Daily Media Summary, 09-16-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of Ghanaian President John Mahama assurance that restrictions and measures placed on Ebola hit countries will be lifted, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Herve Ladsous assertion that the United Nations remains on the side of Liberia in the wake of the Ebola epidemic and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf commendation to the Fula Community in Liberia for their enormous contribution in strengthening the National Ebola Taskforce in Liberia are stories dominating our selected local dailies for today, Tuesday, September 16, 2014.



Restrictions To Be Lifted…Ghanaian President Assures

Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama has assured that restrictions and measures placed on Liberia and other countries hardly hit by the Ebola virus disease (EVD) will be lifted. Mr. Mahama, who is also the Chairman of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), said those initial actions and measures were taken out of fear as a means of containing the disease from spreading. The Ghanaian President was speaking Monday, September 15, 2014 when he paid a solidarity visit to Liberia. For her part, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf thanked the ECOWAS Chairman for the visit in these difficult times of the country (Liberia). “You have stood by Liberia in these times of difficult, and you have encourgage us that we can make a comeback,” she noted, Heritage reports.

Related Captions: Ghanaian Leader Braves Ebola Storm…Pays One-Day Visit To Liberia (Inquirer), Ghana Commits Services To Liberia (The New Republic), In Other To Eradicate Ebola -Ghanaian  Prexy Wants Support Expedited(Daily Observer)

“UN Remains On The Side Of Liberia” – Under Secretary-General Ladsous Assures Pres. Sirleaf

The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Herve Ladsous has assured President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf that the United Nations remains on the side of Liberia in the wake of the Ebola epidemic and is prepared to support ongoing international efforts led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and others to contain the virus. He reiterated that the Organization has taken the initiative to mobilize the entire UN system and beyond to effectively respond to the outbreak with the aim of containing the further spread of the deadly Ebola virus disease in the sub-region, INSIGHT reports.

Related Captions: UN To ‘Stay The Course’ In Liberia(FOCUS), UN Campaigns For More Support(Daily Observer), UN Under-Secretary General Ladsous Assures Liberia In The Wake Of The Ebola Epidemic(FrontPage Africa)

Fula Community Makes Contribution – To Ebola Taskforce

The National Chairperson on the Ebola Taskforce, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has lauded the Fula Community in Liberia for their enormous contribution in strengthening the National Ebola Taskforce in Liberia. Presidnt Sirleaf said the Fula Community has been one of the forces behind Liberia’s economic drives over the years, and praised the community for the level of assistance towards national reconstruction. Materials donated included three pieces of Nissan doubled – Cabin Pick-Up, five hundred bags of rice, nine hundred cartons of water, 140 piece of mattresses, one hundred cartoons of chloride and several pieces of assorted items. Making the presentation on behalf of the Fula Community, AWEP Ambassador to Liberia, Rugie Barry, underscored the need for collective assistance towards the fight against the disease, In Profile Daily reports.

Related Captions: FULA Community Gives 3 Pick-Ups, Rice, Others(Inquirer), Fula Community Enhances Fight Against Ebola…Donates Three Pick-Ups, Others(Heritage)


Japan Makes Huge Donation To The Fight Against Ebola In Liberia

The Government of Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has donated emergency relief supplies to the Republic of Liberia in response to the current growing outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. 100 tents, 500 sleeping pads, and 500 blankets along with other items, total worth 30 million yen equivalent of US289,000 were provided upon request from the Government of the Republic of Liberia. In the morning of 4th September, H.E. Mr. Naoto Nikai, Japanese Ambassador to Liberia with residence in Ghana, Mrs. Musu J. Ruhle, Charge d’Affairs of Liberia at the Liberian Embassy in Ghana, Ms. Pipppa Bradford, Country Director of WFP Ghana, Mr. Hiroshi Sumiyoshi, Senior Representative JICA Ghana and other officials participated in a handover ceremony to commemorate the delivery of Japanese relief items to Liberia. The ceremony took place at the warehouse of the WFP/UNHRI) Ghana in Accra, FrontPage Africa reports.

US Commits Over US$100m To Combat Ebola

The Government of the United States of America said it has committed more than $100 million to combat the deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in West Africa since its outbreak in March this year. Appearing at the Information Ministry daily press briefing on Friday, September 12, 2014 United States Ambassador to Liberia, Debora Malac disclosed that more help has been coming from the people of America since the outbreak of the killer disease, FOCUS reports.

Gov’t To Bring In 12 Ambulances


The Government of Liberia (GOL) is procuring 12 ambulances at the cost of US$600,000 to help buttress efforts aimed at eradicating the deadly Ebola virus which has engulfed the country since March. Acting Finance and Development Planning Minister Amara Mohamed Konneh giving a breakdown of funds expended to fight the Ebola disease by government said, “If it costs us to air-lift the Ambulances from Japan we will do so without delay because we are concerned about the health of our people contrary to claims by armed chair critics that the government is doing nothing to fight the deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)”, The Inquirer reports.


50,000 Ebola Kits Expected

The Ministry of Public Works has disclosed that 50,000 kits comprising buckets, chlorine, Clorox, sanitizers, among others are expected to be distributed in Monrovia and other parts of Liberia to prevent the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus. The ‘wash Ebola away’ program is organized by the National Water Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Committee in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and its partners. Speaking during the official launching of the anti Ebola project on Friday, September 12, 2014, Public Works Assistant Minister for Rural Development and Community Services George Yango said the three months anti Ebola program is aimed at buttressing the efforts of the National Task Force on Ebola headed by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,FOCUS reports.


Liberia Needs US$34.8M

Minister Konneh said the country’s initial financial requirement to combat Ebola was put at US$34.8 million dollars when all implementing agencies submitted their three month emergency budgets to support the country’s fight against Ebola. The Finance Minister made the statement Thursday at the Ministry of Information, when he presented a comprehensive financial contributions and expenditure report on the country’s Ebola emergency budget, West Africa Info Post reports.


MOH Provides L$9m To Cape Mount Health Team

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has provided about L$9.6 million to the Grand Cape Mount County Health Team (CHT) to enhance its fight against the Ebola virus. This was disclosed by the CHT Head, Dr. Julius Garbo, recently in Sinje during the County Ebola Task Force meeting,INSIGHT writes.

Bong Lawmaker Dedicates 9-Bedroom Clinic


The Representative of Electoral District #2 in Bong County, Prince Karmue Moye has dedicated a nine (9)-bedroom clinic in Nyaita, Yeindawoin Clan. The clinic is the first to be constructed in the clan since its establishment more than fifty years. Giving an overview of the project, Representative Moye said the project was a fulfillment of one of the campaign promises made by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in 2011, when she visited the clan.  Rep. Moye praised President Sirleaf for the gesture, putting the cost of the facility at more than US$50,000.00, New Dawn writes.

USAID, Global Community “Ebola Response Gains Momentum


The “Assisting Liberians with Education to Reduce Transmission (ALERT)” project, funded by the US Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), is bringing about positive change in Ebola affected areas. The ALERT project which is ongoing in bong, Lofa and Nimba Counties is been implemented by an American NGO, Global Communities (Formerly CHF International) in partnership with the Liberian Government. The project’s main focus is reducing transmission of diseases through educating locals about preventing the spread of the Ebola virus and strengthening the capacity of County Health Teams to deal with burials and infection control. The Director of Community Health services, Tamba Boima, has also been involved from the start of these meetings, FOCUS reports.

Related Caption: USAID, Global Community “Ebola Response Alert Project” Gains Momentum (Heritage)

To Tackle Ebola: 10,000 Local Health Workers Needed - WHO


The UN health agency, World Health Organization or WHO says, it would need at least 500-600 experts with 10,000 local health workers to combat the deadly Ebola virus which has claimed over 2000 lives in the Mano River sub-region. WHO Director General Margaret Chan addressing a news conference in Geneva Friday said the key to beating the disease is people power. He pledges of equipment and money are coming in, but 500-600 foreign experts and at least 10,000 local health workers are needed on the ground, " , New Dawn reports.

Local NGO Donates To Communities In Bong


Project Concern International or PCI has donated one hundred buckets to the people of Sinyea, Galai and other towns in Bong County as the fight against Ebola continues. Making the presentation on behalf of the Project Pepresentative of PCI, Joeline Mullins said due to the huge population in Sinyea and other towns close to the Phebe Hospital, it was important to identify with the citizens during these difficult times. She said PCI was currently implementing for LUNSH in Bong and Nimba Counties- teaching citizens about the usage of Chlorax in the fight against the Ebola virus. Receiving the items, the Town Chief of Sinyea James Gonan thanked PCI for the donation, noting the items would be wisely utilized. Mr. Gonan assured the donor that citizens will make maximum use of the buckets to prevent the disease, New Dawn reports.

Sirleaf Ebola Axed Hits Officials – Dr. Weeks, Others Suspended


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has suspended on the job for one month three eligible officials who have not declared or redeclared their income, assets, and liabilities. They are to forfeit their salaries and have been directed to file their income, assets, and liabilities within one week. Those concerned are Dr. Antoinette Weeks, Minister of Public Works; Mr. Claude Langley, Deputy Minister for Technical Services, Ministry of Public Works and Mr. Francis Okai, District Commissioner, Margibi County, West Africa Info Post writes.

PUL Leadership Meets Ellen


The leadership of the Press Union of Liberia or PUL led by President Abdullai Kamara has paid a courtesy call on President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, assuring the Liberian Leader that the PUL remains an active member of the National Taskforce on Ebola, and is playing its role , but with very limited support and resources. Speaking Friday in the meeting with President Sirleaf,  Kamara pointed out that the Ebola virus outbreak is affecting every sphere of the media landscape with newsprints and advertisement running low. Responding, President Sirleaf welcomed continuous engagement with civil society groups such as the PUL and others on a routine basis.  She agreed with the PUL that community radio stations must be supported to enable them play their role during this critical health crisis in the country. The President urged the media not to heighten fears among Liberians and the international community by their reportage, adding that, it hurts the country and the ongoing fight.   President Sirleaf informed the PUL that the issue of the National Chronicle is before the court and will be resolved within that context. The PUL delegation included its President, Abdullai Kamara; Vice President, Jallah Grayfield; Secretary General, D.Kaihenneh Sengbeh; and Assistant Secretary General, Daniel Nyankona, New Dawn says.

Related Caption:PUL Leadership Calls On President Sirleaf (INSIGHT)

Lifting Of Curfew Depends On Respect Of Preventive Measures” – President Sirleaf


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says her government will lift the state of emergency and curfew only if the Liberian people and other nationals take the Ebola preventive measures seriously. President Sirleaf said the curfew and state of emergency were brought into force due to the lack of cooperation of the people to follow instructions and preventive measures announced by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, INSIGHT reports.