs With Reduction Of Terms For President, Senators

In an eight-page letter to House Speaker, J. Alex Tyler, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has concurred with 18 out of the 25 suggestions from the Constitution Review Committee (CRC) and now seeks an endorsement from the Legislature for a referendum on the proposals to change the Constitution. The proposed amendments to the constitution were compiled after consultations throughout the country’s 73 electoral districts as well as in selected foreign countries where large numbers of Liberians reside. President Sirleaf agreed with the first three recommendations of the CRC, which called for the reduction of the presidential term of office from six to four years; reduction of the senatorial term from nine to six years; and the reduction of representatives from six to four years. The President also concurred on the suggestions that private owners on whose land mineral or natural resources are found should share the benefits accrued by the government and be part of the negotiation; that the Chief Justice should not be elected; superintendents, commissioners, mayors and chiefs be elected and election commissioners be appointed by the president, reports the Daily Observer.



Lofa Lawmaker’s Burial Tomorrow

The remains of Lofa County District #2 Representative Fofi Sahr Baimba is expected to be interred tomorrow Saturday, October 3, at the Kaizer Memorial Lawn Cemetery in Brewerville City outside Monrovia. According to the funeral protocol, the body will be removed from the Samuel Stryker Funeral Home in Sinkor at 3:00 p.m. and taken to the Rotunda of the Capitol Building where it will lie in state for two hours. Wake-keeping will run from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., during which friends, sympathizers and well-wishers may pay their tributes. Additionally, family wake-keeping while Baimba’s remains lie in repose on Capitol Hill, will be at the deceased’s Soul Clinic Community residence. At 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, the remains will be taken to his Soul Clinic residence, and then at 10:00 a.m., the body will be taken to King Kizito Catholic Church for the Mass of the Resurrection. The protocol said only the Government of Liberia, Family and Church will pay tributes during the funeral service. Last Wednesday, Vice President Joseph Boakai, Speaker Alex Tyler and Defense Minister Brownell Samukai were among government officials who signed the book of condolence of the late Rep. Baimba. The former Lofa County lawmaker died on Sunday, September 13 upon arrival at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Sinkor after a brief illness. He was 61. During his early tenure at the 53rd Legislature, he served as Co-Chairman on the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery and was a member on the Committee on Internal Affairs. Prior to his death, he served as Chairman on the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, reports the Daily Observer.



50 Liberians To Study Meteorology In Nigeria MAF Launches Aviation Service

According to the Daily Observer, Fifty Liberians from various government ministries and agencies are expected to travel to Lagos, Nigeria to study at the Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Transport Minister Angela Cassell-Bush disclosed yesterday. Most of the participants, according to her, will be on short and long term training by the NMA under the UNDP support project of the ministry. The training, she explained, will help government in the aviation sector to ensure that they forecast the weather in the country for airlines. Minister Cassell-Bush made the disclosure at the launching of the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) at the James Spriggs Payne Airfield in Sinkor. MAF according to its Country Director, Captain Emil Kunding, is an international Christian organization whose mission is to fly light aircrafts, and to use other technologies to bring help and hope to people in the world’s poorest communities, including those in Liberia. “Our aircraft has comfortable leather seats that can easily be removed to convert the cabin into a freight area and carries up to 13 passengers or up to 1100 kg of payload,” Capt. Kunding told the gathering. He said that MAF wants to make a difference in the Liberian aviation sector, by offering flight services to the many agencies and organizations, including churches, NGOs, among others. According to him, aircraft is available for charter to most local areas and surrounding countries where a suitable airstrip is available.



Liberians Urged To Maintain Peace At 3 Levels

Deputy Youth and Sports Minister Saah N’Tow has urged peace-building practitioners and Liberians to approach the maintenance of peace from three levels. These levels, according to Mr. N’Tow, are within the individual, the community and the larger society. He made the call at a program marking this year’s International Day of Peace held over the weekend in Monrovia. The significance of the day affords people the world over to reflect on global peace and all its attending benefits, he said. Mr. N’Tow reminded Liberians that in commemorating the day they must ask themselves as individuals as well as collectively several roles they could do in preventing conflict to continue their co-existence with their neighbors. He said Liberians must unblock their pathways to allow the unhindered flow of peace at all the levels in their activities in the country. “As we celebrate the day of peace, all of us must do all we can to ensure that we do not go back to those painful and ugly years of war and destruction,” he stated. Mr. N’Tow also observed that the importance of the global theme, “Partnerships for Peace- Dignity for All,” recognizes the essence of collaboration at all levels to achieve peace. According to him, peace is expensive but it is worthy of any price; and challenged all participants to strive to maintain it by putting their hands together, pens the Daily Observer.



Liberia Celebrates 4th Int’l Right To Know Day-As MICAT, Others Pledge Support to Maintain Access to Information

The Independent Information Commission (IIC) and the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) in collaboration with the Carter Center have celebrated the fourth annual International Right to Know Day with government pledging to uphold access to information. The celebration under the theme, “Freedom of Information In Time of Crisis and Recovery,” was held on Monday at the Monrovia City Hall and witnessed by an array of government officials, civil society representatives and students. Susan White, former editor of ProPublic and keynote speaker of the Right to Know Day, explained that access to information helps in exposing corruption in any society, which must be noted by all sectors of humanity. She emphasized that access to information also helps in making government stronger and helps in making people part of the government and must be considered through the rebuilding process as well. The right to information, she noted, helps in unveiling dishonesty, inefficiency, activities, but also allows the citizens to celebrate the good faith of government. She explained that access to information also helps in avoiding misinformation, especially in time of crisis. International Right to Know Day was designated to be held on September 28 to raise awareness of the fundamental human right of access to information and to further advance freedom of information legislation worldwide, asserts the Daily Observer.



Liberia, Georgia Sign Cooperation Memorandum Of Understanding

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan and the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between their two Ministries of Foreign Affairs for the establishment of frameworks of political consultations and exchange of opinions at different levels on issues of common regional and global interests.  According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Memorandum of Understanding signed today on the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York, USA, commits the parties to fostering cooperation in Education, Science, Culture, Sports, and the Economy. The parties also commit to holding consultations on areas of political, bilateral, regional, and global cooperation, and to seek the common interest of both countries at international organizations. The Memorandum of Understanding shall be in force for a period of five (5) years, subject to renewal.  Making brief remarks, Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan expressed the gratitude of the Government and People of Liberia to the Georgian Government for the signing of the Memorandum, which according to him has been under discussion for over a year.  Minister Ngafuan noted that the agreement has the potential of not only consolidating diplomatic relations between Liberia and Georgia but also forging stronger bonds between the peoples of the two countries in the respective fields of cooperation agreed.  For his part, Georgian Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kvirikashvili, expressed delight for Liberia's continued support for resolutions related to the wellbeing of the Georgian people at the United Nations. He stated that the agreement opens up the scope for Liberian professionals and students to be offered training and other opportunities in Georgia and for Georgian assistance to public sector reform efforts in Liberia. 

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