Daily Media Summary (09-25-2019)

Ministry of AFFAIRS






Today’s edition of our usual daily News Summary highlights news about Pres. Weah addressing the UNGA Today, September 25th  with focus on climate change, world affairs and PAPD;  the participation of three (3) Liberian Lawmakers in the 74th UNGA; the Presentation of Letters of Credence by  Amb. Blamoh Nelson to Emperor Naruhito of Japan and his recommitment to Strengthen Japan-Liberia Relations; the Qatari Officials recent visit to Liberia to assess the country’s development needs;  the celebration by the FJN and Partners of International Peace Day; the planned reformation process of the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC ) with  robust Policies to Curb Corruption and increase Socio-Economic Services;  as well as the EU’s commitment made to provide energy supply to parts of Monrovia under the scheme, “  EU Light-Up Liberia Program Gives Electricity to 45K People”, among others.   


Dominant Stories 

Pres. Weah Addresses UNGA Today With focus on climate change, world affairs, PAPD


President George Weah will today address the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) beginning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern USA time, an Executive Mansion release has said. This year’s Assembly is being held under the theme, “Galvanizing Multilateral Efforts for Poverty Eradication, Quality Education, Climate Action and inclusion. ”The President, according to the release, is among 20 other world leaders who are also scheduled to address that august body in New York, pens the Daily Observer newspaper. Related Caption: Weah Addresses UNGA Today (The Democrat)


EU Light-Up Liberia Program Gives Electricity to 45K People

The three and a half years Light-Up, Liberia program funded by the European Union (EU), has officially ended in Liberia. The disclosure was made known during the closeout workshop, which took place on Thursday, September 19, 2019  in  Monrovia. The program, which was implemented by Mercy Corps Liberia under the Fosera and Alternative Energy, brought modern lighting to 45,690 rural and peri-urban residents in Bong, Margibi, Grand Bassa, Lofa, Gbarpolu, Nimba and rural Montserrado counties, pens the Daily Observer newspaper.


Related Caption: EU Light UP Liberia Program Connects 45,000 residents (The New Dawn)


Reforming City Hall MCC Writes Policies To Curb Corruption, Increase Socio Economic Services

The Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) has commenced a reform process that would promote fiscal transparency and integrity and stem corruption. Policies and practices of municipal government have become key determination to which the Sustainable Development Goals are achieved, according to U4-the anti-corruption resource center, which translates anti-corruption research into practical advice for international development actors.  Thus cities across the world are introducing urban governance initiatives such as making information on finances public and improving the quality of services to reduce the risk of corruption and increase socio-economic benefits. Liberia’s main municipal Government the MCC Tuesday validated seven key policy instruments for its day-today operation, says the Democrat


Related CaptionMCC Enhances Transparency, Accountability In City governance (Heritage newspaper), MCC drafts institutional policies (The New Dawn)

Other stories 


Qatari officials Here To Assess Country’s Development Needs

Top Quatari officials have been holding talks with Liberians authorities in relation to the country’s development needs for possible intervention, mainly from the Qatar Fund for Development and headed by His Excellency Hamad Mohammed Al-Rumaihi, Minister Plenipotentiary of Foreign Ministry of the State of Qatar, the delegation will assess Liberia’s socioeconomic development priorities consistent with its national agenda. The Weah administration’s flagship development program the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development intends to tackle poverty in a country where more than 70 percent of its population lives on less than one United States dollar a day, according to the United Nations Development Program. The Senior Qatari officials are in country based on President George Weah’s letter to the Emir of the state of Qatar H. E Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani seeking assistance, the Liberian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. While in the country the Qarari team is expected to meet with heads of nine (9) Government Ministries and Agencies. During those discussions priorities areas and gaps would be identified for potential assistance from the Qarari Government. The Qatari team previously held talks with Nathaniel Mcgail, Minister of State, Mr. Samauel Tweh, Minister of Finance and Development Planning and Varney Sirleaf, Minister of Internal Affairs. The delegation is expected to leave Liberia on September 28, 2019, pens the Democrat.


Liberia Will Be Better Served With Gender Balance in the Legislature’ Says Rep. Rosana Schaack

In a June 2019 interview with Represent Women, Hon. Rosana Schaack stated that the diversity of experience and perspectives that women would bring to the Liberian governance process is central to addressing the entrenched development and social issues facing the country. The Rivercess County District #2 Representatives and Chair of Women’s Legislative Caucus believes gender balance could transform the Liberian legislature, adding new dynamism to better serve the needs of all Liberian citizens and residents. Further, she sees constitutional reform as the most effective means of securing gender parity or balance, the Daily Observer newspaper writes.


3 Liberian Lawmakers at 74th UNGA

According to the Daily Observer newspaper, three prominent members of the House of Representatives have been selected to participate in the 74th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Their selection came amid the pressure on Liberia on the rule of law and justice and women empowerment. The establishment of War and Economic Crime Courts and the amendment of constitution against racism are already before the House of Representatives for consideration. Judiciary Committee Chairman, J. Fonati Koffa, who is also the proponent of the proposed amendment to change the negro-only citizenship clause in the 1986 constitution of Liberia; Foreign Affairs Chairman Edwin Snowe and the Acting Chairperson on Investment and Concessions, Ellen Attoh-Wreh are expected to participate in the UNGA, which begun on September 17. 


Amb. Nelson Presents Credentials to Emperor Naruhito of Japan Promise to Strengthen Japan-Liberia Relations

The Liberian Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the Republic of Japan, Blamoh Nelson, has officially submitted his letters of Credence to Majesty Naruhito Emperor of the Republic Japan. A Foreign Minister release quoting a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan says the colorful ceremony took place on Thursday, September 19, 2019, at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo Japan. At a ceremony, which was marked by the elegance pump and pageantry of Japanese royal tradition, Ambassador Nelson conveyed profound greetings and best wishes from President George Manneh Weah and the government and People of Liberia to Emperor Naruhito and the people of japan, the Heritage newspaper imply.


FJN, Partners Celebrate International Peace Day

The Faith and Justice Network of the Mano River Basin Countries in collaboration with the Pan African Climate justice Alliance (PACJA) and the National Student Christian Council joined countries and human rights organizations around the world in observance of the International Peace Day. According to the Heritage newspaper, FJN an advocacy accompaniment initiative by the churches and church- related organizations celebration aims at engaging church leaders and faith based communities to stimulate call to national government and to also use the occasion to educate the citizens on issues of concern relative to climate actions for peace and the environment sustainability.


Save the Children International Liberia Office Donates to two Civil Society Organizations

Save the Children International (SCI) Liberia office donated an assortment of office equipment and other material supplies to two civil society organizations, SUN Civil Society Alliance of Liberia and Partnership for sustainable Development (PaSD).These items, valued at US$8,673.00, is part of SCI’s revitalization and material support to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) under its Health Worker Program. The health program is funded by GlaxosmithKline (GSK) a pharmaceutical company based in the United Kingdom, the Heritage newspaper reports.